Unable to read the application.yml from cucumber test - java

I have a cucumber test :
features = "src/integrationTest/resources/features/",
glue = {"com/myorg/proj/integrationtest/stepdefinitions"},
plugin = {"pretty", "summary"}
public class integrationTestRunner extends ParentClassWithAllMethods {
This is test is not defined inside the test folder , but as a seprate folder (as source set, and some one else had created this structure).
The gradle configuration for the sourceset (where the test is ) is as below:
sourceSets {
integrationTest {
java {
compileClasspath += main.output + test.output
runtimeClasspath += main.output + test.output
srcDir file('src/integrationTest/java')
resources.srcDir file('src/integrationTest/resources')
// Dependencies for integrationTest
dependencies {
integrationTestCompileOnly 'org.projectlombok:lombok:1.18.12'
integrationTestAnnotationProcessor 'org.projectlombok:lombok:1.18.12'
integrationTestCompile group: 'org.junit.jupiter', name: 'junit-jupiter-api', version: '5.4.2'
integrationTestImplementation 'net.serenity-bdd:serenity-core:2.2.13'
integrationTestImplementation 'net.serenity-bdd:serenity-cucumber5:2.2.5'
integrationTestImplementation 'net.serenity-bdd:serenity-rest-assured:2.2.13'
integrationTestImplementation 'org.assertj:assertj-core:3.8.0'
integrationTestImplementation 'org.slf4j:slf4j-simple:1.7.7'
task integrationTest(type: Test) {
doFirst {
systemProperty 'param1',
param1 = System.getProperty('param1')
if (param1 == null)
throw new GradleException("Parameter not passed ./gradlew -DParam<VALUE> ")
testClassesDirs = sourceSets.integrationTest.output.classesDirs
classpath = sourceSets.integrationTest.runtimeClasspath
outputs.upToDateWhen { false }
finalizedBy aggregate
Looking at the gradle file, there 3 things going on ,
There is a source set defined as integrationTest
The compileCLassPath , runTimeClassPath, srcDir has been defined for the same
Even the resources.srcDir is also being set (where I have application ymls)
I have create application.yml, application-integrationTest.yml inside the resources folder, but still unable to read any proporties using #Value.
public class ParentClassWithAllMethods {
private String customParameter;
public ResponseOptions<Response> getMethod() {
String debugVal = customParameter;
When , running the test, I was expecting to get the value defined in my yml file, but its null.
YML file looks like this,
parameter: https://something.com
Why am I not able to read the application configuration? It's always null !!

Your test class is not starting Spring, that is why you get null. Have a look here https://www.baeldung.com/cucumber-spring-integration, it shows how to connect Spring and Cucumber in JUnit tests.
The test class would then have annotations for Spring and Cucumber like this:
public class SpringIntegrationTest {
// executeGet implementation


Jacoco classes in bundle do not match for Transactional methods

I'm testing an app with JUnit5 and using Jacoco for coverage report.
Tests are executed Ok and test reports are present.
However, Jacoco report has the following logs if service contains methods, annotated with #Transactional
[ant:jacocoReport] Classes in bundle 'my-service' do no match with execution data. For report generation the same class files must be used as at runtime.
[ant:jacocoReport] Execution data for class mypackage/SampleService does not match.
This error occurres for all #Service classes methods, annotated with #Transactional, plain classes coverage is calculated ok.
Here's a sample test:
public class MyServiceTest {
private SampleService sampleService;
public void doWork(){
Works fine. Coverage is non-zero:
public class SampleService {
public void doWork(){
0% coverage:
public class SampleService {
public void doWork(){
Transactional creates a proxy around actuall class. But, isn't there an out-of-box way for Jacoco to handle such a common situation?
I've tried #EnableAspectJAutoProxy annotaion with different flag variations, checked that up-to-date Jupiter engine and Jacoco plugin are used
Here's gradle config:
subprojects {
test {
jacocoTestReport {
afterEvaluate {
classDirectories.from = files(classDirectories.files.collect {
fileTree(dir: it, exclude: '*Test.java')
reports {
html.enabled = true
xml.enabled = true
csv.enabled = false
Any help appreciated
I tried it with a test project, similar to what you've described, however I couldn't reproduce the issue. The only difference that I see between your project and mine, is that I've used maven instead of gradle.
Here is the test project:
And here is the jacoco result for it (using org.springframework.transaction.annotation.Transactional annotation):
If this doesn't help you, could you upload your test project to github or some other place?
#MikaelF posted a link to another answer, which shows how to add offline instrumentation for jacoco.
The solution that was described there worked for me, after I added the following block to build.gradle:
task instrument(dependsOn: [classes, project.configurations.jacocoAnt]) {
inputs.files classes.outputs.files
File outputDir = new File(project.buildDir, 'instrumentedClasses')
outputs.dir outputDir
doFirst {
resource: 'org/jacoco/ant/antlib.xml',
classpath: project.configurations.jacocoAnt.asPath,
uri: 'jacoco'
def instrumented = false
if (file(sourceSets.main.java.outputDir).exists()) {
def instrumentedClassedDir = "${outputDir}/${sourceSets.main.java}"
ant.'jacoco:instrument'(destdir: instrumentedClassedDir) {
fileset(dir: sourceSets.main.java.outputDir, includes: '**/*.class')
//Replace the classes dir in the test classpath with the instrumented one
sourceSets.test.runtimeClasspath -= files(sourceSets.main.java.outputDir)
sourceSets.test.runtimeClasspath += files(instrumentedClassedDir)
instrumented = true
if (instrumented) {
//Disable class verification based on https://github.com/jayway/powermock/issues/375
test.jvmArgs += '-noverify'
test.dependsOn instrument
There seems to be an open ticket on the jacoco plugin's github about this as well:
Based on single module instrumentation example https://stackoverflow.com/a/31916686/7096763 (and updated version for gradle 5+ by #MikaelF) here's example for multimodule instrumentation:
subprojects { subproject ->
subproject.ext.jacocoOfflineSourceSets = [ 'main' ]
task doJacocoOfflineInstrumentation(dependsOn: [ classes, subproject.configurations.jacocoAnt ]) {
inputs.files classes.outputs.files
File outputDir = new File(subproject.buildDir, 'instrumentedClasses')
outputs.dir outputDir
doFirst {
resource: 'org/jacoco/ant/antlib.xml',
classpath: subproject.configurations.jacocoAnt.asPath,
uri: 'jacoco'
def instrumented = false
jacocoOfflineSourceSets.each { sourceSetName ->
if (file(sourceSets[sourceSetName].output.classesDirs[0]).exists()) {
def instrumentedClassedDir = "${outputDir}/${sourceSetName}"
ant.'jacoco:instrument'(destdir: instrumentedClassedDir) {
fileset(dir: sourceSets[sourceSetName].output.classesDirs[0], includes: '**/*.class')
//Replace the classes dir in the test classpath with the instrumented one
sourceSets.test.runtimeClasspath -= files(sourceSets[sourceSetName].output.classesDirs[0])
sourceSets.test.runtimeClasspath += files(instrumentedClassedDir)
instrumented = true
if (instrumented) {
//Disable class verification based on https://github.com/jayway/powermock/issues/375
test.jvmArgs += '-noverify'
test.dependsOn doJacocoOfflineInstrumentation
full example here:
Still, I think this is a durty hack, which can be easily broken with gradle or jacoco updates

Add multiple source test directories for tests

I have a project with the following directory structure:
I want to add a new folder, integrationTest:
Where I want to keep integration tests totally separate from unit tests. How should I go about adding this? In the build.gradle, I'm not sure how to specify a new task that'd pick this folder build it and run the tests separately.
Gradle has a concept of source sets which is exactly what you need here. You have a detailed documentation about that in the Java Plugin documenation here : https://docs.gradle.org/current/userguide/building_java_projects.html#sec:java_source_sets
You can define a new source set "integrationTest" in your build.gradle
sourceSets {
integrationTest {
java {
compileClasspath += main.output + test.output
runtimeClasspath += main.output + test.output
srcDir file('src/integration-test/java')
resources.srcDir file('src/integration-test/resources')
This will automatically create new configurations integrationTestCompile and integrationTestRuntime, that you can use to define an new Task integrationTests:
task integrationTest(type: Test) {
testClassesDirs = sourceSets.integrationTest.output.classesDirs
classpath = sourceSets.integrationTest.runtimeClasspath
For reference : a working full example can be found here : https://www.petrikainulainen.net/programming/gradle/getting-started-with-gradle-integration-testing/
Please add the newly created source folder also to source sets in build.gradle as below:
sourceSets {
main {
java {
srcDirs = ['src']
test {
java {
srcDirs = ['test']
integrationTest {
java {
srcDirs = ['integrationTest']
Cheers !

Gradle file is not running tests

I am trying to run my junit tests through gradle file but build gets successful but does not run any tests. This is how my gradle file looks like:
apply plugin: 'java'
// Creating a new sourceSet because you should move your integration tests to a separate directory.
sourceSets {
test {
java.srcDirs = ['src/integration-test/java']
integrationTest {
java.srcDirs = ['src/integration-test/java']
compileClasspath += main.output + test.output
runtimeClasspath += main.output + test.output
configurations {
integrationTestCompile.extendsFrom testCompile
integrationTestRuntime.extendsFrom testRuntime
task integrationTest(type: Test, description: 'Runs the integration tests', group: 'Verification') {
testClassesDir = sourceSets.integrationTest.output.classesDir
classpath = sourceSets.integrationTest.runtimeClasspath
After running task integrationTest, build runs successfully but it does not run any tests. Does anyone know why?
Don't know what exactly you want to do: separate your integration tests of fully move test classes to other folder but I think you need to include the dependencies of test configuration like this:
configurations {
integrationCompile.extendsFrom testCompile
integrationRuntime.extendsFrom testRuntime
For example integration test configuration:
sourceSets {
test {
java.srcDirs = ['src/test/java']
integration {
java.srcDirs = ['src/integration/java']
resources.srcDir 'src/integration/resources'
compileClasspath += main.output + test.output
runtimeClasspath += main.output + test.output
configurations {
integrationCompile.extendsFrom testCompile
integrationRuntime.extendsFrom testRuntime
task integration(type: Test, group: 'Verification') {
testClassesDir = sourceSets.integration.output.classesDir
classpath = sourceSets.integration.runtimeClasspath
In case if you just want to move your tests in other folder(src/integration-test/java) and run them with test task you can use the following configuration:
sourceSets {
test {
java.srcDirs = ['src/integration-test/java']

pitest not able to locate junit test

My gradle pitest is not able to give me the right results. It looks like it is not able to locate my test files.
I have the following build.gradle file:
apply plugin: "java" apply plugin: "maven" apply plugin: "info.solidsoft.pitest"
group = "myorg" version = 1.0
repositories {
mavenCentral() }
sourceSets.all { set ->
def jarTask = task("${set.name}Jar", type: Jar) {
baseName = baseName + "-$set.name"
from set.output
artifacts {
archives jarTask
} }
sourceSets {
impl main{ java { srcDir 'src/api/java' srcDir 'src/impl/java' } } test { java { srcDir 'src/test/java' } } }
buildscript {
repositories {
//Needed only for SNAPSHOT versions
//maven { url "http://oss.sonatype.org/content/repositories/snapshots/" }
dependencies {
classpath 'info.solidsoft.gradle.pitest:gradle-pitest-plugin:1.1.6'
} }
dependencies {
apiCompile 'commons-codec:commons-codec:1.5'
implCompile sourceSets.api.output
implCompile 'commons-lang:commons-lang:2.6'
testCompile 'junit:junit:4.9'
testCompile sourceSets.api.output
testCompile sourceSets.impl.output
runtime configurations.apiRuntime
runtime configurations.implRuntime }
jar {
from sourceSets.api.output
from sourceSets.impl.output }
pitest { println sourceSets.main
targetClasses = ['doubler.*'] targetTests = ['doubler.*'] verbose="on" }
THe output is stored in the correct folder. And when I run gradle test, it also runs fine.
Some additional information about this issue was supplied in the pitest user group.
The tests being run look like this.
public void testIt2() {
assert new DoublerImpl().testIt(1) == 2;
Pitest is correctly reporting that these tests provide 0% coverage of the class. There is no coverage because the assert keyword has been used.
Unless the -ea flag is set in the JVM running the tests assertions are disabled. There is basically hidden if block around this code generated by the compiler
public void testIt2() {
if (assertionsEnabled) {
assert new DoublerImpl().testIt(1) == 2;
As assertions are not enabled no code is executed.
To fix the issue use the built in JUnit assertions instead.

How do I call a static Java method from Gradle

I have a gradle build script which currently works by simply executing a Java class through it's main method. What I want to know is, how can I call a static method in the same class but not have to go through the main method. The current gradle code is as follows:
import org.apache.tools.ant.taskdefs.condition.Os
apply plugin: 'java'
defaultTasks 'runSimple'
project.ext.set("artifactId", "test-java")
File rootDir = project.getProjectDir()
File targetDir = file("${rootDir}/target")
FileCollection javaClasspath = files("${targetDir}/tools.jar")
task(runSimple, dependsOn: 'classes', type: JavaExec) {
main = 'com.test.model.JavaTest'
classpath = javaClasspath
args 'arg1'
args 'arg2'
And my Java class as follows:
package com.test.model;
public class JavaTest {
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
System.out.println("In main");
anotherMethod(args[0], args[1]);
public static void anotherMethod(String arg1, String arg2) {
System.out.println("In anotherMethod");
System.out.println(arg1 + " " + arg2);
This gives me the output:
:compileJava UP-TO-DATE
:processResources UP-TO-DATE
:classes UP-TO-DATE
In main
In anotherMethod
arg1 arg2
Total time: 2.344 secs
My question is simply how can I skip the main method, and call the method "anotherMethod" directly from the gradle script? The output would then simply be:
In anotherMethod
arg1 arg2
you have to add the jar or class to the classpath. here is an example with a jar file who contains the class.
Inside the file build.gradle add the dependencies.
My jar file is in the lib folder the path is lib/MQMonitor.jar.
import mypackage.MyClass
buildscript {
repositories {
flatDir name: 'localRepository', dirs: 'lib'
dependencies {
classpath name: 'MQMonitor'
task myTaskCallJava << {
Assuming the class is on the buildscript classpath (it should be, since you're calling main from the same class)
task runSimple {
doLast {
com.test.model.JavaTest.anotherMethod("foo", "bar")
Tested on Gradle 4.6
I have been working on this too. You know I like the function of eclipse and intellij with the run with Junit options, and I want to do this using command line and gradle.
If you could accept putting your test method in the directory of 'test' directory of gradle. I actually have a fair solution.
package com.udacity.gradle;
import org.junit.Test;
public class TestClass {
public void anotherMethod() {
System.out.println("This is it, I want this!!!");
public void notMyWantedMethod1() {
System.out.println("not my wanted");
public void notMyWantedMethod2() {
System.out.println("not my wanted");
This my test class which is in src/test/java/com/udacity/gradle/TestClass.java
Then the under below is the file of my build.gradle
apply plugin: "java"
repositories {
dependencies {
testCompile group: 'junit', name: 'junit', version: '4.12'
test {
testLogging.showStandardStreams = true
filter {
//include specific method in any of the tests
includeTestsMatching "*.TestClass.anotherMethod"
Simple idea you know this is a test class so I use the test task of gradle. And to specify which method to use, I added a Test filter which could specify down to method.
Then you could just run
gradle test
Then you could find in console that you have what you want in there. However, remember to add
testLogging.showStandardStreams = true
if you don't do this, gradle would swallow your console output. But even if you don't add this line. You could read a test log in the directory of
There are well organized test reports output in it.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<testsuite name="com.udacity.gradle.TestClass" tests="1" skipped="0" failures="0" errors="0" timestamp="2018-03-31T19:26:44" hostname="hexin-PC" time="0.022">
<testcase name="anotherMethod" classname="com.udacity.gradle.TestClass" time="0.022"/>
<system-out><![CDATA[This is it, I want this!!!
If you want to execute a static method you will need to add the class to the Gradle build script's classpath.
To add the code to the build scripts classpath if your code is in a repository:
buildscript {
repositories {
maven { url "${yourRepositoryURL}" }
dependencies {
classpath 'com.yourgroup:yourpackagename:version'
To add the code to the build scripts classpath if you code is built locally (I didn't test this one):
buildscript {
dependencies {
classpath files("path/to/where/the/class/files/are")
Then you should be able to call that method just like any other:
task runSimple(dependsOn: 'classes') {
doFirst() {
com.test.model.JavaTest.anotherMethod('arg1', 'arg2')

