Is there any alternative for setWindowAnimations(Android) in Harmony OS? - java

I am developing a Harmony application and I want to animate the Dialog window
this code is from android and this type of animation I want to add
Window dialogWindow = dialog.getWindow();
// properties that needs to be attached to Dialog window
I didn't find anything matching documentation like setWindowAnimations.
I tried writing this code but hit a dead end after getting the dialog window. How to add animation properties to this dialog window.
CommonDialog commonDialog = new CommonDialog(getContext);
Window dialogWindow = commonDialog.getWindow();
Is there any other way to code this?

According to the team, HarmonyOS does not currently support to add animation properties to dialog window. Please stay tuned on HarmonyOS official websites.


How to implement dialog that help users to know the app features?

I need to Implement the dialoges given in Image to introduce attributes of App, I couldn't find the way to implement it yet.
I have tried Firebase InAppMessaging but it's automatically being displayed just after the App starts. What I need is the Message dialog should display after a button gets clicked.
the code I putted in the button.OnclickListener
Link to Firebase InAppMessaging Docs from where I get the given code
You can use BubbleShowCase to achieve your dialog.
How to use it in the simplest way:
BubbleShowCaseBuilder(this) //Activity instance
.title("foo") //Any title for the bubble view
.targetView(view) //View to point out
.show() //Display the ShowCase
And if you will read more in the library page you can find info about making a custom dialog.
You can use full-screen dialog with transparent background and show whatever feature you have to show
Dialog dialog = new Dialog(context);
There's a lot of libraries out there, but if you want a google like showcase, you can use ShowCaseView
ShowcaseViewBuilder showcaseViewBuilder;
showcaseViewBuilder = ShowcaseViewBuilder.init(this)
.setRingWidth((int) TypedValue.applyDimension(TypedValue.COMPLEX_UNIT_DIP, 20, getResources().getDisplayMetrics()))
.setMarkerDrawable(getResources().getDrawable(R.drawable.arrow_up), Gravity.LEFT)
.addCustomView(R.layout.description_view, Gravity.TOP)
.setCustomViewMargin((int) TypedValue.applyDimension(TypedValue.COMPLEX_UNIT_DIP, 70, getResources().getDisplayMetrics()));

Java Swing Dialog Window focus

In my application I have a main window and a utility popup dialog that is shown when the user clicks on a menu item. My issue is that if another program (say firefox) is opened over the java application, this obviously hides the java application. This is OK - but when the user then clicks on my java application again, only the main window is shown - the utility popup dialog is still hidden under firefox. I would like to design it such that when the user interacts with the main window in any way the utility popup dialog is also brought to the front.
I've tried adding a MouseInputListener to the main frame to bring the utility dialog to the front but this also transfers focus to it, which I don't want.
private MouseInputAdapter onWindowClick = new MouseInputAdapter() {
public void mousePressed(MouseEvent e) {
if (scheduleDialog != null)
scheduleDialog.toFront(); // the utility dialog
the utility popup dialog is still hidden
When the dialog is created you need to specify the main window as the owner of the dialog.
Then when you click on the icon for the window, the dialog will display as well.
Read the JDialog API for the proper constructor to use.

setBezelStyle not working on SWT NSButton - java

I'm creating an SWT (ported Mac OSX version) application. I am trying to set a specific button to have the bezel style of "inline". Here is what I want my button to look like on mac.
(screenshotted in storyboard view in xcode)
The code I am using to try to get this inline button:
// created button named "inlineButton" and applied layout to it.
// here is where I set the bezel style and text.
NSButton nsInlineButton = (NSButton) inlineButton.view;
nsSaveButton.setBezelStyle(15); // NSBezelStyleInline is enum 15 for cocoa
this.inlineButton.setText("Inline Button");
And the result:
(screenshotted from my java program)
I have also tried to redraw and relayout the shell and a variety of other methods with no avail.
Is this a bug or am I doing something wrong?
Solved. I just needed to add the SWT style of "FLAT"
this.inlineButton = new Button(this, SWT.FLAT);
NSButton inlineButton = (NSButton) inlineButton.view;

Appropriate object for typical window in Eclipse

What object type (eg. JFace, Shell, ApplicationWindow) should I use to create my own window?
In my plugin, this window will have three 'panels', lots of components and what' s most important I want it to be on top, till it's closed - like any other window in Eclipse, so that user can' t do anything else in IDE till he close the window.
The window will be launched after clicking the icon in Eclipse's menu.
If you mean something like the Eclipse 'Find/Replace' dialog which does not block the main window use a JFace Dialog (org.eclipse.jface.dialogs.Dialog).
Set the dialog to be modeless and turn off 'block on open'.
This is what the Find/Replace dialog uses:
public FindReplaceDialog(Shell parentShell) {
// .... other code ...
setShellStyle(getShellStyle() ^ SWT.APPLICATION_MODAL | SWT.MODELESS);
Add a command following tutorial at :
Create a handler for the command that opens a swt widget Dialog that is modal. ( use SWT.APPLICATION_MODAL ) populate the dialog with composites that you need.

Access windows native message dialog box windowtester

I am a new to this. I am working on WindowTester.I could not open a new discussion page or I would tag it as Windowtester
I am having difficulty of closing down windows native dialog box after pull down menu. The code is, PullDownMenuItemLocator("Save Control ", new ViewLocator("com.SOAGateway.control.views.SOAGView")));
After choosing one of the option from the menu, a dialog box appear which is native window dialog.
I would like to cancel it but it is not working.
I tried different things such as,
a) PullDownMenuItemLocator("Save Control ", new ViewLocator("com.SOAGateway.control.views.SOAGView")));
Display display = new Display();
if (shell != null) shell.dispose();
Display display = new Display(); PullDownMenuItemLocator("Save Control ", new ViewLocator("com.SOAGateway.control.views.SOAGView")));
But nothing is working.
Is there any idea how could I sort out this problem.
Interaction with native Dialogs is very limited in Windowtester.
However, you should be able to cancel a native dialog in Windows with the following line of code:
SWTBOT can't handle native dialogs - see

