Upgrading past ANTLR 4.5 no longer processes grammar in maven - java

I have 4 ANTLR parser/lexers (they are separate, so 8 total), and they were written in version 4.2. Recently, I have updated to the newest 4.9.2 release, but I noticed during a mvn clean install it no longer processes the grammars. I went ahead and removed my generated .java parsers/lexers thinking it would acknowledge they were missing and regenerate them, but it did not and ended up failing the build due to test errors since they were missing.
It looks like this (issue?) starts after version 4.5, once I upgrade past there it no longer processes my grammars during a mvn clean install. Is there an additional parameter I need to specify this? Below is my antlr4 plugin in my pom.xml:
Edit: When running a version past 4.5, there is no error, it just simply states the following:
--- antlr4-maven-plugin:4.7:antlr4 (default) # projectname ---
No grammars to process
ANTLR 4: Processing source directory C:\Users...directory...\src\main\java\ast

This works for me:
<project ... >
With folder structure:
the generated Java classes for the *.g4 grammars will be generated in: ./target/generated-sources/antlr4/yourpackage


Maven pom plugin not executing on build

I'm practicing Maven and I've hit a wall. I've installed the PlantUml plugin on IntelliJ and I'm trying to set it up so that it always generates a new image from the source file on compile time. I'm using this plugin to generate the image, and I've configured the pom.xml file as follows:
This works fine when I use a terminal command where I specify the goal:
mvn compile com.github.jeluard:plantuml-maven-plugin:generate
However, it doesn't work if I just write:
mvn compile
Which, as far as I know, should also work. I've tried setting the phase on compile but it didn't change anything. I've searched for hours now for a solution but I haven't found one. Does anyone know how I can force the plugin to generate a new image on compile time by configuring the pom?
You have put your configuration into pluginManagement. You needs to put it into plugins (outside pluginManagement).
The pluginManagement is just to override/specify configuration and version numbers.
Have a look at Maven: What is pluginManagement?
your plugin and your execution is configure à the "generate-resources" phase and not at the compile phase like you want.
See this link to more detail on phase.
change this:
to this
It must works.

Jacoco SonarQube Integration

I've spent a good couple of days trying to get SonarQube to display unit test code coverage from the Maven Jacoco plugin.
The error message I am stuck on is
[INFO] Analysing .../target/jacoco.exec
[WARNING] Coverage information was not collected. Perhaps you forget to include debug information into compiled classes?
The report under target/site/jacoco/index.html generates as expected and contains line highlighting and line numbers. I have read that if no debug information is included in the compiled classes then the highlighting and line numbers will not show in this report.
I have read Maven includes debug information by default, however, just in case I included the following configuration in my projects maven-compiler-plugin setup
I have the following properties in my settings.xml (host and login left out on purpose)
I have the following configuration of my Jacoco plugin.
My jacoco.exec is in the default location of target/jacoco.exec and is found correctly by SonarQube.
Relevant versions
Maven 3.2.2
Maven Compiler 3.5.1
Maven Surefire 2.19.1
Java 1.8.0_11
SonarQube Server 5.6
Jacoco Maven Plugin
Mac OS X 10.10.5
Thanks in advance for the help!
---- EDIT ----
I am running the following maven commands
mvn clean package
mvn sonar:sonar
I have followed the article here and it just work for me, I have only updated the code to reflect the latest JaCoCo plugin version
and adding JaCoCo agent to my POM plugins:
<!-- JaCoCo configuration -->
and running the following maven command (in Jenkins):
clean deploy $SONAR_MAVEN_GOAL -Dsonar.host.url=$SONAR_HOST_URL
I have SonarQube, Jenkins 2.46.1, Maven Integration Plugin in Jenkins 2.15.1 (the older one caused JVM issues in my stack).

add build tasks to maven pom project

An existing maven pom project <packaging>pom</packaging> which currently collects and packages resources needs to be extended to validate some of the resources.
In the same project I created a java-source directory src/main/java and in there I created a small java class to validate some of the resources. In addition I configured the maven-compiler and exec-maven plugin in the pom.
The java class runs fine in the IDE but it fails when I do mvn clean install it fails because it cant find the compiled class file. This is because the compile/test-compile phase is not available for pom-packaged projects.
My questions are:
Can I modify the compiler plugin to execute (compile) in a different phase than the default compile-phase. (I tried with adding an execution tag but no success)
Why is the exec-maven plugin executed because this was defined in test phase, which according to the docs is not part of the pom-package.
Are there other possibilities to run this validation task in the pom?
Modifying the packaging from pom to jar is a political sub-optimal solution.
Yes, you can configure maven-compiler-plugin to run the compilation in the package phase of the pom packaging.

How can I speed up maven builds of JavaFX application?

My problem can be reproduced by creating a new project in Netbeans 8:
New Project >> Maven >> JavaFX Application
Then adding the org.springframework spring-context dependency.
Build times go up from a few seconds to more than half a minute, most of it due to running javafxpackager.
I can live with slow release builds but how can I speed up my development builds?
This is my pom.xml:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<project xmlns="http://maven.apache.org/POM/4.0.0" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org /2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:schemaLocation="http://maven.apache.org/POM/4.0.0 http://maven.apache.org/xsd/maven-4.0.0.xsd">
<!-- Used as the 'Vendor' for JNLP generation -->
<name>Your Organisation</name>
You could define the plugin in a profile that is inactive by default. Then, in order to make the production build, you would have to manually specify the activation of that profile (or activate it in any other standard way).
You pom would be something like (only diffs shown):
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<project ...>
<!-- take this out of here
<!-- INSERT THE exec-maven-plugin HERE, ONLY
WITH THE unpack-dependencies EXECUTION -->
In production run mvn ... -Pjavafxpackager
To complete Nikos' answer, this is the configuration of the maven-assembly-plugin which creates the archive for normal builds.
above solutions dont work. The problem has nothing to do with javafxpackager whatsoever. The cause lies in the maven standard configuration. On every project run Maven performs a project clean by default. This deletes the targets/classes/ folder. Thats the same folder where all the unpacked jar files of your dependencies are placed. If those get deleted on every new run then they have to be unpacked over and over again. Anyway, heres how you can prevent the clean from happening:
Add this to your POM.xml. Make sure you get the version correct You can check the version of your maven clean plugin in the effective pom (thats parent pom + project POM combined). In netbeans you can watch the readonly effective pom.xml under the effective tab when you've opened the pom.xml file of your project.
please give me a few +1's i want to get 50 points so that i can finally comment on other peoples answers. Thank you!
Also add skip to default-cli to avoid errors
For those of you who would like to retain the ability to clean heres another method to prevent the maven plugin from deleting all jar files:
<!-- delete directories that will be generated when you
start the develpment server/client in eclipse
Again, make sure is correct
To avoid unpacking dependencies, you don't need to modify the default pom.xml at all. Just change what Netbeans calls when you press Run (or Debug). In nbactions.xml change:
runfx.args: Replace -jar "${project.build.directory}/${project.build.finalName}.jar" with -cp %classpath ${mainClass}. This way, the exec goal will not try to execute any jar but rather run your project from the target/classes directory. So no need to build the jar at all.
goals: replace the "package" goal with "process-classes" (or "test" or any phase you want). We don't need a jar so no need to run the package phase. And no package phase also means no unpacking/repacking etc.
If you ever need the jar file with all the dependencies, just choose "clean and build" in Netbeans or run mvn clean install.
What happens when you press run in the standard Netbeans JavaFX maven project is:
clean package exec - defined in nbactions.xml, configured in pom.xml:
clean: as usual - deletes the target directory
first as usual - copies resources and compiles sources to target/classes and packs that all to a jar without dependencies
maven-dependency-plugin unpacks all the dependency jar files to target/classes
exec-maven-plugin:unpack-dependencies (the id "unpack-dependencies" is missleading, should be something like "jar-with-dependencies") executes javapackager which builds a jar with dependencies overwriting the first jar
executes java with ${runfx.args} as arguments (defined in nbactions.xml) i.e. runs the jar
What happens after the changes above:
clean process-classes exec - defined in nbactions.xml, configured in pom.xml:
clean: as usual - deletes the target directory
as usual - copies resources and compiles sources to target/classes
executes java with ${runfx.args} as arguments (defined in nbactions.xml) i.e. runs the class target/classes/path/to/your/MainClass
Even better:
You may want remove the "clean" goal from nbactions.xml. This way, all the resource files won't be copied each time over and over (although the resource plugin will still keep saying "Copying X resources" - see the comments under https://stackoverflow.com/a/33700970/3519572).
Now, you may also want to only recompile changed classes rather than the whole project by adding useIncrementalCompilation=false (e.g. like <goal>org.codehaus.mojo:exec-maven-plugin:1.2.1:exec -Dmaven.compiler.useIncrementalCompilation=false</goal>). But be sure to read https://stackoverflow.com/a/49700942/3519572!
Therefore, you may also want to add a toolbar button to the "clean" goal to be able to run it manually easily at any time: https://stackoverflow.com/a/26546551/3519572.
Finally, you might want to change the NetBeans generated pom.xml anyway. At least my NB 8.2 refers to the deprecated javafxpackager (rename to javapackager). Also the part <bootclasspath>..../lib/jfxrt.jar</bootclasspath> doesn't seem to be necessary with java 8. It actually breaks my build if I run it from the terminal. Removing it seems to fix it and doesn't seem to cause any trouble if started from NB.
You can also use parallel maven build feature to speed up.
By default, Maven does not utilize the full power of your hardware. It builds all modules sequentially rather than in parallel. However, often your project setup does not require it to be sequential. Often you can command Maven to analyze your project including the dependency graph and build the project in parallel where possible. You can either specify the exact number of threads to use for building your project or use a portable version of the parameter and specify the number of thread in terms of CPUs available on the machine.
mvn -T 4 install -- will use 4 threads
mvn -T 1C install -- will use 1 thread per available CPU core
See for more details: https://zeroturnaround.com/rebellabs/your-maven-build-is-slow-speed-it-up/

How to determine version of the actually installed maven-gpg-plugin?

As documented on this page, here is the maven-gpg-plugin block as used in the POM for all three of my projects:
How can you tell the version of this plugin that is actually installed on my computer? Is the fact that 1.5 seems to work good enough?
there could be multiple installed you are interested to know which one is being used effectively you need
mvn help:effective-pom
this will render effective pom.xml and you can figure out which version is effective

