OkHttp client not getting custom headers from response - java

I have an application A that has an endpoint which signs the response and puts the signature in a header. The header looks like:
X-Algorithm: SHA256withRSA
X-Signature: Zca8Myv4......PkH1E25hA=
When I call the application directly I see the headers.
I build application B and it's calling A via a proxy P.
Application B has an OkHttp client which sends the request and reads the response. I have a custom interceptor:
public class SignatureValidatorInterceptor implements Interceptor {
private final Signature signer;
public SignatureValidatorInterceptor(final PublicKey publicKey) {
this.signer = getSigner(publicKey);
private static final String ALGORITHM_HEADER = "x-algorithm";
private static final String SIGNATURE_HEADER = "x-signature";
private static final String SIGNATURE_ALGORITHM = "SHA256withRSA";
* This interceptor verifies the signature of the response
public Response intercept(final Interceptor.Chain chain) throws IOException {
final Response response = chain.proceed(chain.request());
final Headers headers = response.headers();
log.info("Received response for url={}} with headers \n{}", response.request().url(), headers);
final byte[] responseBodyBytes = response.peekBody(1000).bytes();
final String algorithmHeader = headers.get(ALGORITHM_HEADER);
final String signatureHeader = headers.get(SIGNATURE_HEADER);
if (StringUtils.isBlank(signatureHeader) || StringUtils.isBlank(algorithmHeader)) {
throw new Exception("No signature or algorithm header on response");
this.verifySignature(responseBodyBytes, algorithmHeader, signatureHeader);
return response;
private void verifySignature(final byte[] responseBodyBytes, final String algorithmHeader, final String signatureHeader) {
//code to validate signature
private Signature getSigner(final PublicKey publicKey) {
//code to create signer
The debug line logs the headers it receives. I see multiple standard http headers in my logs but I'm missing my custom headers!
I have no clue why. I first thought it was a network thing. But on doing a curl from the machine of B to application A, I see the headers are there. Also I had the proxy log the headers for me, and I can see they passed.
All applications are standard spring-boot java applications. Running on linux VM's.
What am I missing?


Get HTTP response from retrofit (1.9.0)?

I'm using Retrofit 1.9.0. I have the following interface:
import retrofit.http.PUT;
public interface ShovelsApi {
RetrievedShovel putShovel(#Path("vhost") final String vhost, #Path("name") final String name, #Body final Component<Shovel> shovel);
However, when this fails, all I get back is a null RetrievedShovel :
final Shovel shovel = new Shovel();
final RetrievedShovel retrievedShovel = shovelsApi.getApi().putShovel(
"/", "myshovel", new Component<>("shovel", "myshovel", shovel));
System.out.println(retrievedShovel); // null
How do I get back the HTTP response, to inspect the status code and message etc?

Issues using Retrofit2 to call GitHub REST API to update existing file

I'm attempting to use Retrofit to call the GitHub API to update the contents of an existing file, but am getting 404s in my responses. For this question, I'm interested in updating this file. Here is the main code I wrote to try and achieve this:
public class GitHubUpdateFileRequest {
public String message = "Some commit message";
public String content = "Hello World!!";
public String sha = "shaRetrievedFromSuccessfulGETOperation";
public final Committer committer = new Committer();
private class Committer {
Author author = new Author();
private class Author {
final String name = "blakewilliams1";
final String email = "blake#blakewilliams.org";
**GitHubUpdateFileResponse **
public class GitHubUpdateFileResponse {
public GitHubUpdateFileResponse() {}
public interface GitHubClient {
// Docs: https://docs.github.com/en/rest/reference/repos#get-repository-content
Call<GitHubFile> getConfigFile();
// https://docs.github.com/en/rest/reference/repos#create-or-update-file-contents
Call<GitHubUpdateFileResponse> updateConfigFile(#Body GitHubUpdateFileRequest request);
Main Logic
// Set up the Retrofit client and add an authorization interceptor
UserAuthInterceptor interceptor =
new UserAuthInterceptor("blake#blakewilliams.org", "myActualGitHubPassword");
OkHttpClient.Builder httpClient =
new OkHttpClient.Builder().addInterceptor(interceptor);
Retrofit.Builder builder =
new Retrofit.Builder()
Retrofit retrofit = builder.client(httpClient.build()).build();
client = retrofit.create(GitHubClient.class);
// Now make the request and process the response
GitHubUpdateFileRequest request = new GitHubUpdateFileRequest();
client.updateConfigFile(request).enqueue(new Callback<GitHubUpdateFileResponse>() {
public void onResponse(Call<GitHubUpdateFileResponse> call, Response<GitHubUpdateFileResponse> response) {
int responseCode = response.code();
// More code on successful update
public void onFailure(Call<GitHubUpdateFileResponse> call, Throwable t) {
Log.e("MainActivity", "Unable to update file" + t.getLocalizedMessage());
What currently happens:
Currently, the success callback is triggered, but with a response code of 404 like so:
Response{protocol=http/1.1, code=404, message=Not Found, url=https://api.github.com/repos/blakewilliams1/blakewilliams1.github.io/contents/qr_config.json}
Has anyone else encountered this? I first thought it was a problem with including '/content/' in the URL but I do the same thing for reading the file contents request and it works fine (also uses same URL just a GET instead of PUT).
For anyone interested in doing this in the future, I figured out the solution.
I needed to revise the request object structure
Rather than using an authentication interceptor, I instead added an access token to the header. Here is where you can create access tokens for Github, you only need to grant it permissions to the 'repos' options for this use case to work.
This is what my updated request object looks like:
public class GitHubUpdateFileRequest {
public String message;
public String content;
public String sha;
public final Committer committer = new Committer();
public GitHubUpdateFileRequest(String unencodedContent, String message, String sha) {
this.message = message;
this.content = Base64.getEncoder().encodeToString(unencodedContent.getBytes());
this.sha = sha;
private static class Committer {
final String name = "yourGithubUsername";
final String email = "email#yourEmailAddressForTheUsername.com";
Then from my code, I would just say:
GitHubUpdateFileRequest updateRequest = new GitHubUpdateFileRequest("Hello World File Contents", "This is the title of the commit", shaOfExistingFile);
For using this reqest, I updated the Retrofit client implementation like so:
// https://docs.github.com/en/rest/reference/repos#create-or-update-file-contents
#Headers({"Content-Type: application/vnd.github.v3+json"})
Call<GitHubUpdateFileResponse> updateConfigFile(
#Header("Authorization") String authorization, #Body GitHubUpdateFileRequest request);
And I call that interface like this:
githubClient.updateConfigFile("token yourGeneratedGithubToken", request);
And yes, you do need the prefix "token ". You could hardcode that header into the interface, but I pass it in so that I can store it in locations outside of my version control's reach for security reasons.

How to retrieve information about certificate in WebServiceTemplate?

I want to retrieve Common Name (CN) property from client certificate in SOAP communication. I'm using Spring WebServiceTemplate to create my webservice endpoint. I have already implemented WS mutual authentication following the example.
Is there any solution to obtain certificate details from client request by means of WebServiceTemplate or some other library?
Fortunately, I have managed to figure it out!
Spring WS provides very convenient way to retrieve the X509Certificate.
Normally, You have an endpoint like this:
public class CountryEndpoint {
private static final String NAMESPACE_URI = "http://spring.io/guides/gs-producing-web-service";
#PayloadRoot(namespace = NAMESPACE_URI, localPart = "getCountryRequest")
public GetCountryResponse getCountry(#RequestPayload GetCountryRequest request) {
//method body here
return response;
However, Spring allows to add additional parameters the method annotated as #PayloadRoot. It can be a MessageContext instance.
public GetCountryResponse getCountry(#RequestPayload MessageContext context, #RequestPayload GetCountryRequest request)`
Then You will be able to obtain the wsse:Security header as follows:
WebServiceMessage webServiceMessageRequest = context.getRequest();
SaajSoapMessage saajSoapMessage = (SaajSoapMessage) webServiceMessageRequest;
SOAPMessage doc = saajSoapMessage.getSaajMessage();
Element elem = WSSecurityUtil.getSecurityHeader(doc.getSOAPPart(), "");
Now get the right content of BinarySecurityToken tag:
String binarySecurityToken = elem.getElementsByTagName("BinarySecurityToken").item(0).getTextContent();
At the end, you should recreate the X509Certificate by passing binarySecurityToken as its constructor parameter. Later You can extract CN by many different ways for example by means of LDAP utlis.
There is another way.
Create AbstractSoapInterceptor with this body :
private final static QName SECURITY_QNAME = new QName("http://docs.oasis-open.org/wss/2004/01/oasis-200401-wss-wssecurity-secext-1.0.xsd", "Security", "");
private static CertificateFactory certFactory;
public xxx() throws CertificateException {
certFactory = CertificateFactory.getInstance("X.509");
public void handleMessage(SoapMessage message) throws Fault {
SoapHeader header = (SoapHeader) message.getHeader(SECURITY_QNAME);
Node binarySignatureTag = ((Element) header.getObject()).getFirstChild();
BinarySecurity token = new X509Security((Element) binarySignatureTag, new BSPEnforcer());
InputStream in = new ByteArrayInputStream(token.getToken());
X509Certificate cert = (X509Certificate) certFactory.generateCertificate(in);
Register it in configuration of endpoint :
public Endpoint endpoint() throws CertificateException {
EndpointImpl endpoint = new EndpointImpl(springBus(), xxxPortType());
endpoint.getInInterceptors().add(new xxx());
return endpoint;

Jersey client (2.x) does not send my GET request headers

I've been debugging this for three hours, I still cannot explain why my custom headers (registered via a client request filter) are not sent.
The client is configured as such (full source here):
private WebTarget webTarget(String host, String appId, String appKey) {
return newClient(clientConfiguration(appId, appKey))
.target(host + "/rest");
private Configuration clientConfiguration(String appId, String appKey) {
ClientConfig config = new ClientConfig();
config.register(requestFilter(appId, appKey));
return config;
private ClientRequestFilter requestFilter(String appId, String appKey) {
return new VidalRequestFilter(apiCredentials(appId, appKey));
The filter is as follows:
public class VidalRequestFilter implements ClientRequestFilter {
private final ApiCredentials credentials;
public VidalRequestFilter(ApiCredentials credentials) {
this.credentials = credentials;
public void filter(ClientRequestContext requestContext) throws IOException {
MultivaluedMap<String, Object> headers = requestContext.getHeaders();
headers.add("app_id", credentials.getApplicationId());
headers.add("app_key", credentials.getApplicationKey());
And the call is like:
String response = webTarget
All I get is 403 forbidden, because the specific endpoint I am calling is protected (the auth is performed with the custom headers defined above).
The weirdest thing is that, while I'm debugging, I see that sun.net.www.MessageHeader is properly invoked during the request write (i.e. the instance is valued as such: sun.net.www.MessageHeader#14f9390f7 pairs: {GET /rest/api/packages HTTP/1.1: null}{Accept: application/atom+xml}{app_id: XXX}{app_key: YYY}{User-Agent: Jersey/2.22.1 (HttpUrlConnection 1.8.0_45)}{Host: ZZZ}{Connection: keep-alive}.
However, I have the confirmation that neither our API server, nor its reverse proxy received GET requests with the required auth headers (a first HEAD request seems to be OK, though).
I know for sure the credentials are good 'cause the equivalent curl command just works!
I tried the straightforward approach to set headers directly when defining the call without any success.
What am I missing?

No form params in rest resource for form urlencoded when using Content, but application/json works?

I have a REST endpoint #POST where the form params are null when the Content-Type is application/x-www-form-urlencoded. There is a ContainerRequestFilter earlier in the chain (code at the bottom) that takes the request, changes the stream to a BufferedInputStream, and then logs the request. If I remove this logging code, the endpoint has the correct form params. Otherwise, they're null and I can't figure out why.
Now if I use application/json, my endpoint has the correct params regardless if the logger is enabled or disabled.
I need application/x-www-form-urlencoded because the REST endpoint needs to redirect and browsers prevent redirection if the request isn't standard (preflight)
REST Endpoint that isn't working (OAuthRequest has null members)
public class OAuthTokenResource {
public Response getToken(#Form OAuthRequest oauthRequest) {
public class OAuthRequest {
private String clientId;
private String redirectUri;
private String username;
private String password;
Logging Filter
public void filter(final ContainerRequestContext context) throws IOException {
if (logEntity && context.hasEntity()) {
context.setEntityStream(logInboundEntity(builder, context.getEntityStream(), context.getMediaType()));
private InputStream logInboundEntity(final StringBuilder builder, InputStream stream, MediaType mediaType) throws IOException {
if (!stream.markSupported()) {
stream = new BufferedInputStream(stream);
stream.mark(maxEntitySize + 1);
final byte[] entity = new byte[maxEntitySize + 1];
final int entitySize = stream.read(entity);
if ( entitySize > 0 ) {
String body = new String(entity, 0, Math.min(entitySize, maxEntitySize), StandardCharsets.UTF_8);
builder.append("\nBody: ");
if (entitySize > maxEntitySize) {
return stream;
Okay I am still not sure why #Form and #FormParam does not work if the InputStream is read during the filter chain.
But, I discovered a workaround as follows.
public Response getToken(MultivaluedMap<String, String> formParams) {
This provides the same behavior as during application/json as the params are already set even if the InputStream has been consumed.
However ultimately we went with disabling logging of the request body in our filter for security reasons.

