I am trying to use Java SQL namedParameterJdbcTemplate to get a List of ID Numbers.
private static final String Customer_Query = "SELECT Customer_Id From dbo.Customers WHERE Customer_Name = :Customer_Name";
MapSqlParameterSource customer_parameters = new MapSqlParameterSource();
customer_parameters.addValue( "Customer_Name", "Joe");
List<Long> Customer_Id = namedParameterJdbcTemplate.query(Customer_Query, customer_parameters);
Error: Cannot resolve method 'query(java.lang.String, org.springframework.jdbc.core.namedparam.MapSqlParameterSource)'
This resource gets the Whole Table row, I just need one column. How can this be done?
NamedParameterJdbcTemplate - Select * from
Trying to be efficient in querying for performance tuning and acquiring data, there are lot of sql columns in the table .
Hi everyone,
As hibernates document says here: https://docs.jboss.org/hibernate/orm/3.3/reference/en/html/queryhql.html#queryhql-select
I am trying to map the query result into a hash map like this
HashMap<Integer,Integer> getCategoryCountsWithUsername(#Param("username")String username);
But it throws an JdbcSyntaxErrorException. I am trying to solve this for like 1 hours already. Can someone help?
You are using a native query, not an HQL query. Check your SQL syntax.
With a native query, your named parameter won't work. You need to remove the nativeQuery = true
I have a query that takes one column row from database and I want to set this data to my model. My model name is Pictures and my method is follow:
public Pictures getPictureList() throws Exception {
JdbcTemplate jdbc = new JdbcTemplate(datasource);
String sql= "select path from bakery.pictures where id=1";
Pictures pcList = jdbc.query(sql, new BeanPropertyRowMapper<Pictures>(Pictures.class));
return pcList;
This method returns "a query was Inferred to list".
How can I solve it?
Use JdbcTemplate.queryForObject() method to retrieve a single row by it's primary key.
Pictures p = jdbc.queryForObject(sql,
new BeanPropertyRowMapper<Pictures>(Pictures.class));
JdbcTemplate.query() will return multiple rows which makes little sense if you are querying by primary key.
List<Pictures> list = jdbc.query(sql,
new BeanPropertyRowMapper<Pictures>(Pictures.class));
Picture p = list.get(0);
let's say i have 2 queries and 2 ResultSet. the first one is members table query, while the second query is for other member datas. now i want to join the first resultset with the second one. for example it looks like this
ResultSet rsMember = psMembers.executeQuery();
ResultSet rsCustomValues = psCustomValues.executeQuery();
// object for mapping query results
MembersMapper memberMapper = new MembersMapper();
while (rsMember.next()) {
List strCustomValues = new ArrayList<>();
// map the custom values
Map<String, Object> mapTemp = new HashMap<String, Object>();
mapTemp.put(FIELD_ID, rsCustomValues.getString("custom_field_id"));
the problem is the second (inner while) query. what connects data between first and second resultset is member id, which is primary key in first table (first query) and foreign key in second query. so the second query will have member id in random order.
so how can i order the second query without having to put 'order by member_id' in the second query? i will have to avoid 'order by member_id' because it will take time to process.
Edit: here's the scripts
First script
mbr.*, usr.username, grp.name as groupname, grp.status
from members mbr
join users usr on mbr.id = usr.id
join groups grp on mbr.group_id = grp.id
where mbr.id > #id#
order by id asc
limit #limit#
Second script
cfv.member_id as 'member_id', cf.id as 'custom_field_id',
cf.internal_name as 'custom_field_internalname',
cf.name as 'custom_field_name', cfv.string_value as 'cfv_stringvalue',
cfv.possible_value_id as 'cf_possiblevalueid', cfvp.value as 'cfvpvalue'
from custom_field_values cfv
join custom_fields cf on cf.id = cfv.field_id
left join custom_field_possible_values cfvp on cfv.possible_value_id = cfvp.id
where exists(
select * from (select id from members where id > #id#
limit #limit#
) result where result.id = cfv.member_id)
and cf.subclass = #subclass#
order by cfv.member_id asc
It is better to fetch the second result set to an object representation and sort it out.
See a similar question here How can I sort ResultSet in java?
Im trying to create an SQL Statement that will differentiate between employees types. For example if the Boolean Type Manager Column is checked it will return. Im using the info to fill a Manager on Duty JCombo in Java.
Im trying
String sql = "SELECT Employees.Name FROM Employees WHERE Manager = 'true' ORDER BY Name ASC";
Cant seem to get it right.
In SQL the boolean field will be a bit so your SQL statement will need to be
String sql = "SELECT Employees.Name FROM Employees WHERE Manager = 1 ORDER BY Name ASC";
in SQL a boolean field is a bit field (0 or 1) so you have to check as:
String sql = "SELECT Employees.Name FROM Employees WHERE Manager = 1 ORDER BY Name ASC"
I need help in a simple application based on Vaadin.
I need to have a table bound to SQL query results. SQL query has a parameter which value user chooses from combobox. What I need is to table be refreshed when user change the combobox value.
That is what I have ():
Table table;
JDBCConnectionPool pool;
String query = "select products.product_code, products.name as product_name, clients.client_code, clients.name as client_name from products, clients where products.client_id = clients.id";
FreeformQuery q = new FreeformQuery(query, pool);
SQLContainer container = new SQLContainer(q);
So, this simple code selects all data from products and clients tables and puts it to the table. But how can I add filtering by clients.client_id selected from combobox, for example? To implement next query:
select products.product_code, products.name as product_name, clients.client_code, clients.name as client_name from products, clients where products.client_id = clients.id where client_id = ?;
Thank you for your help.
You could add a Property.ValueChangeListener that would change your query parameters:
comboBox.addListener(new Property.ValueChangeListener() {
public void valueChange(ValueChangeEvent event) {
String customQuery = query.replace(":clientId", ((Client)(event.getProperty()).getId(), pks);
table.setContainerDataSource(new SQLContainer(new FreeformQuery(customQuery, pool)));
And the query would hold the following value: select products.product_code, products.name as product_name, clients.client_code, clients.name as client_name from products, clients where products.client_id = clients.id where client_id = :clientId
But be careful with query.replace, if Id is int there is nothing to worrier about, but if it is string, please addSlashes in order to avoid SQLInjection.