Generate small UID with uniqueness - java

I need to generate the UID (alphanumeric) for my use case but that should be a maximum of 7 characters long as we want UID to be random but manageable, like a PNR (CYB6KL) for example.
Now if I am not wrong, I can generate a random UID that is small, but uniqueness might be compromised because of collisions (birthday paradox), so for 32 bits, 50% collision probability would be around 77k UID generations.
So in essence, I need a way to generate UIDs that are:
Small (max 7 character)
Don't require lookups for the previous existance.
I will be storing this UID in a database column and it's imperative that the UID is unique. It will NOT be the table's primary key which right now is an autogenerated ID.
I am thinking of something along the lines, but I am not sure about uniqueness.
BigInteger big = new BigInteger(32, new SecureRandom());
return big.toString(32).toUpperCase();
Really appreciate any thoughts that might help on this. Generation must be unique.
Thanks in advance.

You can use a library like hashids for this purpose which implements a bimorphic translation that can encode a numeric value into a string code with a custom alphabet. This should do exactly what you want. If you need this to be traversal-secure, you should use some kind of SecureRandom as source for the underlying numeric value. If not, you could even base this on the auto increment value you already have. The benefit of reusing the primary key is that you can just translate the string code and do a lookup by primary key.


How to produce a True UUID in Java?

I was under the impression that the UUID spec required a guaranteed, true, globally unique result, not unique 99.99999999999% of the time, but truly 100% of the time. From the spec:
A UUID is 128 bits long, and can guarantee
uniqueness across space and time.
It looks like java only support V3 and V4 of the UUID spec. V4 isn't truly unique. With the V3 implementation using nameUUIDFromBytes, the following results in duplicates, because the computer is too fast (edit: looping to 10 and called new Date().getTime() will produce duplicates because the computer loops faster than new Date().getTime() can produce a different value on each iteration):
String seed;
for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
seed = "<hostname>" + new Date().getTime();
Am I mistaken in assuming that a UUID is 100% unique, and that it is only practically unique but not perfectly so? Is there anyway to do this in Java?
There are different methods of UUID generation. The kind you're using is behaving exactly as it should. You're using nameUUIDFromBytes, a "Static factory to retrieve a type 3 (name based) UUID based on the specified byte array."
This generates the same UUID if given the same name. As you've discovered, your loop is passing-in the same name every time, so you get the same UUID.
Have a look at Gabe's advice here: Which UUID version to use?
He recommends you use V4, which as others have pointed out is good enough for any realistic use case.
Because your entropy is limited to your memory, you can never ensure a UUID is "guaranteed, true, globally unique result". However, 99.99999999999% is already pretty good.
If you want to ensure unique values in your database, you could use a simple integer that's incremented to be sure it's unique. If you want to use UUIDs and be really sure they're unique, you just have to check that upon creation. If there's a duplicate, just create another one until it's unique.
Duplicates can happen, but IIRC, part of them is created dependent on your current time, so if you're just creating one every 5 minutes, you should be safe.
As others have pointed out, the type-4 UUID returned by UUID.randomUUID() is likely to be unique enough for any practical application. Cases where it's not are likely to be pathological: for example, rolling back a VM to a live snapshot, without restarting the Java process, so that the random-number generator goes back to an exact prior state.
By contrast, a type-3 or type-5 UUID is only as unique as what you put into it.
A type-1 UUID (time-based) should be very slightly "more" unique, under certain constraints. The Java platform does not include support for generating a type-1 UUID, but I've written code (possibly not published) to call a UUID generating library via JNI. It was 18 lines of C and 11 lines of Java.

Is a generated UUID from a String reversible?

If I generate a UUID from a "seed" string as follows, is there any way for someone to re-generate the original string?
UUID uuid = null;
try {
uuid = UUID.nameUUIDFromBytes(("seedString").getBytes("utf8"));
} catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) {
System.out.println("UUID: " + uuid.toString());
I would assume it isn't possible, as I believe this person found here: Convert UUID to bytes
However, I see that the same UUID is generated every time from a certain String/bytes, and since it has to be unique, simple "seed" values could just be guessed? For example, UUID of f is 8fa14cdd-754f-31cc-a554-c9e71929cce7 so if I see that I know it was generated from "f".
Since you are getting the UUID by casting bytes to a UUID, and you are always using the same starting bytes to cast from, the uuid would always be the same UUID across multiple runs.
I think you've confused a random seed with the "from bytes" method in the UUID routines. It is more like a cast than a seed initialization. And even if it was like a seed initialization, initializing with a constant seed would only mean that you always walk the "same" pseudo-random path (meaning that after walking it once, you can know the next step(s)).
aug also makes an excellent point, which I'll elaborate a bit on here. A UUID is an identifier, which is assumed to be unique only by virtue of there being so many to choose from; however, if you create a routine that returns the same one(s) repeatedly, it's not going to be unique due to your selection mechanism. The actual mechanism doesn't assure uniqueness; even less so when using a routine guaranteed to return identical values.
As they are not guaranteed to be unique (UUIDs have a fixed number of bits and eventually all combinations can be exhausted), one can imagine that there are more inputs than UUIDs (although there's a lot of UUIDs) so UUID collision is inevitable (even if it would theoretically take more time than the heat death of the universe). From a practical side of things, you probably have little to worry about; but, it could still (minuscule chance) happen.
This also means that one can (in theory) guarantee that some two inputs out there can wind up with the same UUID, and as a result, UUIDs are not generally reversible (however, in specific (limited) cases, perhaps they could be made reversible).
There are an infinite number of strings that may generate a given UUID, so even if somebody guesses the string you used to create a given UUID, they may never be sure.

How to get a unique alphanumeric based on a unique integer

My webapplication has a table in the database with an id column which will always be unique for each row. In addition to this I want to have another column called code that will have a 6 digit unique Alphanumeric code with numbers 0-9 and alphabets A-Z. Alphabets and number can be duplicate in a code. i.e. FFQ77J. I understand the uniqueness of this 6 digit alphanumeric code reduces over time as more rows are added but for now I am ok with this.
Requirement (update)
- The code should be at least of length 6
- Each code should be Alphanumeric
So I want to generate this Alphanumeric code.
What is a good way to do this?
Should I generate the code and after the generation, run a query to the database and check if it already exists, and if so then generate a new one? To ensure the uniqueness, does this piece of code need to be synchronized so that only one thread runs it?
Is there something built-in to the database that will let me do this?
For the generation I will be using something like this which I saw in this answer
char[] symbols = new char[36];
char[] buf;
for (int idx = 0; idx < 10; ++idx)
symbols[idx] = (char) ('0' + idx);
for (int idx = 10; idx < 36; ++idx)
symbols[idx] = (char) ('A' + idx - 10);
public String nextString()
for (int idx = 0; idx < buf.length; ++idx)
buf[idx] = symbols[random.nextInt(symbols.length)];
return new String(buf);
Since it's a requirement for the shortcode to not be guessable, you don't want to tie it to your uniqueID row ID. Otherwise that means your rowID needs to be random, in addition to unique. Starting with a counter 0, and incrementing, makes it pretty obvious when your codes are: 000001, 000002, 000003, and so forth.
For your short code, generate a random 32bit int, omit the sign and convert to base36. Make a call to your database, to ensure it's available.
You haven't explicitly called out scalability, but I think it's important to understand the limitations of your design wrt to scale.
At 2^31 possible 6 char base36 values, you will have collisions at ~65k rows (see Birthday Paradox questions)
From your comment, modify your code:
public String nextString()
return Integer.toString(random.nextInt(),36);
I would simply do this:
String s = Integer.toString(i, 36).toUpperCase();
Choosing base-36 will use characters 0-9a-z for the digits. To get a string that uses uppercase letters (as per your question) you would need to fold the result to upper case.
If you use an auto increment column for your id, set the next value to at least 60,466,176, which when rendered to base 36 is 100000 - always giving you a 6 digit number.
I would start with 0 for an empty table and do a
to find the largest id so far. Store it in an AtmoicInteger and convert it using toString
AtomicInteger counter = new AtomicInteger(maxSoFar);
String nextId = Integer.toString(counter.incrementAndGet(), 36);
or for padding. 36 ^^ 6 = 2176782336L
String nextId = Long.toString(2176782336L + counter.incrementAndGet(), 36).substring(1);
This will give you uniqueness and no duplicates to worry about. (it's not random either)
Simply, you can use Integer.toString(int i, int radix). Since you have base 36(26 letters+10 digits) you set the radix to 36 and i to your integer. For example, to use 16501, do:
String identifier=Integer.toString(16501, 36);
You can uppercase it with .toUpperCase()
Now onto your other questions, yes, you should query the database first to ensure it doesn't exist. If depending on the database, it may need to be synchronized, or it may not be as it'll use its own locking system. In any case, you'd need to tell us which database.
On the question of whether there's a builtin, we'd need to know the DB type as well.
To create a random but unique value within a small range here are some ideas I know of:
Create a new random value and try to insert it.
Let a database constraint catch violations. This column should also likely be indexed. The DML may need to be tried several times until a unique ID is found. This will lead to more collisions as time progresses, as noted (see the birthday problem).
Create a "free IDs" table ahead of time and on usage mark the ID as being used (or delete it from the "free IDs" table). This is similar to #1 but shifts when the work is done.
This allows the work of finding "free IDs" to be done at another time, perhaps during a cron job, so that there will not be a contraint violation during the insert keeping the insert itself the "same speed" throughout the usage of said domain. Make sure to use transactions.
Create a 1-to-1/injective "mixer" function such that the output "appears random". The point is this function must be 1-to-1 to inherently avoid duplicates.
This output number would then be "base 36 encoded" (which is also injective); but it would be guaranteed unique as long as the input (say, an auto-increment PK) was unique. This would likely be less random than the other approaches, but should still create a nice-looking non-linear output.
A custom injective function can be created around an 8-bit lookup table fairly trivially - just process a byte at a time and shuffle the map appropriately. I really like this idea, but it can still lead to somewhat predictable output
To find free IDs, approaches #1 and #2 above can use "probing with IN" to minimize the number of SQL statements used. That is, generate a bunch of random values and query for them using IN (keeping in mind what sizes of IN your database likes) and then see which values were free (as having no results).
To create a unique ID not constained to such a small space, a GUID or even hashing (e.g. SHA1) might be useful. However, these only guarantee uniqueness because they have 126/160-bit spaces so that the chance of collision (for different input/time-space) is currently accepted as improbable.
I actually really like the idea of using an injective function. Bearing in mind that it is not good "random" output, consider this pseudo-code:
byte_map = [0..255]
map[0] = shuffle(byte_map, seed[0])
map[n] = shuffle(byte_map, seed[1])
output[0] = map[0][input[0]]
output[n] = map[n][input[n]]
output_str = base36_encode(output[0] .. output[n])
While a very simple setup, numbers like 0x200012 and 0x200054 will still share common output - e.g. 0x1942fe and 0x1942a9 - although the lines will be changed a bit due to the later application of the base-36 encoding. This could probably be further improved to "make it look more random".
For efficient usage, try caching generated code in a HashSet<String> in your application:
HashSet<String> codes = new HashSet<String>();
This way you don't have to make a db call every time to check whether the generated code is unique or not. All you have to do is:
And, yes, you should synchronize your method which updates the cache
public synchronize String getCode ()
String newCode = "";
do {
newCode = nextString();
You mentioned in your comments that the relationship between id and code should not be easily guessable. For this you basically need encryption; there are plenty of encryption programs and modules out there that will perform encryption for you, given a secret key that you initially generate. To employ this approach, I would recommend converting your id into ascii (i.e., representing as base-256, and then interpreting each base-256 digit as a character) and then running the encryption, and then converting the encrypted ascii (base-256) into base 36 so you get your alpha-numeric, and then using 6 randomly chosen locations in the base 36 representation to get your code. You can resolve collisions e.g. by just choosing the nearest unused 6-digit alpha-numeric code when a collision occurs, and noting the re-assigned alpha-numeric code for the id in a (code <-> id) table that you will have to maintain anyway since you cannot decrypt directly if you only store 6 base-36 digits of the encrypted id.

Adler32 Repeating Very Quickly

I'm using the adler32 checksum algorithm to generate a number from a database id. So, when I insert a row into the database, I take the identity of that row and use it to create the checksum. The problem that I'm running into is that I just generated a repeat checksum after only 207 inserts into the database. This is much much faster than I expected. Here is my code:
String dbIdStr = Long.toString(dbId);
byte[] bytes = dbIdStr.getBytes();
Checksum checksum = new Adler32();
checksum.update(bytes, 0, bytes.length);
result = checksum.getValue();
Is there something wrong with what/how I'm doing? Should I be using a different method to create unique strings? I'm doing this because I don't want to use the db id in a url... a change to the structure of the db will break all the links out there in the world.
You should not be using Adler-32 as a hash code generator. That's not what it's for. You should use an algorithm that has good hash properties, which, among other things minimizes the probability of collisions.
You can simply use Java's hashCode method (on any object). For the String object, the hash code is the sum of the byte values of string times successive powers of 31. There can be collisions with very short strings, but it's not a horrible algorithm. It's definitely a lot better than Adler-32 as a hash algorithm.
The suggestions to use a cryptographically secure hash function (like SHA-256) are certainly overkill for your application, both in terms of execution time and hash code size. You should try Java's hashCode and see how many collisions you get. If it seems much more frequent than you'd expect for a 2-n probability (where n is the number of bits in the hash code), then you can override it with a better one. You can find a link here for decent Java hash functions.
Try and use a secure hash function like SHA-256. If you ever find a collision for any data that is not binary equal, you'll get $1000 on your bank account, with compliments. Offer ends if/when SHA-2 is cracked and you enter a collision deliberately. That said, the output is 32 bytes instead of 32 bits.

Is there a way to generate a random UUID, which consists only of numbers?

Java's UUID class generates a random UUID. But this consists of letters and numbers. For some applications we need only numbers. Is there a way to generate random UUID that consists of only numbers in Java?
If you dont want a random number, but an UUID with numbers only use:
String lUUID = String.format("%040d", new BigInteger(UUID.randomUUID().toString().replace("-", ""), 16));
in this case left padded to 40 zeros...
results for:
UUID : b55081fa-9cd1-48c2-95d4-efe2db322a54
UUID : 0241008287272164729465721528295504357972
For the record: UUIDs are in fact 128 bit numbers.
What you see as an alphanumeric string is the representation of that 128 bit number using hexadecimal digits (0..9A..F).
The real solution is to transform the string into it's correspondent 128 bit number. And to store that you'll need two Longs (Long has 64 bit).
Why don't just generate Random number and put it into format you want?
This won't give you uniqueness out of the box. (i.e. You will have to implement check on each generation and retry logic)
Where as other solutions which are taking UUID bits and converting them to number will be more granular in uniqueness. depending on your usecase you might still want to check uniqueness with this approach.
Although the original poster of this question marked #Jigar Joshi's question as the best answer, I'd like to add that there is a rationale to use UUIDs rather than random numbers in certain cases. The difference is that UUIDs are (universally) unique (hence the name) while random numbers are not. It's just a question of probability whether you get the same number twice or even more often when generating random numbers, but this will never happen with UUIDs. Therefore, I'd consider #Chris Eibl's answer as the best one.
UUID uuid = UUID.randomUUID();
String numericUUID = Long.toString(uuid.getMostSignificantBits())
+ Long.toString(uuid.getLeastSignificantBits());
Why using the UUID class if you dont need an UUID? It sounds more like you need just a random number which can be achieved by using the java.util.Random class.
The simpliest way:
Call hashCode() on the UUID to get a unique integer.
String uuid = UUID.randomUUID().toString().replaceAll("-", "");
//strips '-'

