I am experimenting with Javax/JaxRs and I am using the WildFly 25 server, which I am not quite familiar with.
Searching for something similar to Spring's Actuator, I stumbled across the metrics & health endpoints the server exposes by default, and its ability to add custom counters, gauges etc. to application endpoints.
However, whatever I do, these custom endpoints are not exposed under the default http://localhost:9990/metrics URL.
I am following the guide provided by WildFly under the GitHub repository:
There are some "red flags" on the tutorial that do not seem to be working with whatever I try to do.
The guide suggests that if we want to get the metrics in JSON format, we need to use the following header: "Accepted: application/json", which still returns the default Prometheus format, both in Postman and Curl.
The guide also suggests that metrics/vendor, metrics/application, metrics/base return metrics of different scopes, which to my test, they all return the same.
As far as the tutorial code is concerned, I tried running it on the Jakarta EE 8 Full & Web Distribution but it throws the following error:
Artifact microprofile-metrics:war exploded: java.lang.Exception: {"WFLYCTL0080: Failed services" => {"jboss.deployment.unit.\"microprofile-metrics.war\".undertow-deployment" => "java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/eclipse/microprofile/metrics/Counter Caused by: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/eclipse/microprofile/metrics/Counter
I tried compiling the code with different versions of Java (1.8, 11, 17) hoping that it may fix the problem but to no avail.
However, using the WildFly Preview EE 9.1 Distribution seems to stop throwing the error, but the custom metrics still do not to work.
There are the subsystems that I added to both distributions during my tries (taken from standalone.xml):
<extension module="org.wildfly.extension.health"/>
<extension module="org.wildfly.extension.metrics"/>
<extension module="org.wildfly.extension.microprofile.config-smallrye"/>
<extension module="org.wildfly.extension.microprofile.fault-tolerance-smallrye"/>
<extension module="org.wildfly.extension.microprofile.health-smallrye"/>
<extension module="org.wildfly.extension.microprofile.jwt-smallrye"/>
<extension module="org.wildfly.extension.microprofile.metrics-smallrye"/>
<extension module="org.wildfly.extension.microprofile.openapi-smallrye"/>
<extension module="org.wildfly.extension.microprofile.opentracing-smallrye"/>
<extension module="org.wildfly.extension.undertow"/>
(others omitted for brevity)
I also tried enabling the statistics by creating the following bat and launching it:
call standalone.bat -Dwildfly.statistics-enabled=true
I am using IntelliJ, so I tried doing the same from within the IDE:
(the "enable statistics" option was added both to VM options & on the bat during launch to make sure it works)
Here are the dependencies that I am using, based on my server's version:
<!-- Import the MicroProfile Metrics API, we use provided scope as the API is included in the server -->
<!-- Import the CDI API, we use provided scope as the API is included in the server -->
<!-- Import the Jakarta REST API, we use provided scope as the API is included in the server -->
John. I'm the Metrics/MP Metrics component lead for WildFly, so hopefully I can help get you sorted out.
Before I get too excited about digging through the WF source, can you confirm which configuration you're using? It looks like you're using standalone.xml configuration. While that does have a metrics extension, it's not MP Metrics. For that, you would need to use standalone-microprofile.xml.
Hopefully, your issue is as simple as that. If not, let me know, and we'll dig deeper. :)
Providing every step I took with this short video:
Project code here: https://github.com/LJonn/restapiHelloWorld
Running everything on a local server on tomcat.
I'm having this issue for quite some time and ran out of ideas where the problem might be...
I tried URL's such as these: "http://localhost:8080/api/hello" and "http://localhost:8080/helloworld/api/hello" and expected one of these to work.
Running http://localhost:8080/manager/text/list shows that helloworld.war is deployed fine and working:
OK - Listed applications for virtual host [localhost]
So why I still get a HTTP Status 404 page? What could I try to do to find the issue?
These are my project's Maven dependencies:
Thanks to Nikos Paraskevopoulos comment it looks like changing from Tomcat to TomEE might fix the issue, but now I'm running into a problem where the .war file can't be deployed/started, probably some sort of versions compatibility issue, tomcat manager GUI gives this error when trying to start the .war file:
FAIL - Application at context path [/helloworld] could not be started
FAIL - Encountered exception [org.apache.catalina.LifecycleException: Failed to start component [StandardEngine[Catalina].StandardHost[localhost].StandardContext[/helloworld]]]
Looking to manager logs It looks like it has something to do with annotations and Java 16 maybe?:
Caused by: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Unsupported class file major version 60
at org.apache.xbean.asm7.ClassReader.<init>(ClassReader.java:195)
at org.apache.xbean.asm7.ClassReader.<init>(ClassReader.java:176)
at org.apache.xbean.asm7.ClassReader.<init>(ClassReader.java:162)
at org.apache.xbean.asm7.ClassReader.<init>(ClassReader.java:283)
at org.apache.xbean.finder.AnnotationFinder.readClassDef(AnnotationFinder.java:1176)
... 52 more
01-Sep-2021 15:25:02.185 INFO [http-nio-8080-exec-3] org.apache.catalina.core.ApplicationContext.log HTMLManager: list: Listing contexts for virtual host 'localhost'
I've tried to check JRE version on Eclipse and it's 16.0.2 and it looks to me that the same version is running on tomcat.
Tomcat 10.0 and 10.1 are not full Jakarta EE 9.1 application servers: you shouldn't use the jakarta.jakartaee-web-api artifact, which would imply that the runtime supports all Jakarta EE 9.1 Web Profile technologies.
Tomcat does not implement all the specs required in Web Profile. At least four other products do. See this list for Jakarta Web Profile 9.1:
Apache TomEE
Eclipse Glassfish
IBM Open Liberty
Red Hat WildFly
You can find the list of supported technologies on Tomcat's web site and for Tomcat 10 they translate to this list shown as a Maven POM snippet.
Since Servlet 3.0, additional Jakarta EE specifications can be added using the servlet pluggability mechanism. To use JAX-RS you need to add:
or an equivalent configuration using other JAX-RS implementations.
I have the following maven versions in my pom.xml (among others):
Camel spring-boot version = 3.7.0 and I want to connect to a SMB endpoint like this:
I read the Camel 3 Migration Guide and found nothing regarding this camel-extras.
When trying to connect, I get an error like the password option is not supported anymore:
Caused by: org.apache.camel.ResolveEndpointFailedException: Failed to resolve endpoint: smb://sharedriveuser#server-instance.sub.domain.net/folder?initialDelay=0&delay=9000&autoCreate=false&noop=true&idempotent=true&password=xxxxxx&filter=#csvFileFilter due to: There are 1 parameters that couldn't be set on the endpoint. Check the uri if the parameters are spelt correctly and that they are properties of the endpoint. Unknown parameters=[{password=ThePassWorD}]
The actual documentation link google found many times, seems dead.
From Maven central, there is no version 3.x of the lib camel-jcifs and I am wondering if the lib is still compatible with Camel 3.x.x, otherwise is there another alternative with Camel 3?
I also tried to downgrade the camel-jcifs to 2.24.3 with the same error.
Camel-extras is a separated project from the Apache Camel. There is some work in place in the camel-extra repository to support camel 3[1], but it is still to be completed and there is no release in sight.
[1] https://github.com/camel-extra/camel-extra/commit/f028dfdfaa467958c58abea0d604f8fe2f17be04
There is now a pull request to add camel-jcifs to the 3.x version:
You might also get my fork and build it yourself:
https://github.com/bebbo/camel-extra *
It got merged and is in the official repository:
To use it with quarkus, you have to convert some List types to arrays.
I need to use JIRA REST client version 5.2.0 or higher. Cloud JIRA does not work with an earlier version of the client.
In my pom.xml file I have the following dependencies:
When I building the project, I get an exception like this:
Failed to execute goal on project XXXXXXXXX: Could not resolve dependencies for project XXXXXXXXXX:jar:XXXX: Failed to collect dependencies at com.atlassian.jira:jira-rest-java-client-core:jar:5.2.1: Failed to read artifact descriptor for com.atlassian.jira:jira-rest-java-client-core:jar:5.2.1: Could not find artifact com.atlassian.platform:platform:pom:3.1.7 in MY_REPO (http://XXXXXXXXXX/repository/maven-public) -
com.atlassian.platform:platform:pom:3.1.7 is not listd at mvnrepository. There are versions 3.1.12 and 3.1.17, but not 3.1.7. Someone told me that version 3.1.7 might have had a security-related bug and was therefore removed by Atlassian.
Both jira-rest-java-client-app and jira-rest-java-client-core are children of jira-rest-java-client-parent, which uses version 3.1.7 of the platform:
5.2.1 seems to be the latest version of both jira-rest-java-client-core and jira-rest-java-client-app.
How can I use the JIRA REST client (for programmatically creating issues in Cloud JIRA) when it uses a version of the library that is not available any more?
I tried to exclude the platform in the dependencies and to specify another version in depencency management sections. This did not help.
The accepted answer is absolutely correct. A concrete example on how to be able to get the artifacts from https://packages.atlassian.com, for anyone coming here looking for answers, would be to include a repository element for it in your pom, like so:
A WORD OF CAUTION, THOUGH: The jira-rest-java-client was created for use with Jira Server, not Jira Cloud
Some months ago, Atlassian made changes to Jira Cloud which made it impossible to use the jira-rest-java-client (JRJC) for things such as searches in Jira Cloud. As far as I can tell they don't intend to make the JRJC library compatible with Jira Cloud anymore. Atlassian has provided an article on how to generate a REST client for Jira Cloud, but as far as I know, they haven't created any Jira Cloud libraries similar to the JRJC.
If you have a look at the repository
from atlassian, you find the desired artifact com.atlassian.platform:platform:pom:3.1.7there. Since this repository seems to be from atlassian, I see no reason to believe that they recommend not to use the version.
This is also discussed in https://community.atlassian.com/t5/Jira-questions/Jira-rest-java-client-core-5-1-and-fugue-2-7-0-breaks-build/qaq-p/1151091
After I added JAX-RS 2.1/Jersey 2.26+ libraries to my dynamic web project I got the next error:
Glassfish error after upload WAR file 1
The server is running Glassfish 3.1 with JDK 1.7.0_80
I tried to use Jersey 1.19.1 ZIP bundle but then Glassfish said:
Glassfish error after upload WAR file 2
The WAR file with the latest Jersey runs perfect with Tomcat 9 and Java 8 but I need this project to run with Glassfish 3.1 and Java 7.
If you can provide a link to the correct version of Jersey I would appreciate!
This is my very fisrt question so excuse any errors.
To run Jersey with Glassfish 3 you really need to exclude all Jersey.2 things from you war and either:
use the bundled Jersey.1 implementation of your Glassfish installation (check the /lib or /modules folders you shall see it, or online documentation)
EDIT: Jersey version should be 1.11.1
<!-- Keep 1.11.1 for Jersey which is Fish's version -->
<!-- <scope>provided</scope> ... set Provided scope for GF3 deployment -->
<!-- <scope>provided</scope> ... set Provided scope for GF3 deployment -->
<!-- <scope>provided</scope> ... set Provided scope for GF3 deployment -->
<!-- Etc. - Organize your dependencies accordingly ... -->
replace the bundled Jersey.1 libraries of your Glassfish3 installation by another Jersey.1 implementation/libs(if you need a fresher version) - but never expect Jersey.2 to run with GF3.
Nonetheless you can actually write code that works with Jersey.1 and Jersey.2 but when you come to packaging and deployment you must build it with appropriate target JVM, dependencies and deployment descriptors - as soon as your modularization is "ok". I didn't read this post fully personnally but why not have a look here.
From Jersey latest (2.26) documentation
Since Jersey 2.26, all modules are build using Java SE 8 and there is no support for running it on older Java SE distributions.
So if you really want to use jersey 2.26 +, JDK should be 1.8+. No alternatives.
I'm deploying an EAR application built with Maven which has the following dependency in one of the modules:
When I try to deploy the application in a Glassfish Server 4.1 I get the following error:
Fatal: java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: org.jboss.logging.Logger.debugf(Ljava/lang/String;I)V
at org.hibernate.internal.NamedQueryRepository.checkNamedQueries(NamedQueryRepository.java:149)
I made some research to solve this problem and made the following attempts:
First Attempt
I found this question and used the script in this article to clean the Glassfish's osgi-cache, as suggested in the question and in this issue of the Glassfish/Payara Github repository. Restarted the server. Same error.
Second Attempt
I found this question and tried the suggestion of the first answer, like this: looking at the dependency tree, I see that hibernate-entitymanager has the following dependency:
So I searched at my Server installation and found the jboss-logging.jar. The installed version was 3.1.0-GA (I'm not sure right now, but surely it was a previous version of the dependency). I downloaded jboss-logging-3.3.0.Final.jar from the Maven Central Repository and replaced the one in my Server installation. Restarted the server. Same error.
Third Attempt
Some comments in the previous post (and others) suggested to add a property org.jboss.logging.provider=slf4j as I'm using these dependencies for logging:
I found some .properties files in the /glassfish/domains/domain1/config/ folder but none of them contains such a property and I don't know in which file to add that property. I also made some search in the Admin Console but I didn't found where to add properties. The only logging configuration I found was to configure logging levels.
After that I found where to put some JVM options for the Glassfish Server in the Admin Console and added -Dorg.jboss.logging.provider=slf4j as an option but did not work for me (even more, I had to reboot my computer to get Glassfish in ground zero)
Fourth Attempt
Before all this I had a problem and made another question in StackOverflow. Guided by this comment in that post I changed the project configuration but nothing happened (I solved that problem with a little change in my dependencies, answer still pending)
After all the attempts, I'm running out of ideas and the problem remains. I don't know what could be the problem. Any guide, help or answer will be really appreciated. If anybody needs more details about the situation just let me know.
Thanks in advance for your collaboration.
I was searching and found this article which says something similar to what I did and adds a provided dependency for jboss-logging like this:
But the error remains. Apparently it's something with the Server but I can't figure out what. I'm using GlassFish Server Open Source Edition 4.1 (build 13)
I was using JBoss server 7.1 to deploy my project. In my case this error was due to the fact that the I was using jboss-logging-3.3.0.Final.jar in my project but the JBoss 7 had a jboss-logging-3.1.0.GA.jar (/opt/jboss-as-7.1.1.Final/modules/org/jboss/logging/main/) by default. So, may be this was due to the jar conflict or method was not present in the jboss-logging-3.1.0.GA.jar, I am not sure. But replacing the jboss-logging-3.1.0.GA.jar with jboss-logging-3.3.0.Final.jar and change mapping in module.xml (at the same above mentioned location) as follows
<module xmlns="urn:jboss:module:1.1" name="org.jboss.logging">
<resource-root path="jboss-logging-3.3.0.Final.jar"/>
<!-- Insert resources here -->
<module name="org.jboss.logmanager"/>
And the error was gone. Hope it helps.
This is because GlassFish ships with an earlier version of JBoss Logging and this is being picked up by your application hence the NoSuchMethod error. The version of JBoss Logging shipped with GlassFish 4.1 does not have the method defined. You can try and replace the version of jboss-logging in the modules directory of glassfish this may or may not work but it looks like you tried and failed with this approach.
Another option is to upgrade to the latest Payara which ships with JBoss Logging 3.3.0.Final.
Block Glassfish for using its own lib when project lib is provided
Just create a glassfish-web.xml file in the WEB-INF directory. The contents of the file are shown below:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE glassfish-web-app PUBLIC "-//GlassFish.org//DTD GlassFish Application Server 3.1 Servlet 3.0//EN" "http://glassfish.org/dtds/glassfish-web-app_3_0-1.dtd">
<class-loader delegate="false"/>
This ensures that glassfish does not load it's internal libraries, but libraries from your project.