Postgres metrics query - java

I am new in the database side. My Question is, how to append a piece of query as param arguments. In my logic we are trying to append query using below
GET_DATA= "SELECT [:metrics] from table name"
am passing metrics as argument like below
paramMap.put("metrics", "name,age");
when am executing the query using query runner.
ResultSet rs = queryRunner.runQuery(context, GET_DATA, paramMap, RESULT_SET_HANDLER);
The output of the query like below
SELECT 'name,age' from table name
How can i avoid single quotes from the query?
I have tried these two changes but getting SQL error
If we put similar syntax with a condition like where colum_name=[:abc],its work fine for me.
Expecting a better solution.

Try this:
String columns = paramMap.get("metrics");
GET_DATA = "Select" +
columns +
" FROM" +
" name";


Query returning sql string with wrong parameters

I am currently working on fixing some SQL injection bugs in my project.
Here is my current sql string:
String sql = "select * from :table order by storenum";
Here is how I am setting the parameters:
SQLQuery query = sess.createSQLQuery(sql).setParameter("table", table);
(table is a string that is passed in through a method)
Whenever I run the program I get something like this:
select * from ? order by storenum
You can't dynamically bind table names, only values, so you'll have to resort to string manipulation/concatenation to get the table name dynamically. However, you would probably want to escape it to avoid SQL Injections.

java - how to pass parameters to oracle sql query in bulk

I have a connection with oracle like this:
Connection con=getConnection();
String query="select ?, ? from my_table";
PreparedStatement p=con.prepareStatement(query);
p.setString(1, "id");
p.setString(2, "lastName ");
ResultSet rs=p.executeQuery();
Everything is ok here but I'am wondering how doing this when you don't have a fixed number of parameters you want to select.
For example, in above, I want to select only 'id' and 'lastName'. But those parameters are taken from different Java method and depends on the situation that method can return a different number of parameters which I would like to pass to my SQL select.
I don't know the parameters in advance so once I can get only 'id' and 'lastName' but next time 'id','firstName','address' and 'city'. Then I want to pass them to SQL query.
Can anyone tell me how to use parameters in sql query in such case?
When you don't know how much parameter you required. Then make a program that accept String array/list then join them comma delimiter. This should solve your problem.
String paramsList = new String[]{"id", "first_name", "last_name"};
If you are using Java8 you can use String.join like :
String params = String.join(",", paramsList);
Then write your sql statement like
String query="select " + params + " from my_table";

UCASE and UPPER sql functions

I am trying to do the following query:
query += "LIKE '" + lastName.toUpperCase() + "%'";
in an example of usage of an servlet to access to a database
But I am getting the error message:
Excepcion java.sql.SQLSyntaxErrorException: ORA-00904: "UCASE": invalid identifier
On the other hand, when I use the UPPER sql function, the example works but the results do not show the values of the LASTNAME column in uppercase. I do not understand what happens.
You're just comparing the upper case values, but you're selecting the actual values with select *
to get the uppercase name in your resultset you need to use UPPER in your select list, not UCASE, like this:
query += "LIKE '" + lastName.toUpperCase() + "%'";
What your code is doing here is building a query string named query. Once query is complete, it will be sent to the database for parsing and running.
When you are building a query to the database, you have to use the built-in database functions for the part of the query that the database is going to parse and run. So, in your example, Java is doing toUpperCase on lastName and then putting that literal into the query string that will go to the database. UPPER(LAST_NAME) is going into the query string as is, it will get passed to the database just like that and run by the database. So it needs to be a function that the database can parse and run: an Oracle function, not a Java function.
UCASE is a DB2 function & not Oracle. For Oracle, you need to use UPPER .
Second part of your question is already answered by James Z.
Having said that, I am answering because previous answers didn't pointed out SQL injection problem with the way you listed your query.
Make it a habit to always execute parametrized queries with jdbc & not by directly appending values to query string.
Your parameter would be - lastName.toUpperCase()+"%"
SQL Injection

hibernate query with concat function with using sql server

I want to run following query in sql server. This is hibernate query it is working in my sql. I want to run it on sql server 2005. What should I do for that ??
strQuery = "from TempData where englishLex=:englishLex and category =:category and language=:language and login=:login and domain=:domain group by (concat(englishlex,category)) ";
concat() is a valid function in HQL.
It looks like the case is incorrect on englishLex which is causing the issue.
try the following...
strQuery = "from TempData where englishLex=:englishLex and category =:category and language=:language and login=:login and domain=:domain group by (concat(englishLex,category)) ";
In Sql Server you don't have the concat function, instead you could simply use a + sign. Have you tried that?
strQuery = "from TempData where englishLex=:englishLex and category =:category and language=:language and login=:login and domain=:domain group by (englishlex + category) ";
As the official manual says, we can use || or concat to combine two Strings.
In my case the following is working in SQL Server 2012:
Query query = currentSession().createQuery("SELECT DISTINCT u FROM UserBean u WHERE CONCAT (, ' ', u.surname) like :fullname");
Mind that UserBean is the Java bean class name, and as it's in Java code, must be exactly same as the class name.

Intermittently getting "sqlexception invalid column index" [duplicate]

I got the following error while testing some code:
SQLException: Invalid column index
What exactly does that mean?
Is there an online document explaining what all the Oracle error codes and statements?
If that's a SQLException thrown by Java, it's most likely because you are trying to get or set a value from a ResultSet, but the index you are using isn't within the range.
For example, you might be trying to get the column at index 3 from the result set, but you only have two columns being returned from the SQL query.
It sounds like you're trying to SELECT a column that doesn't exist.
Perhaps you're trying to ORDER BY a column that doesn't exist?
Any typos in your SQL statement?
Using Spring's SimpleJdbcTemplate, I got it when I tried to do this:
String sqlString = "select pwy_code from approver where university_id = '123'";
List<Map<String, Object>> rows = getSimpleJdbcTemplate().queryForList(sqlString, uniId);
I had an argument to queryForList that didn't correspond to a question mark in the SQL. The first line should have been:
String sqlString = "select pwy_code from approver where university_id = ?";
I also got this type error, problem is wrong usage of parameters to statement like, Let's say you have a query like this
and for the preparedStatement object (JDBC) if you set the parameters like
then it results in SQLException: Invalid column index
So, I removed that second parameter setting to prepared statement then problem solved
Just try this fix, as I faced your error:
Remove the single quotation marks around your question mark, which means, if you used your reserved parameters like ('?','?','?') you should make it look like this:
I had this problem using a prepared statement. I didn't add enough "?" for the "VALUES" My eclipse had crashed after I did add the proper amount, and lost those changes. But that didn't occur to me to be the error until I started combing through the SQL as p.campbell suggested.
I had the exact same problem when using Spring Security 3.1.0. and Oracle 11G. I was using the following query and getting the invalid column index error:
<security:jdbc-user-service data-source-ref="dataSource"
users-by-username-query="SELECT A.user_name AS username, A.password AS password FROM MB_REG_USER A where A.user_name=lower(?)"
It turns out that I needed to add: "1 as enabled" to the query:
<security:jdbc-user-service data-source-ref="dataSource" users-by-username query="SELECT A.user_name AS username, A.password AS password, 1 as enabled FROM MB_REG_USER A where A.user_name=lower(?)"
Everything worked after that. I believe this could be a bug in the Spring JDBC core package...
the final sql statement is something like:
select col_1 from table_X where col_2 = 'abcd';
i run this inside my SQL IDE and everything is ok.
Next, i try to build this statement with java:
String queryString= "select col_1 from table_X where col_2 = '?';";
PreparedStatement stmt = con.prepareStatement(queryString);
stmt.setString(1, "abcd"); //raises java.sql.SQLException: Invalid column index
Although the sql statement (the first one, ran against the database) contains quotes around string values, and also finishes with a semicolumn, the string that i pass to the PreparedStatement should not contain quotes around the wildcard character ?, nor should it finish with semicolumn.
i just removed the characters that appear on white background
"select col_1 from table_X where col_2 = ' ? ' ; ";
to obtain
"select col_1 from table_X where col_2 = ?";
(i found the solution here:
I had this problem in one legacy application that create prepared statement dynamically.
String firstName;
StringBuilder query =new StringBuilder("select id, name from employee where country_Code=1");
query.append("and name like '");
query.append(firstName + "' ");
query.append("and ssn=?");
PreparedStatement preparedStatement =new prepareStatement(query.toString());
when it try to set value for ssn, it was giving invalid column index error, and finally found out that it is caused by firstName having ' within; that disturb the syntax.

