I'm new to Java and to backend development, and I really could use some help.
I am currently using Vert.x to develop a server that takes in a Json request that tells this server which file to analyze, and the server analyzes the file and gives a response in a Json format.
I have created an ImageRecognition class where there is a method called "getNum" which gets a json as an input and outputs a json containing the result.
But I am currently having trouble getting the Json file from the request.
public void start(Promise<Void> startPromise) throws Exception {
JsonObject reqJo = new JsonObject();
Router router = Router.router(vertx);
router.get("/getCall").handler(req ->{
JsonObject subJson = req.getBodyAsJson();
reqJo.put("name", subJson.getValue("name"));
router.post("/getCall").produces("*/json").handler(plateReq ->{
plateReq.response().putHeader("content-tpye", "application/json");
JsonObject num = imageRecogService.getNum(reqJo);
.onSuccess(ok -> {
log.info("http server running on port 8080");
Any feedback or solution to the code would be deeply appreciated!!
Thank you in advance!!
You have several errors in your code:
JsonObject reqJo = new JsonObject();
Router router = Router.router(vertx);
router.get("/getCall").handler(req ->{
reqJo.put("name", subJson.getValue("name"));
You are modifying the reqJo object in handlers. I am not sure if this is thread safe, but a more common practice is to allocate the JsonObject object inside of request handlers and pass them to consequent handlers using RoutingContext.data().
Your two handlers are not on the same method (the first one is GET, while the second is POST). I assume you want them both be POST.
In order to extract multipart body data, you need to use POST, not GET.
You need to append a BodyHandler before any of your handlers that reads the request body. For example:
// Important!
// I changed to posts
router.post("/getCall").handler(req ->{
JsonObject subJson = req.getBodyAsJson();
reqJo.put("name", subJson.getValue("name"));
Otherwise, getBodyAsJson() will return null.
According to the Document of RoutingContext#getBodyAsJson, "the context must have first been routed to a BodyHandler for this to be populated."
Read more: BodyHandler.
After looking at many examples available on Stack Overflow, I still haven't been able to figure out how to make it work out in my case yet. So, could you please provide me with some guidelines wherever possible? Specifically, I have already built a JSON array containing a tag and a JSON object, which should look like below when being posted (including the square brackets "[]"):
The corresponding JAVA code is as follows:
JSONObject CoordinatesFinalObj = new JSONObject();
JSONObject Location = new JSONObject();
try {
CoordinatesFinalObj.put("location-one", LocationOne);
} catch (JSONException e) {
try {
LocationOne.put("coordinateA", 12.45817);
LocationOne.put("coordinateB", 23.9195856);
} catch (JSONException e) {
When I POST-ed such the JSON array to our server using Volley JSON Object Request, it always returned the error 417. I actually did something similar by posting a Python array with a tag and a JSON object inside without any problems. And there are no special requirements of the http request header as imposed by our server.
JsonObjectRequest CoordinatesJsonObjectReq = new JsonObjectRequest(Request.Method.POST,
url, **CoordinatesFinalObj**, new Response.Listener<JSONObject>()...).
So, my question here is: Is Volley JSON Object Request a good fit for this purpose or I shall simply switch to use a string-based POST method (e.g. HttpURLConnection though it is a deprecated module). I am very confused why it is not working here...
I have an ActimeMQ consumer which expects a message in javax.jms.ObjectMessage format.
This message pojo has 5 string elements.
Now I am trying to write a message producer for this consumer in NodeJs.
I am using stompit module
My current NodeJs code is
stompit.connect(connectOptions, function(error, client) {
if (error) {
console.log('connect error ' + error.message);
} else {
var sendHeaders = {
'destination': '/queue/test',
'transformation': 'jms-object-json'
var msg = new Object();
msg.val1 = "12";
msg.val2 = "test";
msg.val3 = "1";
msg.val4 = "1";
msg.val5 = "Y";
var frame = client.send(sendHeaders);
Java consumer is able to get the message but throws the exception
org.apache.activemq.command.ActiveMQTextMessage cannot be cast to javax.jms.ObjectMessage
I have read this page from activeMQ which says that
Currently, ActiveMQ comes with a transformer that can transform XML/JSON text to Java objects, but you can add your own transformers as well
I didn't quite understand this part on how to convert data.
I have added xstream-1.4.10.jar and jettison-1.3.8.jar in apache-activemq-5.15.0\lib and restarted the ActiveMq server.
But still I get the error in the consumer.
Also in the ActiveMQ console -> Queues -> message properties, it shows transformation-error
Please let me know how I can convert this ActiveMQTextMessage type to javax.jms.ObjectMessage before it reaches the consumer
There isn't a transformer in ActiveMQ that will convert any random JSON string into and ObjectMessages, you'd have to write you own to handle whatever format you are sending. The converter in ActiveMQ will convert some basic types that Map from the JSON but it's tricky and not necessarily reliable. You are better off handling the TextMessage and doing something meaningful with the JSON yourself.
ActiveMQTextMessage and ObjectMessage are different , they can't cast to each other.
From ActiveMQTextMessage , you can get the true message content as a String, then you have to trans it to a json object yourself.
I'm trying to create a dynamic Rest client, where I can set the HTTP Method(GET-POST-PUT-DELETE), Query Params and body(Json, plain, XML), this is basically what I need, for the request I think i know how I can do it, but my concern is for reading the answer, since I know what I should get ( format) but I dont know how to read it properly, so far I return an object, below the code (only for POST, but the idea is the same):
Response responseRest = null;
Client client = null;
try {
client = new ResteasyClientBuilder().establishConnectionTimeout(TIME_OUT, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS).socketTimeout(TIME_OUT, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS).build();
WebTarget target = client.target(request.getUrlTarget());
MediaType type = assignResponseType(request.getTypeResponse());
switch (request.getProtocol()) {
case POST: {
if (request.getParamQuery() != null) {
for (VarRequestDTO varRequest : request.getParamQuery()) {
target = target.queryParam(varRequest.getName(), varRequest.getValue());
responseRest = target.request().post(Entity.entity(new ResponseWrapper(), type));
//HTTP METHOD No supported
Object result = responseRest.readEntity(Object.class);
catch (Exception e) {
} finally {
if (responseRest != null) {
if (client != null) {
What I basically I need is to return the object in the format needed, and where is called it's supposed to do a cast to the correct format, I just need it to be dynamic and used for any service.
Every request that a ReST client makes to a ReST service, it passes an "Accept" header.
This is to indicate to the service the MIME-type of the resource the client is willing to accept.
In the above case, what are the acceptable formats (json/ plain text/ etc.) for you?
Depending on the "accept" format you choose, and the "Content-type" header that you receive, you can write a deserializer to accept that data and process.
Also, instead of returning an Object which is too generic, consider returning a readable Stream to the caller.
Let's say I have a json that looks like this:
Now suppose the value of the 'body' element is huge(~100 MB or more). I would like to stream out the value of the body element instead of storing it in a String.
How can I do this? Is there any Java library I could use for this?
This is the line of code that fails with an OutOfMemoryException when a large json value comes in:
String inputStreamString = (String) JsonPath.read(textValue.toString(), "$.body");
'textValue' here is a hadoop.io.Text object.
I'm assuming that the OutOfMemory error occurs because we try to do method calls like toString() (which creates a new object), and JsonPath.read(), all of which are done in-memory. I need to know if there is an approach I could take while handling large-sized textValue objects.
Please let me know if you need additional info.
JsonSurfer is good for processing very large JSON data with selective extraction.
Example how to surf in JSON data collecting matched values in the listeners:
BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(jsonFile));
JsonSurfer surfer = new JsonSurfer(GsonParser.INSTANCE, GsonProvider.INSTANCE);
SurfingConfiguration config = surfer.configBuilder().bind("$.store.book[*]", new JsonPathListener() {
public void onValue(Object value, ParsingContext context) throws Exception {
JsonObject book = (JsonObject) value;
surfer.surf(reader, config);
Jackson offers a streaming API for generating and processing JSON data.
I want to share some information in google plus wall from my application.and I am trying for moment.insert, But getting 400 error . Can somebody help me
public JSONObject getGooglePlusAddUseractivities(Object token) {
Token accessToken = (Token) token;
OAuthService service = createOAuthServiceForGooglePlus();
OAuthRequest request = new OAuthRequest(Method.POST,"https://www.googleapis.com/plus/v1/people/me/moments/vault");
request.addQuerystringParameter("alt", "json");
service.signRequest(accessToken, request);
JSONObject object=new JSONObject();
try {
JSONObject obj1=new JSONObject();
obj1.put("kind", "plus#itemScope");
obj1.put("description","Sign up now to claim and redeem your credits while shopping! ");
obj1.put("contentUrl", "www.abcd.com");
obj1.put("thumbnailUrl", "http://logo1_favicon.png");
object.putOpt("target", obj1);;
}catch(Exception ex) {
request.addHeader("Content-Type", "application/json");
System.out.println("request : "+request.getBodyContents());
Response response = request.send();
String responseBody = response.getBody();
JSONObject googleJSON = null;
try {
googleJSON = new JSONObject(responseBody);
catch (JSONException e) {
System.out.println("can not create JSON Object");
getting 400 error ?? anyone can tell me..... where am wrong ..!!`
It isn't clear from the documentation, but you can't provide both the target.url and most other target metadata. This is currently opened as bug 485 in the issue tracking system - please go there and star the issue to make sure they properly prioritize a fix.
If you remove the target.url value and add a target.id value, it should work.
(As an aside, this does not post in the user's stream, but will post an App Activity in their app moment vault. They must manually share the activity if they choose.)
At this time, it is not possible to programmatically write to a user's Stream. As a developer, you have two options:
Write an AppActivity (formerly known as a Moment), which writes information to Google, but not to a Google+ Stream. These activities are visible at plus.google.com/apps, and will be used by Google in additional ways over time.
Create an Interactive Post Share button, which a user must initiate. However, you can pre-fill both the text of the post and up to 10 intended recipients. The user can make changes if they want and then perform the actual share. You can learn more at https://developers.google.com/+/web/share/interactive or by watching this Google+ Developers Live episode: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U4Iw28jWtAY.