Cannot generate JPA Hibernate Metamodel classes in IntelliJ IDEA - java

In my Java project, I get "java: cannot find symbol" errors pointing Metamodel classes e.g. Company_.
So, first I checked my-project\target\generated-sources\annotations and see that it is empty. Then, after several search on the web and SO, I see that the necessary settings seems to be ok and this is the first time I get this problem.
Here is corresponding settings in pom.xml:
And I have already had this settings and these have not been changed:
Settings > Build execution, Deployment > Compiler > Annotation Processors > my-project (selected) :
Enable annotation processing (checked)
Obtain processors from project classpath (selected)
Store generated sources relative to: Module content root
Production sources directory: target\generated-sources\annotations
Test sources directory: target\generated-test-sources\test-annotations
I tried to rebuild project, module, etc. but there is still nothing in my-project\target\generated-sources\annotations directory. So, how can I generate these JPA Hibernate Metamodel classes in IntelliJ IDEA?

Try remove .Final from version or just use another version


How to ignore a dependency in dependency-lock-maven-plugin

In my maven project I want to implement dependency-locking.
One approach I've found is using dependency-lock-maven-plugin.
My project has multiple maven modules.
When I run mvn clean package it will generate a new core-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar every time.
Now apart from checking version dependency-lock-maven-plugin also checks SHA, which in this case gets changed every time & then the plugin throws error stating SHA is different.
Now to avoid this in plugin's version 0.0.78f56707b3a1d639c8e769bba1686587e9a8956 we can simple add below lines:
It works but now I can see that this version has vulnerabilities, so I want to use the latest version 1.0
But it looks like the configuration to ignore a dependency has been changed & documentation does not says much.
Please suggest how can I ignore a dependency in dependency-lock-maven-plugin.

Upgrading gwt from 2.1.1 to 2.8.0: ServiceConfigurationError: org.apache.juli.logging.Log: Provider org.eclipse.jetty.apache.jsp.JuliLog not a subtype

After upgrading gwt from version 2.1.1 to 2.8.0, I got the error message
2017-04-20 12:59:19.551:WARN:oejuc.AbstractLifeCycle:main: FAILED c.g.g.d.s.j.WebAppContextWithReload#341fbaf1{/,file:/C:/Users/xxx/.IntelliJIdea2017.1/system/gwt/xxx.97baa614/xxx.fdf824a8/run/www/,STARTING}{C:\Users\xxx\.IntelliJIdea2017.1\system\gwt\xxx.97baa614\xx.fdf824a8\run\www}: java.util.ServiceConfigurationError: org.apache.juli.logging.Log: Provider org.eclipse.jetty.apache.jsp.JuliLog not a subtype
java.util.ServiceConfigurationError: org.apache.juli.logging.Log: Provider org.eclipse.jetty.apache.jsp.JuliLog not a subtype
I found some other posts with similar messages, like this or this, but the situation seems to be different:
I do not use Maven or Ant, just pure IntelliJ, I have no reference to any Tomcat library, and I am not aware of any JSP in our application.
I found through debugging that first the class loader$WebAppContextWithReload$WebAppClassLoaderExtension loads class org.eclipse.jetty.apache.jsp.JuliLog including interface org.apache.juli.logging.Log.
Then, later interface org.apache.juli.logging.Log is loaded by sun.misc.Launcher$AppClassLoader triggered indirectly by
which calls method initialize of an
I have no idea why a JspServlet needs to be initialized at all, as no JSPs are used in the application, as far as I see, just a few Servlets. And it seems all the classes involved in this conflict are contained in the single jar gwt-dev.jar, so I see no possibility to influence any class loading behavior via class path settings.
Any idea how I could resolve this?
I also got this error upgrading from gwt from version 2.4 to 2.8.2.
Jake W's answer helped me.
To solve this, I ran a maven dependency tree on my project to figure out what was referencing jetty's apache-jsp.
To run the dependency tree, in Eclipse I created a new run configuration -> maven build -> with the goals "dependency:tree -Doutput=/dependency/file.txt". Once it's run, the console output will show where it saves the output. It should be the same location that you referenced with the -Doutput option.
Look for something like this in the output file:
- org.eclipse.jetty:apache-jsp:jar:9.2.14.v20151106:compile
And then look up in the tree to see where it's being pulled in from. In my case it came from this:
+- net.sourceforge.htmlunit:htmlunit:jar:2.19:compile
\- org.eclipse.jetty:apache-jsp:jar:9.2.14.v20151106:compile
Once you know where it's coming from, (assuming you're using maven) you can add an exclusion in your pom.xml file for it:
This worked for me. Thanks :)
I saw this error when I recently upgraded to GWT 2.8.0. Please try to exclude jetty-apache-Jsp related dependencies from your project.
You may see other jetty related issues as well, so please also make sure you are using exactly the same jetty version as GWT 2.8.0 is using.
I'm on mobile at the moment, unable to add more details, but I hope that can be a useful direction to go. Please add your comments if you still see issues, I will then have a look and update the answer when I'm on my laptop.
I have just ran into this exception after adding gwt-test-utils:0.53 dependency (with GWT 2.8.1)
I am using ant and all information found regarding this error indicated there was 2 versions of Juli Logging in the classpath, but every search came up with only gwt-dev.jar. Production builds worked fine, but dev mode did not which needs gwt-dev.jar.
Part of the build process has the jars copied from a local lib directory to war/WEB-INF/lib to pack into the war. The ant script points to the local lib directory for debugging, not the ones meant for the war file. Despite the war location not being listed in the ant file as a class path, it was still loading it.
Ultimately, gwt-dev.jar was conflicting with the copied version of itself.

java.lang.ExceptionInInitializerError Exception in JasperReports [duplicate]

I recompiled my classes as usual, and suddenly got the following error message. Why? How can I fix it?
java.lang.SecurityException: class "Chinese_English_Dictionary"'s signer information does not match signer information of other classes in the same package
at java.lang.ClassLoader.checkCerts(
This happens when classes belonging to the same package are loaded from different JAR files, and those JAR files have signatures signed with different certificates - or, perhaps more often, at least one is signed and one or more others are not (which includes classes loaded from directories since those AFAIK cannot be signed).
So either make sure all JARs (or at least those which contain classes from the same packages) are signed using the same certificate, or remove the signatures from the manifest of JAR files with overlapping packages.
A simple way around it is just try changing the order of your imported jar files which can be done from (Eclipse). Right click on your package -> Build Path -> Configure build path -> References and Libraries -> Order and Export. Try changing the order of jars which contain signature files.
A. If you use Maven, a useful way to debug clashing jars is:
mvn dependency:tree
For example, for an exception:
java.lang.SecurityException: class "javax.servlet.HttpConstraintElement"'s signer information does not match signer information of other classes in the same package
we do:
mvn dependency:tree|grep servlet
Its output:
[INFO] +- javax.servlet:servlet-api:jar:2.5:compile
[INFO] +- javax.servlet:jstl:jar:1.2:compile
[INFO] | +- org.eclipse.jetty.orbit:javax.servlet.jsp:jar:2.2.0.v201112011158:compile
[INFO] | +- org.eclipse.jetty.orbit:javax.servlet.jsp.jstl:jar:1.2.0.v201105211821:compile
[INFO] | +- org.eclipse.jetty.orbit:javax.servlet:jar:3.0.0.v201112011016:compile
[INFO] +- org.eclipse.jetty:jetty-servlet:jar:9.0.0.RC2:compile
shows clashing servlet-api 2.5 and javax.servlet 3.0.0.x.
B. Other useful hints (how to debug the security exception and how to exclude Maven deps) are at the question Signer information does not match.
In my case, I had duplicated JAR version of BouncyCastle in my library path :S
I had a similar exception:
java.lang.SecurityException: class "org.hamcrest.Matchers"'s signer information does not match signer information of other classes in the same package
The root problem was that I included the Hamcrest library twice. Once using Maven pom file. And I also added the JUnit 4 library (which also contains a Hamcrest library) to the project's build path. I simply had to remove JUnit from the build path and everything was fine.
This can occur with the cglib-instrumented proxies because CGLIB uses his own signer information instead of the signer information of the application target class.
After sign, access: dist\lib
Find extra .jar
Using Winrar, You extract for a folder (extract to "folder name") option
Delete each signature like that:
Name: net/sf/jasperreports/engine/util/xml/JaxenXPathExecuterFactory.c
SHA-256-Digest: q3B5wW+hLX/+lP2+L0/6wRVXRHq1mISBo1dkixT6Vxc=
Save the file
Zip again
Renaime ext to .jar back
I am having this problem with Eclipse and JUnit 5.
My solution is inspired by the previous answer by user2066936
It is to reconfig the ordering of the import libraries:
Right click the project.
Open [Java Build Path].
Click Order and Export.
Then push JUNIT to upper priority.
If you're running it in Eclipse, check the jars of any projects added to the build path; or do control-shift-T and scan for multiple jars matching the same namespace. Then remove redundant or outdated jars from the project's build path.
A bit of an old thread but since I was stuck for quite some time on this, here's the fix (hope it helps someone).
My scenario:
The package name is: There are 2 jar files which contain classes from this package, say jar1 and jar2 i.e. some classes are present in jar1 and others in jar2. These jar files are signed using the same keystore but at different times in the build (i.e. separately). That seems to result in different signatures for the files in jar1 and jar2.
I put all the files in jar1 and built (and signed) them all together. The problem goes away.
PS: The package names and jar file names are only examples
In my case it was a package name conflict. Current project and signed referenced library had one package in common Just changed the current project error-prone package name to something else.
If you added all the jars from (in my case from, just remove the ones for the JDKs that do not apply to you. There are redundancies. You probably only need the "jdk15on" jars.
This question has lasted for a long time but I want to pitch in something. I have been working on a Spring project challenge and I discovered that in Eclipse IDE. If you are using Maven or Gradle for Spring Boot Rest APIs, you have to remove the Junit 4 or 5 in the build path and include Junit in your pom.xml or Gradle build file. I guess that applies to yml configuration file too.
This also happens if you include one file with different names or from different locations twice, especially if these are two different versions of the same file.
I could fix it.
Root Cause:
This is a common issue when using the Sun JAXB implementation with signed jars.
Essentially the JAXB implementation is trying to avoid reflection by generating a class to directly access the properties without using reflection. Unfortunately, it generates this new class in the same package as the class being accessed which is where this error comes from.
Add the following system property to disable the JAXB optimizations that are not compatible with signed jars:
Based on #Mohit Phougat response, if you are running a Groovy with #Grab annotations, you could try to re-order such annotations.
I was getting a similar error when trying to use Mockito:
"$$FastClassByMockitoWithCGLIB$$abb8f5a0"'s signer information does not match signer information of other classes in the same package"
I was using an old version of Mockito, and upgrading to the latest Mockito version solved this problem. The issue was with CGLIB as mentioned in one of the other answers. In newer versions, Mockito replaces CGLIB with ByteBuddy, and so the problem goes away. I also had to add the new ByteBuddy jars to the classpath in Eclipse to get Mockito working again.
I was running JUNIT 5 and was also referencing Hamcrest external jar, but Hamcrest is also a part of the JUNIT 5 library. So, I moved the order of the external Hamcrest jar file to be above the JUNIT 5 library in the build path.
This happened to me when using JUnit + REST Assured + Hamcrest. In this case, don't add JUnit to your build path. If you have a Maven project, the below pom.xml file resolved this for me:
<!-- -->

Signer information does not match

I'm receiving the following error on log file.
(java.lang.SecurityException: class
"com.adventnet.snmp.snmp2.SecurityModelTable"'s signer information
does not match signer information of other classes in the same
package thrown
The thing is when I run the below command, it says the jar is verified.
/usr/jdk/instances/jdk1.5.0/bin/jarsigner -verify -verbose Jarfile.jar
If the jar file is verified then how can this problem occur?
It means that you have two or more classes in the same package with different signature data. Usually that means the classes come from different JARs, one of which is signed and the other is unsigned.
Check the pom dependency tree for same packages of different versions.
I had this issue with itext-2.1.7 including old bouncycastle's bcpkix that was included in a later version elsewhere.
Use this pattern:
package X
old package Y
latest package Y
Update: To check the dependency tree details of package_Y you can use mvn dependency:tree -Dverbose -Dincludes=package_Y. For more info check maven documentation on resolving dependency tree problems. Also Eclipse has quite a nice dependency tree viewer.
I encountered this exception while running a Scala/Spark project in Eclipse (Mars) on Windows and it prevented me from debugging and running the project in the IDE. The project used a Maven pom.xml file. It took a while to resolve, so I'm posting detailed steps here to help others:
Go to the folder where your project pom.xml file is
Run the command: mvn dependency:tree -Dverbose >Depends.Txt
Make sure you don't have a Depends.Txt or it will be overwritten!
Search in the Depends.Txt file for the unsigned class that the Eclipse IDE is complaining about. In my case, it was javax.servlet.
You may find it in a section that looks like this:
+- org.apache.hadoop:hadoop-mapreduce-client-core:jar:2.6.0:provided
+- javax.servlet:servlet-api:jar:2.5:provided
The Maven group ID that you want to exclude the duplicate class from in the above is: hadoop-mapreduce-client-core
Add an exclusions section listing the groupid of the exclusion in the pom.xml after the offending package. In my case, this was the groupid javax.servlet.
Note that you can't resolve this issue by reordering the Java build path as some have posted for a similar problem.
I encountered this issue in a Spring boot application. My issue was that I had JUnit on the build path which has Org.hamcrest.Matchers.* and Hamcrest which was resident in the library of the Spring framework in my pom.xml for the Eclipse repository. What I did was remove JUnit from my build path and included it only in my pom.xml. My application depended on Maven for JUnit and the *Matchers, so somehow you have two jars for one need, maybe as a library and as a configuration file.
In my program, I have loaded two versions of the same package. One is boprov-jdk15-140.jar, the other is bcprov-jdk15-151.jar. The two are conflicted.
In the JAR package's MANIFEST.MF file, it has the following digest:
Name: org/bouncycastle/crypto/digests/SM3Digest.class
SHA1-Digest: xxxxxxxx
The two JAR files have different SHA1-Digest info.
In my case I had:
Caused by: java.lang.SecurityException: class "org.bouncycastle.util.Strings"'s signer information does not match signer information of other classes in the same package
It was a project with a lot of dependencies and the mvn dependency:tree information did not really helped me.
Here is how I solved my issue:
I did a search "Find in files" using notepad++ on all the M2_REPO
I found a project which redefined "Strings" class in a package exactly identical to "org.bouncycastle.util.Strings" which should originate from the "org.bouncycastle:bcprov-jdk15on" dependency.
Once found, I moved all of these problematic classes in a new package and updated this project version.
Finally I updated the pom of the project which caused me trouble in the first place to use my dependency that uses the new package name.
Problem solved.
I had the following error:
java.lang.SecurityException: class “org.bouncycastle.asn1.ASN1ObjectIdentifier”‘s signer information does not match signer information of other classes in the same package
I was facing this exception when I was trying to make a PDF password protected.
I added the below jars to resolve the problem.

Java SecurityException: signer information does not match

I recompiled my classes as usual, and suddenly got the following error message. Why? How can I fix it?
java.lang.SecurityException: class "Chinese_English_Dictionary"'s signer information does not match signer information of other classes in the same package
at java.lang.ClassLoader.checkCerts(
This happens when classes belonging to the same package are loaded from different JAR files, and those JAR files have signatures signed with different certificates - or, perhaps more often, at least one is signed and one or more others are not (which includes classes loaded from directories since those AFAIK cannot be signed).
So either make sure all JARs (or at least those which contain classes from the same packages) are signed using the same certificate, or remove the signatures from the manifest of JAR files with overlapping packages.
A simple way around it is just try changing the order of your imported jar files which can be done from (Eclipse). Right click on your package -> Build Path -> Configure build path -> References and Libraries -> Order and Export. Try changing the order of jars which contain signature files.
A. If you use Maven, a useful way to debug clashing jars is:
mvn dependency:tree
For example, for an exception:
java.lang.SecurityException: class "javax.servlet.HttpConstraintElement"'s signer information does not match signer information of other classes in the same package
we do:
mvn dependency:tree|grep servlet
Its output:
[INFO] +- javax.servlet:servlet-api:jar:2.5:compile
[INFO] +- javax.servlet:jstl:jar:1.2:compile
[INFO] | +- org.eclipse.jetty.orbit:javax.servlet.jsp:jar:2.2.0.v201112011158:compile
[INFO] | +- org.eclipse.jetty.orbit:javax.servlet.jsp.jstl:jar:1.2.0.v201105211821:compile
[INFO] | +- org.eclipse.jetty.orbit:javax.servlet:jar:3.0.0.v201112011016:compile
[INFO] +- org.eclipse.jetty:jetty-servlet:jar:9.0.0.RC2:compile
shows clashing servlet-api 2.5 and javax.servlet 3.0.0.x.
B. Other useful hints (how to debug the security exception and how to exclude Maven deps) are at the question Signer information does not match.
In my case, I had duplicated JAR version of BouncyCastle in my library path :S
I had a similar exception:
java.lang.SecurityException: class "org.hamcrest.Matchers"'s signer information does not match signer information of other classes in the same package
The root problem was that I included the Hamcrest library twice. Once using Maven pom file. And I also added the JUnit 4 library (which also contains a Hamcrest library) to the project's build path. I simply had to remove JUnit from the build path and everything was fine.
This can occur with the cglib-instrumented proxies because CGLIB uses his own signer information instead of the signer information of the application target class.
After sign, access: dist\lib
Find extra .jar
Using Winrar, You extract for a folder (extract to "folder name") option
Delete each signature like that:
Name: net/sf/jasperreports/engine/util/xml/JaxenXPathExecuterFactory.c
SHA-256-Digest: q3B5wW+hLX/+lP2+L0/6wRVXRHq1mISBo1dkixT6Vxc=
Save the file
Zip again
Renaime ext to .jar back
I am having this problem with Eclipse and JUnit 5.
My solution is inspired by the previous answer by user2066936
It is to reconfig the ordering of the import libraries:
Right click the project.
Open [Java Build Path].
Click Order and Export.
Then push JUNIT to upper priority.
If you're running it in Eclipse, check the jars of any projects added to the build path; or do control-shift-T and scan for multiple jars matching the same namespace. Then remove redundant or outdated jars from the project's build path.
A bit of an old thread but since I was stuck for quite some time on this, here's the fix (hope it helps someone).
My scenario:
The package name is: There are 2 jar files which contain classes from this package, say jar1 and jar2 i.e. some classes are present in jar1 and others in jar2. These jar files are signed using the same keystore but at different times in the build (i.e. separately). That seems to result in different signatures for the files in jar1 and jar2.
I put all the files in jar1 and built (and signed) them all together. The problem goes away.
PS: The package names and jar file names are only examples
In my case it was a package name conflict. Current project and signed referenced library had one package in common Just changed the current project error-prone package name to something else.
If you added all the jars from (in my case from, just remove the ones for the JDKs that do not apply to you. There are redundancies. You probably only need the "jdk15on" jars.
This question has lasted for a long time but I want to pitch in something. I have been working on a Spring project challenge and I discovered that in Eclipse IDE. If you are using Maven or Gradle for Spring Boot Rest APIs, you have to remove the Junit 4 or 5 in the build path and include Junit in your pom.xml or Gradle build file. I guess that applies to yml configuration file too.
This also happens if you include one file with different names or from different locations twice, especially if these are two different versions of the same file.
I could fix it.
Root Cause:
This is a common issue when using the Sun JAXB implementation with signed jars.
Essentially the JAXB implementation is trying to avoid reflection by generating a class to directly access the properties without using reflection. Unfortunately, it generates this new class in the same package as the class being accessed which is where this error comes from.
Add the following system property to disable the JAXB optimizations that are not compatible with signed jars:
Based on #Mohit Phougat response, if you are running a Groovy with #Grab annotations, you could try to re-order such annotations.
I was getting a similar error when trying to use Mockito:
"$$FastClassByMockitoWithCGLIB$$abb8f5a0"'s signer information does not match signer information of other classes in the same package"
I was using an old version of Mockito, and upgrading to the latest Mockito version solved this problem. The issue was with CGLIB as mentioned in one of the other answers. In newer versions, Mockito replaces CGLIB with ByteBuddy, and so the problem goes away. I also had to add the new ByteBuddy jars to the classpath in Eclipse to get Mockito working again.
I was running JUNIT 5 and was also referencing Hamcrest external jar, but Hamcrest is also a part of the JUNIT 5 library. So, I moved the order of the external Hamcrest jar file to be above the JUNIT 5 library in the build path.
This happened to me when using JUnit + REST Assured + Hamcrest. In this case, don't add JUnit to your build path. If you have a Maven project, the below pom.xml file resolved this for me:
<!-- -->

