Getting a resource's path - java

I have been searching for a way to get a file object from a file, in the resources folder. I have read a lot of similar questions on this website but non fix my problem exactly.
Link already referred to
that got really close to answering my question:
String path = this.getClass().getClassLoader().getResource(<resourceFileName>)
I am trying to have a resource file that I can write data into and then bring that file object to another part of my program, I know I can technically create a temp file that, I then write data into then pass it into a part of my program, the problem with this approach is that I think it can take a lot of system recourses, my program will need to create a lot of these temp files.
Is there any way, I can reuse one file in the resource folder? all I need is to get it's path (and it needs to work in a jar).I have tried this snipper of code i created for testing, i don't really know why it returns false, because in the ide it returns true.
public File getFile(String fileName) throws FileNotFoundException {
//Getting file from the resources folder
ClassLoader classLoader = getClass().getClassLoader();
URL fileUrl = classLoader.getResource(fileName);
if (fileUrl == null)
throw new FileNotFoundException("Cannot find file " + fileName);
System.out.println("before: " + fileUrl.toExternalForm());
final String result = fileUrl.toExternalForm()
.replace("jar:" , "")
.replace("file:" , "");
System.out.println("after: " + result);
return new File(result);
before: jar:file:/C:/Users/%myuser%/Downloads/Untitlecd.jar!/Recording.wav
after: /C:/Users/%myuser%/Downloads/Untitlecd.jar!/Recording.wav

i have been searching for a way to get a file object from a file in the resources folder.
This is flat out impossible. The resources folder is going to end up jarred into your distribution, and you can't edit jar files, they are read only (or at least, you should consider them so. Non-idiotic deployments will generally mark their own code files (which includes those jars) as read-only to the running process. Even if not, editing jar files is extremely heavy and not something you want to do. Even if you do, on windows, open files can't be edited/replaced like this without significant headaches).
The 'resources' folder simply isn't designed for files that are meant to be modified.
The usual strategy is to make a directory someplace (for example, the user's home dir, accessing via System.getProperty("user.home"), and then make/edit files within that dir. If you wish, you can put templates in your resources folder and use those to 'initialize' that dir hanging off the user's home dir with a skeleton version.
If you have a few ten thousand files to make, whatever process needs this needs to be adjusted to not need this. For example, by using a database (H2, perhaps, if you want to ship it with your java app and have it be as low impact as possible).


Processing/Java File Count Issue With File Pathway (Variable Type)

Although the Title isn't very understandable I do have a simple issue. So i'm trying to write some code in a Processing Sketch ( which can count how many files are in a document. The problem is, is that it doesn't accept the variable type.
File folder = File("My File Path");
It says the function File(String) doesn't exist. When I try to put the file path without quation marks, it still doesn't work!
If you have a solution then please use a functioning example so that I know how it works. Thanks for any help!
As Joakim Danielson says it is constructor so you need to use new keyword.
Below code will work for you.
File folder = new File("My File Path");
int fileLength = folder.listFiles().length;
It's a constructor so you need to use new
File folder = new File("My File Path");
//To get the number of files in the folder
Assuming the "My File Path" folder is inside your sketch you need to provide the path to your sketch. Luckily Processing already provides a helper function: sketchPath()
Here's an example:
File folder = new File(sketchPath("My File Path"));
println("folder.exists: " + folder.exists());
println(folder.listFiles().length + " files and/or directories");
println("folder does not exist, double check the path");
Bare in mind there's also a dataPath() function which points to a folder named data in your sketch folder. The data folder is typically used for storing external data (e.g. assets (raster or vector images/Processing font files) or raw data (binary/text/csv/xml/json/etc.)). This is useful to separate your sketch source files from the data to be loaded/accessed by your sketch.
Also, Processing has a few utility functions for listing files and folders.
Be sure to check out Processing > Examples > Topics > File IO > DirectoryList
The example includes less documented functions such as listFiles() (which returns an array of objects based on the filters set) or listPaths (which returns an array of String objects: just the paths).
The options and filters are quite handy, for example if you want to list directories only and ignore files you can simply write simply like:
println("directories: " + listFiles(sketchPath("My File Path"),"directories").length);
For example if want to list all the wav files in a data/audio directory inside the sketch you can use:
File[] files = listFiles(dataPath("audio"), "files", "extension=wav");
This will ignore directories and any other file that does not have .wav extension.
To make this answer complete, here are a few more details on the options for listFiles/listPaths from Processing's source code:
"relative" -> no effect with the Files version, but important for listPaths
"recursive"-> traverse nested directories
"extension=js" or "extensions=js|csv|txt" (no dot)
"directories" -> only directories
"files" -> only files
"hidden" -> include hidden files (prefixed with .) disabled by default

Groovy: Save gform input type file to the assets pipeline (or similar)

(Sorry if this is simple; this is my first post)
Is the groovy/grails asset pipeline modifiable at runtime?
Problem: I am creating an application where users create the objects. The objects are stored as text files so that only the necessary objects are built at runtime. Currently, the text file includes a string which represents the filename of the image. The plan was to have these images stored in assets/images/ as this works best for later displaying the object. However, now I am running into issues with saving files to assets/images/ at run time, and I can't even figure out if this is possible. *Displaying images already works in the way I require if I drag and drop the images into the desired folder, however I need a way for the controller to put the image there instead. The relevant section of controller code:
def folder = new File("languageDevelopment/grails-app/assets/images/")
//println folder
def f = request.getFile('keyImage');
if (f.empty)
flash.message = 'file cannot be empty'
render(view: 'create')
The error I'm receiving is a fileNotFoundException
"/var/folders/9c/0brqct9j6pj4j85wnc5zljvc0000gn/T/languageDevelopment/grails-app/assets/images (No such file or directory)"
on f.transferTo(folder)
What is the section it is adding to the beginning of my "folder" object?
Thanks in advance. If you need more information or have a suggestion to a different route please let me know!
new File("languageDevelopment/grails-app/assets/images/")
This folder is present only in your sources
After deployment it will looks like "/PATH-TO-TOMCAT/webapps/ROOT/assets/" if you use tomcat.
Also asset/images, asset/font etc. will be merged to assets folder.
If you'd like to store temporary files you can create some directory under src/resources folder.
For example "src/resources/images"
And you can get access to this folder from classloader:

Extracting files from res folder in Executable JAR (txt files to be specific)

I would like to ask if its possible to put text files into my jar, I use them to make my map in my game, but users can get Highscores. now I want to save the Highscores with the map, so I have to save the map on the user their PC. Is there any way how I could do this? I've searched the internet for some ideas but I could not find anything that even came close to what I've wanted. I only had 3/4th of a year java so I don't know much about these things, everything that happens outside the debug of eclipse are problems for me(files are mainly one of those things, null exceptions, etc).
The main question now.
Is it possible to do? If yes, do you have any terms I could search on, or some sites/guides/tutorials? If no, is there any other way how I could save the highscores?
to make clear
Can I get the text file (the text inside the file) to be extracted to a different file in like the home directory of my game (where I save the settings and stuff) the basic maps are inside the jar file, so I want them to be extracted on the first start-up of the program
Greetings Carolien
"extracted to a different file in like the home directory of my game (where i save the settings and stuff) the basic maps are inside the jar file, so i want them to be extracted on the first startup of the program"
You can get the URL by using getClass().getResource()
URL url = getClass().getResource("/res/myfile.txt");
Then create a File object from the URI of the URL
File file = new File(url.toURI());
Then just perform your normal file operations.
if (file.renameTo(new File(System.getProperty("user.home") + "\\" + file.getName()))) {
System.out.println("File is moved successful!");
} else {
System.out.println("File is failed to move!");
Assuming your file structure is like below, it should work fine
Note: the above is moving the entire file. If you want to extract just the data inside the file, then you can simple use
InputStream is = getClass().getResourceAsStream("/res/myfile.txt");
BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(is));
The just do normal IO operation with the reader. See here for help with writing the file.

Java fails in moving (renaming) a file when the resulting file is on another filesystem

A program we have erred when trying to move files from one directory to another. After much debugging I located the error by writing a small utility program that just moves a file from one directory to another (code below). It turns out that while moving files around on the local filesystem works fine, trying to move a file to another filesystem fails.
Why is this? The question might be platform specific - we are running Linux on ext3, if that matters.
And the second question; should I have been using something else than the renameTo() method of the File class? It seems as if this just works on local filesystems.
Tests (run as root):
touch /tmp/test/afile
java FileMover /tmp/test/afile /root/
The file move was successful
touch /tmp/test/afile
java FileMover /tmp/test/afile /some_other_disk/
The file move was erroneous
public class FileMover {
public static void main(String arguments[] ) throws Exception {
boolean success;
File file = new File(arguments[0]);
File destinationDir = new File(arguments[1]);
File destinationFile = new File(destinationDir,file.getName() );
success = file.renameTo(destinationFile);
System.out.println("The file move was " + (success?"successful":"erroneous"));
Java 7 and above
Use Files.move(Path source, Path target, CopyOption... opts).
Note that you must not provide the ATOMIC_MOVE option when moving files between file systems.
Java 6 and below
From the docs of File.renameTo:
[...] The rename operation might not be able to move a file from one filesystem to another [...]
The obvious workaround would be to copy the file "manually" by opening a new file, write the content to the file, and delete the old file.
You could also try the FileUtils.moveFile method from Apache Commons.
Javadoc to the rescue:
Many aspects of the behavior of this method are inherently
platform-dependent: The rename operation might not be able to move a
file from one filesystem to another, it might not be atomic, and it
might not succeed if a file with the destination abstract pathname
already exists. The return value should always be checked to make sure
that the rename operation was successful.
Note that the Files class defines the move method to move or rename a
file in a platform independent manner.
From the docs:
Renames the file denoted by this abstract pathname.
Many aspects of the behavior of this method are inherently
platform-dependent: The rename operation might not be able to move a
file from one filesystem to another, it might not be atomic, and it
might not succeed if a file with the destination abstract pathname
already exists. The return value should always be checked to make sure
that the rename operation was successful.
If you want to move file between different file system you can use Apache's moveFile
your ider is error
beause /some_other_disk/ is relative url but completely url ,can not find the url
i have example
java FileMover D:\Eclipse33_workspace_j2ee\test\src\a\a.txt D:\Eclipse33_workspace_j2ee\test\src
The file move was successful
java FileMover D:\Eclipse33_workspace_j2ee\test\src\a\a.txt \Eclipse33_workspace_j2ee\test\src
The file move was erronous
result is url is error

Java List array showing non existing folders.. Why?

I am in the process of making a program, which allows you to view your file system.
I was testing it, and ran into a problem: It was saying a directory called "Documents and Settings" was on my C:\ drive, while it wasn't there.
This is how I get my file array:
File f = new File(path); //path being a path sent by the client, for example C:\
//TODO start downloading it.
out.println("ERR: no dir!");
Server.log.log("System path requested: " + f.getAbsolutePath());
File[] files = f.listFiles();
for(int i = 0; i < files.length; i++){
File found = files[i];
out.println("dir:" + found.getName());
System.out.println("Printed " + found.getName());
out.println("ENDOFLIST"); //Notify the client it has to stop receiving data
For some reason, this outputs quite a lot of directories that I can't seem to find, even with the "Show hidden folders" option on.
When trying to access these directories, it tries to read the contents of the directory, but since the directory doesn't exist it throws an exception, causing no data to get sent over sockets and my client freezing.
My question is: Is there a way to either check if the file/directory REALLY exists? Note, if you look at my code block, if the file/dir doesn't exist it already continues instead of writing it to the socket.
I've given it a google, but no matches were found. Also, I've given the search function a go, but it didn't come up with anything similar.
These are hidden system folders.
They do exist. Really.
You get exceptions because a lot of them don't have read access.
I suggest to use the new Fil I/O API introduced by Java 7, it features greatly improved support of the features a specific file system offers. It also offers the possibility to use walk the file tree.
Have a look at the FileVisitor that will greatly help you.

