Closing Java Application immediately from Windows Service - java

I have a Windows Service, which "controls" a java-based application. In case of terminating the windows service, the java application should close as fast as possible. This killing procedure works, but not in a fast time.
So, for me, there are multiple possibilities: Either the java-app does not recognize directly this "termination command" or any kind of corba-interface, which is used inside of the java-app blocks the termination procedure for 30-60 seconds.
Are there any advices, of how to kill such a java based application at the moment, when terminating the windows service (the current state of the interfaces do not matter, they can be killed as well)?


Why does net.exe start <servicename> report a failure when the service starts?

I have a Java application that uses the Apache Daemon service installer to register it as a Windows service. I am using Puppet to run an exec{} block to register the service, which works, and then chains a service{} block to start the service. Puppet uses "net.exe start" to run the service, but that command reports an error, even though the service starts correctly.
The output from running the command in a powershell shell is:
PS C:\ProgramData\PuppetLabs\puppet\etc\modules> net start myservice
The myservice_descriptive_name service is starting.....
The myservice_descriptive_name service could not be started.
More help is available by typing NET HELPMSG 3523.
As I refresh the Windows service panel while this command is running, I see the state change from:
blank field -> starting -> started
Is this a problem caused by the apache wrapper, which is starting a jvm in a separate shell or some other side effect? And, more importantly, can I get around this problem in Puppet while still using the service{} block? Is it possible to substitute sc.exe, which does not suffer the same problem, short of using an exec{} block?
To take the questions in order:
The net start command reports failure because the service appears to have hung.
Yes, the problem is caused by the Apache wrapper.
Specifically, the wrapper is telling Windows that it will reach the first checkpoint within two seconds. Since there does not appear to be any way for the Java code to implement a checkpoint, or to change the wait hint, this means that the service must start within two seconds to be compliant with the Windows service specification.
(In principle, Windows is entitled to terminate your service at this point. So far as I know, no current versions of Windows do so, though they may log error messages.)
Short of modifying Puppet or (preferably) the Apache wrapper, the only obvious workaround is to ensure that your service "starts" immediately, rather than waiting for initialization to complete.
This is less than ideal, since it means that the service can't provide feedback to Puppet if it really does fail to initialize, but no worse than your suggestion of using sc start instead of net start.
JPBlanc's answer explains why the net.exe times out waiting on the service to start, even though it does end up starting. You can definitely try swapping out net.exe calls for sc.exe (Service Control) instead.
I've created a ticket to address this -
If you find that it doesn't also timeout while waiting, please comment and/or file a pull request containing the change. At any rate, using something better than net.exe would be preferred.
The explanation is that the service takes too much time to start and does not communicate correctly with the starter.
When you write a service that initiate communications or DB connections you have to communicate with the Service Control Manager (SCM) to give the information that you are starting. Doing this kind of "I'am still starting message" the SCM can wait as mus time as you need to start. But much service writer or or tools to encapsulate exe files as services ignore that, so the SCM return "service could not be started". In Win32 this is handled by SetServiceStatus function, you will have much details there.

Windows 8 - Exit Java Application/Process without staying in background

I have an Java application that is started via a batch-script to set environment variables etc.
All works fine with Win7, but on Windows 8 the process doesn't stop completely and stays in background as I can see the javaw-process in the taskmanager. Then when starting the application again a second javaw-process starts.
I need the application to stop completely. Is there a way to do this in the application's shutdown procedure in Java code or are there settings in Win 8 to prevent this behaviour for Java? Or exists a commandline argument to pass when starting a process/java?
For clarification: There seems to be a new Windows 8 feature, that on close of an application the processes are just halted and the process will re-awake when the app is called again. But my legacy application does not support such re-awaking so I want to completely close the application and cleanly re-start it on the next call. For closing I currently call System.exit(), but regretably that's not enough and the process is in a state where it is neither dead nor alive but in a "sleeping mode".
I would suggest debugging the application on the Windows 8 system and look at what is happening in the code where you expect the application to shut down. It might be waiting on a specific resource.
If needed you can always execute System.exit() to force a shut down.

Start/stop java application from an external script

I have a Stand-alone Java application. At the moment I am running this Java application using a start-script i.e. startApplicatoin.bat in windows and in Linux which sets up the class-paths and then it executes: java -classpath .
Now I have to add a stopApplication.bat and script. This stop script has to shutdown/close this java application gracefully.
To achieve this I am planning to take the following steps:
1. When my java application runs it will store the process-id of the launched application in a file i.e. in a known file
Looks like ManagementFactory.getRuntimeMXBean().getName() call will work on both Linux and Windows to get the process ID. So I shall collect process ID in this way and will store it in the specified file
2. Then when running stop application script, this script will issue a “kill” request to the process-id as specified by that file.
For Windows I shall run the "taskkill" command to stop this application. And for Linux environment "kill" command will serve that purpose.
And in my java code I shall add a addShutdownHook which will enable the graceful shutdown operations that I want to run i.e. there I shall handle whatever stuffs I want to persist before this program is going to stop.
Now I would like to do a sanity check to ensure the way I am thinking is the proper way to do. Or there is a better way to do this. Any suggestion is appreciated. And thanks in advance.
If you're wanting a "graceful" shutdown, it may be more practical (and easier cross-platform) to open a socket in your long-running process and have your "stop" script connect to it and issue a shutdown command; this might even be practical through JMX, depending on how your application overall is structured. Approaches that are "inline" rather than requiring interaction with the OS are generally easier to reason about and test.
This looks like a Daemon.
The easiest way to run a daemon with start/stop functionality without resorting to a lot of scripting is with jsvc. This allows your code to implement an interface with four methods:
void init(String[] arguments): Here open configuration files, create a trace file, create ServerSockets, Threads
void start(): Start the Thread, accept incoming connections
void stop(): Inform the Thread to terminate the run(), close the ServerSockets
void destroy(): Destroy any object created in init()
You then have platform specific binaries that deal with keeping track of the process and stopping it when requested to do so.
The most useful thing is that jsvc can start a process as a superuser (root on unix) and then drop to a peon user the for auction running of the process.
This is how Tomcat (for example) works, it starts as root and performs privileged actions such as binding to port 80. It then drops down to a peon use called tomcat for security reasons.

Java - check if another Java application is running

I have few java application running 24/7. I'd like to write another java application, which checks if any of this applications crashes or not. If some application has crashed i'd like to restart it. Is there any solutions for this?
I see some ways but there should be better ways to do it :
If you have control over your running applications you can make each of them listen to a given port on the machine and reply to any request on it. Then you can simply ping that port to see if the app is running.
If you launch the apps by yourself you can store their pid and then check if the process with that pid is still alive.
Each app can create a file and update it regularly. Then your monitoring app can check if the file has been updated. if not, then the app is dead.
What i can think is you can define a new custom exception in those 24/7 running programs, add that exception to blocks where you think crash can occur, and then call some method of the another java application when this exception is called by the crash.
You can use wmic utility.
Like this : Process proc = Runtime.getRuntime().exec("wmic.exe");
Then you may check for the different params associated with your java app (javaw.exe) application.
You can perhaps use the ( ) Quartz scheduler, or the java.util.Timer api to wake up recurrently.and check for the process. Ever time u run the process I believe u can get the PID or process ID which can be stored.
Wake up at regular intervals and invoke a shell sript to check if the process is running. If not then spawn new Process using Runtime.getRuntime()
If you can use a simple solution, your application must update an external resource from inside the core functionality of the application. If the external resource is not updated for a while, you know that the core of your application has stopped.
If you use a separate thread to update the resource, your core functionality will crash but the thread keeps on running and you detect nothing.
The external resource can be a file. Write the current time stamp there. If the time stamp is not updated for a while, then the app has crashed. Or write to a network socket if your monitor is on a separate machine to detect hardware crashes (a monitor is pretty useless if it crashes with your application).
Your monitor must know the process identifier of the Java process so that it can kill it and restart it when needed. you can write the process identifier into a file if you start the app from a shell script.
There exists a billion dollar industry that produces this kind of software monitors. It is not a trivial task.

I want my service to run unelevated, but as a user who happens to be an Administrator (Windows / UAC)

Like the title says, I have written a program runs 'in the background', preferably as a Windows service. (It happens to be written in Java, with the service part provided by the tanuki wrapper, if this matters. Also, I'm running Vista, but am assuming that this happens on all versions of Windows with UAC.) I run the service as 'User X'.
I also have a companion GUI program which is typically run from the start menu (unprivileged - i.e. 'asInvoker') - also as 'User X'.
The background program (aka the service) creates files. My main need is for the unelevated GUI program to be able to read, write, and delete these files that are created by the service.
This works without hassle as long as 'User X' is not a member of the Administrators group. (Of course an admin login is required to create the service, but that's okay.)
It also works if I turn off UAC, or if I run the background program not as a service (eg. from a command prompt).
But I just can't get it to work when 'User X' is a member of Administrators, and the background program is running as a service.
The symptoms of this problem are that process explorer shows my service process as running privileged (which I glean from the processes properties' Security tab showing 'BUILTIN\Administrators - Owner'). Also, all files created by the service are owned by 'Administrators'.
If I run my background program unprivileged from a command prompt, then process explorer shows 'BUILTIN\Administrators - Deny' and all files created by the program are owned by 'User X'.
Interesting question. I just looked up some information and cannot seem to find an answer for your question as asked initially, but I have a few alternative suggestions.
First, is it feasible to change your service app so that it creates the files required then it changes the permissions on them to what you want?
Second, does the service itself really have to run as "User X"? If so, why? Is there any way around that restriction? If you can bypass that requirement, then you can just make a normal user for the service to run as.
Third, you said preferably as a service, but not that this is a requirement. Does the environment this is used in allow you to use a scheduled task? The task scheduler itself runs as a system service, and it spawns other processes to do the work of the tasks you set up. And, when setting up a scheduled task, there is an option (a check box if you're using the GUI interface) to run the task with highest privileges or not. If you go this route, you can either have the task run at logon, or you can have it run at system start (in which case, make sure you do NOT have selected "run only if logged on"). This should otherwise be similar to your service setup.
Based on your comment below, I think the third suggestion might still be an option. You could still have status information similar to that of a service by making the program handle this in its own way. Your application could have a socket open for its cross-process communication. The background process could open a ServerSocket on a known port, and it could listen for status requests.
Your client application that your users are using could attempt to connect to this socket. If the socket connects, the process is running, otherwise it is not.
If you wanted only a "running/not running" status, this would be sufficient, and the ServerSocket could accept() a connection and then immediately shutdown and close the resulting Socket; you don't even have to accept or send any information since the initial connection is all you need.
If you want to keep the ability to startup/shutdown the task, you could use this same ServerSocket for that ability. If you aren't using the socket for any other data (only for the running-or-not mentioned above), you could have the background process terminate upon receiving any data at all on the socket, regardless of what it is, and the client (or whatever you use to shut down the background process) need only connect and send a byte instead of connect and immediately disconnect.
For startup, if you want to restrain the background process to one instance, there are a few ways to easily do that. I think you should be able to configure it via the task scheduler to only allow one instance of the task. Even if not, you could have a background process starting up connect to the given port it would otherwise listen on to see if it gets a connection from something else already there, if yes this is a second instance of it so abort. Or, even simpler yet, the creation of the ServerSocket should automatically fail if you are using a static port number, so just let the new ServerSocket(myPort) fail on its own, catch the exception, and abort. So there are three different ways to ensure that your process is acting like a proper service.
To start it up in the first place, you can tell the task scheduler to start it up on user logon, or on system boot as mentioned before. You can also configure the task so that users can initiate it themselves (if for whatever reason it's not already running), in fact, you could even have the client the user's are interacting with check on the status of the process and possibly start it automatically if it's not already started - try making a new process and exec() a command such as "schtasks /run /tn "Your Task Name""
I think that covers all the bases you mentioned, and then some. And all of the above should be pretty simple. If you do decide that this might be the route you'd like to take and if either I've overlooked something or you have other criteria which further restrict you from this, let us know again.
In the end I implemented a work-around using Windows scheduled tasks, similar to what is described above, but instead of implementing my own 'start/stop' interface, I wrote a Windows service that manages my program, run as a task. When the service starts, it starts a task, and when the service is asked to stop, is stops the task. So instead of using a socket for the parent to query if the child is running, I use schtasks /Query and parse the output. To make the task exit if the parent exits, I used an RMI keepalive method on my app that was already there.
Windows scheduled tasks have some undesirable defaults for a service that are modifiable through the task scheduler GUI, but not through schtasks' command-line options - namely ExecutionTimeLimit, DisallowStartIfOnBatteries, StopIfGoingOnBatteries.) But these options can be queried and modified using the '/XML' option to schtasks /Query and /Create. So that's what I did.
I also needed to detect if I'm running on a newer or older version of Windows, because if it's an older version (without UAC) then this will all be unnecessary but more importantly defining the task will not work without supplying a password, because the /NP option to schtasks is not available.
The only weakness (other than being complicated) that I know of with my implementation is due to schtasks' note on the /NP option - "Only local resources are available." This turns out to mean that mapped network drives won't be accessible (and I hope that's all it means.) I have SMB support implemented independently, in Java, in my app where it is needed, so this weakness wasn't the end of the world.
This was a lot of work for what can probably be done with a single Win32 call. Maybe one day I will figure out how to do that.

