Spring's Entity inside nodejs - java

The way I manage persistent state inside my backends in the past is by using Spring's #Entity. Basically, I define a regular java class like this:
#Table(name = "users")
class User {
#GeneratedValue(strategy = GenerationType.IDENTITY)
#Column(name = "user_id")
public Long user_id;
#Column(name = "email")
public String email;
Then I can use Hibernate to retrieve a managed java object:
User user = userFactory.getUserFromId(3L); // uses Hibernate internally to get a managed instance
user.email = "abc#company.com"; // gets auto-save to mysql database
This is highly convenient, as I can just change the fields without explicitly worrying about saving data. It's also quite convenient as I can specify a number of fields to be used as an index, so I can search for matching email names quite fast.
How would I go about doing the same thing using NodeJS? I need to use node as my team is not familiar with Java at all. I want to be able to store complex json objects fast, have a cached version in memory that ideally stores data permanently at regular intervals.
My current plan is to use Redis for this. Getting user's object should look something like this:
class User {
constructor(json) {
this.json = json
async save() {
await redis.set(JSON.stringify(this.json));
async function user(id) {
let json = JSON.parse(await redis.get("user-" + id));
return User(json);
u3 = await user(3);
u3.json.email = "def#company.com";
To get user by name, I'd create my own index (mapping from email to user id), and potentially store this index inside redis as well.
All of this seems clunky, and feels like I'm reimplementing basic database features. So before I do it like this, are there different ways to manage json objects well in js, so that the coding experience is somewhat the same as in Spring?

What you need is an ORM, that is that tool in every language that maps your objects into database records.
With a quick search you can find Sequalize that is very popular in the NodeJS world.


Additional filter of entity in Spring data based on profile

I have a DB table, let's call it USERS. In this table, I have standard fields like name, surname, age, etc.
This table is mapped to the JPA entity class:
#Table(name = "users")
public class User {
#Column(name = "login")
private String id;
#Column(name = "name")
private String name;
Now I need to have the possibility to filter some of the users based on the environment. The environment can be defined based on the Spring active profile.
My assumption was to add the new DB column, let's say boolean filter, and based on the Spring profile to filter or not the user out.
The question is about the best way of implementation of this functionality so it would be clean and maintainable.
One way is to have two different #Repository and based on the profile init the right one. One repository will return all the users but the other one will return only the users with filter=false.
What I don't like about this implementation is that there will be a lot of code duplication. For each repository method, I will have to have the same method in the second repository, but with the filtering based on one column. Is there a way do define maybe some kind of `interceptor`` that will do it automatically for each read query on the given DB entity?
Not interceptor, but one can do it using jpa criteria: docs
This way you can dynamically configure what you want. Afaik, in runtime it would be a bit slower than plain old solution with several #Repository marked with #ConditionalOnProperty, or other bit of configuration of your choice, however, it meets your requirement of changing behavior without the need of introducing several repos. What you would want to do is declare Specification /default one and pass it around. This way you could later on also configure your search in runtime too.

Should i use model classes or payload classes to serialize a json response

I'm using spring boot with mysql to create a Restful API. Here's an exemple of how i return a json response.
first i have a model:
public class Movie extends DateAudit {
#GeneratedValue(strategy = GenerationType.IDENTITY)
private Long id;
private String name;
private Date releaseDate;
private Time runtime;
private Float rating;
private String storyline;
private String poster;
private String rated;
#OneToMany(mappedBy = "movie", cascade = CascadeType.ALL, orphanRemoval = true)
private List<MovieMedia> movieMedia = new ArrayList<>();
#OneToMany(mappedBy = "movie", cascade = CascadeType.ALL, orphanRemoval = true)
private List<MovieReview> movieReviews = new ArrayList<>();
#OneToMany(mappedBy = "movie", cascade = CascadeType.ALL, orphanRemoval = true)
private List<MovieCelebrity> movieCelebrities = new ArrayList<>();
// Setters & Getters
and correspond repository:
public interface MovieRepository extends JpaRepository<Movie, Long> {
Also i have a payload class MovieResponse which represent a movie instead of Movie model, and that's for example if i need extra fields or i need to return specific fields.
public class MovieResponse {
private Long id;
private String name;
private Date releaseDate;
private Time runtime;
private Float rating;
private String storyline;
private String poster;
private String rated;
private List<MovieCelebrityResponse> cast = new ArrayList<>();
private List<MovieCelebrityResponse> writers = new ArrayList<>();
private List<MovieCelebrityResponse> directors = new ArrayList<>();
// Constructors, getters and setters
public void setCelebrityRoles(List<MovieCelebrityResponse> movieCelebrities) {
this.setCast(movieCelebrities.stream().filter(movieCelebrity -> movieCelebrity.getRole().equals(CelebrityRole.ACTOR)).collect(Collectors.toList()));
this.setDirectors(movieCelebrities.stream().filter(movieCelebrity -> movieCelebrity.getRole().equals(CelebrityRole.DIRECTOR)).collect(Collectors.toList()));
this.setWriters(movieCelebrities.stream().filter(movieCelebrity -> movieCelebrity.getRole().equals(CelebrityRole.WRITER)).collect(Collectors.toList()));
As you can see i divide the movieCelebrities list into 3 lists(cast, directos and writers)
And to map a Movie to MovieResponse I'm using ModelMapper class:
public class ModelMapper {
public static MovieResponse mapMovieToMovieResponse(Movie movie) {
// Create a new MovieResponse and Assign the Movie data to MovieResponse
MovieResponse movieResponse = new MovieResponse(movie.getId(), movie.getName(), movie.getReleaseDate(),
movie.getRuntime(),movie.getRating(), movie.getStoryline(), movie.getPoster(), movie.getRated());
// Get MovieCelebrities for current Movie
List<MovieCelebrityResponse> movieCelebrityResponses = movie.getMovieCelebrities().stream().map(movieCelebrity -> {
// Get Celebrity for current MovieCelebrities
CelebrityResponse celebrityResponse = new CelebrityResponse(movieCelebrity.getCelebrity().getId(),
movieCelebrity.getCelebrity().getName(), movieCelebrity.getCelebrity().getPicture(),
movieCelebrity.getCelebrity().getDateOfBirth(), movieCelebrity.getCelebrity().getBiography(), null);
return new MovieCelebrityResponse(movieCelebrity.getId(), movieCelebrity.getRole(),movieCelebrity.getCharacterName(), null, celebrityResponse);
// Assign movieCelebrityResponse to movieResponse
return movieResponse;
and finally here's my MovieService service which i call in the controller:
public class MovieServiceImpl implements MovieService {
private MovieRepository movieRepository;
public void setMovieRepository(MovieRepository movieRepository) {
this.movieRepository = movieRepository;
public PagedResponse<MovieResponse> getAllMovies(Pageable pageable) {
Page<Movie> movies = movieRepository.findAll(pageable);
if(movies.getNumberOfElements() == 0) {
return new PagedResponse<>(Collections.emptyList(), movies.getNumber(),
movies.getSize(), movies.getTotalElements(), movies.getTotalPages(), movies.isLast());
List<MovieResponse> movieResponses = movies.map(ModelMapper::mapMovieToMovieResponse).getContent();
return new PagedResponse<>(movieResponses, movies.getNumber(),
movies.getSize(), movies.getTotalElements(), movies.getTotalPages(), movies.isLast());
So the question here: is it fine to use for each model i have a payload class for the json serialize ? or it there a better way.
also guys id it's there anything wrong about my code feel free to comment.
I had this dilemma not so long back, this was my thought process. I have it here https://stackoverflow.com/questions/44572188/microservices-restful-api-dtos-or-not
The Pros of Just exposing Domain Objects
The less code you write, the less bugs you produce.
despite of having extensive (arguable) test cases in our code base, I have came across bugs due to missed/wrong copying of fields from domain to DTO or viceversa.
Maintainability - Less boiler plate code.
If I have to add a new attribute, I don't have to add in Domain, DTO, Mapper and the testcases, of course. Don't tell me that this can be achieved using a reflection beanCopy utils like dozer or mapStruct, it defeats the whole purpose.
Lombok, Groovy, Kotlin I know, but it will save me only getter setter headache.
I know this falls under the category of "premature performance optimization is the root of all evil". But still this will save some CPU cycles for not having to create (and later garbage collect) one more Object (at the very least) per request
DTOs will give you more flexibility in the long run
If only I ever need that flexibility. At least, whatever I came across so far are CRUD operations over http which I can manage using couple of #JsonIgnores. Or if there is one or two fields that needs a transformation which cannot be done using Jackson Annotation, As I said earlier, I can write custom logic to handle just that.
Domain Objects getting bloated with Annotations.
This is a valid concern. If I use JPA or MyBatis as my persistent framework, domain object might have those annotations, then there will be Jackson annotations too. If you are using Spring boot you can get away by using application-wide properties like mybatis.configuration.map-underscore-to-camel-case: true , spring.jackson.property-naming-strategy: SNAKE_CASE
Short story, at least in my case, cons didn't outweigh the pros, so it did not make any sense to repeat myself by having a new POJO as DTO. Less code, less chances of bugs. So, went ahead with exposing the Domain object and not having a separate "view" object.
Disclaimer: This may or may not be applicable in your use case. This observation is per my usecase (basically a CRUD api having 15ish endpoints)
We should each layer separate from other. As in your case, you have defined the entity and response classes. This is right way to separate things, we should never send the entity in the response. Even for request thing we should have a class.
What the issue if we are sending entity instead of response dto.
Not available to modify them because we already expose it with our client
Sometimes we don't want to serialize some fields and send as response.
Some overhead are there to translate request to domain, entity to domain etc. But its okay to keep more organized. ModelMapper is the best choice for translation purpose.
Try to use construct injection instead of setter for mandate dependency.
It is always recommended to separate DTO and Entity.
Entity should interact with DB/ORM and DTO should interact with client layer(Layer for request and response) even if the structure of Entity and DTO same.
Here Entity is Movie and
DTO is MovieResponse
Use your existing class MovieResponse for request & response.
Never use Movie class for request & response.
and the class MovieServiceImpl should contain business logic for converting Entity to DTO, Or you can use Dozer api to do auto conversion.
The reason for sepating:
In case you need to add/remove new elements in Request/response you dont have to change much code
if 2 entity have 2 way mapping(e.g. one-to-many/many-to-many relationship) then
JSON object cant be created if object have nested data, this will throw error while serializing
if Anything changed in DB or Entity, then this will not affect JSON Response(most of the time).
Code will be clear and easy to maintain.
On one side you should separate them because sometimes some of the JPA annotations which you use in your model don't work well with the json processor annotations. And yes, you should keep the things separated.
What if you later decide to change your data layer? Will you have to rewrite all your client side?
On the other side, there is this problem of mapping. For that, you can use a library with a small performance penalty.
DTO is a design pattern and solves the problem of fetching as maximum useful data from a service as possible.
In case of a simple application as yours, the DTOs tend to be similar to the Entity classes. However for certain complex applications, DTOs can be extended to combine data from various entities to avoid multiple requests to the server and thus save valuable resources and request-response time.
I would suggest not to duplicate the code in a simple case like this and use model classes in response to the APIs as well. Using separate response classes as DTOs will not solve any purpose and will only make maintaining the code difficult.
While most people have answered pros and cons of using DTO objects, I would like to give my 2 cents. In my case DTO was necessary because not all fields persisted in database were captured from user. There were a few fields which were computed based on user input(of other fields) and were not exposed to users. Also, it can also reduces the size of payload which could result in better performance in such cases.
I advocate for separating the "Payload" or "Data" object from the "Model" or "Display" object. Pretty much always. This just keeps things easier to manage.
Here's an example:
Let's say you need to hit an API that gives you data about cats for sale. Then you parse the data into a cat model object and populate a list of cats that is then displayed to the user. Cool.
But now you want to integrate another API and pull cats from 2 databases. But you run into a problem. One API returns furColor for the color and the new one returns catColor for the color.
If you were using the same object to also display the info, you have some options:
Add both furColor and catColor to the model object, make them both optional, and do some kind of computed property to check which one is set and use that one to display the color
In reality, this is rarely an option because the responses will usually be much more different than just one value like this so you would likelly need a whole new parser anyway
Add a new data object and then also a new adapter and then have to do some kind of check to know which adapter to use when
Something else that still isn't pretty or fun to work with
However, if you create a data object that catches the response, and then a display object that has only the info needed to populate the list, this becomes really easy:
You have a data object that captures the response from the first API
Now make a data object that captures the response from the second API
Now all you need is some kind of simple mapper to map the response to the Display Object
Now both will be converted to a common simple display object, and the same adapter can be used to display the new cats without additional work
This also will make storing the data locally much cleaner.

Wicket - Serialization of persisted and non-persisted JPA entities

I know that when using Wicket with JPA frameworks it is not advisable to serialize entities that have already been persisted to the database (because of problems with lazy fields and to save space). In such cases we are supposed to use LoadableDetachableModel. But what about the following use-case?
Suppose we want to create a new entity (say, a Contract) which will consist, among other things, of persisted entities (say, a Client which is selected from a list of clients stored in the DB). The entity under creation is a model object of some Wicket component (say, a Wizard). In the end (when we finish our wizard) we save the new entity to the DB. So my question is: what is the best generic solution to the serialization problem of such model objects? We can't use LDM because the entity is not in the DB yet but we don't want our inner entities (like Client) to be serialized wholly, too.
My idea was to implement a custom wicket serializer that checks if the object is an entity and if it is persisted. If so, store only its id, otherwise use the default serialization. Similarly, when deserializing use the stored id and get the entity from the DB or deserialize using the default mechanism. Not sure, though, how to do that in a generic way. My next thought was that if we can do it, then we do not need any LDM anymore, we can just store all our entities in simple org.apache.wicket.model.Model models and our serialization logic will take care of them, right?
Here's some code:
Client {
String clientName;
#ManyToOne(fetch = FetchType.LAZY)
ClientGroup group;
Contract {
Date date;
#ManyToOne(fetch = FetchType.LAZY)
Client client;
ContractWizard extends Wizard {
ContractWizard(String markupId, IModel<Contract> model) {
Contract contract = DAO.createEntity(Contract.class);
ContractWizard wizard = new ContractWizard("wizard", ?);
How to pass the contract? If we just say Model.of(contract) the whole contract will be serialized along with inner client (and it can be big), moreover if we access contract.client.group after deserialization we can bump into the problem: https://en.wikibooks.org/wiki/Java_Persistence/Relationships#Serialization.2C_and_Detaching
So I wonder how people go about solving such issues, I'm sure it's a fairly common problem.
I guess there are 2 approaches to your problem:
a.) Only save the stuff the user actually sees in Models. In your example that might be "contractStartDate", "contractEndDate", List of clientIds. That's the main approach if you don't want your DatabaseObjects in your view.
b.) Write your own LoadableDetachableModel and make sure you only serialize transient objects. For example like: (assuming that any negative id is not saved to the database)
public class MyLoadableDetachableModel extends LoadableDetachableModel {
private Object myObject;
private Integer id;
public MyLoadableDetachableModel(Object myObject) {
this.myObject = myObject;
this.id = myObject.getId();
protected Object load() {
if (id < 0) {
return myObject;
return myObjectDao.getMyObjectById(id);
protected void onDetach() {
id = myObject.getId();
if (id >= 0) {
myObject = null;
The downfall of this is that you'll have to make your DatabaseObjects Serializable which is not really ideal and can lead to all kind of problems. You would also need to decouple the references to other entities from the transient object by using a ListModel.
Having worked with both approaches I personally prefer the first. From my expierence the whole injecting dao objects into wicket can lead to disaster. :) I would only use this in view-only projects that aren't too big.
Most projects I know of just accept serializing referenced entities (e.g. your Clients) along with the edited entity (Contract).
Using conversations (keeping a Hibernate/JPA session open over several requests) is a nice alternative for applications with complex entity relations:
The Hibernate session and its entities is kept separate from the page and is never serialized. The component just keeps an identifier to fetch its conversation.

Mapping JSON object to Hibernate entity

I'm going to start a project of a REST application managed with Spring and with Hibernate for my model.
I know that Spring allows you to get Java object from the HTTP Request (with #Consumes(JSON) annotation). Is there any conflict if this Java object is also a Hibernate entities? And is nested object working (like #ManyToOne relation)?
Maven dependency
The first thing you need to do is to set up the following Hibernate Types Maven dependency in your project pom.xml configuration file:
Domain model
Now, if you are using PostgreSQL, you need to use the JsonType from Hibernate Types.
In order to use it in your entities, you will have to declare it on either class level or in a package-info.java package-level descriptor, like this:
#TypeDef(name = "json", typeClass = JsonType.class)
And, the entity mapping will look like this:
#Type(type = "json")
#Column(columnDefinition = "json")
private Location location;
If you're using Hibernate 5 or later, then the JSON type is registered automatically by the Postgre92Dialect.
Otherwise, you need to register it yourself:
public class PostgreSQLDialect extends PostgreSQL91Dialect {
public PostgreSQL92Dialect() {
this.registerColumnType( Types.JAVA_OBJECT, "json" );
The JsonType works with Oracle, SQL Server, PostgreSQL, MySQL, and H2 as well. Check out the project page for more details about how you can map JSON column types on various relational database systems.
Yes, this wouldn't be a problem and is actually a fairly common practice.
In the recent years I have come to realize that sometimes, however, it is not a good idea to always build your views based on your domain directly. You can take a look at this post:
It is also known as "Presentation Model":
The idea behind that is basically the following:
Imagine you have the domain entry User, who looks like that :
public class User {
#Id private UUID userId;
private String username;
#OneToMany private List<Permission> permissions;
Let's now imagine you have a view where you wanna display that user's name, and you totally don't care about the permissions. If you use your approach of immediately returning the User to the view, Hibernate will make an additional join from the Permissions table because event though the permissions are lazily loaded by default, there is no easy way to signal to the jackson serializer or whatever you are using, that you don't care about them in this particular occasion, so jackson will try to unproxy them (if your transaction is still alive by the time your object is put for json serialization, otherwise you get a nasty exception). Yes, you can add a #JsonIgnore annotation on the permissions field, but then if you need it in some other view, you are screwed.
That a very basic example, but you should get the idea that sometimes your domain model can't be immediately used to be returned to the presentation layer, due to both code maintainability and performance issues.
We were using such approach to simplify design and get rid of many dtos (we were abusing them too much). Basically, it worked for us.
However, in our REST model we were trying to do not expose other relations for an object as you can always create another REST resources to access them.
So we just put #JsonIgnore annotations to relations mappings like #OneToMany or #ManyToOnemaking them transient.
Another problem I see that if you still like to return these relations you would have to use Join.FETCH strategy for them or move transaction management higher so that transaction still exists when a response is serialized to JSON (Open Session In View Pattern).
On my opinion these two solutions are not so good.
You can map the json request without using any library at REST web-services (Jersy)
this sample of code:
This hibernate entity called book:
#Table(name = "book", schema = "cashcall")
public class Book implements java.io.Serializable {
private int id;
private Author author; // another hibernate entity
private String bookName;
//setters and getters
This web-services function
public String addBook(Book book) {
String bookName=book.getName();
return bookName;
This is sample json request:
"bookName" : "Head First Java",
"author" : {
"id" : 1
Since you are just starting, perhaps you could use Spring Data REST?
This is the project: http://projects.spring.io/spring-data-rest/
And here are some simple examples:
As you can see in the examples, there are no extra DTOs beyond the #Entity annotated POJOs.

How to tell Hibernate to conditionally ignore columns in CRUD operations

Is it possible to somehow tell Hibernate to conditionally ignore a missing column in a database table while doing the CRUD operations?
I've got a Java application using Hibernate as persistence layer. I'd like to be able to somehow tell Hibernate: If database version < 50, then ignore this column annotation (or set it transient).
This situation arises due to different database versions at different clients, but same entity code for all sites. For example, I've got a class, where the column description2 might miss in some databases.
#Table(name = "MY_TABLE")
public class MyTable implements java.io.Serializable {
private Integer serialNo;
private String pickCode;
private String description1;
private String description2;
#Column(name = "Serial_No", nullable = false)
#GenericGenerator(name = "generator", strategy = "increment")
#GeneratedValue(generator = "generator")
public Integer getSerialNo() {
return this.serialNo;
#Column(name = "Pick_Code", length = 25)
public String getPickCode() {
return this.pickCode;
#Column(name = "Description1")
public String getDescription1() {
return this.description1;
#Column(name = "Description2") // <- this column might miss in some databases
//#TransientIf(...) <- something like this would be nice, or any other solution
public String getDescription2() {
return this.description2;
Background: I have a large application with a lot of customizations for different clients. Now it happens from time to time that one client (out of lets say 500) gets a new feature that requires a database structure update (e.g. a new field in a table). I release a new version for him, he runs a database schema update and can use the new feature. But all other clients won't do an incremental database update each time when any user gets a new feature. They just want to use the latest version, but are affected by the new feature (for that one client) they will never use.
I think it is only possible if you separate the mapping definition from the entities so that you can replace it. Thus you can not use annotation based mapping.
Instead I would suggest to use xml based mapping and create different xml mapping files for each client. Since you have about 500 clients you might want to create groups of clients who all share the same mapping file.
At least I think it will be very hard to maintain the different clients needs with one entity model and it will lead to a complex code structure. E.g. if you add properties to the enties that can be null for some clients than you will also add a lot more null checks to your code. One null check for each client specific property.

