I work on a Java project using Spring framework, JUnit and Mockito.
The application is in the middle of a chain with others application, so it exposes inbound ports (e.g. an HTTP API) to be called and uses outbound ports (e.g. web services and database) to call other apps.
I want to write something like an integration test that should pass through the whole java code from the inbound port to the outbound port, but without doing any call to anything that's outside of the project.
Let's take a very-simple-but-very-concrete example :
We expose an HTTP endpoint to get customers and we call another app to get them.
In the domain : customers are represented by the Customer class.
In the externalapp layer : customers are represented by the CustomerModel class.
In the rest layer : customers are represented by the CustomerDto class.
Thus :
The CustomerSupplierAdapter class gets data from CustomerRepository and does the mapping from CustomerModel to Customer.
The CustomerControllerAdapter class does the mapping from Customer to CustomerDto and returns the data.
Now, I want to test my app by calling the CustomerControllerAdapter's getCustomers(), which will call the real service, which will call the real supplier, which will call a fake repository.
I wrote the following code :
class CustomerIntegrationTest {
private CustomerRepository repository;
private CustomerControllerAdapter controller;
void setupAll() {
CustomerOutboundPort customerOutboundPort = new CustomerSupplierAdapter(repository);
CustomerInboundPort customerInboundPort = new CustomerService(customerOutboundPort);
controller = new CustomerControllerAdapter(customerInboundPort);
void bulkQuery() {
// Given
CustomerModel model = new CustomerModel();
model.setName("Arya Stark");
// When
List<CustomerDto> dtos = controller.getCustomers();
// Then
assertThat(dtos.get(0).getName()).isEqualTo("Arya Stark");
But in this code, I do the "constructor's wiring" by myself in the setupAll() instead of relying on Spring dependency injection. It is not a viable solution because it would be very hard to maintain in real-life context (controller may have multiple services, service may have multiple suppliers, etc).
Actually, I would like to have something like an annotation to set on a CustomerRepository instance to programmatically overload dependency injection. Like : "Hey Spring, if any #Service class needs a CustomerRepository then you should use this fake one instead of the usual concrete implementation" without having to do the wiring by myself.
Is there any way to achieve that using Spring, JUnit, Mockito or anything else ?
If you really want to replace every CustomerRepository in your tests (everywhere!) with a mock, I'd recommend going for a configuration which provides a #Bean, which creates a mocked bean.
public class TestConfiguration {
public CustomerRepository customerRepostiory() {
return Mockito.mock(CustomerRepository.class);
#MockBean can have negative effects on your test duration as it's quite possible Spring needs to restart it's context.
Alternatively, I'd recommend NOT mocking your repository at all, but instead using either an in memory equivalent (H2) or the TestContainers framework to start the real database for you. Instead of mocking, you insert data into your repository before you start your tests.
I am trying to unit test my Service classes that looks similiar to this:
public class SomeQueryService {
private final SomeRepository repository;
public SomeQueryService(SomeRepository repository) {
this.repository = repository;
public void doSomething() {
// code doing some magic
SomeRepository is simple repository interface extending JpaRepository interface.
What I want to do is unit test this service to verify whether it is working properly.
I do not want to use mockito to mock repository behaviour instead, I want to have some in-memory implementation (on list or map) that will imitate database behaviour.
Does Spring provide such fake implementations?
I want to avoid making Stub Implementation of such repository by myself as I will be using such tests in many other places.
RealLifeDeveloper has created an MIT-licensed helper-class to do just what you want: implement the repository-interface with a plain-old-java-object that just wraps a Collection, and called it "InMemoryJpaRepository". You will still have to implement some logic yourself1, though it should be easy if your queries are not too complicated.
An article explaining how to do this with example: https://reallifedeveloper.com/creating-in-memory-versions-of-spring-data-jpa-repositories-for-testing/
The repository (which includes other stuff, too) is on github: https://github.com/reallifedeveloper/rld-build-tool
The specific helper-files for creating the inmemory-db are found at https://github.com/reallifedeveloper/rld-build-tools/tree/master/src/main/java/com/reallifedeveloper/tools/test/database/inmemory if you dont want the whole repo.
1 The rule "Don't put logic in tests" exists for a reason and is clearly violated here. However, the well-known and widely-used alternatives mentioned by the other answers, H2-testing and extensive mocking, have their drawbacks too.
The type of testing you are referring to is called "Integration Testing" or "End to end testing" since it tests the whole application or a big chunk of it compared to unit tests that test only one method.
You should not unit test your repositories, since they are already well tested by the spring team.
You can create a test that starts the whole spring container using Spring Boot:
Just create a class in your test folder and annotate it with:
public class MyTestClass {
public void test() {
You can then configure an embedded database using H2 so that your test does not use the production database, just follow the Spring Boot Database Initialization doc.
PS. You can also create a specific profile using the following annotation on your test class:
No Spring Data does not provide a fake implementation of that interface.
You'll have to create it on your own or use a mocking framework like Mockito.
I would like to test a class that provides a rest endpoint via JAX-RS. This class depends on a JPA EntityManager an thus on a database which needs to be populated prior to test execution. I saw solutions for database population like dbunit, but I want to populate the data directly from my test class (or delegated via object mother pattern). But when testing rest endpoints I need to use the annotation option #Deployment(testable = false) which refuses me to inject the EntityManager into my test class.
So how can I solve this situation?
Or are there any better best practices? (maybe mocking, but that's also not possible for black box tests)
You could create a bean to generate your test data:
public class TestDataGenerator {
private EntityManager em;
private void generateTestData() {
// Generate your test data
The TestDataGenerator class defined above is annotated with #Singleton (ensuring there will be only one instance of the class) and #Startup (for eager initialization during the application startup sequence).
Add the TestDataGenerator class to your Arquillian deployment:
public class MyArquillianTest {
private Client client = ClientBuilder.newClient();
public static WebArchive createDeployment() {
return ShrinkWrap.create(WebArchive.class)
.addClasses(TestDataGenerator.class, ...)
.addAsResource("test-persistence.xml", "META-INF/persistence.xml")
.addAsWebInfResource(EmptyAsset.INSTANCE, "beans.xml");
public void testAPI(#ArquillianResource URL deploymentUrl) {
// Test your REST service
WebTarget target = client.target(deploymentUrl.toURI()).path("api");
Observe that #RunAsClient is equivalent to #Deployment(testable = false).
The #ArquillianResource annotation allows you to inject the URL to test your web application.
For tests, I usually try and separate black box and unit testing completely (I suppose it's a preference on how you do it).
For example, my REST Api could rely on whatever it wants, but usually it doesn't do much but call my database layer or some sort of facade accessing my DB layer. The objects are injected, yes, but usually I make the fields package private, which meant that you can set them from the same package (which works with Junit as well).
For example:
public class Facade1 {
Facade facade;
public void doSomething() { ... }
This class represents my REST API. I could test doSomething by simply adding a mock object as facade. Mind you, this is a quite useless test, but you get the idea. Unit tests should happen in isolation with as much mocking as possible.
Now testing the actual Rest API I usually resort to a python integration tester. Python has nice http libraries that allow you to make request very easily.
For that, I set up a staging environment for my Rest Server. The environment is a live-like representation for testing. Everything there needs to works and needs to be on the same version as the production deployment.
I then use python to poke my REST Api and verify the responses. Since I've set up my staging environment I have complete control over database content. Therefore it is easy for me to test that all responses are correct.
My typical process then is:
Integration test
I hope that helps. If you want clearer examples, you might want to post a bit more code as it's a bit hard to imagine for me what it is exactly you'd like to do :)
I have created small web application in spring boot.I am new for TestNG. I am trying to test my services with testng which calls dao for database operations. I am trying to do it using inmemory database HSQL.
Following is my UserService
class UserServiceImpl implements UserService
public void save(User user)
public User update(user)
Following is my UserTest class
class UserTest
What is good way to use HSQL to test save and update methods in UserService using TestNG with DataProvider? Please let me know if need some more information regarding question ;)
Your response will be greatly appreciated!!
If you just want to test if the dao is called correctly, mock it with a mocking framework (i'd choose Mockito) and just verify that the correct methods were called by your Service. This is more "unit" like, since you tests reflect the clear separation of dao and service.
If you are interested in real DB communication to create/load instances and so on, you can use an in memory database like h2 and let your dao run against that database. This becomes more of an integration test, but can be useful none the less.
Either way, you would set up a test application context that cares about datasources and mocks.
Acolyte provides a JDBC driver & tools, designed for such purposes (mock up, testing, ...): https://github.com/cchantep/acolyte
It's already used in several open source projects (Anorm, Youtube Vitess, ...), either in vanilla Java, or using its Scala DSL:
handler = handleStatement.withQueryDetection(...).
withQueryHandler(/* which result for which query */).
withUpdateHandler(/* which result for which update */).
// Register prepared handler with expected ID 'my-unique-id'
acolyte.Driver.register("my-unique-id", handler);
// then ...
Connection con = DriverManager.getConnection(jdbcUrl);
// ... Connection |con| is managed through |handler|
Note: I am the author of Acolyte.
I want to test my spring mvc controller.
The controller has a service:
UserService userService
And my user service depends on (autowired) my UserDao and some other services like mongoDb etc.
Now I want the business logic to be tested in my UserService, but ofcourse I want to mock the responses from my UserDao and Mongodb etc.
How do I setup my unit test correctly?
Can I re-use the spring container's xml file that has all my beans etc. or do I create a new one? (I'm assuming I have to get the spring container involved here)
Looking for some guidance on this, any tutorials would be greatly appreciated.
What I find strange is that for my spring controller (that doesn't implement from Controller) I was able to access my private varialbe to manually set my service, i.e:
public class UserController {
UserService userService;
And in my unit test I could do:
UserController controller = new UserController();
controller.userService = ....
But for my UserService, which has UserDao autowired, I can't access the userDao property:
UserService userService = new UserServiceImpl();
userService.userDao = .... // not available
It makes sense since it is private, but how is it working for my controller?
Spring framework has very interesting features for testing. You can take a look at Spring reference guide. It can provide DI even in your JUnit test class.
// ApplicationContext will be loaded from "/applicationContext.xml" and "/applicationContext-test.xml"
// in the root of the classpath
#ContextConfiguration(locations={"/applicationContext.xml", "/applicationContext-test.xml"})
public class MyTest {
// class body...
Briefly, you can use your own applicationContext.xml or even define a new one just for testing. I personally use a different one since I define another dataSource dedicated for testing purposes.
What I find strange is that for my spring controller (that doesn't implement from Controller) I was able to access my private varialbe to manually set my service, i.e:
This is easy: the varible in not private.
It has the default visibility ("package private"). This mean you can access them from all classes of the same package.
So if you have a common structure, then the controller and the controller test case are in the same package. Therefore you can modify the ("package private") controller fields. But the controller test case and the service are not in the same packaged, so you can not access the ("package private") service fields.
Can I re-use the spring container's xml file that has all my beans
etc. or do I create a new one? (I'm assuming I have to get the spring
container involved here)
I would advice against creating new xml file. You would end up duplicating lot of stuff and its going to be hard to maintain. There would be proliferation of config files. You put the config required for tests in a different xml and that should not even be deployed to your production box. So far as using the config for your beans, you can employ the mechanism as suggested by #Trein.
For testing spring contrller in general, you may also find this SO Thread useful.
Hope that helps.
I am using Spring, here is a controller:
public class PersonController {
private PersonService personService;
#RequestMapping(value = "/Person", method = RequestMethod.GET)
public String getPersons(Model model) {
// Retrieve all persons by delegating the call to PersonService
List<Person> persons = personService.getAll();
// Attach persons to the Model
model.addAttribute("persons", persons);
//then return to view jsp
and here is a service :
public class PersonService {
public List<Person> getAll() {
//do whatever
However, to properly make use of DI I should change the controller to make use of an interface (?) like so:
public class PersonController {
private IPersonService personService; //Now an interface
This would then allow me, for example, to use two services one test and one live. Which I could alter by adding/removing the annotation on the services :
#Service("personService") // this line would be added/removed
public class LivePersonService implements IPersonService {
public List<Person> getAll() {
//do whatever
#Service("personService") //this line would be added/removed
public class TestPersonService implements IPersonService {
public List<Person> getAll() {
//do something else
However one of the main benefits is lost due to the fact that the code has to be recompiled ? Whereas if I used xml lookup I could alter the dependency on-the-fly ?
The configuration is still external, because it is outside where you define which implementation is going to be injected. Inside the class, you just hardcode the "name" of something the class depends on (which is ok, because this dependency is inherent to the class).
This said, you can use XML to override the annotations of your code for the tests execution (you would have a specific XML application context for your tests) and specify which implementation you will inject.
Therefore, you don't need to change your code to run the tests. Take a look to this answer.
Well that's correct. Annotations are configuration inside the source code. Mainly intended when you have one class for each service. If you have more than one implementation for a particular interface, then XML will be a better option. Also you can mix XML configutation with annotations.
The conventional way, that I heard last time from DI camp, is that in unit tests, you shouldn't use the DI framework. Rather, simply instantiate mock service yourself and set it to the host object
PersonController contr = new PersonController();
contr.personService = new TestPersonService();
// testing contr
This was hailed as the first and major achievement of DI, much to the puzzlement of people (like me) who don't get it. See my previous criticisms: advantage of using applicationcontext.getbean vs #configurable
If the DI supporters in this thread reflect the new trend in DI camp, they no longer do unit tests that way; instead tests depend on DI too, with a test specific DI config. Then it's really no different from service locator pattern. If the major feature of DI is moot, then what's the point?
Your controller class perfectly illustrated that. It cannot be used outside Spring DI framework as a POJO. There's nothing POJO about it. And nobody cares, rightfully. Same thing if your class depends on a service locator framework.
There are other features provided by Spring beans framework, none of them depends on DI; they can be implemented in a service locator framework just as well. Many people when defending DI the design pattern, are actually defending Spring the entire stack. You can actually use Spring as a service locator framework; Spring will not advertise this now, it's a blow to its main hype point; but it will once the hype weakens and it must appeal to the doubters.