I am trying to print contents of message body of proto file. But my code below is printing details of import too which I don't want. Any suggestion on how to filter this so that only message contents will be printed.
FileInputStream fin = new FileInputStream("mymessages.desc");
Descriptors.FileDescriptorSet set = Descriptors.FileDescriptorSet.parseFrom(fin);
for(FileDescriptorProto fileDesc : set.getFileList()){
List<DescriptorProto> descList = fileDesc.getMessageTypeList();
for(DescriptorProto desc : descList ){
System.out.Println(desc) ; // print all proto info including the imported field as well as message
My proto file
syntax = "proto3"
import "validate.proto";
message User{
string firstName = 1;
string lastName = 2;
You could just delete the header lines:
System.out.println(desc.replaceAll("(?sm)\\A.*?(?=^message)", ""));
The regex (?sm)\\A.*?(?=^message) matches everything from start up to, but not including, the first line that starts with message, which is replaced with a blank (ie deleted).
I want to be able to run a command that begins with !suspend, mentions a user, then determines a time length and adds a role named 'Suspended' to the mentioned user for the specified time length.
Message message = event.getMessage(); //Sets the message equal to the variable type 'Message' so it can be modified within the program.
String content = message.getContentRaw(); //Gets the raw content of the message and sets it equal to a string (best way to convert types Message to String).
MessageChannel channel = event.getChannel(); //Gets the channel the message was sent in (useful for sending error messages).
Guild guild = event.getGuild();
//Role group = content.matches("((Suspended))") ? guild.getRolesByName("Suspended", true).get(0) : null;
if(content.startsWith("!suspend"))//Pretty self explanatory. Enters the loop if the message begins with !suspend.
String[] spliced = content.split("\\s+"); //Splits the message into an array based on the spaces in the message.
TextChannel textChannel = event.getGuild().getTextChannelsByName("ranked-ms_punishments",true).get(0); //If there is a channel called ranked-ms_punishments which there should be set the value of it equal to the variable.
int length = spliced.length;//Sets 'length' equal to the number of items in the array.
if(length == 3)//If the number of items in the array is 3 then...
String tempuser = spliced[1];
textChannel.sendMessage(tempuser + " you have been suspended for " + spliced[2] + " days.").queue();//Sends the message in the quotations.
//add role to the member
}else {
channel.sendMessage("Please use the following format for suspending a user: '!suspend' <#user> (length)").queue(); //If length doesn't equal 3 then it sends the message in quotations.
Not sure how to do this, as I'm too unfamiliar with JDA to make it work. I have everything working except for the actual addition of the role named 'Suspended'.
Adding a role to the mentioned members in a message can be done as follows:
Role role = event.getGuild().getRolesByName("Suspended", false).get(0);
List<Member> mentionedMembers = message.getMentionedMembers();
for (Member mentionedMember : mentionedMembers) {
event.getGuild().getController().addRolesToMember(mentionedMember, role).queue();
Note that your bot will need the MANAGE_ROLES permission to add roles.
You can do this: 👍
event.getGuild().addRoleToMember(memberId, jda.getRoleById(yourRole));
event.getGuild().addRoleToMember(member, event.getGuild().getRoleById(yourRole)).queue();
I am trying to export repeat grid data to excel. To do this, I have provided a button which runs "MyCustomActivity" activity via clicking. The button is placed above the grid in the same layout. It also worth pointing out that I am utulizing an article as a guide to configure. According to the guide my "MyCustomActivity" activity contains two steps:
Method: Property-Set, Method Parameters: Param.exportmode = "excel"
Method: Call pzRDExportWrapper. And I pass current parameters (There is only one from the 1st step).
But after I had got an issue I have changed the 2nd step by Call Rule-Obj-Report-Definition.pzRDExportWrapper
But as you have already understood the solution doesn't work. I have checked the log files and found interesting error:
2017-04-11 21:08:27,992 [ WebContainer : 4] [OpenPortal] [ ] [ MyFW:01.01.02] (ctionWrapper._baseclass.Action) ERROR as1| bar - Activity 'MyCustomActivity' failed to execute; Failed to find a 'RULE-OBJ-ACTIVITY' with the name 'PZRESOLVECOPYFILTERS' that applies to 'COM-FW-MyFW-Work'. There were 3 rules with this name in the rulebase, but none matched this request. The 3 rules named 'PZRESOLVECOPYFILTERS' defined in the rulebase are:
2017-04-11 21:08:42,807 [ WebContainer : 4] [TABTHREAD1] [ ] [ MyFW:01.01.02] (fileSetup.Code_Security.Action) ERROR as1| bar - External authentication failed:
If someone have any suggestions and share some, I will appreciate it.
Thank you.
I wanted to provide a functionality of exporting retrieved works to a CSV file. The functionality should has a feature to choose fields to retrieve, all results should be in Ukrainian and be able to use any SearchFilter Pages and Report Definition rules.
At a User Portal I have two sections: the first section contains text fields and a Search button, and a section with a Repeat Grid to display results. The textfields are used to filter results and they use a page Org-Div-Work-SearchFilter.
I made a custom parser to csv. I created two activities and wrote some Java code. I should mention that I took some code from the pzPDExportWrapper.
The activities are:
ExportToCSV - takes parameters from users, gets data, invokes the ConvertResultsToCSV;
ConvertResultsToCSV - converts retrieved data to a .CSV file.
Configurations of the ExportToCSV activity:
The Pages And Classes tab:
ReportDefinition is an object of a certain Report Definition.
SearchFilter is a Page with values inputted by user.
ReportDefinitionResults is a list of retrieved works to export.
ReportDefinitionResults.pxResults denotes a type of a certain work.
The Parameters tab:
FileName is a name of a generated file
ColumnsNames names of columns separated by comma. If the parameter is empty then CSVProperties is exported.
CSVProperties is a props to display in a spreadsheet separated by comma.
SearchPageName is a name of a page to filter results.
ReportDefinitionName is a RD's name used to retrieve results.
ReportDefinitionClass is a class of utilized report definition.
The Step tab:
Lets look through the steps:
1. Get an SearchFilte Page with a name from a Parameter with populated fields:
2. If SearchFilter is not Empty, call a Data Transform to convert SearchFilter's properties to Paramemer properties:
A fragment of the data Transform:
3. Gets an object of a Report Definition
4. Set parameters for the Report Definition
5. Invoke the Report Definition and save results to ReportDefinitionResults:
6. Invoke the ConvertResultsToCSV activity:
7. Delete the result page:
The overview of the ConvertResultsToCSV activity.
The Parameters tab if the ConvertResultsToCSV activity:
CSVProperties are the properties to retrieve and export.
ColumnsNames are names of columns to display.
PageListProperty a name of the property to be read in the primay page
FileName the name of generated file. Can be empty.
AppendTimeStampToFileName - if true, a time of the file generation.
CSVString a string of generated CSV to be saved to a file.
FileName a name of a file.
listSeperator is always a semicolon to separate fields.
Lets skim all the steps in the activity:
Get a localization from user settings (commented):
In theory it is able to support a localization in many languages.
Set always "uk" (Ukrainian) localization.
Get a separator according to localization. It is always a semicolon in Ukrainian, English and Russian. It is required to check in other languages.
The step contains Java code, which form a CSV string:
StringBuffer csvContent = new StringBuffer(); // a content of buffer
String pageListProp = tools.getParamValue("PageListProperty");
ClipboardProperty resultsProp = myStepPage.getProperty(pageListProp);
// fill the properties names list
java.util.List<String> propertiesNames = new java.util.LinkedList<String>(); // names of properties which values display in csv
String csvProps = tools.getParamValue("CSVProperties");
propertiesNames = java.util.Arrays.asList(csvProps.split(","));
// get user's colums names
java.util.List<String> columnsNames = new java.util.LinkedList<String>();
String CSVDisplayProps = tools.getParamValue("ColumnsNames");
if (!CSVDisplayProps.isEmpty()) {
columnsNames = java.util.Arrays.asList(CSVDisplayProps.split(","));
} else {
// add columns to csv file
Iterator columnsIter = columnsNames.iterator();
while (columnsIter.hasNext()) {
if (columnsIter.hasNext()){
csvContent.append(listSeperator); // listSeperator - local variable
for (int i = 1; i <= resultsProp.size(); i++) {
ClipboardPage propPage = resultsProp.getPageValue(i);
Iterator iterator = propertiesNames.iterator();
int propTypeIndex = 0;
while (iterator.hasNext()) {
ClipboardProperty clipProp = propPage.getIfPresent((iterator.next()).toString());
String propValue = "";
if(clipProp != null && !clipProp.isEmpty()) {
char propType = clipProp.getType();
propValue = clipProp.getStringValue();
if (propType == ImmutablePropertyInfo.TYPE_DATE) {
DateTimeUtils dtu = ThreadContainer.get().getDateTimeUtils();
long mills = dtu.parseDateString(propValue);
java.util.Date date = new Date(mills);
String sdate = dtu.formatDateTimeStamp(date);
propValue = dtu.formatDateTime(sdate, "dd.MM.yyyy", "", "");
else if (propType == ImmutablePropertyInfo.TYPE_DATETIME) {
DateTimeUtils dtu = ThreadContainer.get().getDateTimeUtils();
propValue = dtu.formatDateTime(propValue, "dd.MM.yyyy HH:mm", "", "");
else if ((propType == ImmutablePropertyInfo.TYPE_DECIMAL)) {
propValue = PRNumberFormat.format(localeCode,PRNumberFormat.DEFAULT_DECIMAL, false, null, new BigDecimal(propValue));
else if (propType == ImmutablePropertyInfo.TYPE_DOUBLE) {
propValue = PRNumberFormat.format(localeCode,PRNumberFormat.DEFAULT_DECIMAL, false, null, Double.parseDouble(propValue));
else if (propType == ImmutablePropertyInfo.TYPE_TEXT) {
propValue = clipProp.getLocalizedText();
else if (propType == ImmutablePropertyInfo.TYPE_INTEGER) {
Integer intPropValue = Integer.parseInt(propValue);
if (intPropValue < 0) {
propValue = new String();
} else {
CSVString = csvContent.toString();
5. This step forms and save a file in server's catalog tree
char sep = PRFile.separatorChar;
String exportPath= tools.getProperty("pxProcess.pxServiceExportPath").getStringValue();
DateTimeUtils dtu = ThreadContainer.get().getDateTimeUtils();
String fileNameParam = tools.getParamValue("FileName");
fileNameParam = "RecordsToCSV";
//append a time stamp
Boolean appendTimeStamp = tools.getParamAsBoolean(ImmutablePropertyInfo.TYPE_TRUEFALSE,"AppendTimeStampToFileName");
FileName += fileNameParam;
if(appendTimeStamp) {
FileName += "_";
String currentDateTime = dtu.getCurrentTimeStamp();
currentDateTime = dtu.formatDateTime(currentDateTime, "HH-mm-ss_dd.MM.yyyy", "", "");
FileName += currentDateTime;
//append a file format
FileName += ".csv";
String strSQLfullPath = exportPath + sep + FileName;
PRFile f = new PRFile(strSQLfullPath);
PROutputStream stream = null;
PRWriter out = null;
try {
// Create file
stream = new PROutputStream(f);
out = new PRWriter(stream, "UTF-8");
// Bug with Excel reading a file starting with 'ID' as SYLK file. If CSV starts with ID, prepend an empty space.
CSVString=" "+CSVString;
} catch (Exception e) {
oLog.error("Error writing csv file: " + e.getMessage());
} finally {
try {
// Close the output stream
} catch (Exception e) {
oLog.error("Error of closing a file stream: " + e.getMessage());
The last step calls #baseclass.DownloadFile to download the file:
Finally, we can post a button on some section or somewhere else and set up an Actions tab like this:
It also works fine inside "Refresh Section" action.
A possible result could be
Thanks for reading.
I want to fetch the app category from play store through its unique identifier i.e. package name, I am using the following code but does not return any data. I also tried to use this AppsRequest.newBuilder().setAppId(query) still no help.
String AndroidId = "dead000beef";
MarketSession session = new MarketSession();
session.login("email", "passwd");
String query = "package:com.king.candycrushsaga";
AppsRequest appsRequest = AppsRequest.newBuilder().setQuery(query).setStartIndex(0)
session.append(appsRequest, new Callback<AppsResponse>() {
public void onResult(ResponseContext context, AppsResponse response) {
String response1 = response.toString();
Log.e("reponse", response1);
Use this script:
######## Fetch App names and genre of apps from playstore url, using pakage names #############
Reuirements for running this script:
1. requests library
Note: Run this command to avoid insecureplatform warning pip install --upgrade ndg-httpsclient
2. bs4
pip install requests
pip install bs4
import requests
import csv
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
# url to be used for package
APP_LINK = "https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id="
output_list = []; input_list = []
# get input file path
print "Need input CSV file (absolute) path \nEnsure csv is of format: <package_name>, <id>\n\nEnter Path:"
input_file_path = str(raw_input())
# store package names and ids in list of tuples
with open(input_file_path, 'rb') as csvfile:
for line in csvfile.readlines():
(p, i) = line.strip().split(',')
input_list.append((p, i))
print "\n\nSit back and relax, this might take a while!\n\n"
for package in input_list:
# generate url, get html
url = APP_LINK + package[0]
r = requests.get(url)
if not (r.status_code==404):
data = r.text
soup = BeautifulSoup(data, 'html.parser')
# parse result
x = ""; y = "";
x = soup.find('div', {'class': 'id-app-title'})
x = x.text
print "Package name not found for: %s" %package[0]
y = soup.find('span', {'itemprop': 'genre'})
y = y.text
print "ID not found for: %s" %package[0]
print "App not found: %s" %package[0]
# write to csv file
with open('results.csv', 'w') as fp:
a = csv.writer(fp, delimiter=",")
This is what i did, best and easy solution
Or otherwise you can get source html and get the string out of it ...
Get this string out of it - use split or substring methods
<span itemprop="genre">Sports</span>
In this case sports is your category
use android-market-api it will gives all information of application
I have a source code from a website where textmessages start with "< h2 >" and end with "< /h2 >". In my app, I read the source code and make it into a string. Now I want to read only the messages, and have tried with this:
returned = get.getInternetData("http://blablabla.com");
int start = returned.indexOf("<h2>") + 4;
int end = returned.indexOf("</h2>");
String message = returned.substring(start, end);
The problem is that I only get the very first message! My idea was to use a scanner object and do something like
while (scan.hasNext("<h2>")) {
But there are no get-methods from the scanner. How can read all the messages from the source code?
you should do something like this:
while (returned.indexOf("<h2>", lastIndex)!=-1) {
do your thing
increment lastIndex
Using Jsoup you can do this:
Document doc = Jsoup.connect("http://blablabla.com").get();
Elements h2Tag = doc.select("h2");
ArrayList<String> messages = new ArrayList<String>();
for(Element mess: h2Tag){
I have write code as
String sourceUrlString="http://some url";
Source source=new Source(new URL(sourceUrlString));
Element INFORM = source.getElementById("main").getAllElementsByClass("game").get(i-1);
String INFORM = INFORM.replaceAll("\\s",""); //shows error here
Now i want the text fetch from Element INFORM is Neglect white space how can i do so? above mentioned String INFORM Show error Duplicate local variable INFORM);
text fetch by Element INFORM is "my name is satish"
but it must send response as
You have the name INFORM used twice - and thats not possible!
String sourceUrlString = "http://some url";
Source source = new Source(new URL(sourceUrlString));
Element INFORM = source.getElementById("main").getAllElementsByClass("game").get(i-1);
String response = INFORM.replaceAll("\\s",""); // ! Use another name here !
sendResponse(resp, respone); // or use '+' - not shure if 1 or 2 args