(Spigot 1.8) "stained_hardened_clay:14" != " stained_hardened_clay:14" - java

I am making a a mini game plugin, i need to replace every blocks that not a type, so i maked this :
public static void replaceBlock(String x, String y, String z, String x2, String y2, String z2, String block, String secondBlockType, String mapDict) {
String[] BlocksToReplace = mapDict.split("\\*");
System.out.println(ConsoleColorUtils.PURPLE + "[" + Main.pName +"]" + ConsoleColorUtils.RESET + " " + x + " " + y + " " + z + " " + x2 + " " + y2 + " " + z2);
ConsoleCommandSender console = Bukkit.getServer().getConsoleSender();
String pos1 = "/pos1 " + x + "," + y + "," + z;
String pos2 = "/pos2 " + x2 + "," + y2 + "," + z2;
Bukkit.dispatchCommand(console, pos1);
Bukkit.dispatchCommand(console, pos2);
tasak = Bukkit.getServer().getScheduler().runTaskTimer(Main.plugin, new Runnable() {
private int count = 2;
public void run() {
if(count == 0) {
for(String b : BlocksToReplace) {
if(b == block) {
System.out.println(ConsoleColorUtils.PURPLE + "[" + Main.pName +"]" + ConsoleColorUtils.RESET + " fdbshjfbdjshq ");
}else {
String fillcmd = "/replace " + b + " " + secondBlockType;
System.out.println(ConsoleColorUtils.PURPLE + "[" + Main.pName +"]" + ConsoleColorUtils.RESET + " " + fillcmd + " " + block);
Bukkit.dispatchCommand(console, fillcmd);
} else {
}, 20, 20);
Map dict is => gold_block*wool:15*stained_hardened_clay:4*wool:4*stained_hardened_clay:3*stained_hardened_clay:11*wool:9*wool:11*stained_hardened_clay:9*wool:10*wool:2*stained_hardened_clay:10*stained_hardened_clay:2*stained_hardened_clay:6*diamond_block*prismarine:2*prismarine:1*melon_block*wool:5*slime*emerald_block*quartz_block*stained_hardened_clay*sandstone:2*nether_brick*wool:14*wool:13
block var is : stained_hardened_clay:14
When i call the function, it replace every blocks not all exept the block i want
Any way to fix it ?

Dont use "==" for strings. use b.equals(block). Because "==" compares the hash values of the String objects. And the equals Method compares the string itself.
More Info: https://www.java67.com/2012/11/difference-between-operator-and-equals-method-in.html


Printing a string?

I'm in my first programming class; can anyone help me understand why I can't print my last line please?
package program4;
import java.util.*;
public class Program4 {
public static void main(String[] args) {
int a, b, c, numComparisons;
String comparisons = "Comparisons for triangleType determination: ";
Scanner scan = new Scanner(System.in);
for (int i = 0; i < 7; i++) {
String triangleType = "";
System.out.print("Enter 3 positive integer lengths for the sides of a "
+ "triangle:");
a = scan.nextInt();
b = scan.nextInt();
c = scan.nextInt();
System.out.println("The input lengths are: a = " + a + ", b = " + b + ", and"
+ " c = " + c + "");
if ((a + b < c) || (b + c < a) || (a + c < b)) {
System.out.print("There is no triangle with sides " + a + ", " + b + " and "
+ "" + c + ".");
} else {
numComparisons = 1;
comparisons += "a==b";
if (a == b) {
comparisons += "(T)" + "(b==c)";
if (b == c) {
comparisons += "(T)";
triangleType = "Equilateral";
} else {
comparisons += "(F)";
if (a == c) {
comparisons += "(T)";
triangleType = "Isosceles";
} else {
comparisons += "b==c";
comparisons += "(F)";
if (b == c) {
triangleType = "Isosceles";
} else {
comparisons += "a==c";
comparisons += "(F)";
triangleType = "Scalene";
System.out.printf("" + comparisons + (""));
System.out.printf("numComparisons = " + numComparisons);
System.out.println("The triangles with sides " + a + ", "
+ " + b + ", and " + c + ", is + triangleType + ");
Your last line syntax is pretty messed up.
System.out.println("The triangles with sides " + a + ", "
+ " + b + ", and " + c + ", is + triangleType + ");
should be
System.out.println("The triangles with sides " + a + ", "
+ b + ", and " + c + ", is " + triangleType);
System.out.println("The triangles with sides " + a + ", "
+ " + b + ", and " + c + ", is + triangleType + ");
What IDE/editor are you using? It should should show you the errors here. This should be
System.out.println("The triangles with sides " + a + ", "
+ b + ", and " + c + ", is" + triangleType);
This is better

Deleting last new line string

So I've tried pretty much everything to get rid of the last newline character in my code. Its supposed to print a new line after every recursive call except for the last one. Any ideas?
public static boolean solve(double target, ArrayList<Double> numbers)
String print = "";
String newPrint = "";
double compare = 0;
boolean done = false;
for (double num : numbers)
if (!done)
ArrayList<Double> remaining = new ArrayList<Double>(numbers);
if (target == num)
done = true;
done = solve(target + num, remaining);
if (done)
print += ((int) target + (int) num) + " " + "-" + " " + (int) num + " "
+ "="
+ " "
+ ((int) target + "\n");
done = solve(target - num, remaining);
if (done)
print += ((int) target - (int) num) + " " + "+" + " " + (int) num + " "
+ "=" + " "
+ ((int) target + "\n");
done = solve(target * num, remaining);
if (done)
print += ((int) target * (int) num) + " " + "/" + " " + (int) num
+ " " + "=" + " "
+ ((int) target + "\n");
done = solve(target / num, remaining);
if (done)
print += ((int) target / (int) num) + " " + "*" + " "
+ (int) num
+ " " + "="
+ " " + ((int) target + "\n");
return done;
For instance:
void recursiveF(...) {
if ... {
The result is a string but you don't want the last character, so remove it:
print = print.substring(0, print.length()-1);
Use trim() method. It will remove white spaces, newline etc from beginning and end of string.
Short Print the new line character before.
The first thing the recursive function should do is print the new line character.
This way you shift the odd case from the last function call, to the first call, which should not prepend a new line character.
You could add a parameter String prepend = "" to the signature of the recursive method, it's empty on the first call, all further calls have it set to String prepend = "\n".
Then you can just print prepend without bothering with its content.

Comparator fails with given test data - Why?

I have a problem with a comparator. It works most of the time. I have created a test where it fails but I cannot see why it fails or what is wrong. It fails with the error of: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Comparison method violates its general contract!
The general situation is a list of fields from a PDF that are being sorted by page then by the Y position and then by the X position.
I hope someone can point me in the right direction as to why this is failing with the given test data.
import junit.framework.TestCase;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.Comparator;
import java.util.List;
public class DateUtilsTest extends TestCase {
public void testForDerrick() {
String fields = "null\t\t27.5118\t\t496.989\n" +
"null\t\t121.96\t\t192.52\n" +
"0\t\t79.5814\t\t301.597\n" +
"0\t\t79.5814\t\t264.662\n" +
"0\t\t196.29\t\t429.681\n" +
"0\t\t195.955\t\t314.32\n" +
"0\t\t196.868\t\t277.982\n" +
"0\t\t210.99\t\t429.681\n" +
"0\t\t210.82\t\t277.982\n" +
"0\t\t225.552\t\t429.681\n" +
"0\t\t224.029\t\t277.982\n" +
"0\t\t218.91\t\t198.61\n" +
"0\t\t267.12\t\t340.05\n" +
"0\t\t298.85\t\t346.5\n" +
"0\t\t372.16\t\t384.81\n" +
"null\t\t349.16\t\t346.5\n" +
"0\t\t549.35\t\t188.459\n" +
"0\t\t626.48\t\t457.041\n" +
"0\t\t649.28\t\t511.764\n" +
"0\t\t647.456\t\t503.618\n" +
"0\t\t647.456\t\t477.432\n" +
"0\t\t658.659\t\t539.6\n" +
"0\t\t658.659\t\t477.432\n" +
"0\t\t701.73\t\t474.041\n" +
"0\t\t712.98\t\t474.041\n" +
"0\t\t626.48\t\t121.0\n" +
"0\t\t626.48\t\t41.0\n" +
"0\t\t662.44\t\t117.0\n" +
"0\t\t673.611\t\t117.0\n" +
"0\t\t687.52\t\t117.0\n" +
"0\t\t700.73\t\t117.0\n" +
"0\t\t712.98\t\t117.0\n" +
"0\t\t787.169\t\t150.654\n" +
"null\t\t123.57\t\t532.77\n" +
"1\t\t35.6173\t\t92.42\n" +
"1\t\t47.83\t\t515.0\n" +
"1\t\t47.83\t\t369.25\n" +
"1\t\t76.5\t\t441.88\n" +
"1\t\t76.5\t\t368.85\n" +
"null\t\t123.57\t\t417.02\n" +
"1\t\t99.03\t\t515.0\n" +
"1\t\t99.03\t\t441.88\n" +
"1\t\t99.03\t\t369.25\n" +
"1\t\t99.03\t\t53.2\n" +
"1\t\t109.29\t\t515.0\n" +
"1\t\t109.29\t\t441.88\n" +
"1\t\t109.29\t\t369.25\n" +
"1\t\t109.29\t\t53.2\n" +
"1\t\t119.56\t\t515.0\n" +
"1\t\t119.56\t\t441.88\n" +
"1\t\t119.56\t\t369.25\n" +
"1\t\t119.56\t\t53.2\n" +
"1\t\t129.83\t\t515.0\n" +
"1\t\t129.83\t\t441.88\n" +
"1\t\t129.83\t\t369.25\n" +
"1\t\t129.83\t\t53.2\n" +
"1\t\t140.09\t\t515.0\n" +
"1\t\t140.09\t\t441.88\n" +
"1\t\t140.09\t\t369.25\n" +
"1\t\t140.09\t\t53.2\n" +
"1\t\t150.36\t\t515.0\n" +
"1\t\t150.36\t\t441.88\n" +
"1\t\t150.36\t\t369.25\n" +
"1\t\t150.36\t\t53.2\n" +
"1\t\t160.62\t\t515.0\n" +
"1\t\t160.62\t\t441.88\n" +
"1\t\t160.62\t\t369.25\n" +
"1\t\t160.62\t\t53.2\n" +
"1\t\t171.319\t\t515.0\n" +
"1\t\t171.319\t\t441.88\n" +
"1\t\t171.319\t\t369.25\n" +
"1\t\t171.319\t\t53.2\n" +
"1\t\t180.464\t\t401.15\n" +
"1\t\t192.194\t\t514.83\n" +
"1\t\t192.194\t\t441.71\n" +
"1\t\t192.194\t\t369.08\n" +
"1\t\t202.464\t\t514.83\n" +
"1\t\t202.464\t\t441.71\n" +
"1\t\t202.464\t\t369.08\n" +
"1\t\t202.464\t\t53.0295\n" +
"1\t\t212.724\t\t514.83\n" +
"1\t\t212.724\t\t441.71\n" +
"1\t\t212.724\t\t369.08\n" +
"1\t\t212.724\t\t53.0295\n" +
"1\t\t222.994\t\t514.83\n" +
"1\t\t222.994\t\t441.71\n" +
"1\t\t222.994\t\t369.08\n" +
"1\t\t222.994\t\t53.0295\n" +
"1\t\t233.254\t\t514.83\n" +
"1\t\t233.254\t\t441.71\n" +
"1\t\t233.254\t\t369.08\n" +
"1\t\t233.254\t\t53.0295\n" +
"1\t\t243.564\t\t514.83\n" +
"1\t\t243.564\t\t441.71\n" +
"1\t\t243.564\t\t369.08\n" +
"1\t\t243.564\t\t242.83\n" +
"1\t\t243.564\t\t136.83\n" +
"1\t\t253.874\t\t514.83\n" +
"1\t\t253.874\t\t441.71\n" +
"1\t\t253.874\t\t369.08\n" +
"1\t\t253.874\t\t242.83\n" +
"1\t\t253.874\t\t136.83\n" +
"1\t\t264.264\t\t514.83\n" +
"1\t\t264.264\t\t441.71\n" +
"1\t\t264.264\t\t369.08\n" +
"1\t\t264.264\t\t242.83\n" +
"1\t\t264.264\t\t136.83\n" +
"1\t\t274.154\t\t400.98\n" +
"1\t\t285.485\t\t515.0\n" +
"1\t\t285.485\t\t441.444\n" +
"1\t\t285.485\t\t369.25\n" +
"1\t\t285.485\t\t53.2\n" +
"1\t\t295.802\t\t515.0\n" +
"1\t\t295.802\t\t441.444\n" +
"1\t\t295.802\t\t369.25\n" +
"1\t\t295.802\t\t149.84\n" +
"1\t\t295.802\t\t104.36\n" +
"1\t\t305.576\t\t515.0\n" +
"1\t\t305.576\t\t441.444\n" +
"1\t\t305.576\t\t369.25\n" +
"1\t\t305.576\t\t242.29\n" +
"1\t\t305.576\t\t189.18\n" +
"1\t\t305.576\t\t107.88\n" +
"1\t\t316.153\t\t515.0\n" +
"1\t\t316.153\t\t441.444\n" +
"1\t\t316.153\t\t369.25\n" +
"1\t\t316.153\t\t198.06\n" +
"1\t\t316.153\t\t151.58\n" +
"1\t\t326.675\t\t515.0\n" +
"1\t\t326.675\t\t441.444\n" +
"1\t\t326.675\t\t369.25\n" +
"1\t\t326.675\t\t211.5\n" +
"1\t\t326.675\t\t165.02\n" +
"1\t\t336.47\t\t401.15\n" +
"1\t\t347.74\t\t515.0\n" +
"1\t\t347.74\t\t441.88\n" +
"1\t\t347.74\t\t369.25\n" +
"1\t\t347.74\t\t53.2\n" +
"1\t\t358.13\t\t515.0\n" +
"1\t\t358.13\t\t441.88\n" +
"1\t\t358.13\t\t369.25\n" +
"1\t\t358.13\t\t247.9\n" +
"1\t\t358.13\t\t153.0\n" +
"1\t\t368.02\t\t401.15\n" +
"1\t\t400.19\t\t442.787\n" +
"1\t\t400.19\t\t368.25\n" +
"null\t\t123.57\t\t306.57\n" +
"1\t\t423.977\t\t516.463\n" +
"1\t\t423.977\t\t443.343\n" +
"1\t\t423.977\t\t369.713\n" +
"1\t\t423.977\t\t54.6625\n" +
"1\t\t434.237\t\t516.463\n" +
"1\t\t434.237\t\t443.343\n" +
"1\t\t434.237\t\t369.713\n" +
"1\t\t434.237\t\t54.6625\n" +
"1\t\t444.507\t\t516.463\n" +
"1\t\t444.507\t\t443.343\n" +
"1\t\t444.507\t\t369.713\n" +
"1\t\t444.507\t\t54.6625\n" +
"1\t\t454.777\t\t516.463\n" +
"1\t\t454.777\t\t443.343\n" +
"1\t\t454.777\t\t369.713\n" +
"1\t\t454.777\t\t54.6625\n" +
"1\t\t465.037\t\t516.463\n" +
"1\t\t465.037\t\t443.343\n" +
"1\t\t465.037\t\t369.713\n" +
"1\t\t465.037\t\t54.6625\n" +
"1\t\t475.307\t\t516.463\n" +
"1\t\t475.307\t\t443.343\n" +
"1\t\t475.307\t\t369.713\n" +
"1\t\t475.307\t\t54.6625\n" +
"1\t\t485.567\t\t516.463\n" +
"1\t\t485.567\t\t443.343\n" +
"1\t\t485.567\t\t369.713\n" +
"1\t\t485.567\t\t54.6625\n" +
"1\t\t495.837\t\t516.463\n" +
"1\t\t495.957\t\t443.343\n" +
"1\t\t495.957\t\t369.713\n" +
"1\t\t495.957\t\t54.6625\n" +
"1\t\t506.847\t\t402.613\n" +
"1\t\t517.117\t\t516.463\n" +
"1\t\t517.117\t\t443.343\n" +
"1\t\t517.117\t\t369.713\n" +
"1\t\t517.117\t\t54.6625\n" +
"1\t\t527.387\t\t516.463\n" +
"1\t\t527.387\t\t443.343\n" +
"1\t\t527.387\t\t369.713\n" +
"1\t\t527.387\t\t54.6625\n" +
"1\t\t537.647\t\t516.463\n" +
"1\t\t537.647\t\t443.343\n" +
"1\t\t537.647\t\t369.713\n" +
"1\t\t537.647\t\t54.6625\n" +
"1\t\t547.917\t\t516.463\n" +
"1\t\t547.917\t\t443.343\n" +
"1\t\t547.917\t\t369.713\n" +
"1\t\t547.917\t\t54.6625\n" +
"1\t\t558.177\t\t516.463\n" +
"1\t\t558.177\t\t443.343\n" +
"1\t\t558.177\t\t369.713\n" +
"1\t\t558.177\t\t54.6625\n" +
"1\t\t568.447\t\t516.463\n" +
"1\t\t568.447\t\t443.343\n" +
"1\t\t568.447\t\t369.713\n" +
"1\t\t568.447\t\t54.6625\n" +
"1\t\t578.707\t\t516.463\n" +
"1\t\t578.707\t\t443.343\n" +
"1\t\t578.707\t\t369.713\n" +
"1\t\t578.707\t\t54.6625\n" +
"1\t\t588.977\t\t516.463\n" +
"1\t\t588.977\t\t443.343\n" +
"1\t\t588.977\t\t369.713\n" +
"1\t\t588.977\t\t54.6625\n" +
"1\t\t599.237\t\t516.463\n" +
"1\t\t599.237\t\t443.343\n" +
"1\t\t599.237\t\t369.713\n" +
"1\t\t599.237\t\t54.6625\n" +
"1\t\t609.507\t\t516.463\n" +
"1\t\t609.637\t\t443.343\n" +
"1\t\t609.637\t\t369.713\n" +
"1\t\t609.637\t\t54.6625\n" +
"1\t\t620.527\t\t402.613\n" +
"1\t\t630.787\t\t516.463\n" +
"1\t\t630.787\t\t443.343\n" +
"1\t\t630.787\t\t369.713\n" +
"1\t\t630.787\t\t54.6625\n" +
"1\t\t641.057\t\t516.463\n" +
"1\t\t641.057\t\t443.343\n" +
"1\t\t641.057\t\t369.713\n" +
"1\t\t641.057\t\t54.6625\n" +
"1\t\t651.317\t\t516.463\n" +
"1\t\t651.317\t\t443.343\n" +
"1\t\t651.317\t\t369.713\n" +
"1\t\t651.317\t\t54.6625\n" +
"1\t\t661.587\t\t516.463\n" +
"1\t\t661.587\t\t443.343\n" +
"1\t\t661.587\t\t369.713\n" +
"1\t\t661.587\t\t54.6625\n" +
"1\t\t671.847\t\t516.463\n" +
"1\t\t671.847\t\t443.343\n" +
"1\t\t671.847\t\t369.713\n" +
"1\t\t671.847\t\t54.6625\n" +
"1\t\t682.117\t\t516.463\n" +
"1\t\t682.117\t\t443.343\n" +
"1\t\t682.117\t\t369.713\n" +
"1\t\t682.117\t\t54.6625\n" +
"1\t\t692.387\t\t516.463\n" +
"1\t\t692.387\t\t443.343\n" +
"1\t\t692.387\t\t369.713\n" +
"1\t\t692.387\t\t54.6625\n" +
"1\t\t702.777\t\t516.463\n" +
"1\t\t702.777\t\t443.343\n" +
"1\t\t702.777\t\t369.713\n" +
"1\t\t702.777\t\t54.6625\n" +
"1\t\t712.667\t\t402.613\n" +
"2\t\t131.82\t\t494.835\n" +
"2\t\t166.95\t\t334.15\n" +
"2\t\t166.95\t\t311.9\n" +
"2\t\t180.85\t\t334.15\n" +
"2\t\t180.85\t\t311.9\n" +
"2\t\t193.091\t\t334.15\n" +
"2\t\t204.861\t\t334.15\n" +
"2\t\t198.31\t\t311.9\n" +
"2\t\t216.78\t\t334.15\n" +
"2\t\t216.78\t\t311.9\n" +
"2\t\t140.206\t\t286.44\n" +
"2\t\t140.206\t\t250.77\n" +
"null\t\t90.11\t\t192.52\n" +
"null\t\t47.83\t\t440.17\n" +
"null\t\t572.54\t\t197.55\n" +
"2\t\t140.206\t\t224.243\n" +
"2\t\t140.206\t\t188.434\n" +
"2\t\t152.411\t\t190.822\n" +
"2\t\t166.95\t\t191.0\n" +
"2\t\t198.31\t\t191.0\n" +
"2\t\t216.78\t\t191.0\n" +
"null\t\t166.95\t\t254.0\n" +
"2\t\t313.6\t\t501.8\n" +
"2\t\t313.6\t\t57.8\n" +
"2\t\t342.27\t\t501.8\n" +
"2\t\t342.27\t\t57.8\n" +
"2\t\t371.07\t\t501.8\n" +
"2\t\t371.07\t\t57.8\n" +
"2\t\t399.87\t\t501.8\n" +
"2\t\t399.87\t\t57.8\n" +
"2\t\t428.67\t\t501.8\n" +
"2\t\t428.67\t\t57.8\n" +
"2\t\t457.47\t\t501.8\n" +
"2\t\t457.47\t\t57.8\n" +
"2\t\t486.27\t\t501.8\n" +
"2\t\t486.27\t\t57.8\n" +
"2\t\t515.07\t\t501.8\n" +
"2\t\t515.07\t\t57.8\n" +
"2\t\t543.87\t\t501.8\n" +
"2\t\t543.87\t\t57.8\n" +
"2\t\t572.67\t\t501.8\n" +
"2\t\t572.67\t\t57.8\n" +
"2\t\t601.47\t\t501.8\n" +
"2\t\t601.47\t\t57.8\n" +
"2\t\t630.27\t\t501.8\n" +
"2\t\t630.27\t\t57.8\n" +
"2\t\t659.07\t\t501.8\n" +
"2\t\t659.07\t\t57.8\n" +
"2\t\t687.87\t\t501.8\n" +
"2\t\t687.87\t\t57.8\n" +
"2\t\t715.92\t\t501.8\n" +
"2\t\t715.92\t\t57.8\n" +
"3\t\t359.57\t\t394.05\n" +
"3\t\t390.22\t\t394.05\n" +
"3\t\t458.086\t\t545.206\n" +
"3\t\t458.086\t\t478.15\n" +
"3\t\t458.086\t\t317.306\n" +
"3\t\t488.85\t\t394.05\n" +
"3\t\t518.65\t\t394.05\n" +
"3\t\t538.809\t\t435.303\n" +
"3\t\t550.477\t\t435.303\n" +
"3\t\t568.55\t\t394.05\n" +
"3\t\t581.219\t\t436.03\n" +
"3\t\t590.989\t\t436.03\n" +
"3\t\t603.112\t\t436.03\n" +
"3\t\t620.3\t\t394.05\n" +
"3\t\t687.503\t\t317.306\n" +
"null\t\t639.63\t\t117.0\n" +
"null\t\t650.984\t\t117.0\n" +
"3\t\t314.184\t\t39.7711\n" +
"3\t\t336.086\t\t39.7711\n" +
"3\t\t358.272\t\t39.7711\n" +
"3\t\t571.296\t\t40.0028\n" +
"3\t\t599.766\t\t39.8304\n" +
"3\t\t621.736\t\t39.8304\n" +
"3\t\t665.499\t\t39.8304\n" +
"3\t\t687.859\t\t39.8304\n" +
"4\t\t115.997\t\t503.877\n" +
"4\t\t115.62\t\t324.0\n" +
"4\t\t115.62\t\t40.5\n" +
"4\t\t121.715\t\t215.873\n" +
"4\t\t188.51\t\t432.749\n" +
"4\t\t200.49\t\t432.75\n" +
"4\t\t220.99\t\t432.75\n" +
"4\t\t233.98\t\t432.75\n" +
"4\t\t244.96\t\t432.75\n" +
"4\t\t255.95\t\t432.75\n" +
"4\t\t266.94\t\t432.75\n" +
"4\t\t278.92\t\t432.75\n" +
"4\t\t288.55\t\t432.75\n" +
"4\t\t299.294\t\t432.749\n" +
"4\t\t312.88\t\t432.75\n" +
"4\t\t321.887\t\t432.75\n" +
"4\t\t188.51\t\t288.75\n" +
"4\t\t200.49\t\t288.75\n" +
"4\t\t220.99\t\t288.75\n" +
"4\t\t233.98\t\t288.75\n" +
"4\t\t244.96\t\t288.75\n" +
"4\t\t255.95\t\t288.75\n" ;
List<TestSort> testSortList = new ArrayList<TestSort>();
String[] fieldList = fields.split("\n");
for (String field : fieldList) {
String[] threeVals = field.split("\t\t");
TestSort df = new TestSort();
df.setPage(!"null".equals(threeVals[0]) ? Integer.valueOf(threeVals[0]) : null);
Collections.sort(testSortList, new Comparator<TestSort>() {
public int compare(TestSort o1, TestSort o2) {
if (o1.getPage() == null || o2.getPage() == null || o1.getPage().equals(o2.getPage())) {
if (o1.getTopLeftY() == null || o2.getTopLeftY() == null || o1.getTopLeftY().equals(o2.getTopLeftY())) {
if (o1.getTopLeftX() == null || o2.getTopLeftX() == null || o1.getTopLeftX().equals(o2.getTopLeftX())) {
return o1.getFormField().compareTo(o2.getFormField());
} else {
return o1.getTopLeftX().compareTo(o2.getTopLeftX());
} else {
return o1.getTopLeftY().compareTo(o2.getTopLeftY());
} else {
return o1.getPage().compareTo(o2.getPage());
public class TestSort {
private Integer page;
private Double topLeftY;
private Double topLeftX;
private String formField;
public String getFormField() {
return formField;
public void setFormField(String formField) {
this.formField = formField;
public Integer getPage() {
return page;
public void setPage(Integer page) {
this.page = page;
public Double getTopLeftY() {
return topLeftY;
public void setTopLeftY(Double topLeftY) {
this.topLeftY = topLeftY;
public Double getTopLeftX() {
return topLeftX;
public void setTopLeftX(Double topLeftX) {
this.topLeftX = topLeftX;
The exception is indicating that this is a non-transitive comparison. I have to agree with Dave Newton's comment that it's hard to reason about this comparator. All the null-checking is confusing, but it seems like the order that things get compared in is not consistent. See Effective Java, Item 12 (Consider Implementing Comparable):
If a class has multiple significant fields, the order in which you compare them is critical. You must start with the most significant field and work your way down. If a comparison results in anything other than zero (which represents equality), you’re done; just return the result. If the most significant fields are equal, go on to compare the next-most-significant fields, and so on. If all fields are equal, the objects are equal; return zero.
Specifically, if you're comparing a null field to a non-null field your code is trying to go on and compare the next most significant field, that means you're taking a case where one field is null and the other isn't, so one ought to sort higher than the other, and you're treating them as if they are equivalent, yet you're going forward with comparing the next most significant fields.
Here's a comparator written to comply with Bloch's advice, that tries to clean up the null-checking; nulls get replaced with a low-sorting value so the ordering will be consistent:
class TestSortComparator implements Comparator<TestSort> {
Double defaultIfNull(Double d) {
return d == null ? Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY : d;
Integer defaultIfNull(Integer i) {
return i == null ? Integer.MIN_VALUE : i;
String defaultIfNull(String s) {
return s == null ? "" : s;
public int compare(TestSort o1, TestSort o2) {
int pageComp = defaultIfNull(o1.getPage())
if (pageComp != 0) return pageComp;
int yComp = defaultIfNull(o1.getTopLeftY())
if (yComp != 0) return yComp;
int xComp = defaultIfNull(o1.getTopLeftX())
if (xComp != 0) return xComp;
return defaultIfNull(o1.getFormField())
Nathan's answer correctly summarizes the problem with your Comparator; it is not obeying the contract with regards to the transitivity of comparisons. From the Javadocs of compareTo():
The implementor must also ensure that the relation is transitive:
((compare(x, y) > 0) && (compare(y, z) > 0)) implies
compare(x, z) > 0
It can be difficult to write a null-safe comparator that compares multiple properties of an object -- even more difficult to write an implementation that's actually correct. Checking for nullness and keeping track of the value of the previous comparison makes the code clunky and verbose.
For the reasons mentioned above, it is preferable to utilize a proper framework to make the code more readable and less error-prone. Implementing a fluent Comparator is easy (and fun) with the help of Google Guava's ComparisonChain class. Here's how the Comparator looks like using ComparisonChain:
static class FluentComparator implements Comparator<TestSort> {
public int compare(TestSort o1, TestSort o2) {
return ComparisonChain
.compare(o1.getPage(), o2.getPage(),
.compare(o1.getTopLeftY(), o2.getTopLeftY())
.compare(o1.getTopLeftX(), o2.getTopLeftX())
.compare(o1.getFormField(), o2.getFormField())
Note how fluently you can chain the different comparisons into a "one-liner". Also, each comparison in the chain is lazily evaluated (i.e. only if required), making the implementation efficient without needing to write multiple return statements. From the docs:
ComparisonChain performs a "lazy" comparison: it only performs comparisons
until it finds a nonzero result, after which it ignores further input.
You need to be careful with nullable properties, however. As getPage() can return null in your example data, we need to use the overload of compare which accepts nullable inputs and a strategy for handling nulls (nulls first in this case).

Java: How can I make this calculus method on limits more efficient?

how can I initialize all of my variables more easier?
is there a calculus package?
is there a more efficient solution overall?
import java.util.Scanner;
public class limits {
public static void main(String[] args)
String introMessage = " ***Calculus: Limits***" + "\n"
+ "This application uses the method of exhaustion" + "\n"
+ "to test limits. You enter the number that x" + "\n"
+ "approches and this program will give you three" + "\n"
+ "numbers on either side of the limit showing" + "\n"
+ "closer approximations of the limit.";
String polynomialMessage = "Our function: " + "\n"
+ " lim f(x) = x^2 + x + 1 = L" + "\n"
+ "x -> a";
System.out.println("As x approaches a, what will our limit L be?");
can I initialize all of these at once?
// initialize variables
double belowAOne = 0.0;
double belowATwo = 0.0;
double belowAThree = 0.0;
double belowAFour = 0.0;
double aboveAOne = 0.0;
double aboveATwo = 0.0;
double aboveAThree = 0.0;
double aboveAFour = 0.0;
double totalBAOne = 0.0;
double totalBATwo = 0.0;
double totalBAThree = 0.0;
double totalBAFour = 0.0;
double totalAAOne = 0.0;
double totalAATwo = 0.0;
double totalAAThree = 0.0;
double totalAAFour = 0.0;
double L = 0;
// create a Scanner object named sc
Scanner sc = new Scanner(System.in);
// perform invoice calculations until choice isn't equal to "y" or "Y"
String choice = "y";
while (!choice.equalsIgnoreCase("n"))
System.out.println("Please enter a whole number between 1 and 10 for a: ");
double a = sc.nextDouble();
if (a > 0 && a <=10 )
// calculate L
L = (a*a) + a + 1;
// create values that approaches a
belowAOne = a - .5;
belowATwo = a - .1;
belowAThree = a - .01;
belowAFour = a - .001;
aboveAOne = a + .5;
aboveATwo = a + .1;
aboveAThree = a + .01;
aboveAFour = a + .001;
totalBAOne = (belowAOne * belowAOne) + belowAOne + 1;
totalBATwo = (belowATwo * belowATwo) + belowATwo + 1;
totalBAThree = (belowAThree * belowAThree) + belowAThree + 1;
totalBAFour = (belowAFour * belowAFour) + belowAFour + 1;
totalAAOne = (aboveAOne * aboveAOne) + aboveAOne + 1;
totalAATwo = (aboveATwo * aboveATwo) + aboveATwo + 1;
totalAAThree = (aboveAThree * aboveAThree) + aboveAThree + 1;
totalAAFour = (aboveAFour * aboveAFour) + aboveAFour + 1;
String chart = " x " + "x^2 + x + 1" + "\n"
+ "---------+--------------" + "\n"
+ " " + belowAOne + " : " + totalBAOne + "\n"
+ " " + belowATwo + " : " + totalBATwo + "\n"
+ " " + belowAThree + " : " + totalBAThree + "\n"
+ " " + belowAFour + " : " + totalBAFour + "\n"
+ " " + " a " + " : " + "L" + "\n"
+ " " + aboveAFour + " : " + totalAAFour + "\n"
+ " " + aboveAThree + " : " + totalAAThree + "\n"
+ " " + aboveATwo + " : " + totalAATwo + "\n"
+ " " + aboveAOne + " : " + totalAAOne + "\n";
System.out.println("As X approaches " + a + ", our guess "
+ "for L is: " + L);
// end the program
choice = "n";
System.out.println("***Invalid Entry***");
Is there a better way to write this program?
or you could use a loop instead like this:
double[] belowA = {a - .5, a - .1, a - .01, a - .001};
double[] totalBA = new double[4];
for(int i = 0; i < 4; ++i) {
totalBA[i] = (belowA[i] * belowA[i]) + belowA[i] + 1;
also with a StringBuilder / StringBuffer
and finally you could create a method to handle below/above in the same way without duplicated code

Is there any possibility to get the currentStockLevel from this method?

I need the currentStockLevel for another void Method in java, is there any possibility to get it?
I think no, because of void right?
public void receive (int currentStock)
String outLine;
if (currentStockLevel > 0)
outLine = productCode;
outLine = ". Current Stock: " + currentStockLevel;
outLine += " Current Stock changed from " + currentStockLevel;
currentStockLevel += currentStock;
outLine += " to " + currentStockLevel;
int storeCost = wholeSalePrice * currentStockLevel;
System.out.println (productCode + ":" + " Received " + currentStockLevel + "." + " Store Cost " + "$" + storeCost + "." + " New stock level: " + currentStockLevel);

