How jdatechooser was made? - java

So I've got this program I'm building and I'm planning on making my own custom dropdown menu, cuz it'd be way cooler that way.
The way I've set about doing just that is to create a separate frame for that exact drop down menu. The problem? When the program woulf run and when I'd use the custom dropdown it'd essentially run a new instance of that dropDownFrame separate from the main program, which isn't how a dropdown menu should work.
So I've been wondering, how was jdatechooser made? It seems to me that it was custom made and they probably used existing java gui classes to create it.
I'm a noob so if I have any mistake in my terminolgy please forgive me seniors.
Hehehe tnx in advance


Eclipse Java JTable vs Table

For my company, I'm working on an Eclipse plugin which should do the following: show a table with sentences from the active editor that are incorrect in some way, accompanied by proper feedback. So far, so good.
However, sometimes the sentences/feedback are incorrect. I want a third column with checkboxes so that, when clicked, the related sentence/feedback combination is put in a different tab. Because I'm only programming in Java for 2 weeks now, I'm stuck: the plugin (written by my predecessor) is a class 'public class feedbackView extends ViewPart' using TabFolder and Table. But when I try to include checkboxes, all examples on the Internet use JTable. And I cannot get JTable to work in the current script and in the way I want (in Eclipse itself, instead of in a separate frame).
Ideally, I want Example of feedbackView with TabFolder. If in the 'Hide?' column the checkbox is checked, the sentence/feedback row should be transferred to the '||Hidden||' tab.
After this long introduction (hopefully clear), my questions:
Can I use Tabfolder/Table for this? Or
Should I use the JTable class (and how can I get this to work)?
Thanks in advance!
JTable is from Java Swing, with is the Java GUI component. Where Eclipse Table is the an Eclipse GUI component. There are two different world, for building GUI's in Java.
Warning: You can not mix these two different Java GUI libraries!

Making Java button dynamically?

I am new to Java and I am working on a project where depending on number of files in a directory,
buttons will be created respectively. Each button will have a customized right click context menu.
How can I achieve this or is this feasible?
I just want to know the approach to do this.
The approach that you may try:
While you iterate your directory/file list (or other process that will determine the button creation), you can generate (create an instance of) a new button (JButton), I assume you know how to use new, and put it on your form / panel.
However, most of the time, layout would become an annoying issue here.
Thus, you may try to use MigLayout to handle this.
It will help you a lot in putting your stuffs in a tidy and convenient way.
Try this approach and when you have a specific coding-part question, you can try to search the existing solution in SO (StackOverflow) or if it doesn't exist, you can ask that specific code-related question.
Hope it helps.

Adding 2 groups of JRadioButton to be corresponding the same

I am doing a simple GUI painting box program.
However, I have a problem with adding 2 similar separated groups to be corresponding in the same way.
I mean when I click the JRadioButtonMenuItem Line, then the JRadioButton Line below also has to be selected too. What should I do?
Do you need to see my code?, please let me know
Thank you so much.
P/s: it says I need 10 reputation to post image
Share the model between the two radio buttons:
JRadioButton radioButton = new JRadioButton("Line");
JRadioButtonMenuItem radioMenuItem = new JRadioButtonMenuItem("Line");
radioMenuItem.setModel( radioButton.getModel() );
Actually, you should share the Action as well between the two components. Read the section from the Swing tutorial on How to Use Actions for more information and examples.
The exact solution depends a lot on how your code is structured right now. I bet that the standard library has some functionality to accomplish what you want to do, but if you want to go ahead and implement it then you might as well (minimal time input and you learn something).
The most direct solution that comes to my mind is to encapsulate selecting a button in a method that will manipulate all sets of corresponding buttons. I am going to assume that you are using action listeners for the buttons right now, if not you could adapt the idea. In the action listener, you can detect the mouse click and perform some work as necessary. That work should include updating the other buttons appropriately too. You could even create a method that both action listeners call and updates all necessary sets of buttons.
It is also possible to use the same action listener on both sets of the buttons, but you'll need to know which selection the user wants to be active (likely an easy task).
My Java is pretty rusty, so I am not including any example code, but if anything is unclear or you think an example would help I can do so.
Hope at least something here helps you. Good luck!

Java gui that allows user to move fields

I'm trying to create a java gui, currently I'm playing around in the netbeans IDE using their gui creator, but I've also been reading a book about Swing and trying to learn it that way as well. Im hoping someone can help me with a problem I'm having. I'm attempting to allow users to have a "pool" of fields they can choose from (for instance a title, a paragraph, a text fiend, buttons, etc) and be able to move items from the pool into another potion of the window which would let them create their own layout. At this point I don't need these fields to DO anything, but I do want the user to be able to move them around and create their own layout. Is there any way to do this?
I think that to do this, you'd need to use a null layout on the container that would hold the movable components, and you'd have to give the components MouseListeners and MouseMotionListeners (conveniently combined into MouseAdapters) that are active when the program is in the set-up state, but then inactive when the program's components have been all set.
You could use the DragLayout from the tips4java website.

How to Create a Java Quiz GUI?

I would like to create a quiz for my Java GUI.
I'd like it to display a question on one page, then have a next button which takes the user to another page telling them if that question was correct or not, and if it is correct they can move on to the next question (by clicking another next button) and if they got it wrong, have to go back and answer it again. However I have no clue how to do this!!
So far I have a simple GUI with a welcome page and tabs down the side, one of which includes a quiz. Would it be a better idea to create the quiz in Flash or something and then embed it into my Java application? Or just do the whole thing in Java? I'm really new to java so I'm not at all sure what to do, any help would be greatly appreciated!
It would be best to use just Java. Consider using CardLayout with your GUI to allow swapping questions, or else you can create and modify key components on the fly such as the text displayed by JLabels and JRadioButtons.
Key though before considering any GUI structures is to first create solid OOPS based non GUI classes to handle your questions. For instance, you may want classes for:
Question class that holds a question String, a List of possible answer Strings, a correct answer String. This class can randomly order the incorrect and correct answers, can have a method for checking if the answer selected is correct.
A Test class that holds a collection of questions, that can present questions in random order, that can hold the score obtained.
A QuestionReaderWriter class that can read and write questions to a text file (you definitely do not want to hard-code the question text).
For this type of app it would be best to use the language you are more familiar with.
Since this is just a simple display this then do that there really is nothing very difficult about it.
Personal, I would lean towards Flash as the flash IDE is drag and drop and an experienced flash guru could make this in a few hours. Flash IDE is geared towards this.

