Spring JdbcTemplate rollback using annotations - java

I am new to Java and Spring. I am learning spring jdbc connectivity using JdbcTemplate. I wrote the below code.
Service class
public void importInsuranceEstimates(List<String[]> insuranceEstimates) {
for (String[] insuranceEstimate: insuranceEstimates) {
Repository class
public void insertInsuranceEstimate(String[] insuranceEstimate) {
jdbcTemplate.update("insert into some_table values (?, ?, ?)", insuranceEstimate[0], insuranceEstimate[1], insuranceEstimate[2]);
Assume that after inserting few records, the next insert statement failed. In this case, I would like the previously inserted records to be rolled back.
So I decorated the repository method with #Transactional(propagation = Propagation.REQUIRED). But still I don't see the previous records being rolled back if the insert failed.
Then I understood that the rollback is not done because each insert is done in its own transaction and committed before the repository is returned.
So then I decorated the service method also with the same annotation #Transactional(propagation = Propagation.REQUIRED). But no success. The records are still not being rolled back.
Then, I understood that I have to insert all the records under the same transaction. So I changed my repository signature to
public void importInsuranceEstimates(List<String[]> insuranceEstimates)
then service class
In the repository class I am using batchUpdate instead of using the regular update.
What I understood is
1. queries related to a single transaction must be run/executed under a single transaction.
2. annotation based rollback is not possible using JdbcTemplate. We have to get the connection and play with setAutoCommit(boolean) method.
Are my observations right?
Also, in some cases one would like to make multiple insert/update/delete db calls for different tables from service layer. How to make multiple db calls from service layer under the same transaction. Is it even possible?
For example I want to write a code to transfer money from an account to another. So I have to make two db calls, one to debit the send and one to credit the receiver. In this case I would write something like below
Service class
repository.debitSender(id, amount);
repository.creditReceiver(id, amount);
Since I cannot run these two method calls under the same transaction, I have to modify my service class to
repository.transferMoney(senderId, receiverId, amount)
and do the two updates under the same transaction in the repository like below
public void transferMoney(String senderId, String receiverId, double amount) {
// update query to debit the sender
// update query to credit the receiver
What if I do not want to use transferMoney method and instead split the method into two - debitSender and creditReceiver and call these two methods from the service class under the same transaction with JdbcTemplate?


Best way to impletent Java multithreading to prevent transaction rollback

I have an List which contains say 4 DTOs. I am performing some processes on each of the DTOs present in my list. If suppose for one the DTO, any exception comes then all the transactions are rolled back (even if the process is success for other 3 DTOs).
My code looks like this :
public void processEvent(List<MyObject> myList){
myList.forEach(dto -> process(dto));
public void process(MyObject dto){
//some code which calls another class marked as #Transactional
// and save the data processed to database
I want to perform these processes for each DTO on a sepearte thread such that exception encountered in one thread does not rollbacks transaction for all the DTOs.
Also is there a way to process these DTOs one by one on different threads so that data consistency is maintained ?
Simply move the transactional to the method called with the dto, plus I am not sure if it is needed a transaction for dto. This looks as a controller which should not have any transactional annotaions. In the service once you change the dto to entity and are ready to save it you may put the anotation. Furthermore if you are simply calling the repository's save method you do not need to be in transaction as save method has the annotation in the repository.
public void processEvent(List<MyObject> myList){
myList.forEach(dto -> process(dto));
#Transactional(propagation = Propagation.REQUIRES_NEW)
public void process(MyObject dto){
//some code which calls another class marked as #Transactional
// and save the data processed to database
And one last advice do not put #Transactional on classes, except if they have the readOnly parameter set to true. Then you can put #Transactional on the methods that perform any CRUD operations.

Save and Update operations in single Transaction of JPA not working as expected

consider entity as user, it having some fields. here i am using jpa callback functions to update user information of last update information. in test class I want to write junit method to evaluate whether these call back methods are working or not/ not only for functionality testing and code coverage purpose also. but if I follow below approach i am getting same time everytime, can anyone help on this.
public class User {
// user setter and getter methods
public void preUpdateFunction() {
this.lastUpdateDate = new Date();
public void prePersistFunction() {
// setting some user properties
// please ignore this configuration and annotations setup, I tested my class spring configuration working perfectly there is no issue with spring configuration.
public class TestClass {
UserDao userDao; // userDao implements JPA Repository
// I am worrying about this functionality only
public void saveUpdateTest() {
User user = userDao.save(new User(constructor arguments));
user = userDao.findOne(user.getId());
user.setName("Hello"); // here updating user object with existing property
User updatedUser = userDao.save(user);
assertEquals(user.getLastUpdateDate().getTime(), updatedUser.getLastUpdateDate().getTime());
// assertion is failing, everytime i am getting same Time for two values. even I added //Thread.sleep(1000) between save and update operations, still i am getting same values.
Short answer
You need to call saveAndFlush
User updatedUser = userDao.saveAndFlush(user);
Long answer
From JPA spec (JSR 338 JPA 2.1):
The PrePersist and PreRemove callback methods are invoked for a given entity before the
respective EntityManager persist and remove operations for that entity are executed.
The PreUpdate and PostUpdate callbacks occur before and after the database update operations to entity data respectively. These database operations may occur at the time the entity state is updated or
they may occur at the time state is flushed to the database (which may be at the end of the transaction).
#PrePersist is invoked when entityManager persist operation is executed. Tricky part is the execution is usually delayed until next flush operation or transaction commit (hibernate default config). Generally, it depends on flush configuration and on jpa implementation.
Same also applies to #PreUpdate. In addition, JPA spec says it more specifically, it might occur when entity state is updated or when flushed to DB.
Related links

How does transaction propagation impact update in the database

I am trying to understand the behavior of transaction propagation using SpringJTA - JPA - Hibernate.
Essentially I am trying to update an entity. To do so I have written a test method where I fetch an object using entity manager (em) find method ( so now this object is manged object). Update the attributes of the fetched object. And then optionally make a call to service layer(service layer propagation=required) which is calling em.merge
Now I have three variations here :
Test method has no transactional annotation. Update the attributes
of the fetched object and make no call to service layer.
1.1. Result level 1 cache doesn't gets updated and no update to DB.
Test method has no transactional annotation. Update the attributes of the fetched object. Call the service layer.
2.1. Result level 1 cache and DB gets updated.
Test method has Transnational annotation which could be any of the following. Please see the table below for Propagation value at the test method and the outcome of a service call.
(service layer propagation=required)
So to read the above table, the row 1 says if the Test method has transaction propagation= REQUIRED and if a service layer call is made then the result is update to Level 1 cache but not to the DB
Below is my test case
public void testUpdateCategory() {
//Get the object via entity manager
Category rootAChild1 = categoryService.find(TestCaseConstants.CategoryConstant.rootAChild1PK);
rootAChild1.setName(TestCaseConstants.CategoryConstant.rootAChild1 + "_updated");
// OPTIONALLY call update
//Get the object via entity manager. I believe this time object is fetched from L1 cache. As DB doesn't get updated but test case passes
Category rootAChild1Updated = categoryService.find(TestCaseConstants.CategoryConstant.rootAChild1PK);
assertEquals(TestCaseConstants.CategoryConstant.rootAChild1 + "_updated", rootAChild1Updated.getName());
List<Category> categories = rootAChild1Updated.getCategories();
Service Layer
public class CategoryServiceImpl implements CategoryService {
public void update(Category category) {
public class CategoryDaoImpl {
public void update(Category category) {
Can someone please explain why does REQUIRED, REQUIRES_NEW, and NESTED doesn't lead to insertion in the DB?
And why absence of transaction annotation on Test case lead to insertion in the DB as presented in my three variations?
The effect you're seeing for REQUIRED, NESTED, and REQUIRES_NEW is due to the fact that you're checking for updates too early
(I'm assuming here that you check for db changes at the same moment when the test method reaches the assertions, or that you roll the test method transaction back somehow after executing the test)
Simply enough, your assertions are still within the context created by the #Transactional annotation in the test method. Consequently, the implicit flush to the db has not been invoked yet.
In the other three cases, the #Transactional annotation on the test method does not start a transaction for the service method to join. As a result, the transaction only spans the execution of the service method, and the flush occurs before your assertions are tested.

why do we have to use #Modifying annotation for queries in Data Jpa

for example I have a method in my CRUD interface which deletes a user from the database:
public interface CrudUserRepository extends JpaRepository<User, Integer> {
#Query("DELETE FROM User u WHERE u.id=:id")
int delete(#Param("id") int id, #Param("userId") int userId);
This method will work only with the annotation #Modifying. But what is the need for the annotation here? Why cant spring analyze the query and understand that it is a modifying query?
Using #Modifying(clearAutomatically=true) will drop any pending updates on the managed entities in the persistence context spring states the following :
Doing so triggers the query annotated to the method as an updating
query instead of selecting one. As the EntityManager might contain
outdated entities after the execution of the modifying query, we do
not automatically clear it (see the JavaDoc of EntityManager.clear()
for details), since this effectively drops all non-flushed changes
still pending in the EntityManager. If you wish the EntityManager to
be cleared automatically, you can set the #Modifying annotation’s
clearAutomatically attribute to true.
Fortunately, starting from Spring Boot 2.0.4.RELEASE Spring Data added flushAutomatically flag (https://jira.spring.io/browse/DATAJPA-806) to auto flush any managed entities on the persistence context before executing the modifying query check reference https://docs.spring.io/spring-data/jpa/docs/2.0.4.RELEASE/api/org/springframework/data/jpa/repository/Modifying.html#flushAutomatically
So the safest way to use #Modifying is :
#Modifying(clearAutomatically=true, flushAutomatically=true)
What happens if we don't use those two flags??
Consider the following code :
repo {
#Query("delete User u where u.active=0")
public void deleteInActiveUsers();
Scenario 1 why flushAutomatically
service {
User johnUser = userRepo.findById(1); // store in first level cache
repo.deleteInActiveUsers();// BAM it won't delete JOHN right away
// JOHN still exist since john with active being false was not
// flushed into the database when #Modifying kicks in
// so imagine if after `deleteInActiveUsers` line you called a native
// query or started a new transaction, both cases john
// was not deleted so it can lead to faulty business logic
Scenario 2 why clearAutomatically
In following consider johnUser.active is false already
service {
User johnUser = userRepo.findById(1); // store in first level cache
repo.deleteInActiveUsers(); // you think that john is deleted now
System.out.println(userRepo.findById(1).isPresent()) // TRUE!!!
System.out.println(userRepo.count()) // 1 !!!
// JOHN still exists since in this transaction persistence context
// John's object was not cleared upon #Modifying query execution,
// John's object will still be fetched from 1st level cache
// `clearAutomatically` takes care of doing the
// clear part on the objects being modified for current
// transaction persistence context
So if - in the same transaction - you are playing with modified objects before or after the line which does #Modifying, then use clearAutomatically & flushAutomatically if not then you can skip using these flags
BTW this is another reason why you should always put the #Transactional annotation on service layer, so that you only can have one persistence context for all your managed entities in the same transaction.
Since persistence context is bounded to hibernate session, you need to know that a session can contain couple of transactions see this answer for more info https://stackoverflow.com/a/5409180/1460591
The way spring data works is that it joins the transactions together (known as Transaction Propagation) into one transaction (default propagation (REQUIRED)) see this answer for more info https://stackoverflow.com/a/25710391/1460591
To connect things together if you have multiple isolated transactions (e.g not having a transactional annotation on the service) hence you would have multiple sessions following the way spring data works hence you have multiple persistence contexts (aka 1st level cache) that means you might delete/modify an entity in a persistence context even with using flushAutomatically the same deleted/modified entity might be fetched and cached in another transaction's persistence context already, That would cause wrong business decisions due to wrong or un-synced data.
This will trigger the query annotated to the method as updating query instead of a selecting one. As the EntityManager might contain outdated entities after the execution of the modifying query, we automatically clear it (see JavaDoc of EntityManager.clear() for details). This will effectively drop all non-flushed changes still pending in the EntityManager. If you don't wish the EntityManager to be cleared automatically you can set #Modifying annotation's clearAutomatically attribute to false;
for further detail you can follow this link:-
Queries that require a #Modifying annotation include INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE, and DDL statements.
Adding #Modifying annotation indicates the query is not for a SELECT query.
When you use only #Query annotation,you should use select queries
However you #Modifying annotation you can use insert,delete,update queries above the method.

Primary key violation issue using hibernate?

I am using Hibernate. A Service is exposed as a webservice. This service wil be called by 2 applications. The service method saves record into database.
//Here Transaction will start
public void saveRecord(SampleEntity entity){
public void saveData(SampleEntity entity){
//record is saved using saveOrUpdate method
If saveRecord method is called by two applications at a time with same ID, PK violation exception is thrown.
Both the applications are sending the records with same ID.
As we are using saveOrUpdate it should update the record if it already exists.
If this is in a transaction, the row will be locked (and the index not updated) until the transaction commits. So it may look like two inserts with the same PK if the update happens before the commit.

