How is activation happening in the Java SPI modules? - java

I am working on a task that migrates the OSGI modules to Java SPI modules. Let's say I have three OSGI(A, B, C) modules. So each module has a class for activation and activation happening when starting the servers(at the beginning). Service registration and some other required method executions happening on the activation(#acctivate) class. Service, Service implementation, and Service registration are included in the same module.
but when migrating I have some questions,
1)Each OSGI module has a different class path. Therefore I can have different versions of dependency jars for the different modules ( A - aaa.jar(version-1.0), B - aaa.jar(version-2.0). But all the SPI modules will load in the same class path. So is it possible to have different versions of dependency jars for the different modules?
2)In Java SPI we don't have an activation class. Service loader is to load service implementations. is this lazy loading the solution for java SPI?
3)As I mentioned earlier. Some other method executions are happening in the OSGi activation class. So it will execute those methods when bundle activation happens(Starting the server ).what can be the solution in SPI modules(there is no activation class)?


How to find all classes with my annotation | Wildfly JavaEE

What is the best way to find all classes with a specific annotation in a JavaEE deployment? I work with a WildFly ApplicationServer and have created my own annotation. At the start of my deployment I would like to find all classes with my annotation and cache them for later access. What do I have to do to protect resources?
First of all Wildfly has modular class loading structure. In Wildfly doc:
Since JBoss AS 7, Class loading is considerably different to previous versions of JBoss AS. Class loading is based on the JBoss Modules project. Instead of the more familiar hierarchical class loading environment, WildFly's class loading is based on modules that have to define explicit dependencies on other modules. Deployments in WildFly are also modules, and do not have access to classes that are defined in jars in the application server unless an explicit dependency on those classes is defined.
As described above, if you have more .ear or .war package, they cannot see classes within each other unless explicit dependency defined. Each module can see its own class therefore each module should load and cache its own classes. You can not load all classes with a single class and single method.
With the following code you can see all loaded classes in the module.
Field f = ClassLoader.class.getDeclaredField("classes");
ClassLoader classLoader = Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader();
Vector<Class> classes = (Vector<Class>) f.get(classLoader);

Guice Dependency Injection between different projects

Initially I started working on a Play! Java project that has a Controller, Processor and DAO. I used dependency injection using Google Guice's #ImplementedBy for my Processor interface and my ProcessorImpl implemented it.
Right now, I have created another project which also requires the Processor. So I extracted out the interface to another separate project, say common, and the two projects use that common project as a referenced library.
The problem is, I won't be able to use #ImplementedBy anymore since that common project will not have the two projects' references. Since that is not possible, I am not able to go for dependency injection. Without giving #ImplementedBy, I am getting the following error:
play.api.UnexpectedException: Unexpected exception[ProvisionException: Unable to provision, see the following errors:
1) No implementation for com.processor.Processor was bound.
Is there a way to configure the dependencies in a config file? Or can the dependency be injected in the implemented classes?
Create a guice module in project where your ProcessorImpl is located.
public class Module extends AbstractModule {
protected void configure() {
Inject Processor wherever you need.
If you call this module Module and place it in the root package, it will automatically be registered with Play.

NoClassDefFoundException in N-tier application

I am building a project for a class that I am taking, and it consists of 4 modules
-impl (business logic/dao access)
-ejb (encapsulates business logic and provides access to it via a remote interface)
-war (web tier)
-ear (contains the war and ejb modules)
One utility class that I have inside the impl is able to populate an H2 database. It does this by running an ingestor that reads in an processes an xml file that resides in a maven repository, using various dao classes/methods to ingest the data:
String fileName = "xml/proj-data.xml";
InputStream is = Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader().getResourceAsStream(fileName);
When I run the ingestor through a unit test, it runs fine, but when I have everything layered, I get the NoClassDefFoundException on xml/proj-data.xml
So the basic outline that I have is:
-the war has dependencies on the impl and ejb modules
-the ejb has dependency on the impl module
-the ear has dependency on the impl, ejb, and war
This is a maven project. When I deploy the EAR to the server, the start page for the war is displayed (as I expect).
-The html page has a button that when pressed, does a post to a servlet
-The servlet has an ejb injected into it that it calls (via its remote interface).
-The ejb method makes a call back to the populate method in the impl, and thats when the exception happens, and I get a webpage back showing the exception.
Do I need to declare that repository in the WAR pom file as well?
In typing the question, I think I know what the problem may be. The repository that the xml file resides in is declared in the root pom for the project(the impl parent), NOT the pom for the impl module. Since the impl is the module that gets packaged with the EAR, I may need to declare the repository in the impl pom file as well.

maven - separate modules for interfaces and implementation with Spring

We are working on Mavenizing our java project and we would like to setup a clean separation between interfaces and implementations for each module.
In order to do so, we want to split each module into two sub-modules one for interfaces and data objects used by them and another for implementations.
For example:
The POMs of the modules will be configured such that no module depends on the impl sub-modules. This way no code from one module will be able to "see" implementation details of another module.
What we are having trouble with, is where to put our spring XMLs.
In our project we automatically import spring XML files using wildcard import like
<import resource="classpath*:**/*-beans.xml"/>
This way the location of Spring XMLs doesn't really matter at runtime, as all the modules get loaded into the same class loader and, the strict one way dependency rules in the POMs don't apply.
However, during development we want the IDE - we use Intellij IDEA - to recognize implementation classes referenced from the spring XMLs.
We also want IDEA to recognize beans defined in other modules.
If we put the spring XMLs in API sub-modules - they won't "see" the implementation classes in the impl sub-modules.
If we put them in the impl sub-modules, their beans won't be "seen" from other modules.
It is probably possible to configure the IDEA project to recognize spring XMLs from modules on which there is no dependency, but we prefer for our POMs to hold all the project structure information and not rely on IDEA project files.
We considered creating a third sub-module just to hold Spring XMLs (and perhaps hibernate xmls as well). For example:
The external modules will depend on both commons-api and commons-config and commons-config will depend on both commons-api and commons-impl, with the dependency on commons-impl marked as "provided" (to prevent transitive resolution).
This however seems like a complex and awkward solution and we feel that there must be a better - simpler way to achieve interface/impl separation with Maven and Spring.
What you need is a runtime dependency scope:
runtime - This scope indicates that the dependency is not required for compilation, but is for execution. It is in the runtime and test classpaths, but not the compile classpath.
Define a runtime dependency from one impl module to another impl module where you use the impl classes in the *-beans.xml config. Intellij will correctly recognize this in spring configuration files, but won't auto complete them in code (but it will do that in test code).
Also if anyone used the classes in the code, compilation through maven would fail, because the runtime dependency is not on a compile class path.
You can achieve decoupling of api and impl like this:
+ commons (pom)
+ pom.xml <--- serves as a parent aggregator (see below)
+ commons-api (jar) <--- contains models, interfaces and abstract classes only
+ commons-impl (jar) <--- depends on commons-api
+ commons-config (jar) <--- depends on commons-impl only (no need to depend on commons-api as it is brought in transitively)
+ external-project (war or jar) <--- has commons-config as a dependency
Parent aggregator pom (specify build order):
The config module can be omitted if it only contains spring application context configuration. The app configuration xml should be in the classpath and folder structure of the module that contains the artifact that you are deploying. So if you are building a war artifact, the app context should be in there.
The only configuration that should be in your commons module would be in a test package of your impl module.
In short you want Idea to override maven dependency graph but avoid keeping this configuration in idea project files?
One option is to group implementation dependencies in a maven profile. This profile would not be enabled by default but you should be able to mark it as active under idea.
Two ideas come to mind:
You will have one (or more) modules where all the modules (api+impl) are dependencies, you could place your spring configuration files there.
Place the spring configuration files in the api modules and declare a dependency on the impl module with scope provided this way the implementations will be known, while there is no dependency of the api for the deployment.
commons-impl at runtime scope in external modules
commons (pom dependencyManagement) =>
+commons-api (compile)
+commons-impl (compile)
+commons-config (compile)
commons-impl (pom dependencies) =>
+commons-api (compile)
+commons-config (compile)
external modules (pom dependencies) =>
+commons-impl (runtime)
+commons-api (compile)
+commons-config (compile)
keep modules number as little as possible;
This speeds up project build time and simplifies its layout.
keep modules structure as plain as possible: single root + all sub modules in the same folder, e. g.:
This simplifies navigation across the project, when modules number is really high (>50)
provide runtime-scoped dependencies to the runtime modules only when they are required;
This keeps your architecture clear. Use mocks instead of explicit dependency to another runtime module.
keep your api spring contexts in api modules, define your public beans as abstract bean + interface;
keep your implementation contexts in runtime modules, override api beans with your implementations via spring profiles (use <beans profile="default").
Result: simple, transparent layout and design; full ide support; no explicit dependencies on runtime module internals.

REST client inside of OSGi application

I need to integrate a REST client into an existing OSGi application implemented using Apache Felix. The REST service is based on RESTeasy implementation (version 2.3.2.Final) of JAX-RS. I created a separate bundle with clients' dependencies, exporting required RESTeasy packages and importing them in the bundle where the client is used, but unfortunately I cannot get it working inside of the OSGi context.
I tried two different approaches. First one using the generic ClientRequest:
ClientRequest request = new ClientRequest(MyService.URL_TEST+"/stats");
request.body(, stats);
ClientResponse<String> response =;
The error that I get in this case is pretty weird:
[java] java.lang.RuntimeException: java.lang.ClassCastException:
org.jboss.resteasy.client.core.executors.ApacheHttpClient4Executor cannot be cast to
where I it is known for sure that ApacheHttpClient4Executor implements the ClientExecutor interface.
When I try to use my own REST client wrapper around RESTeasy like this:
MyService myService = MyServiceClient.getInstance();
I get a different exception:
[java] java.lang.LinkageError: ClassCastException: attempting to
As far as I understand, the LinkageError most probably has to do with the way RESTeasy initializes the RuntimeDelegate using some classloader tricks, which probably fall under the restrictions of OSGi framework. I get the suspicion that the java.lang.ClassCastException mentioned first has the same source.
Is there any way to get RESTeasy working inside of OSGi?
PS: discussion about a similar issue with RESTeasy, but outside of OSGi: java.lang.LinkageError: ClassCastException
these are the libraries included into restclient bundle:
activation-1.1.jar commons-codec-1.2.jar commons-httpclient-3.1.jar commons-io-2.1.jar commons-logging-1.0.4.jar flexjson-2.1.jar httpclient-4.1.2.jar httpcore-4.1.2.jar javassist-3.12.1.GA.jar jaxb-api-2.2.3.jar jaxb-impl-2.2.4.jar jaxrs-api-2.3.2.Final.jar jcip-annotations-1.0.jar jettison-1.3.1.jar jsr250-api-1.0.jar junit-4.10.jar log4j-1.2.14.jar resteasy-jaxb-provider-2.3.2.Final.jar resteasy-jaxrs-2.3.2.Final.jar resteasy-jettison-provider-2.3.2.Final.jar scannotation-1.0.3.jar slf4j-api-1.6.4.jar slf4j-log4j12-1.6.4.jar myservice-common- my-service-client- stax-api-1.0-2.jar xmlpull- xpp3_min-1.1.4c.jar xstream-1.4.2.jar
These are the exports from the restclient bundle:,,, org.jboss.resteasy.client, org.jboss.resteasy.client.cache, org.jboss.resteasy.client.extractors, org.jboss.resteasy.client.marshallers, org.jboss.resteasy.client.core.executors, javax.xml.bind.annotation, org.jboss.resteasy.plugins.providers, org.jboss.resteasy.plugins.providers.jaxb, org.jboss.resteasy.spi
Have a look at the SpringSource Bundle Repo, it's got some very useful pre-built bundles of common libraries including the Apache HTTP Client which we are using (in conjunction with gson) to do our RESTful comms.
(unfortunately a legacy module of my project still uses OSGi, but using RESTeasy 3.0.16 now)
When I need to OSGify a dependency my preferred solution now is to wrap it using the excellent Apache Ops4j Pax Tipi project.
The project provides a preconfigured Maven setup (parent POM handles the bundling) and you just have to adapt the GAV coordinates of the original project in a Tipi sub module with a org.apache.ops4j.pax.tipi prefix and build the new bundle project which draws in the original dependency, unpacks and wraps it as OSGi bundle.
You can start from an existing Tipi sub project that best matches your project setup (dependencies, etc.) and adapt any OSGi imports/exports missing (most often, these are created automatically by the maven-bundle-plugin anyway).
This worked quite well for me as long as the original project did not contain too many exotic or malformed dependencies.
However you may run into snags like transitive dependencies using the root package, as I currently experience, which can be a real show stopper (finding out which library is a real nightmare).
Unfortunately, RESTeasy seems to be affected by this, as I get exactly the same error (default package , even after declaring non-test and non-provided dependencies as optional:
The default package '.' is not permitted by the Import-Package syntax.
Upgrading the maven-bundle-plugin to the latest release 3.0.1 yields a different error (even less helpful):
[ERROR] Bundle org.ops4j.pax.tipi:org.ops4j.pax.tipi.resteasy-jaxrs:bundle:3.0.16.Final.1 : Can not parse name from bundle native code header:
[ERROR] Error(s) found in bundle configuration
Update seems to be solved by upping Tipi version in POM to 1.4.0, testing...
Is RESTEasy mandatory ?
I personally use jersey in OSGi and it is working perfectly, both as client and server.
This problem isn't limited to RESTeasy. It also occurs with Jersey.
It is occurring because you have two copies of the JAX-RS classes on the classpath.
You can see this in the LinkageError:
[java] java.lang.LinkageError: ClassCastException: attempting to cast jar:file:/D:/Development/Eclipses/eclipse_4.2_j2ee_x64/lib/jaxrs-api-2.3.2.Final.jar!/javax/ws/rs/ext/RuntimeDelegate.class to bundle://78.0:1/javax/ws/rs/ext/RuntimeDelegate.class
i.e. one copy is coming from:
and the other from the OSGI bundle.
This causes problems for the RuntimeDelegate class, which by default uses the system class loader to create the RuntimeDelegate implementation (see
The problem can also occur if the same jar is loaded via two different class loaders.
There are a couple of workarounds:
remove the jaxrs-api-2.3.2.Final.jar from the system class path
set the thread context class loader to that of your bundle, prior to making any JAX-RS calls.
The FactoryFinder will use this to load the RuntimeDelegate.
To avoid polluting your code with calls to Thread.currentThread().setContextClassLoader(myBundleClassLoader), you can wrap your JAX-RS client using a Proxy. e.g. see the Thread context classloader section of

