Java Stream a Large SQL Query into API CSV File - java

I am writing a Service that obtains data from large sql query in database (over 100,000 records) and streams into an API CSV File. Is there any java library function that does it, or any way to make the code below more efficient? Currently using Java 8 in Spring boot environment.
Code is below with sql repository method, and service for csv. Preferably trying to write to csv file, while data is being fetched from sql concurrently as query make take 2-3 min for user .
We are using Snowflake DB.
public class ProductService {
private final ProductRepository productRepository;
private final ExecutorService executorService;
public ProductService(ProductRepository productRepository) {
this.productRepository = productRepository;
this.executorService = Executors.newFixedThreadPool(20);
public InputStream getproductExportFile(productExportFilters filters) throws IOException {
PipedInputStream is = new PipedInputStream();
PipedOutputStream os = new PipedOutputStream(is);
executorService.execute(() -> {
try {
Stream<productExport> productStream = productRepository.getproductExportStream(filters);
Field[] fields = Stream.of(productExport.class.getDeclaredFields())
.peek(f -> f.setAccessible(true))
String[] headers = Stream.of(fields)
CSVFormat csvFormat = CSVFormat.DEFAULT.builder()
OutputStreamWriter outputStreamWriter = new OutputStreamWriter(os);
CSVPrinter csvPrinter = new CSVPrinter(outputStreamWriter, csvFormat);
productStream.forEach(productExport -> writeproductExportToCsv(productExport, csvPrinter, fields));
} catch (Exception e) {
logger.warn("Unable to complete writing to csv stream.", e);
} finally {
try {
} catch (IOException ignored) { }
return is;
private void writeProductExportToCsv(productExport productExport, CSVPrinter csvPrinter, Field[] fields) {
Object[] values = Stream.of(fields).
map(f -> {
try {
return f.get(productExport);
} catch (IllegalAccessException e) {
return null;
try {
} catch (IOException e) {
logger.warn("Unable to write record to file.", e);
public Stream<PatientExport> getProductExportStream(ProductExportFilters filters) {
MapSqlParameterSource parameterSource = new MapSqlParameterSource();
parameterSource.addValue("customerId", filters.getCustomerId().toString());
parameterSource.addValue("practiceId", filters.getPracticeId().toString());
StringBuilder sqlQuery = new StringBuilder("SELECT * FROM dbo.Product ");
sqlQuery.append("\nWHERE CUSTOMERID = :customerId\n" +
"AND PRACTICEID = :practiceId\n"

Streaming allows you to transfer the data, little by little, without having to load it all into the server’s memory. You can do your operations by using the extractData() method in ResultSetExtractor. You can find javadoc about ResultSetExtractor here.
You can view an example using ResultSetExtractor here.
You can also easily create your JPA queries as ResultSet using JdbcTemplate. You can take a look at an example here. to use ResultSetExtractor.

There is product which we bought some time ago for our company, we got even the source code back then. We were also evaluating Apache Camel which had similar support but it didnt suite our goal. If you really need speed you should go to lowest level possible - pure JDBC and as simple as possible csv writer.
Nortconcepts library itself provides capability to read from jdbc and write to CSV on lower level. We found few tweaks which have sped up the transmission and processing. With single thread we are able to stream 100 000 records (with 400 columns) within 1-2 minutes.

Given that you didn't specify which database you use I can give you only generic answers.
In general code like this is network limited, as JDBC resultset is usually transferred in "only n rows" packages, and when you exhaust one, only then database triggers fetching of next packet. This property is often called fetch-size, and you should greatly increase it. By default settings, most of databases transfer 10-100 rows in one fetch. In spring you can use setFetchSize property. Some benchmarks here.
There are other similar low level stuff which you could do. For example, Oracle jdbc driver has "InsensitiveResultSetBufferSize" - how big in bytes is a buffer which holds result set. But dose things tend to be database specific.
Thus being said, the best way to really increase speed of your transfer is to actually launch multiple queries. Divide your data on some column value, and than launch multiple parallel queries. Essentially, if you can design data to support parallel queries working on easily distinguished subsets, bottleneck can be transferred to a network or CPU throughput.
For example one of your columns might be 'timestamp'. Instead having one query to fetch all rows, fetch multiple subset of rows with query like this:
SELECT * FROM dbo.Product
AND PRACTICEID = :practiceId
AND :lowerLimit <= timestamp AND timestamp < :upperLimit
Launch this query in parallel with different timestamp ranges. Aggregate result of those subqueries in shared ConcurrentLinkedQueue and build CSV there.
With similar approach I regularly read 100000 rows/sec on 80 column table from Oracle DB. That is 40-60 MB/sec sustained transfer rate from a table which is not even locked.


Streaming data from Kinesis to S3 fails with Illegal Character that KPL itself writes

I have a relatively straightforward use case:
Read Avro data from a Kafka topic
Use KPL (v0.14.12) to send this data to Kinesis Data Streams
Use Kinesis Firehose to transform this data into Parquet and transfer it to S3.
The Kafka topic was written into by Kafka Streams using the following producer Configuration:
private void addAwsGlueSpecificProperties(Map<String, Object> props) {
props.put(AWSSchemaRegistryConstants.AWS_REGION, "eu-central-1");
props.put(AWSSchemaRegistryConstants.SCHEMA_AUTO_REGISTRATION_SETTING, true);
props.put(AWSSchemaRegistryConstants.REGISTRY_NAME, "Kinesis_Schema_Registry");
props.put(DEFAULT_KEY_SERDE_CLASS_CONFIG, Serdes.String().getClass().getName());
props.put(DEFAULT_VALUE_SERDE_CLASS_CONFIG, GlueSchemaRegistryKafkaStreamsSerde.class.getName());
Most notably, I've set SCHEMA_AUTO_REGISTRATION_SETTING to true to try and rule out problems with my schema definition. The auto-registration itself worked without any issues.
I have a very simple loop running for test purposes, which does step 1 and 2 of the above. It looks as follows:
KinesisProducer kinesisProducer = new KinesisProducer(getKinesisConfig());
try (final KafkaConsumer<String, AvroEvent> consumer = new KafkaConsumer<>(properties)) {
while (true) {"Polling...");
final ConsumerRecords<String, AvroEvent> records = consumer.poll(Duration.ofMillis(100));
for (final ConsumerRecord<String, AvroEvent> record : records) {
final String key = record.key();
ListenableFuture<UserRecordResult> request = kinesisProducer.addUserRecord("my-data-stream", key, randomExplicitHashKey(), value.toByteBuffer(), gsrSchema);
Futures.addCallback(request, CALLBACK, executor);
The callback just does a bit of logging on success/failure.
My Kinesis Config looks as follows:
private static KinesisProducerConfiguration getKinesisConfig() {
KinesisProducerConfiguration config = new KinesisProducerConfiguration();
GlueSchemaRegistryConfiguration schemaRegistryConfiguration = getGlueSchemaRegistryConfiguration();
config.setCredentialsProvider(new DefaultAWSCredentialsProviderChain());
return config;
private static GlueSchemaRegistryConfiguration getGlueSchemaRegistryConfiguration() {
GlueSchemaRegistryConfiguration gsrConfig = new GlueSchemaRegistryConfiguration("eu-central-1");
gsrConfig.setAvroRecordType(AvroRecordType.GENERIC_RECORD ); // have also tried SPECIFIC_RECORD
return gsrConfig;
This setup allows me to read Specific Avro records from Kafka and send them to Kinesis. I have also verified that the correct schema version ID is queried from GSR by my code. However, when my data gets to Firehose, I receive only the following error message for all my records (one per record):
"attemptsMade": 1,
"arrivalTimestamp": 1659622848304,
"lastErrorCode": "DataFormatConversion.ParseError",
"lastErrorMessage": "Encountered malformed JSON. Illegal character ((CTRL-CHAR, code 3)): only regular white space (\\r, \\n, \\t) is allowed between tokens\n at [Source: com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.util.ByteBufferBackedInputStream#6252e7eb; line: 1, column: 2]",
"attemptEndingTimestamp": 1659623152452,
"rawData": "<base64EncodedData>",
"sequenceNumber": "<seqNum>",
"dataCatalogTable": {
"databaseName": "<Glue database name>",
"tableName": "<Glue table name>",
"region": "eu-central-1",
"versionId": "LATEST",
"roleArn": "<arn>"
Unfortunately I can't post the entirety of the data as it is sensitive. However, the relevant part is that it always starts with the above control character that is causing the problem:
0x03 0x05 <schemaVersionId> <data>
My original data does not contain these control characters. After some debugging, I've found that KPL explicitly adds these bytes to the beginning of a UserRecord. In
public byte[] write(final byte[] objectBytes, UUID schemaVersionId) {
byte[] bytes;
try (ByteArrayOutputStream out = new ByteArrayOutputStream()) {
writeSchemaVersionId(out, schemaVersionId);
boolean shouldCompress = this.compressionHandler != null;
bytes = writeToExistingStream(out, shouldCompress ? compressData(objectBytes) : objectBytes);
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new AWSSchemaRegistryException(e.getMessage(), e);
return bytes;
With writeHeaderVersionBytes(out) and writeCompressionBytes(out) writing to the front of the stream, respectively:
// byte HEADER_VERSION_BYTE = (byte) 3;
private void writeHeaderVersionBytes(ByteArrayOutputStream out) {
// byte COMPRESSION_BYTE = (byte) 5
private void writeCompressionBytes(ByteArrayOutputStream out) {
out.write(compressionHandler != null ? AWSSchemaRegistryConstants.COMPRESSION_BYTE
Why is Kinesis unable to parse a message that is produced by the library that is supposed to be best suited for writing to it? What am I missing?
I've finally figured out the problem and it's quite dumb.
What it boils down to, is that the transformer that converts data to parquet in Firehose expects a pure JSON payload. It expects records in the form:
{"itemId": 1, "itemName": "someItem"}{"itemId": 2, "itemName": "otherItem"}
It seemingly does not accept the same data in a different format.
This means that Avro-compatible JSON (where the above itemId would look like "itemId": {"long": 1}, or e.g. binary Avro data, is not compatible with the Kinesis Firehose parquet transformer, regardless of the fact that my schema definition in the Glue Schema Registry is explicitly registered as being in Avro format.
In addition, the Firehose parquet transformer requires the use of a Glue table - creating this table from an imported Avro schema simply does not work (see this answer), and had to be created manually. Luckily, even though it can't use the table that is based on an existing schema, the table definition was the same (with the exception of the Serde it needs to use), so it was relatively easy to fix...
To sum up, to get the above code to work I had to:
Create a Glue table for the schema manually (you can use the first table created from the existing schema as a template for creating this second table, but you can't have Firehose link to the first table)
Change the above code:
kinesisProducer.addUserRecord("my-data-stream", key, randomExplicitHashKey(), value.toByteBuffer(), gsrSchema);
ByteBuffer data = ByteBuffer.wrap(value.toString().getBytes(StandardCharsets.UTF_8));
kinesisProducer.addUserRecord("my-data-stream", key, randomExplicitHashKey(), data);
Note that the I am now using the overloaded addUserRecord function that does not include a Schema parameter, which internally invokes the previous function with a null schema parameter. This prevents the KPL from encoding my payload and instead sends the 'plain' JSON over to KDS.
This is contrary to the only AWS Docs example that I could find on the topic, which likely is meant for a Firehose stream which does not convert the data prior to sending it to its destination.
I can't quite understand the reasons for all these undocumented limitations, and it was a pain to debug seeing how neither of the KPL functions nor KDS explicitly mentions anywhere that I can find that this is the expected behaviour. I feel like it's not worth trying to open an issue/PR over at the KPL repo seeing how it seems like Amazon doesn't really care about maintaining it that much...
I'll probably switch over to the plain Kinesis Client + Kinesis Aggregation for a more robust solution in the future, but hey, at least it works.

Multithreading JPArepository Bulk Insert

A process I've been working on for a little while now. Process was running fine until the performance was taking a hit. I figured out a way to get it to perform very fast, but I'm really unsure what is happening behind the scenes. And it's now throwing warnings and errors and I'm not sure what to do. File is getting porocessed but I'm not sure if all threads are complete, and I don't believe I am shutting down the app correctly. Here is everything you need to know...
File is read using a buffered reader, we then run some data quality checks on each record, every record that is read and passes data quality checks we create a java object out of it and insert into a List. Once the List is 1000 objects big, we then call an OracleService class which has a Repo autowired and we execute a saveAll method with the List. We then continue to read the file and do this until the file is done being read. I am passing in, to the service, and ExecutorService object. So every time we call that service it is getting a new List object containing my objects (this object is basically the table we are loading) and a new ExecutorService Object. Process is running fine but getting a ton of exceptions being thrown once I try to shutdown. Here is all my code...
My Controller class run method. This will get called from another class which implements CommandLineRunner
public void run() throws ParseException, IOException, InterruptedException {"******************** Aegis Check Inclearing DDA Trial Balance Table Load starting ********************");
try (BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(inputFile))) {
String line = reader.readLine();
int count = 0;
TrialBalanceBuilder builder = new TrialBalanceBuilder();
while (line != null) {
if (line.startsWith("D")) {
if (dataQuality(line)) {
TrialBalance trialBalance = builder.buildTrialBalanceObject(line, procDt, time);
if (count == 1000) {
oracleService.loadToTableTrialBalance(insertList, executorService);
count = 0;
} else {"Data quality check FAILED for record: " + line);
line = reader.readLine();
}"Leftover record count is " + insertList.size());
oracleService.loadToTableTrialBalance(insertList, executorService);
} catch (IOException e) {
}"Updating Metadata table with new batch proc date");
InclearingBatchMetadataBuilder inclearingBatchMetadataBuilder = new InclearingBatchMetadataBuilder();
InclearingBatchMetadata inclearingBatchMetadata = inclearingBatchMetadataBuilder.buildInclearingBatchMetadataObject("DDA_TRIAL_BAL_STG", procDt, time, Constants.bankID);
oracleService.insertBatchProcDtIntoMetaTable(inclearingBatchMetadata);"Successfully updated Metadata table with new batch proc date: " + procDt);
executorService.shutdownNow();"******************** Aegis Check Inclearing DDA Trial Balance Table Load ended successfully ********************");
I'm passing in an ExecutorService object to the service class. This is defined as...
private final ThreadFactory threadFactory = new ThreadFactoryBuilder().setNameFormat("Orders-%d").setDaemon(true).build();
private ExecutorService executorService = Executors.newFixedThreadPool(10, threadFactory);
My service class looks as such....
public class OracleService {
private static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(OracleService.class);
TrialBalanceRepo trialBalanceRepo;
public void loadToTableTrialBalance(List<TrialBalance> trialBalanceList, ExecutorService executorService) {
logger.debug("Let's load to the database");
List<TrialBalance> multiThreadList = new ArrayList<>(trialBalanceList);
try {
executorService.execute(() -> trialBalanceRepo.saveAll(multiThreadList));
} catch (ConcurrentModificationException | DataIntegrityViolationException ignored) {}
logger.debug("Successfully loaded to database");
In my run method i then call a few more methods in that Service class which create nativequeries and execute on the database (for purging etc.)
Anyway, I never know when the threads are complete. And I am finding in pre-production, when running with a lot of data, we shut down the app and not all the data is completely loaded. Also I don't know if this is even the best design. Do I keep passing in these executorservice objects? The whole point of this was to get optimal parallelism going so that our performance was better. Perhaps there is a better way (preferably without redesigning the entire app and using something other than JPA)

Is there anyway to write small file into S3 as live streaming

I am getting 20k small xml files 1kb to 3kb size in a minute.
I have to write all the files as it arrives in the directory.
Sometimes the speed of the incoming files increases to 100k per minute.
Is there anything in java or aws api that can help me match the incoming speed?
I am using uploadFileList() API to upload all the files .
I have tried watch event as well so that when ever files arrives in a folder it will upload that file into S3 but that is so slow compared to incoming files and creates huge amount of backlogs.
I have tried multi threading also but if i spin up more thread i get error from S3 reduce you request rate error.
and some times i get below error also
AmazonServiceException: Your socket
connection to the server was not read from or written to within the
timeout period. Idle connections will be closed.
but when i dot use threading i do not get this error
Another way I also have tried is to create one big files and then upload into S3 and then in S3 i again split it into small files which is fine but this solution delays the files upload int S3 and impacts the user who access this file from S3.
I know uploading small files into S3 is not suitable but i have use case like that.
The speed i noticed is 5k files upload in a minutes.
Can someone please suggest some alternate way so that my speed of uploading files will increase least 15k per minutes.
I am sharing my full code where i am trying to upload using multi threaded application
Class one where i create File to put into thread
public class FileProcessThreads {
public ArrayList process(String fileLocation) {
File dir = new File(fileLocation);
File[] directoryListing = dir.listFiles();
ArrayList<File> files = new ArrayList<File>();
if (directoryListing.length > 0) {
for (File path : directoryListing) {
return files;
Class 2 where i create Thread pool and Executor
public class UploadExecutor {
private static String fileLocation = "C:\\Users\\u6034690\\Desktop\\ONEFILE";
// private static String fileLocation="D:\\TRFAudits_Moved\\";
private static final String _logFileName = "s3FileUploader.log";
private static Logger _logger = Logger.getLogger(UploadExecutor.class);
public static void main(String[] args) {"----------Stating application's main method----------------- ");
AWSCredentials credential = new ProfileCredentialsProvider("TRFAuditability-Prod-ServiceUser").getCredentials();
final ClientConfiguration config = new ClientConfiguration();
AmazonS3Client s3Client = (AmazonS3Client) AmazonS3ClientBuilder.standard().withRegion("us-east-1")
.withCredentials(new AWSStaticCredentialsProvider(credential)).withForceGlobalBucketAccessEnabled(true)
TransferManager tm = new TransferManager(s3Client);
while (true) {
FileProcessThreads fp = new FileProcessThreads();
List<File> records = fp.process(fileLocation);
while (records.size() <= 0) {
try {"No records found willl wait for 10 Seconds");
records = fp.process(fileLocation);
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
_logger.error("InterruptedException: " + e.toString());
}"Total no of Audit files = " + records.size());
ExecutorService es = Executors.newFixedThreadPool(2);
int recordsInEachThread = (int) (records.size() / 2);"No of records in each thread = " + recordsInEachThread);
UploadObject my1 = new UploadObject(records.subList(0, recordsInEachThread), tm);
UploadObject my2 = new UploadObject(records.subList(recordsInEachThread, records.size()), tm);
try {
boolean finshed = es.awaitTermination(1, TimeUnit.MINUTES);
if (!finshed) {
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
_logger.error("InterruptedException: " + e.toString());
Last class where i upload files into S3
public class UploadObject implements Runnable{
static String bucketName = "a205381-auditxml/S3UPLOADER";
private String fileLocation="C:\\Users\\u6034690\\Desktop\\ONEFILE";
//private String fileLocation="D:\\TRFAudits\\";
//static String bucketName = "a205381-auditxml/S3UPLOADER";
private static Logger _logger;
List<File> records;
TransferManager tm;
UploadObject(List<File> list,TransferManager tm){
this.records = list;;
_logger = Logger.getLogger(UploadObject.class);
public void run(){
System.out.println(Thread.currentThread().getName() + " : ");
public void uploadToToS3() {"Number of record to be processed in current thread: : "+records.size());
MultipleFileUpload xfer = tm.uploadFileList(bucketName, "TEST",new File(fileLocation), records);
try {
TransferState xfer_state = xfer.getState();"Upload status -----------------" + xfer_state);
for (File file : records) {
try {
} catch (IOException e) {
_logger.error("IOException: "+e.toString());
}"Successfully completed file cleanse");
} catch (AmazonServiceException e) {
_logger.error("AmazonServiceException: "+e.toString());
} catch (AmazonClientException e) {
_logger.error("AmazonClientException: "+e.toString());
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
_logger.error("InterruptedException: "+e.toString());
System.out.println("Completed");"Upload completed");"Calling Transfer manager shutdown");
It sounds like you're tripping the built-in protections for S3 (quoted docs below). I've also listed some similar questions below; some of these advise rearchitecting using SQS to even out and distribute the load on S3.
Aside from introducing more moving pieces, you can reuse your S3Client and TransferManager. Move them up out of your runnable object and pass them into its constructor. TransferManager itself uses multithreading according to the javadoc.
When possible, TransferManager attempts to use multiple threads to upload multiple parts of a single upload at once. When dealing with large content sizes and high bandwidth, this can have a significant increase on throughput.
You can also increase the max number of simultaneous connections that the S3Client uses.
s3Client.getClientConfiguration().setMaxConnections(75) or even higher.
Lastly, you could try to upload to different prefixes/folders under the bucket, as noted below to allow scaling for high request rates.
The current AWS Request Rate and Performance Guidelines
Amazon S3 automatically scales to high request rates. For example, your application can achieve at least 3,500 PUT/POST/DELETE and 5,500 GET requests per second per prefix in a bucket. There are no limits to the number of prefixes in a bucket. It is simple to increase your read or write performance exponentially. For example, if you create 10 prefixes in an Amazon S3 bucket to parallelize reads, you could scale your read performance to 55,000 read requests per second.
The current AWS S3 Error Best Practices
Tune Application for Repeated SlowDown errors
As with any distributed system, S3 has protection mechanisms which detect intentional or unintentional resource over-consumption and react accordingly. SlowDown errors can occur when a high request rate triggers one of these mechanisms. Reducing your request rate will decrease or eliminate errors of this type. Generally speaking, most users will not experience these errors regularly; however, if you would like more information or are experiencing high or unexpected SlowDown errors, please post to our Amazon S3 developer forum or sign up for AWS Premium Support
Similar questions:
S3 SlowDown: Please reduce your request rate exception
Amazon Web Services S3 Request Limit
AWS Forums - Maximizing Connection Reuse for S3 getObjectMetadata() Calls
S3 Transfer Acceleration does not necessarily give faster upload speeds. It is sometime slower than normal upload when using from same region. Amazon S3 Transfer Acceleration uses the AWS edge infrastructure they have around the world to get data on to the aws backbone quicker. When you use Amazon S3 Transfer Acceleration your request is routed to the best AWS edge location based on latency. Transfer Acceleration will then send your uploads back to S3 over the AWS-managed backbone network using optimized network protocols, persistent connections from edge to origin, fully-open send and receive windows, and so forth. As you would already be within the region you wouldn't see any benefit to using this. But, its better to test the speed from

Huge Json Parser

I have this custom parser, made in Java, where I want to export a 3,6 GB Json into an Sql Oracle database. The import works fine with a sample Json of 8MB. But when I try parsing the whole 3,6 GB JSON some memory problems appear, namely java.lang.OutOfMemoryError
I have used -Xmx5000m to allocate 5 GB of memory for this. My laptop has plenty of RAM.
As you can see I have memory left. Does this error happen because of the CPU?
The Json represents the data from Free Code Camp:
The Data looks like this:
“name”: “Waypoint: Say Hello to HTML Elements”,
“completedDate”: 1445854025698,
“solution”: “Hello World\n”
As I've said, I have tried this parsing with an 8MB sample Json with the same data and it worked. So is the code really the problem here?
Here is some code
enter code here
public class MainParser {
public static void main(String[] args) {
//Date time;
try {
BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(
new FileReader("output.json")); //destination to json here
Gson gson = new Gson();
Type collectionType = new TypeToken<List<List<Tasks>>>() {
List<List<Tasks>> details = gson.fromJson(br, collectionType);
DBConnect connection = new DBConnect("STUDENT","student");
for (int person=0;person<details.size();person++)
for (int task = 0; task < details.get(person).size(); task++)
connection.insert_query(person + 1,
task + 1,
} catch (IOException e) {
} catch (SQLException e) {
Here is the insert_query method:
enter code here
public void insert_query(int person_id, int task_id, String taskName, double date, String solution) throws SQLException {
Statement stmt = conn.createStatement();
try {
String query = "INSERT INTO FreeCodeCamp VALUES(?,?,?,?,?)";
PreparedStatement ps = conn.prepareStatement(query);
/*stmt.executeUpdate("INSERT INTO FreeCodeCamp VALUES("
+ person_id + ","
+ task_id + ","
+ "'" + taskName + "',"
+ "TO_TIMESTAMP(unix_ts_to_date(" + date + "),'YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS'),"
+ "'" + solution + "')");
} catch (SQLException e) {
Parsing JSON (or anything, for that matter) will not take the same memory of the original file size.
Each block of JSON string that represent an object, will become an object, ADDING memory to the already loaded JSON. If you parse it using a some kind of stream, you will still add memory but to much less (you won't hold the entire 3.6GB file in memory).
Still, an object takes more memory to represent than the string. If you have an array, which might be parsed to a list, than there is overhead to that list. Multiply that overhead by the instances you have in the JSON (quite a lot, in a 3.6 GB file) and you end up with something taking much more than just 3.6GB in memory.
But if you want to parse it as a stream, and handle each record as it goes, then discard it, you can do that. In both cases for using a stream you'll need a component that parses the JSON and let you handle each parsed object. If you know the structure it just might be easier to write one yourself.
Hope it helps.
You need to use an event-based / streaming JSON parser. The idea is that instead of parsing the entire JSON file in one go and holding it in memory, the parser emits "events" at the start and end of each significant syntactic unit. Then you write your code to handle these events, extra and assemble the information and (in your case) insert the corresponding records into your database.
Here are some places to start reading about Oracle's streaming JSON APIs:
and here is a link to the documentation for the GSON equivalent:
See Gson's Streaming doc
This is used when the whole model cannot be loaded into memory

Unable to update 6m+ documents on couchbase server community edition 3.0.1

I am trying to update 6 million+ documents in a couchbase server community edition 3.0.1 server cluster. I am using latest java sdk and tried various ways in which I could read a batch of documents from a View, update them and replace them back to the bucket.
It seems to me that as the process progresses the throughput gets too slow that its not even 300 op/s. I tried using many ways to do this using bulk operation method (using Observable) to speed it up but in vain. I even let the process run for hours only to see Timeout exception later.
The last option I tried was to read all the document IDs into a temp file from the View so that I can read the file back and update the records. But, after 3 hrs and only 1.7m IDs read (just ~157 items/sec!) from the View, the DB gives Timeout exception.
Note that the the couchbase cluster contains 3 servers (Ubuntu 14.04) with 8 cores, 24GB RAM & 1TB SSD each and the java code running to update data is in the same network with 4 cores, 16GB RAM & 1TB SSD. And there is no other load running on this cluster.
It seems, reading even all the IDs from the view of the server is impossible. I checked the network throughput and the DB server was giving the data barely at 1mbps.
Below is the sample code used to read all the doc IDs from the view:
final Bucket statsBucket = db.getStatsBucket();
int skipCount = 0;
int limitCount = 10000;
System.out.println("reading stats ids ...");
try (DataOutputStream out = new DataOutputStream(new FileOutputStream("rowIds.tmp")))
while (true)
ViewResult result = statsBucket.query(ViewQuery.from("Stats", "AllLogs").skip(skipCount).limit(limitCount).stale(Stale.TRUE));
Iterator<ViewRow> rows = result.iterator();
if (!rows.hasNext())
while (rows.hasNext())
skipCount += limitCount;
I have tried this even with using bulk operation (Observable) method without any success. Also have tried changing the limit count to 1000 (without limiting the java app goes nuts after some time and even the SSH stops responding.
Is there a way to do this?
I found the solution. The ViewQuery.skip() method is not really skipping and should not be used for pagination. The skip() method will just read all the data from beginning of the view and only start giving output after the number of records are read, just like a linked list.
Solution is to use startKey() and startKeyDocId(). The ID that goes into these methods is the last item's ID you had read. Got this solution from here:
So the final code to read all items in a view is:
final Bucket statsBucket = db.getStatsBucket();
int limitCount = 10000;
int skipCount = 0;
System.out.println("reading stats ids ...");
try (DataOutputStream out = new DataOutputStream(new FileOutputStream("rowIds.tmp")))
String lastKeyDocId = null;
while (true)
ViewResult result;
if (lastKeyDocId == null)
result = statsBucket.query(ViewQuery.from("Stats", "AllLogs").limit(limitCount).stale(Stale.FALSE));
result = statsBucket.query(ViewQuery.from("Stats", "AllLogs").limit(limitCount).stale(Stale.TRUE).startKey(lastKeyDocId).skip(1));
Iterator<ViewRow> rows = result.iterator();
if (!rows.hasNext())
while (rows.hasNext())
lastKeyDocId =;
skipCount += limitCount;

