> Could not create service of type FileAccessTimeJournal using GradleUserHomeScopeServices.createFileAccessTimeJournal().
> Timeout waiting to lock journal cache (/Users/mark/.gradle/caches/journal-1). It is currently in use by another Gradle instance.
Owner PID: 7366
Our PID: 7609
Owner Operation:
Our operation:
Lock file: /Users/mark/.gradle/caches/journal-1/journal-1.lock
I have two repos on my mac that I am trying to run at the same time with gradle bootRun. I can run one of them fine, but when I run the other I get this message. I have never seen this before when running two repos with gradle. I have tried using gradle --stop, deleting my caches file in gradle, removing "*.lock" file, and restarting the daemons. Nothing works.
What is happening?
close your android studio and just delete
this file, and test again
You can kill the gradle proccess stucked:
sudo kill -9 <Owner PID>
In your case:
sudo kill -9 7366
I am trying to use a tool that, in two steps, analyzes code smells for android.
In the first step, the tool parses an apk and generates within a directory .db files that should then be converted to CSV files in the next step; however, whenever I try to run the second step, the console returns the following error:
java.io.IOException: Unable to create directory path [/User/Desktop/db2/logs] for Neo4j store.
I think it is a Neo4J configuration problem.
I am currently running the tool with the following Java configuration:
update-alternatives --config java
* 0 /usr/lib/jvm/java-11-openjdk-amd64/bin/java 1111 auto mode
To be safe, I also started Neo4J, which returned the following output
sudo systemctl status neo4j.service
neo4j.service - Neo4j Graph Database
Loaded: loaded (/lib/systemd/system/neo4j.service; enabled; vendor preset: enabled)
Active: active (running) since Wed 2022-07-06 20:11:04 CEST; 16min ago
Main PID: 1040 (java)
Tasks: 57 (limit: 18901)
Memory: 705.4M
CPU: 16.639s
CGroup: /system.slice/neo4j.service
└─1040 /usr/bin/java -cp "/var/lib/neo4j/plugins:/etc/neo4j:/usr/share/neo4j/lib/*:/var/lib/neo4j/plugins/*" -XX:+UseG1GC -XX:-OmitStackTraceInFastThrow -XX:+AlwaysPreTouch -XX:+UnlockExper>.
How can I solve this?
You posted this error:
java.io.IOException: Unable to create directory path [/User/Desktop/db2/logs] for Neo4j store.
From that error, it looks like:
Neo4j was installed at "/User/Desktop/db2"
The permissions for that directory do not have "write" permission
I tried to reproduce this locally using Neo4j Community 4.4.5, following the steps below.
I do see an IOException related to "logs", but it's slightly different from what you posted. Perhaps we're on different versions of Neo4j.
Open terminal into install directory: cd neo4j
Verify "neo4j" is stopped: ./bin/neo4j stop
Rename existing "logs" directory: mv logs logs.save
Remove write permission for the Neo4j install: chmod u-w .
Start neo4j in console mode: ./bin/neo4j console
Observe errors in console output
2022-07-08 03:28:38.081+0000 INFO Starting...
ERROR StatusLogger Unable to create file [****************************]/neo4j/logs/debug.log
java.io.IOException: Could not create directory [****************************]/neo4j/logs
To fix things, try:
Get a terminal into your Neo4j directory:
cd /User/Desktop/db2
Set write permissions for the entire directory tree:
chmod u+w -R .
Start neo4j in console mode:
./bin/neo4j console
If this works and you're able to run neo4j fine, it points to an issue with user permissions when running neo4j as a system service.
The best steps from there depend on the system, your access, how comfortable you are making changes, probably other things. An easy, brute-force hammer would be to manually create each directory you discover (such as "/User/Desktop/db2/logs") and grant premissions to all users (chmod ugo+w .), then try re-running the service, see what errors pop up. Repeat that until you're able to run the service without errors.
When I try to run 2 gradle projects simultaneously, it throws me the following error:
Could not create service of type FileHasher using GradleUserHomeServices.createCachingFileHasher().
Timeout waiting to lock file hash cache(/Users/username/.gradle/caches/6.4/fileHashes). It is currently in use by another Gradle instance.
Owner PID: 40300
Our PID: 44136
Owner Operation:
Our operation:
Lock file: /Users/epereda/.gradle/caches/6.4/fileHashes/fileHashes.lock
I have read that the best solution is to kill practically all the java processes with the command "killall -9 java" or some derivative that kills the process that prevents the new application from starting, and yes, when I finish an application I can start any of the others , but the thing is that I actually need to run 3 applications that communicate with each other on my local machine, but when I run the first one, the other 2 give me that error.
I'll answer my own question in case someone finds it useful:
The solution is to specify a different gradle-user-home for each job. Specifically, setting it to the current working directory. (i.e. project directory) and you can do it whit the following command:
./gradlew -g $PWD <build (or bootRun or etc the command you need)>
Could not create service of type FileHasher using GradleUserHomeServices.createCachingFileHasher().
Timeout waiting to lock file hash cache(/Users/username/.gradle/caches/6.4/fileHashes). It is currently in use by another Gradle instance.
Owner PID: 40300
Our PID: 44136
Owner Operation:
Our operation:
Lock file: /Users/epereda/.gradle/caches/6.4/fileHashes/fileHashes.lock
Removing lock file worked for me
rm /Users/epereda/.gradle/caches/6.4/fileHashes/fileHashes.lock
Yesterday all of the sudden my projects on a Windows 10 machine stopped running in parallel due to file lock timeouts.
All my projects are using gradle-wrapper and provide a run task
When I start the 1st run-task, it work normally, but any following run-tasks break with the error like this:
> .\gradlew run
Starting a Gradle Daemon, 1 busy and 4 stopped Daemons could not be reused, use --status for details
FAILURE: Build failed with an exception.
* What went wrong:
Gradle could not start your build.
> Could not create service of type FileAccessTimeJournal using GradleUserHomeScopeServices.createFileAccessTimeJournal().
> Timeout waiting to lock journal cache (C:\Users\injec\.gradle\caches\journal-1). It is currently in use by another Gradle instance.
Owner PID: 16440
Our PID: 12216
Owner Operation:
Our operation:
Lock file: C:\Users\injec\.gradle\caches\journal-1\journal-1.lock
the --status option shows:
> .\gradlew --status
12216 IDLE 6.9.1
16440 BUSY 6.9.1
14992 STOPPED (stop command received)
7856 STOPPED (other compatible daemons were started and after being idle for 0 minutes and not recently used)
26680 STOPPED (by user or operating system)
18556 STOPPED (by user or operating system)
I tried different tricks, like switching the Gradle verison 5.6.1 - 6.8.3 - 6.9.1 and using the --stop option, but the error remains.
Adding the --stacktrace to the run command reveals that not only journal-1 cache is involved, but also some others dirs like modules-2.
I didn't do any changes to my system, apart from regular Win10 updates.
How can the problem be fixed?
It's likely that gradle process was exited abnormally and left the lock file behind. Check in the task manager if process with id 16440 exists, and if not just remove the orphan lock file C:\Users\injec\.gradle\caches\journal-1\journal-1.lock
This may be the file-system permissions of C:\Users\injec\.gradle... while you may have overseen one detail: you're calling .\gradlew instead of ./gradlew or gradlew.bat ...which means that you are not running on CMD, but on PS or WSL. gradlew.bat run would run directly on CMD.
Check .gradle file system. Gradle not works well on non-native file system. https://github.com/gradle/gradle/issues/15881
File system watching supports the following file system types:
Gradle also supports VirtualBox’s shared folders.
Network file systems like Samba and NFS are not supported.
File system watching is not compatible with symlinks. If your project files include symlinks, symlinked files do not benefit from file system watching optimizations.
or you can disable file system watch for the build https://docs.gradle.org/current/userguide/file_system_watching.html#disable
Gradle maintains a Virtual File System (VFS) to calculate what needs to be rebuilt on repeat builds of a project. By watching the file system, Gradle keeps the VFS current between builds.
Background: Apparently, based on JIRA ticket below there are no options to run more than one gradle processes on the same project on the same cache:
My build contains couple "tasks" that using JavaExec are starting new processes to do some job (not related to build itself).
I have more than one of such tasks, and I need to run them in parallel. But cause of issue above - can't
> Could not open buildscript class cache for build file 'C
> Timeout waiting to lock buildscript class cache for b...
Owner PID: unknown
Our PID: 15860
Owner Operation: unknown
Our operation: Initialize cache
What are my options?
Ideal solution for me is to run those processes without keeping parent process (let it finish). Is it possible?
I'm running Docker 1.12.0 on a Windows 10 machine. I'm developing a Java program, using Maven 3.3.9 as a dependency manager. I have a maven docker plugin (https://github.com/fabric8io/docker-maven-plugin), which gives the following error on clean install.
[ERROR] Failed to execute goal io.fabric8:docker-maven-plugin:0.15.16:build (docker-build-start) on project integration-test: Execution docker-build-start of goal io.fabric8:docker-maven-plugin:0.15.16:build failed: No <dockerHost> or <machine> given, no DOCKER_HOST environment variable, and no read/writable '/var/run/docker.sock' -> [Help 1]
When I run a clean install with the following configuration option in the POM file:
the following result is shown.
[ERROR] Failed to execute goal io.fabric8:docker-maven-plugin:0.15.16:build (docker-build-start) on project integration-test: Cannot create docker access object: Cannot extract API version from server Connect to [/] failed: Connection refused: connect -> [Help 1]
My question: is there an IP address I can use to tell this maven plugin where it can reach the daemon? Normal docker commands work perfectly fine. The plugin works without any problems on OS X.
After nearly a day of fruitless Googling I found this solution by myself. Trivial, but might still help others.
You need to enable the checkbox 'Expose daemon on...' under Settings -> General
On Windows 10 with Docker for Windows, the Docker Engine API is available in these two locations:
I recommend trying with the localhost one.
Details here: https://docs.docker.com/docker-for-windows/faqs/#/how-do-i-connect-to-the-remote-docker-engine-api
It seems the user which is running Maven goals doesn't have access to docker.sock . The error message is telling which options are there to resolve the problem.
No <dockerHost> or <machine> given, no DOCKER_HOST environment
variable, and no read/writable '/var/run/docker.sock'
Last option is the easiest one because it requires a file permission and it doesn't need to create any docker machine or set a DOCKER_HOST, On Linux you can change read/write permission of docker.sock with the following:
sudo chmod 776 /var/run/docker.sock
On windows go through this article : Microsoft article
I had the same issue when I tried to build a project in a custom GitLab CI/CD runner, with another than root user defined in a custom build image. I fixed by setting the read/write permission for users to the docker-socket.
chmod o+rw /var/run/docker.sock
If you are using Window and Maven in eclipse to build your java project
but continue seeing that error, then you have to perform these steps:
You need to enable the checkbox 'Expose daemon on...' under Settings -> General
As mentioned by #Adriaan Koster
If step1 does not solve the issue,then
Step2: Run your eclipse in administration mode.
Now it should work without issues.
If someone just wants to skip fabric8 docker-maven-plugin execution that prevents build to succeed with error
No given, no DOCKER_HOST environment variable, no
read/writable '/var/run/docker.sock' or '//./pipe/docker_engine' and
no external provider like Docker machine configured
then this can be achieved with -Ddocker.skip=true according to https://dmp.fabric8.io/#global-configuration.
use docker-machine if you are using toolbox.