My question is: is there a better way to implement this task?
I have a list of orderable elements (in this example by age, the youngest first).
And I want to delete all elements that fulfill a condition (in this example red elements) but keep the first 2 of them.
Stream<ElementsVO> stream =;
Stream<ElementsVO> redStream = stream.filter(elem->elem.getColor()==RED).sorted((c1, c2) -> { return c1.getAge() - c2.getAge();
Stream<ElementsVO> nonRedStream=stream.filter(elem->elem.getColor()!=RED);
List<ElementsVO> resultList = Stream.concat(redStream,nonRedStream).sorted((c1, c2) -> { return c1.getAge() - c2.getAge();
Any idea to improve this? Any way to implement an accumulator function or something like that with streams?
You can technically do this with a stateful predicate:
Predicate<ElementsV0> statefulPredicate = new Predicate<ElementsV0>() {
private int reds = 0;
#Override public boolean test(ElementsV0 e) {
if (elem.getColor() == RED) {
return reds < 2;
return true;
List<ElementsVO> resultList =
This might work, but it is a violation of the Stream API: the documentation for Stream.filter says that the predicate should be stateless, which in general allows the stream implementation to apply the filter in any order. For small input lists, streamed sequentially, this will almost certainly be the appearance order in the list, but it's not guaranteed.
Caveat emptor. Your current way works, although you could do the partitioning of the list more efficiently using Collectors.partitioningBy to avoid iterating it twice.
You can implement a custom collector that will maintain two separate collections of RED and non-RED element.
And since you need only two red elements having the greatest age to improve performance, you can introduce a partial sorting. I.e. collection of non-red element needs to maintain an order and always must be of size 2 at most, with that overhead of sorting will be far less significant in comparison to sorting of elements having the property of RED in order to pick only two of them.
In order to create a custom collector, you might make use of the static method Collector.of() which expects the following arguments:
Supplier Supplier<A> is meant to provide a mutable container which store elements of the stream. Because we need to separate elements by color into two groups as a container, we can use a map that will contain only 2 keys (true and false), denoting whether elements mapped to this key are red. In order to store red-elements and perform a partial sorting, we need a collection that is capable of maintaining the order. PriorityQueue is a good choice for that purpose. To store all other elements, I've used ArrayDeque, which doesn't maintain the order and as fast as ArrayList.
Accumulator BiConsumer<A,T> defines how to add elements into the mutable container provided by the supplier. For this task, the accumulator needs to guarantee that the queue, containing red-elements will not exceed the given size by rejecting values that are smaller than the lowest value previously added to the queue and by removing the lowest value if the size has reached the limit and a new value needs to be added. This functionality extracted into a separate method tryAdd()
Combiner BinaryOperator<A> combiner() establishes a rule on how to merge two containers obtained while executing stream in parallel. Here, combiner rely on the same logic that was described for accumulator.
Finisher Function<A,R> is meant to produce the final result by transforming the mutable container. In the code below, finisher dumps the contents of both queues into a stream, sorts them and collects into an immutable list.
Characteristics allow fine-tuning the collector by providing additional information on how it should function. Here a characteristic Collector.Characteristics.UNORDERED is being applied. Which indicates that the order in which partial results of the reduction produced in parallel is not significant, that can improve performance of this collector with parallel streams.
The code might look like this:
public static void main(String[] args) {
List<ElementsVO> allElements =
List.of(new ElementsVO(Color.RED, 25), new ElementsVO(Color.RED, 23), new ElementsVO(Color.RED, 27),
new ElementsVO(Color.BLACK, 19), new ElementsVO(Color.GREEN, 23), new ElementsVO(Color.GREEN, 29));
Comparator<ElementsVO> byAge = Comparator.comparing(ElementsVO::getAge);
List<ElementsVO> resultList =
.collect(getNFiltered(byAge, element -> element.getColor() != Color.RED, 2));
The method below is responsible for creating of a collector that partition the elements based on the given predicate and will sort them in accordance with the provided comparator.
public static <T> Collector<T, ?, List<T>> getNFiltered(Comparator<T> comparator,
Predicate<T> condition,
int limit) {
return Collector.of(
() -> Map.of(true, new PriorityQueue<>(comparator),
false, new ArrayDeque<>()),
(Map<Boolean, Queue<T>> isRed, T next) -> {
if (condition.test(next)) isRed.get(false).add(next);
else tryAdd(isRed.get(true), next, comparator, limit);
(Map<Boolean, Queue<T>> left, Map<Boolean, Queue<T>> right) -> {
left.get(true).forEach(next -> tryAdd(left.get(true), next, comparator, limit));
return left;
(Map<Boolean, Queue<T>> isRed) -> isRed.values().stream()
This method is responsible for adding the next red-element into the priority queue. It expects a comparator in order to be able to determine whether the next element should be added or discarded, and a value of the maximum size of the queue (2), to check if it was exceeded.
public static <T> void tryAdd(Queue<T> queue, T next, Comparator<T> comparator, int size) {
if (queue.size() == size &&, next) < 0)
queue.remove(); // if the next element is greater than the smallest element in the queue and max size has been exceeded, the smallest element needs to be removed from the queue
if (queue.size() < size) queue.add(next);
lementsVO{color=BLACK, age=19}
ElementsVO{color=GREEN, age=23}
ElementsVO{color=RED, age=25}
ElementsVO{color=RED, age=27}
ElementsVO{color=GREEN, age=29}
I wrote a generic Collector with a predicate and a limit of elements to add which match the predicate:
public class LimitedMatchCollector<T> implements Collector<T, List<T>, List<T>> {
private Predicate<T> filter;
private int limit;
public LimitedMatchCollector(Predicate<T> filter, int limit)
this.filter = filter;
this.limit = limit;
private int count = 0;
public Supplier<List<T>> supplier() {
return () -> new ArrayList<T>();
public BiConsumer<List<T>, T> accumulator() {
return this::accumulator;
public BinaryOperator<List<T>> combiner() {
return this::combiner;
public Set<Characteristics> characteristics() {
return Stream.of(Characteristics.IDENTITY_FINISH)
public List<T> accumulator(List<T> list , T e) {
if (filter.test(e)) {
if (count >= limit) {
return list;
return list;
public List<T> combiner(List<T> left , List<T> right) {
right.forEach( e -> {
if (filter.test(e)) {
if (count < limit) {
return left;
public Function<List<T>, List<T>> finisher()
return Function.identity();
List<ElementsVO> list = Arrays.asList(new ElementsVO("BLUE", 1)
,new ElementsVO("BLUE", 2) // made color a String
,new ElementsVO("RED", 3)
,new ElementsVO("RED", 4)
,new ElementsVO("GREEN", 5)
,new ElementsVO("RED", 6)
,new ElementsVO("YELLOW", 7)
System.out.println( LimitedMatchCollector<ElementsVO>( (e) -> "RED".equals(e.getColor()),2)));
I have a class City
public final class City {
private final String name;
private final String state;
private final int population;
public City(String name, String state, int population) { = name;
this.state = state;
this.population = population;
public String getName() {
return name;
public String getState() {
return state;
public int getPopulation() {
return population;
public String toString() {
return "City [name=" + name + ", state=" + state + ", population=" + population + "]";
And a class that implements Observable (not needed for this). This observable class holds an arraylist List<City> cityList that has the data for all the cities that have been reported.
My class TopFiveCities is supposed to:
"implement a getter method getTopFive() returning a list with the five
top cities (in terms of population) received. The list is sorted from
higher to lower numbers. The returned list must be a copy of the list
kept by the observer"
Aside from just getting the top 5 list, I also need to know how to make a copy of that list from the observer.
This is what I have:
public class TopFiveCities
implements Observer {
private List<City> list = new ArrayList<>(CensusOffice.cityList);
public List<City> getTopFive() {
Collections.sort(list, new Comparator<City>() {
public int compare(City o1, City o2) {
return, o2.getPopulation());
return list;
public void update(Observable observable) {
if (!(observable instanceof Observable)) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException();
With this, when one of the sample outputs should be:
City [name=Chicago, state=IL, population=2746388]
I just receive a list of all the cities, sorted by population from LOWEST to HIGHEST. What I'm doing wrong?
You can just use a Stream, use a Comparator to sort the stream, limit the number of element and convert the elements to a new list:
List<City> top5citiesByPopulation =
int order = requestedOrder.equals("asc") ? 1 : -1;
Collections.sort(list, new Comparator<CustomObj>() {
public int compare(CustomObj first, CustomObj scnd) {
return first.getComparableParam().compareTo(scnd.getComparableParam()) * order;
I just copied and passed this code block from recommended stackover page in the comment. Of you want ascending order simply change it. In your code order will be -1.
Simply you need to multiply by -1.
return, o2.getPopulation()) * -1;
After this you can sublist it.
You keep the list as global variable it can be reached from update method but it does not change if class is singleton except for update method. Your update method can change it by notifying
In update method you can simply clear and add new list by list.addAll
Since this is a schoolwork assignment, I’ll describe the pieces but let you assemble them into final code.
I have a class "City"
You could more briefly define that class as a record.
City ( String name, String state, int population ) {}
holds an array list "List cityList"
List < City > cities = new ArrayList<>();
getting the top 5 list
Sort the list by using a reverse comparator. You can make a comparator for sorting by using a method reference for the accessor “getter” method. But be aware that records do not use the word “get” by default as their accessor, they use simply the name of the property.
cities.sort( Comparator.comparing( City :: population ).reversed() ) ;
For an unmodifiable list, call List.of or List.copyOf.
List#subset gives you a list with some of the elements of the original. But beware: the resulting list is based on a view of the original list. The subset is not separate and independent. To get a separate list, pass to List.copyOf or pass to the constructor of another List implementation.
List< City > topFivePop = List.copyOf( subset ) ;
This problem doesn't require sorting the whole given list, which will have a time complexity of O(n log n).
Basically, the task is somewhat similar to finding the maximum element in the list that can be done in O(n) time with a single pass through the given list.
The most suitable approach for this problem is a partial sorting, and the best performance that could be achieved is the middle-ground between O(n) and O(n log n).
In order to find 5 maximum elements in a list, we can maintain a collection that will store in sorted order up to 5 previously encountered elements with maximum values.
Elements that are lover than the smallest element in the collection will be discarded automatically if the collection is already of size 5. Only new elements with a value higher than the smallest element's value will trigger reordering of this tiny collection. I.e. the data will be sorted partially instead of sorting the whole data set.
In the implementation below for as collection that will store 5 max elements, I've chosen a PriorityQueue.
According to the documentation it's methods have the following time complexity.
this implementation provides O(log(n)) time for the enqueuing and dequeuing methods (offer, poll, remove() and add); linear time for the remove(Object) and contains(Object) methods; and constant time for the retrieval methods (peek, element, and size).
I.e. adding of a new element and removing the first element both will perform in logarithmic time, and accessing the smallest value in the queue with the method element() with done in O(1) time (almost immediately).
The PriorityQueue is encapsulated inside a generic class, which constructor expects as parameters a Comparator<T> and a desired maximum size of the queue (i.e. a number of max elements that needs to be found).
The queue itself doesn't exposed to the outside classes. Method addItem() processing the given element and getFirstN returns a sorted immutable list.
Comparator in the code below is implemented using the static method comparingInt(). You could also implement Comparator in a "classical way" (pre-Java 8) by providing the behavior for it's abstract method compare() either by using a lambda expression or within an anonymous inner class.
public class FirstN<T> {
private final Queue<T> queue;
private final Comparator<T> comparator;
private final int capacity;
public FirstN(Comparator<T> comparator, int capacity) {
this.queue = new PriorityQueue<>(comparator);
this.comparator = comparator;
this.capacity = capacity;
public boolean addItem(T item) {
if (capacity == queue.size() &&, queue.element()) <= 0) {
return false; // queue is full and the given item is smaller than the lowerest element in the queue
if (capacity == queue.size() &&, queue.element()) > 0) {
queue.remove(); // removing the first element if it's smaller than the given item
return queue.add(item); // adding the given item
public List<T> getFirstN() {
List<T> result = new ArrayList<>(queue); // creating a list based on a queue
return List.copyOf(result); // making a copy of the list (returned list is immutable)
public static void main(String[] args) {
List<City> cities = List.of(
new City("Austin", "Texas", 1028225),
new City("Los Angeles", "California", 3985516),
new City("San Diego", "California", 1429653),
new City("Houston", "Texas", 2325353),
new City("Phoenix", "Arizona", 1759943),
new City("New York City", "New York", 8177025),
new City("San Antonio", "Texas", 1598964),
new City("Philadelphia", "Pennsylvania", 1585480),
new City("San Diego", "California", 1429653),
new City("Chicago", "Illinois", 2671635),
new City("Dallas", "Texas", 1348886));
FirstN<City> top5Cities =
new FirstN<>(Comparator.comparingInt(City::getPopulation), 5);
for (City next: cities) {
List<City> result = top5Cities.getFirstN(); // contains 5 biggest US cities
result.forEach(System.out::println); // printing the result
Output (order from lowest to highest)
City [name=Phoenix, state=Arizona, population=1759943]
City [name=Houston, state=Texas, population=2325353]
City [name=Chicago, state=Illinois, population=2671635]
City [name=Los Angeles, state=California, population=3985516]
City [name=New York City, state=New York, population=8177025]
I have a String[] with values like so:
public static final String[] VALUES = new String[] {"AB","BC","CD","AE"};
Given String s, is there a good way of testing whether VALUES contains s?
Warning: this doesn't work for arrays of primitives (see the comments).
Since java-8 you can now use Streams.
String[] values = {"AB","BC","CD","AE"};
boolean contains ="s"::equals);
To check whether an array of int, double or long contains a value use IntStream, DoubleStream or LongStream respectively.
int[] a = {1,2,3,4};
boolean contains = IntStream.of(a).anyMatch(x -> x == 4);
Concise update for Java SE 9
Reference arrays are bad. For this case we are after a set. Since Java SE 9 we have Set.of.
private static final Set<String> VALUES = Set.of(
"Given String s, is there a good way of testing whether VALUES contains s?"
The right type, immutable, O(1) and concise. Beautiful.*
Original answer details
Just to clear the code up to start with. We have (corrected):
public static final String[] VALUES = new String[] {"AB","BC","CD","AE"};
This is a mutable static which FindBugs will tell you is very naughty. Do not modify statics and do not allow other code to do so also. At an absolute minimum, the field should be private:
private static final String[] VALUES = new String[] {"AB","BC","CD","AE"};
(Note, you can actually drop the new String[]; bit.)
Reference arrays are still bad and we want a set:
private static final Set<String> VALUES = new HashSet<String>(Arrays.asList(
new String[] {"AB","BC","CD","AE"}
(Paranoid people, such as myself, may feel more at ease if this was wrapped in Collections.unmodifiableSet - it could then even be made public.)
(*To be a little more on brand, the collections API is predictably still missing immutable collection types and the syntax is still far too verbose, for my tastes.)
You can use ArrayUtils.contains from Apache Commons Lang
public static boolean contains(Object[] array, Object objectToFind)
Note that this method returns false if the passed array is null.
There are also methods available for primitive arrays of all kinds.
String[] fieldsToInclude = { "id", "name", "location" };
if ( ArrayUtils.contains( fieldsToInclude, "id" ) ) {
// Do some stuff.
Just simply implement it by hand:
public static <T> boolean contains(final T[] array, final T v) {
for (final T e : array)
if (e == v || v != null && v.equals(e))
return true;
return false;
The v != null condition is constant inside the method. It always evaluates to the same Boolean value during the method call. So if the input array is big, it is more efficient to evaluate this condition only once, and we can use a simplified/faster condition inside the for loop based on the result. The improved contains() method:
public static <T> boolean contains2(final T[] array, final T v) {
if (v == null) {
for (final T e : array)
if (e == null)
return true;
else {
for (final T e : array)
if (e == v || v.equals(e))
return true;
return false;
Four Different Ways to Check If an Array Contains a Value
Using List:
public static boolean useList(String[] arr, String targetValue) {
return Arrays.asList(arr).contains(targetValue);
Using Set:
public static boolean useSet(String[] arr, String targetValue) {
Set<String> set = new HashSet<String>(Arrays.asList(arr));
return set.contains(targetValue);
Using a simple loop:
public static boolean useLoop(String[] arr, String targetValue) {
for (String s: arr) {
if (s.equals(targetValue))
return true;
return false;
Using Arrays.binarySearch():
The code below is wrong, it is listed here for completeness. binarySearch() can ONLY be used on sorted arrays. You will find the result is weird below. This is the best option when array is sorted.
public static boolean binarySearch(String[] arr, String targetValue) {
return Arrays.binarySearch(arr, targetValue) >= 0;
Quick Example:
String testValue="test";
String newValueNotInList="newValue";
String[] valueArray = { "this", "is", "java" , "test" };
Arrays.asList(valueArray).contains(testValue); // returns true
Arrays.asList(valueArray).contains(newValueNotInList); // returns false
If the array is not sorted, you will have to iterate over everything and make a call to equals on each.
If the array is sorted, you can do a binary search, there's one in the Arrays class.
Generally speaking, if you are going to do a lot of membership checks, you may want to store everything in a Set, not in an array.
For what it's worth I ran a test comparing the 3 suggestions for speed. I generated random integers, converted them to a String and added them to an array. I then searched for the highest possible number/string, which would be a worst case scenario for the asList().contains().
When using a 10K array size the results were:
Sort & Search : 15
Binary Search : 0
asList.contains : 0
When using a 100K array the results were:
Sort & Search : 156
Binary Search : 0
asList.contains : 32
So if the array is created in sorted order the binary search is the fastest, otherwise the asList().contains would be the way to go. If you have many searches, then it may be worthwhile to sort the array so you can use the binary search. It all depends on your application.
I would think those are the results most people would expect. Here is the test code:
import java.util.*;
public class Test {
public static void main(String args[]) {
long start = 0;
int size = 100000;
String[] strings = new String[size];
Random random = new Random();
for (int i = 0; i < size; i++)
strings[i] = "" + random.nextInt(size);
start = System.currentTimeMillis();
System.out.println(Arrays.binarySearch(strings, "" + (size - 1)));
System.out.println("Sort & Search : "
+ (System.currentTimeMillis() - start));
start = System.currentTimeMillis();
System.out.println(Arrays.binarySearch(strings, "" + (size - 1)));
System.out.println("Search : "
+ (System.currentTimeMillis() - start));
start = System.currentTimeMillis();
System.out.println(Arrays.asList(strings).contains("" + (size - 1)));
System.out.println("Contains : "
+ (System.currentTimeMillis() - start));
Instead of using the quick array initialisation syntax too, you could just initialise it as a List straight away in a similar manner using the Arrays.asList method, e.g.:
public static final List<String> STRINGS = Arrays.asList("firstString", "secondString" ...., "lastString");
Then you can do (like above):
STRINGS.contains("the string you want to find");
With Java 8 you can create a stream and check if any entries in the stream matches "s":
String[] values = {"AB","BC","CD","AE"};
boolean sInArray ="s"::equals);
Or as a generic method:
public static <T> boolean arrayContains(T[] array, T value) {
You can use the Arrays class to perform a binary search for the value. If your array is not sorted, you will have to use the sort functions in the same class to sort the array, then search through it.
ObStupidAnswer (but I think there's a lesson in here somewhere):
enum Values {
try {
return true;
} catch (IllegalArgumentException exc) {
return false;
Actually, if you use HashSet<String> as Tom Hawtin proposed you don't need to worry about sorting, and your speed is the same as with binary search on a presorted array, probably even faster.
It all depends on how your code is set up, obviously, but from where I stand, the order would be:
On an unsorted array:
sort & binary
On a sorted array:
So either way, HashSet for the win.
Developers often do:
Set<String> set = new HashSet<String>(Arrays.asList(arr));
return set.contains(targetValue);
The above code works, but there is no need to convert a list to set first. Converting a list to a set requires extra time. It can as simple as:
for (String s : arr) {
if (s.equals(targetValue))
return true;
return false;
The first one is more readable than the second one.
If you have the google collections library, Tom's answer can be simplified a lot by using ImmutableSet (
This really removes a lot of clutter from the initialization proposed
private static final Set<String> VALUES = ImmutableSet.of("AB","BC","CD","AE");
In Java 8 use Streams.
List<String> myList =
Arrays.asList("a1", "a2", "b1", "c2", "c1");
.filter(s -> s.startsWith("c"))
One possible solution:
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.List;
public class ArrayContainsElement {
public static final List<String> VALUES = Arrays.asList("AB", "BC", "CD", "AE");
public static void main(String args[]) {
if (VALUES.contains("AB")) {
} else {
System.out.println("Not contains");
Using a simple loop is the most efficient way of doing this.
boolean useLoop(String[] arr, String targetValue) {
for(String s: arr){
return true;
return false;
Courtesy to Programcreek
the shortest solution
the array VALUES may contain duplicates
since Java 9
Use the following (the contains() method is in this code):
public class ObjectUtils {
* A null safe method to detect if two objects are equal.
* #param object1
* #param object2
* #return true if either both objects are null, or equal, else returns false.
public static boolean equals(Object object1, Object object2) {
return object1 == null ? object2 == null : object1.equals(object2);
public class ArrayUtils {
* Find the index of of an object is in given array,
* starting from given inclusive index.
* #param ts Array to be searched in.
* #param t Object to be searched.
* #param start The index from where the search must start.
* #return Index of the given object in the array if it is there, else -1.
public static <T> int indexOf(final T[] ts, final T t, int start) {
for (int i = start; i < ts.length; ++i)
if (ObjectUtils.equals(ts[i], t))
return i;
return -1;
* Find the index of of an object is in given array, starting from 0;
* #param ts Array to be searched in.
* #param t Object to be searched.
* #return indexOf(ts, t, 0)
public static <T> int indexOf(final T[] ts, final T t) {
return indexOf(ts, t, 0);
* Detect if the given object is in the given array.
* #param ts Array to be searched in.
* #param t Object to be searched.
* #return If indexOf(ts, t) is greater than -1.
public static <T> boolean in(final T[] ts, final T t) {
return indexOf(ts, t) > -1;
As you can see in the code above, that there are other utility methods ObjectUtils.equals() and ArrayUtils.indexOf(), that were used at other places as well.
For arrays of limited length use the following (as given by camickr). This is slow for repeated checks, especially for longer arrays (linear search).
For fast performance if you repeatedly check against a larger set of elements
An array is the wrong structure. Use a TreeSet and add each element to it. It sorts elements and has a fast exist() method (binary search).
If the elements implement Comparable & you want the TreeSet sorted accordingly:
ElementClass.compareTo() method must be compatable with ElementClass.equals(): see Triads not showing up to fight? (Java Set missing an item)
TreeSet myElements = new TreeSet();
// Do this for each element (implementing *Comparable*)
// *Alternatively*, if an array is forceably provided from other code:
Otherwise, use your own Comparator:
class MyComparator implements Comparator<ElementClass> {
int compareTo(ElementClass element1; ElementClass element2) {
// Your comparison of elements
// Should be consistent with object equality
boolean equals(Object otherComparator) {
// Your equality of comparators
// construct TreeSet with the comparator
TreeSet myElements = new TreeSet(new MyComparator());
// Do this for each element (implementing *Comparable*)
The payoff: check existence of some element:
// Fast binary search through sorted elements (performance ~ log(size)):
boolean containsElement = myElements.exists(someElement);
If you don't want it to be case sensitive;
Try this:
ArrayList<Integer> arrlist = new ArrayList<Integer>(8);
// use add() method to add elements in the list
boolean retval = arrlist.contains(10);
if (retval == true) {
System.out.println("10 is contained in the list");
else {
System.out.println("10 is not contained in the list");
Check this
String[] VALUES = new String[]{"AB", "BC", "CD", "AE"};
String s;
for (int i = 0; i < VALUES.length; i++) {
if (VALUES[i].equals(s)) {
// do your stuff
} else {
//do your stuff
Arrays.asList() -> then calling the contains() method will always work, but a search algorithm is much better since you don't need to create a lightweight list wrapper around the array, which is what Arrays.asList() does.
public boolean findString(String[] strings, String desired){
for (String str : strings){
if (desired.equals(str)) {
return true;
return false; //if we get here… there is no desired String, return false.
Use below -
String[] values = {"AB","BC","CD","AE"};
String s = "A";
boolean contains = -> v.contains(s));
Use Array.BinarySearch(array,obj) for finding the given object in array or not.
if (Array.BinarySearch(str, i) > -1)` → true --exists
false --not exists
Try using Java 8 predicate test method
Here is a full example of it.
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.function.Predicate;
public class Test {
public static final List<String> VALUES =
Arrays.asList("AA", "AB", "BC", "CD", "AE");
public static void main(String args[]) {
Predicate<String> containsLetterA = VALUES -> VALUES.contains("AB");
for (String i : VALUES) {
Create a boolean initially set to false. Run a loop to check every value in the array and compare to the value you are checking against. If you ever get a match, set boolean to true and stop the looping. Then assert that the boolean is true.
As I'm dealing with low level Java using primitive types byte and byte[], the best so far I got is from bytes-java seems a fine piece of work
You can check it by two methods
A) By converting the array into string and then check the required string by .contains method
String a = Arrays.toString(VALUES);
B) This is a more efficent method
Scanner s = new Scanner(;
String u =;
boolean d = true;
for (int i = 0; i < VAL.length; i++) {
if (VAL[i].equals(u) == d)
System.out.println(VAL[i] + " " + u + VAL[i].equals(u));