Preserving line breaks in VSCode Java formatter - java

I am currently using Java in Visual Studio Code, and I am having a problem with formatting.
I want to preserve the line breaks I made on purpose even after formatting.
BUT VSCode doesn't allows me to do that.
Is there a solution for this problem?
[Before formatting]
[After formatting]
All I want is to keep the code the same before and after formatting.

You can use some special comment to let the extension skip format in a range:
Or you can trigger a command Java: Open Java Formatter Settings with Preview to view some basic format settings in UI. Meanwhile it will generate a .xml format profile in .vscode folder, in which you can find all format settings there.


ESAPI not passing file validation

I am working with ESAPI to try and validate windows directory paths. For some reason, the part of my directory path named \14\ is getting converted into a CRLF. The error I am receiving is below, what am I not understanding correctly? I feel like my regex should be working.
WARN IntrusionDetector [SECURITY FAILURE Anonymous:null#unknown -> /project-test/IntrusionDetector] Invalid input: context=directoryPath, type(DirectoryName)=^[a-zA-Z0-9:/\\!##$%^&{}\[\]()_+\-=,.~'` ]{1,255}$, input=C:\UsersTESTUS~1AppDataLocalTempTestCase8002TempWorkSpace, orig=C:\Users\TESTUS~1\AppData\Local\Temp\14\TestCase8002TempWorkSpace
As you can see, I am using the regex:
^[a-zA-Z0-9:/\!##$%^&{}[]()_+-=,.~'` ]$
My input is:
Ouput, after ESAPI does canonicalization and validation:
Here is the line of code that causes me to receive the error;
String validatedSourcePath = ESAPI.validator().getValidInput("directoryUnzip", directory, "DirectoryName", 255, false);
File validFile = new File(validatedSourcePath);
#C.Williams: I was about 30 minutes into writing up a detailed reply in an editor and accidentally excited my editor window. I'm too ticked off at my stupidity of not saving it to write it again, especially since I was only about 75% done.
However, if you want to email me I can arrange to talk to you via Google Hangouts or Signal to tell you want your problem is and how you can fix it. But it's long and complicated and partially related to a bug the ESAPI team just fixed but is not in any official release yet. But I am not going to take another 45 minutes or more trying to reply with any written text. My email address should be easy enough to find. Just google for my name and ESAPI. I am one of the project co-leaders on ESAPI.
-kevin wall

CRF++: Yet Another CRF Tool Kit

When I use CRF++ toolkit for the first time. I have installed it and when I run the crflearn command I'am getting this message :
CRF++: Yet Another CRF Tool Kit Copyright (C) 2005-2013 Taku Kudo, All rights reserved. encoder.cpp(340) [, trainfile)] feature_index.cpp(135) [ifs] open failed: template_file
Can anyone help me?
The package is pretty well documented here
Can you give the full command you tried to use?
The pattern is crf_learn -t [template_file] [data_file_in_the_right_format]
The package comes with an example template file, here's the head of mine:
The data needs to be in a tab delimited format with each data point represented by a row, each column is the feature value for that row and the final column is your gold standard label.
Does that help?
You put wrong file path for template featurefile and model. So, put these files inside CRF-PP folder and fire the crf_learn command. Hope this will solve your issue.

Fixing Java Locale Error Peru

related to this bug i need to fix the display of the currency format for PERU.
How can i change the properties for de locale of PE_es?
Currenctly the currency is shown as S/ but it should be "S/.".
Can i just replace the properties file? i am looking for a soluction in the jre instalation or the code. I have tried looking for the file without luck.
Java version is 1.7.0 _22 b11
The bug you mentioned is already fixed in the version 8u34. However, starting tomorrow, there will be a new "bug" (until it is changed/fixed).
Starting Dic 15th, the Peruvian Symbol will be S/ (without the dot).
Depending on which version of the JVM you currently have, you may (or may not) run into this problem. In case you currently have the last version, your only options might be:
Use a workaround for Peruvian Currency
Wait until they update the JVM with the change so you can update it.
Regarding the second point, you may also want to file a bug/change report (similar to the bug_id 7028073).
Source: El Peruano (Article 2) (Source is in Spanish).
A possible solution for that is make a little function to make it manually:
public String getPeruvianCurrencyFormat(double value)
NumberFormat nf = NumberFormat.getNumberInstance();
return "S/. " + nf.format(value);

Include SVN revision number in source code

My requirement is simple. At the beginning of each file there should be a block comment like this:
* This file was last modified by {username} at {date} and has revision number {revisionnumber}
I want to populate the {username}, {date} and {revisionnumber} with the appropriate content from SVN.
How can I achieve this with NetBeans and Subversion? I have searched a lot but I can't find exactly what I need.
I looked at this question and got some useful information. It is not exactly duplicate because I am working with NetBeans but the idea is the same. This is my header:
* $LastChangedDate$
* $LastChangedRevision$
Then I go to Team > Subversion > Svn properties and add svn:keywords as property name and LastChangedDate LastChangedRevision as property value.
And when I commit from NetBeans it looks like this:
* $LastChangedDate: 2012-02-13 17:38:57 +0200 (Пн, 13 II 2012) $
* $LastChangedRevision: 27 $
Thanks all for the support! I will accept my answer because other answers do not include the NetBeans information. Nevertheless I give +1 to the other answers.
As this data only exists after the file was committed it should be set by SVN itself, not a client program. (And client-side processing tends to get disabled or not configured at all.) This means there is no simple template/substitute like you want, because then after the first replacement the template variables would be lost.
You can find information abut SVN's keyword substitution here. Then things like $Rev$ can be replaced by $Rev: 12 $.
You can do this with The SubWCRev Program.
SubWCRev is Windows console program which can be used to read the
status of a Subversion working copy and optionally perform keyword
substitution in a template file. This is often used as part of the
build process as a means of incorporating working copy information
into the object you are building. Typically it might be used to
include the revision number in an “About” box.
This is typically done during the build process.
If you use Linux, you can find a Linux binary here. If you wish, you could also write your own using the output of svn log.
I followed Petar Minchev's suggestions, only I put the $LastChangedRevision$ tag not in a comment block but embedded it in a string. Now it is available to programmatically display the revision number in a Help -> About dialog.
String build = "$LastChangedRevision$";
I can later display the revision value in the about dialog using a String that has all of the fluff trimmed off.
String version = build.replace("$LastChangedRevision:", "").replace("$", "").trim();
I recommend a slightly different approach.
Put the following header at the top of your source files.
* This file was last modified by {username} at {date} and has revision number {revisionnumber}
Then add a shell script like this
post update, checkout script
USERNAME=# // use svnversion to get username
DATE=# // use svnversion to get revisio nnumber
sed -e "s#{username}#${USERNAME}#" -e "s#{date}#${DATE}#" ${SOURCE_CONTROL_FILE} > ${SOURCE_FILE}
pre commit script
cat standard_header.txt > ${SOURCE_CONTROL_FILE}
tail --lines $((${LENGTH}-4)) ${SOURCE_FILE} >> ${SOURCE_CONTROL_FILE}

Grails Ant Mail Line break

I'm sure there is a very easy answer to this but how do I include a line break within the grails ant mail. I am using the format below, and i've tried closing the quotes and using /n, HTML break tags, nothing seems to work.
ant.mail(mailhost:'x', mailport:'x', subject:'Test'){
You may forget to set the option to allow html tag:
message(mimetype:"text/html", "Your content")

