How to handle ResourceAccessException in resttemplate using Spring integration - java

Here I'm using Spring integration's http outbound gateway to make a http call. I have also added timeout for the call. I have configured the timeout using restemplate. Here whenever it's taking more time then it's throwing an ResourceAccessException but I want to handle that exception and want to send proper msg to the user. Even though I'm using a custom error handler but the exception is not getting handled by that. Below the code where I'm using scatter gather pattern and flow2 is the http call where I want to handle the exception-
#Autowired private RestTemplateConfig resttemplateconfig.
public IntegrationFlow mainFlow() {
return flow ->
.channel(c -> c.executor(Executors.newCachedThreadPool()))
scatterer ->
gatherer ->
.releaseStrategy(group -> group.size() == 1))
public IntegrationFlow flow2() {
return flow -> -> c.executor(Executors.newCachedThreadPool()))
"http://localhost:4444/test", resttemplateconfig.restTemplate())
//RestTemplateConfig - The Resttemplate Config class where I'm setting the timeout and errorhandler.
public class RestTemplateConfig {
private final int TIMEOUT = (int) TimeUnit.SECONDS.toMillis(6);
#Autowired CustomErrorHandler errorHandler;
public RestTemplate restTemplate() {
HttpComponentsClientHttpRequestFactory requestFactory =
new HttpComponentsClientHttpRequestFactory();
RestTemplate restTemplate = new RestTemplate(requestFactory);
return restTemplate;
//custom error handler
public class CustomServiceErrorHandler implements ResponseErrorHandler {
private List<HttpMessageConverter<?>> messageConverters;
public boolean hasError(ClientHttpResponse response) throws IOException {
return hasError(response.getStatusCode());
protected boolean hasError(HttpStatus statusCode) {
return (statusCode.is4xxClientError() || statusCode.is5xxServerError());
public void handleError(ClientHttpResponse httpResponse) throws IOException {
if (httpResponse.getStatusCode().series() == SERVER_ERROR) {
// handle SERVER_ERROR
} else if (httpResponse.getStatusCode().series() == CLIENT_ERROR) {
// handle CLIENT_ERROR
} else {
public void setMessageConverters(List<HttpMessageConverter<?>> messageConverters) {
this.messageConverters = messageConverters;
I'm getting below error that I want to handle -
Caused by: org.springframework.web.client.ResourceAccessException: I/O error on POST request for "http://localhost:4444/test": Read timed out; nested exception is Read timed out
If I'm adding .errorHandler(new CustomErrorHandler()) in Http.outboundgateway then I'm getting error saying -
Caused by: org.springframework.beans.factory.BeanCreationException: Error creating bean with name 'flow2' defined in class path resource [example/common/config/SpringIntegrationConfiguration.class]: Initialization of bean failed; nested exception is java.lang.RuntimeException: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: the 'errorHandler' must be specified on the provided 'restTemplate'

the 'errorHandler' must be specified on the provided 'restTemplate'
It's probably clearly states that such an error handler must be configured on the externally provided RestTemplate.
When an IOException is thrown in the RestTemplate, that error handler is not invoked. See the source code of its doExecute() method:
response = request.execute();
handleResponse(url, method, response);
return (responseExtractor != null ? responseExtractor.extractData(response) : null);
catch (IOException ex) {
throw new ResourceAccessException("I/O error on " + +
" request for \"" + resource + "\": " + ex.getMessage(), ex);
This type of exceptions has to be handled around that HTTP Gateway call.
See if you can set a custom errorChannel header - enrichHeaders() and handle this error in the dedicated IntegrationFlow. Since you use an ExecutorChannel, the async error handling must have an effect.
Another way (and I recall as showed you before) is to use an ExpressionEvaluatingRequestHandlerAdvice on that Http.outboundGateway() endpoint.
See more in docs:


Unable to catch error when using RestTemplate getForObject

I'm using RestTemplate to call my webservice's health actuator endpoint from another webservice of mine to see if the webservice is up. If the webservice is up, all works fine, but when it's down, I get an error 500, "Internal Server Error". If my webservice is down, I'm trying to catch that error to be able to handle it, but the problem I'm having is that I can't seem to be able to catch the error.
I've tried the following and it never enters either of my catch sections
public class DepositService {
public RestTemplate restTemplate(RestTemplateBuilder builder) {
return builder
private static void getBankAccountConnectorHealth() {
final String uri = "http://localhost:9996/health";
RestTemplate restTemplate = new RestTemplate();
String result = null;
try {
result = restTemplate.getForObject(uri, String.class);
} catch (HttpClientErrorException exception) {
System.out.println("callToRestService Error :" + exception.getResponseBodyAsString());
} catch (HttpStatusCodeException exception) {
System.out.println( "callToRestService Error :" + exception.getResponseBodyAsString());
I've also tried doing it this way, but same results. It never seems to enter my error handler class.
public class NotFoundException extends RuntimeException {
public class RestTemplateResponseErrorHandler implements ResponseErrorHandler {
public boolean hasError(ClientHttpResponse httpResponse) throws IOException {
return (httpResponse.getStatusCode().series() == CLIENT_ERROR || httpResponse.getStatusCode().series() == SERVER_ERROR);
public void handleError(ClientHttpResponse httpResponse) throws IOException {
if (httpResponse.getStatusCode().series() == HttpStatus.Series.SERVER_ERROR) {
// handle SERVER_ERROR
System.out.println("Server error!");
} else if (httpResponse.getStatusCode().series() == HttpStatus.Series.CLIENT_ERROR) {
// handle CLIENT_ERROR
System.out.println("Client error!");
if (httpResponse.getStatusCode() == HttpStatus.NOT_FOUND) {
throw new NotFoundException();
public class DepositService {
public RestTemplate restTemplate(RestTemplateBuilder builder) {
return builder
private static void getAccountHealth() {
final String uri = "http://localhost:9996/health";
RestTemplate restTemplate = new RestTemplate();
restTemplate.setErrorHandler(new RestTemplateResponseErrorHandler());
String result = null;
result = restTemplate.getForObject(uri, String.class);
Any suggestions as to how I can call my webservice's health actuator from another webservice and catch if that webservice is down?
It looks like the getForObject doesn't throw either of the exceptions you are catching. From the documentation, it throws RestClientException. The best method I have found for identifying thrown exceptions is to catch Exception in the debugger and inspect it to find out if it's useful.
With the second method, I'm not sure why you would create a bean method for the RestTemplate and then create one with new. You probably should inject your RestTemplate and initialise the ResponseErrorHandler with the RestTemplateBuilder::errorHandler method.
Internal serve error throw HttpServerErrorException You should catch this exception if you want to handle it However the better way to do that is using error handler you can see the following posts to see how to do that:

Fallback Factory not working to handle Custom Exception in Feign Client

My requirement is to access the custom exception thrown from first service along with it's body content in the second service
I have tried 2 things so far, FallbackFactory and ErrorDecoder, out of which only Fallback factory worked for me. Error decoder did not have the message of the exception which was thrown from other service. Here is the sample code that I found in another question:
There will be 2 services: inventory-service and product-service
public class InventoryController {
private final ProductServiceClient productService;
public InventoryController(ProductServiceClient productService) {
this.productService = productService;
public ResponseEntity<?> companyInfo() {
return productService.hello();
#FeignClient(name = "product-service", url = "http://localhost:9100", fallbackFactory = ProductServiceClientFallback.class)
public interface ProductServiceClient {
ResponseEntity<?> hello();
class ProductServiceClientFallback implements FallbackFactory<ProductServiceClient> {
public ProductServiceClient create(Throwable cause) {
return new ProductServiceClient() {
public ResponseEntity<?> hello() {
System.out.println("hello!! fallback reason was " + cause.getMessage());
return ResponseEntity.ok().build();
#RequestMapping(value = "/products")
public class ProductController {
public String hello() throws Exception {
if (true) {
throw new Exception("Service B Exception...");
return "Hello World";
public class ProductControllerAdvice {
public ResponseEntity<?> handleException(Exception exception) {
return new ResponseEntity<>("Caused due to : " + exception.getMessage(), HttpStatus.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR);
So, when /inventories api is triggered in Inventory controller, it triggers a call to product-service via Feign Client and on product-service side, I throw a custom exception with a message, I have to access that message in my inventory-service.
To get that I have implemented fallback factory and it worked in a test-workspace since I got an output like this in console of inventory-service
hello!! fallback reason was status 500 reading ProductServiceClient#hello(); content:
Caused due to : Service B Exception...
But, my problem is when I try the similar approach with the applications that I'm working on, I did not get the message of exception, instead I got an out put like this:
reached fallback on workflow side, reason: status 400 reading ProvisioningServiceProxy#executeOrderAction(Long,Long,String)
#FeignClient( url = "/executeOrder", fallbackFactory = TestServiceAFallback.class )
public interface TestServiceA extends Serializable{
#PostMapping( value = "order/{requestId}/order/{orderId}/{command}" )
public ResponseEntity<ProcessInstanceVariable> executeOrderAction( #PathVariable( name = "command" ) String command );
Service-B from where the custom exception is thrown
#PostMapping( value = /executeOrder )
public ResponseEntity<ProcessInstanceVariable> executeOrderAction( #PathVariable( value = "command" ) String command )
{ //switch code to check the command value and throw exception for one particular command
throw new ValidationException("validation exception from service B");
I have an advice also, which handles Validation Exceptions and there is a method like this in that class
#ExceptionHandler( ValidationException.class )
public ResponseEntity<Object> handleValidationException( ValidationException ve )
return new ResponseEntity<>( ve.getMessage(), HttpStatus.BAD_REQUEST );
So, I was expecting to receive the message on TestServiceA side which I sent from TestServiceB, but I received a generic message showing that BAD REQUEST while reading the API.
I'm not sure if any extra configuration is required on TestServiceA side apart from below configuration:
Let me know if anything is missing from my end, I have gone through this documentation and seems to me I have done the implementation the way it should happen to get the message and body of exception thrown from other service.
For anyone who comes to this question looking for some answers, I did end up implementing ErrorDecoder, which helped me in capturing the errors. The details are a little fade to me, how the message was caught.
But I used the below code:
public class CustomExceptionDecoder implements feign.codec.ErrorDecoder
public Exception decode( String methodKey,
Response response )
final ErrorDecoder defaultErrorDecoder = new Default();
if( response.body() != null )
byte[] bodyData = Util.toByteArray( response.body().asInputStream() );
String responseBody = new String( bodyData );
LOGGER.error( "Error captured in Custom Exception Decoder: ", responseBody );
return new CustomValidationException( responseBody );
catch( IOException e )
LOGGER.error( "Throwing IOException :: {}", e.getCause() );
return defaultErrorDecoder.decode( methodKey, response );

Spring Integration Filter With Exception

I use SpringIntegration-filter for validate my WS message. I implement Validators for validating and if WS message is valid, they returns true. But if WS messages are invalid, they throws a MyValidationException.
Is there a way for handle this exceptions with usage of SpringIntegration-filter? If I don't return false, filter don't work.
My code example is below. I want to use my validation exceptions in discard flow.
public IntegrationFlow incomingRequest() {
return f -> f
.<IncomingRequest>filter(message ->
filterEndpointSpec ->
.<IncomingRequest>handle((payload, headers) ->
public IntegrationFlow discard() {
return IntegrationFlows.from(discardChannel())
#Bean(name = "discard.input")
public MessageChannel discardChannel() {
Given that the exception is comming from the validate when you check the WS request, you have to surround the call in a try catch. If an exception is thrown, it is catched and false is returned, indicating that the validation failed.
public IntegrationFlow incomingRequest2() {
return f -> f
.filter(this::isValid, filterEndpointSpec ->
filterEndpointSpec.discardFlow(f2 -> f2.transform(this::getReason))
.<IncomingRequest>handle((payload, headers) ->
And the helper methods.
public boolean isValid(IncomingRequest message) {
try {
return validatorFactory.validator(message.getName())
} catch (Exception e) { // your exception
return false;
public String getReason(IncomingRequest message) { // return the object you need
try {
return null;
} catch (Exception e) { // process exception as you want
return e.getMessage();
The discard channel just gets the rejected inbound message; there is no way to alter it in the filter.
You can do something like this...
.handle() // return an Exception on validation failure
.filter(...) // filter if payload is exception; the exceptions go to the discard channel
i.e. separate the validation and filter concerns.

Netflix Feign - Propagate Status and Exception through Microservices

I'm using Netflix Feign to call to one operation of a Microservice A to other other operation of a Microservice B which validates a code using Spring Boot.
The operation of Microservice B throws an exception in case of the validation has been bad. Then I handled in the Microservices and return a HttpStatus.UNPROCESSABLE_ENTITY (422) like next:
public Object validationException(final HttpServletRequest request, final validateException exception) {
log.error(exception.getMessage(), exception);
return error;
So, when Microservice A calls to B in a interface as next:
#Headers("Content-Type: " + MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON_UTF8_VALUE)
#RequestLine("GET /other")
void otherOperation(#Param("other") String other );
#Headers("Content-Type: " + MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON_UTF8_VALUE)
#RequestLine("GET /code/validate")
Boolean validate(#Param("prefix") String prefix);
static PromotionClient connect() {
return Feign.builder()
.encoder(new GsonEncoder())
.decoder(new GsonDecoder())
.target(PromotionClient.class, Urls.SERVICE_URL.toString());
and the validations fails it returns a internal error 500 with next message:
"timestamp": "2016-08-05T09:17:49.939+0000",
"status": 500,
"error": "Internal Server Error",
"exception": "feign.FeignException",
"message": "status 422 reading Client#validate(String); content:\n{\r\n \"errorCode\" : \"VALIDATION_EXISTS\",\r\n \"errorMessage\" : \"Code already exists.\"\r\n}",
"path": "/code/validate"
But I need to return the same as the Microservice operation B.
Which would be the best ways or techniques to propagate Status and Exceptions through microservices using Netflix Feign?
You could use a feign ErrorDecoder
Here is an example
public class MyErrorDecoder implements ErrorDecoder {
private final ErrorDecoder defaultErrorDecoder = new Default();
public Exception decode(String methodKey, Response response) {
if (response.status() >= 400 && response.status() <= 499) {
return new MyBadRequestException();
return defaultErrorDecoder.decode(methodKey, response);
For spring to pick up the ErrorDecoder you have to put it on the ApplicationContext:
public MyErrorDecoder myErrorDecoder() {
return new MyErrorDecoder();
Shameless plug for a little library I did that uses reflection to dynamically rethrow checked exceptions (and unchecked if they are on the Feign interface) based on an error code returned in the body of the response.
More information on the readme :
OpenFeign's FeignException doesn't bind to a specific HTTP status (i.e. doesn't use Spring's #ResponseStatus annotation), which makes Spring default to 500 whenever faced with a FeignException. That's okay because a FeignException can have numerous causes that can't be related to a particular HTTP status.
However you can change the way that Spring handles FeignExceptions. Simply define an ExceptionHandler that handles the FeignException the way you need it (see here):
public class GlobalExceptionHandler {
public String handleFeignStatusException(FeignException e, HttpServletResponse response) {
return "feignError";
This example makes Spring return the same HTTP status that you received from Microservice B. You can go further and also return the original response body:
Write your custom exception mapper and register it. You can customize responses.
Complete example is here
public class GenericExceptionMapper implements ExceptionMapper<Throwable> {
public Response toResponse(Throwable ex) {
return Response.status(500).entity(YOUR_RETURN_OBJ_HERE).build();
Since 2017 we've created a library that does this from annotations (making it fairly easy to, just like for requests/etc, to code this up by annotations).
it basically allows you to code error handling as follows:
#ErrorHandling(codeSpecific =
#ErrorCodes( codes = {401}, generate = UnAuthorizedException.class),
#ErrorCodes( codes = {403}, generate = ForbiddenException.class),
#ErrorCodes( codes = {404}, generate = UnknownItemException.class),
defaultException = ClassLevelDefaultException.class
interface GitHub {
#ErrorHandling(codeSpecific =
#ErrorCodes( codes = {404}, generate = NonExistentRepoException.class),
#ErrorCodes( codes = {502, 503, 504}, generate = RetryAfterCertainTimeException.class),
defaultException = FailedToGetContributorsException.class
#RequestLine("GET /repos/{owner}/{repo}/contributors")
List<Contributor> contributors(#Param("owner") String owner, #Param("repo") String repo);
You can find it in the OpenFeign organisation:
disclaimer: I'm a contributor to feign and the main dev for that error decoder.
What we do is as follows:
Share common jar which contains exceptions with both microservices.
1.) In microservices A convert exception to a DTO class lets say ErrorInfo.
Which will contain all the attributes of your custom exception with a String exceptionType, which will contain exception class name.
2.) When it is received at microservice B it will be handled by ErrorDecoder in microservice B and It will try to create an exception object from exceptionType as below:
public Exception decode(String methodKey, Response response) {
ErrorInfo errorInfo = objectMapper.readValue(details, ErrorInfo.class);
Class exceptionClass;
Exception decodedException;
try {
exceptionClass = Class.forName(errorInfo.getExceptionType());
decodedException = (Exception) exceptionClass.newInstance();
return decodedException;
catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {
return new PlatformExecutionException(details, errorInfo);
return defaultErrorDecoder.decode(methodKey, response);

Spring Integration validation

What is the best way to do validation in Spring Integration.
For example if we have an inbound gateway, when a message is received we want to validate it. If it's not valid -> return the validation errors to the gateway, else -> proceed with the normal flow of the application(transform, handle ...).
I tried a filter:
public IntegrationFlow flow() {
return IntegrationFlows.from(requestChannel())
.transform(new MapToObjectTransformer(Campaign.class))
c -> c.getId() > 10 ? true : false, //if id > 10 then it's valid
e -> e.discardChannel(validationError()))
.handle(new MyHandler())
public IntegrationFlow validationErrorFlow() {
return IntegrationFlows.from(validationError())
.handle(new ValidationHandler())//construct a message with the validation errors
It works, but that way if I use a spring validator then i have to call it twice, in the filter and in the ValidationHandler (can be a transformer) to get the errors.
Any better way?
.handle(new ValidationHandler())
You don't really need to create a new handler for each error.
In your filter, if the validation fails, throw MyValidationException(errors).
In the error flow on the gateway's error channel, the ErrorMessage has a payload that is a MessagingException with the MyValidatationException as its cause, and the failedMessage.
Something like...
public MessageHandler validationErrorHandler() {
return new AbstractReplyProducingMessageHandler() {
public Object handleRequestMessage(Message<?> error) {
MyValidationException myEx = (MyValidationException)
((ErrorMessage) error).getPayload.getCause();
Errors errors = myEx.getErrors();
Or you can use a POJO messageHandler
public Object handle(MessagingException e) {

