I have mocked several dependencies and defined their behavior. I do not wish for real methods to be called on my dependencies - the whole point of mocking.
My test:
public void should_Create_MultiDoc_Ticket() throws URISyntaxException{
DataTransformationService transformationService = Mockito.mock(DataTransformationService.class);
JSONObject samplePolicyData = createSamplePolicyData("Sample Multidoc Template");
InteractiveRequest sampleInteractiveRequest = createSampleInteractiveRequest();
String ticketId = interactiveTicketService.createTicket(samplePolicyData.toString());
verify(transformationService, times(1)).transformMultiDocData(createSampleInteractiveData());
Specifically, the real transformationService.transformMultiDocData() method is being called, when it shouldn't be.
The error when I run the test:
org.springframework.web.client.ResourceAccessException: I/O error on POST request for "https://us-data-transformation-sample/template": us-data-transformation-sample; nested exception is java.net.UnknownHostException: us-data-transformation-sample
at com.lmig.us.services.DataTransformationService.transformMultiDocData(DataTransformationService.java:114)
at com.lmig.us.services.InteractiveTicketService.createTicket(InteractiveTicketService.java:56)
at com.lmig.us.services.InteractiveTicketServiceTest$createTicket.should_Create_MultiDoc_Ticket(InteractiveTicketServiceTest.java:311)
... 82 more
Does anyone know what's going on here?
You should write the test like this:
public class InteractiveTicketServiceTest {
DataTransformationService transformationService;
InteractiveTicketService interactiveTicketService;
public void should_Create_MultiDoc_Ticket() throws URISyntaxException{
JSONObject samplePolicyData = createSamplePolicyData("Sample Multidoc Template");
InteractiveRequest sampleInteractiveRequest = createSampleInteractiveRequest();
String ticketId = interactiveTicketService.createTicket(samplePolicyData.toString());
verify(transformationService, times(1)).transformMultiDocData(createSampleInteractiveData());
I have an HTTPClient test for my spring boot app. I have a class that throws an exception if the a POST request to the server is in a string 2048 bytes or over.
public class ApplicationRequestSizeLimitFilter extends OncePerRequestFilter {
protected void doFilterInternal(HttpServletRequest request,
HttpServletResponse response, FilterChain filterChain)
throws ServletException, IOException {
if (request.getContentLengthLong() >= 2048) {
throw new IOException("Request content exceeded limit of 2048 bytes");
filterChain.doFilter(request, response);
I created a unit test for it but I am not sure how I can write an assert statement to check if it fails to post the request.
Right now I have this so far in my test class
public void testSize() throws ClientProtocolException, IOException {
Random r = new Random(123);
long start = System.currentTimeMillis();
String s = "";
for (int i = 0; i < 65536; i++)
s += r.nextInt(2);
String result = Request.Post(mockAddress)
.bodyString(s, ContentType.TEXT_PLAIN)
This test fails which is what I want but I want to create an assert so it passes (assert that it fails the http response due to being over the byte limit).
You can surround the failing part with a try/catch, and call fail() at the end of the try block. If an exception is thrown, the fail() instruction should not be reached, and your test should pass.
#Test has an argument to assert that a particular exception gets thrown, you could write your test like e.g :
#Test(expected = IOException.class)
public void testSize() throws ClientProtocolException, IOException {
There are 3 ways you can achieve that:
1) Use #Test(expected = ....) annotation where you provide class of exception you want to check.
#Test(expected = IOException.class)
public void test() {
//... your test logic
This is not a recommended way of exception testing unless your test is really really small and does one thing only. Otherwise, you may get an IOException thrown but you won't be sure which part of test code exactly caused it.
2) Use #Rule annotation with ExpectedException class:
public ExpectedException exceptionRule = ExpectedException.none();
public void testExpectedException() {
exceptionRule.expectMessage("Request too big.");
//... rest of your test logic here
Please note that exceptionRule has to be public.
3) And last one, quite old-fashioned way:
public void test() {
try {
// your test logic
fail(); // if we get to that point it means that exception was not thrown, therefore test should fail.
} catch (IOException e) {
// if we get here, test is successfull and code seems to be ok.
It's an old fashioned way that adds some unnecessary code to your test that is supposed to be clean.
There is another solution, not already presented in these answers, and is my personal preference. assertThatThrownBy
in your case
public void testSizeException(){
assertThatThrownBy(()-> Request.Post(mockAddress)
.bodyString(s, ContentType.TEXT_PLAIN)
.hasMessageContaining("Request content exceeded limit of 2048
*Disclaimer, above code written directly into SO editor
Frustrating. Everywhere i look, i see samples of testing async Vertx code, but nothing that comes close to what i am trying to test.
Vertx 3.3.2, JUnit 4.12, Java 8
The method under test sends a message to the event bus. I want to verify that what happens in the eventBus().send() response handler is happening.
Sooooooo many examples i see have the eventBus().send() method in the TEST ITSELF (thus, testing the other end of the event bus - the consumer) I want to test the response handler in the .send()
I have tried Async in the test. Tried ArgumentCaptor. Tried Thread.sleep(). Tried doAnswer(). Nothing seems to get the test to (a) wait for the async eventBus().send() call in the method under test to finish and (b) able to verify() that there was an interaction (i think this might have to do with the different between the Vertx.TestContext and the JUnit.Runner Context..)
Method under test:
public void sendToEventBusAddress(RoutingContext context, String requestId, String userId) {
List<String> stuff = split(context.request().getParam("stuffToSplit"));
JsonObject eventBusMessage = new JsonObject()
.put("requestId", requestId)
.put("stuffList", new JsonArray(stuff))
.put("userId", userId);
LOGGER.info("Putting message: {} onto the EventBus at address: {}", eventBusMessage.encodePrettily(), EventBusEndpointEnum.STUFF_ACCESS.getValue());
context.vertx().eventBus().send(EventBusEndpointEnum.STUFF_ACCESS.getValue(), eventBusMessage, new DeliveryOptions().setSendTimeout(timeout), async -> {
if (async.succeeded()) {
LOGGER.info("EventBus Response: {}", async.result().body().toString());
context.response().headers().set(HttpHeaders.CONTENT_TYPE, MediaType.TEXT_PLAIN);
} else {
Simplified (non-working) Test case and class:
public class MyBrokenTest {
#Mock private RoutingContext routingContext;
#Mock private HttpServerRequest contextRequest;
#Mock private HttpServerResponse contextResponse;
#Mock private MultiMap responseHeaders;
#Rule public RunTestOnContext rule = new RunTestOnContext();
public void setUp(TestContext context) {
public void testOne(TestContext context) {
rule.vertx().eventBus().consumer(EventBusEndpointEnum.STUFF_ACCESS.getValue(), res -> {
ClassUnderTest cut= new ClassUnderTest(180000);
cut.sendToEventBusAddress(routingContext, "testRequestId", "UnitTestId");
I know that the test in its current form won't work, because the method under test returns as soon as the eventBus().send() method is called inside the method, and therefore, the verify fails with 'no interactions'.
What i can't figure out, is how to verify it properly given the async nature of Vertx!
I did it so:
At #BeforeAll annotated method I deploy only the sending verticle.
At #BeforeEach - I create a consumer for the given message and store message(s) to variable/collection
Something like:
receivedMessage = new Message[1];
message -> {
receivedMessage[0] = message;
In test I validate stored value(s):
client.get(8080, "localhost", "/user/" + id)
.send(context.succeeding((response -> context.verify(() -> {
Assertions.assertEquals(expectedMessage, receivedMessage[0].body());
when I was sync I wrote unit tests mocking the persistence part and check the caller's behavior. Here is an example about what I usually did:
private OfferPersistenceServiceImpl persistenceService;
private OfferServiceImpl offerService;
public void createInvalidOffer() {
offer = new Offer(null, null, null, null, null, 4, 200D, 90D);
String expectedMessage = Offer.class.getName() + " is not valid: " + offer.toString();
Mockito.when(persistenceService.create(offer)).thenThrow(new IllegalArgumentException(expectedMessage));
Response response = offerService.create(offer);
Mockito.verify(persistenceService, Mockito.times(1)).create(offer);
Assert.assertEquals(INVALID_INPUT, response.getStatus());
String actualMessage = response.getEntity().toString();
Assert.assertEquals(expectedMessage, actualMessage);
But now I fell in love with Vertx.io (to which I am pretty new) and I want to be async. Nice. But Vertx has handlers, so the new persistence component to mock looks like this:
mongoClient.insert(COLLECTION, offer, h-> {
So I am guessing how to mock handler h to tests class who's using that mongoClient or even if it is the right way to test with Vertx.io. I am using vertx.io 3.5.0, junit 4.12 and mockito 2.13.0. Thanks.
I tried to follow tsegimond suggestion but I can't get how Mockito's Answer and ArgumentCaptor can help me. Here is what I tried so far.
Using ArgumentCaptor:
JsonObject offer = Mockito.mock(JsonObject.class);
RuntimeException rex = new RuntimeException("some message");
ArgumentCaptor<Handler<AsyncResult<String>>> handlerCaptor =
ArgumentCaptor<AsyncResult<String>> asyncResultCaptor =
Mockito.times(1)).insert(Mockito.anyString(), Mockito.any(), handlerCaptor.capture());
Assert.assertEquals(Json.encode(rex), msg.body().encode());
and using Answer:
ArgumentCaptor<AsyncResult<String>> handlerCaptor =
AsyncResult<String> result = Mockito.mock(AsyncResult.class);
Mockito.doAnswer(new Answer<MongoClient>() {
public MongoClient answer(InvocationOnMock invocation) throws Throwable {
return null;
}).when(mongoClient).insert(Mockito.anyString(), Mockito.any(),
Assert.assertEquals(Json.encode(rex), msg.body().encode());
And now I got confused. Is there a way to mock an AsyncResult to let it return false on succeed()?
Finally I got some times to investigate and I made it. Here is my solution.
#PrepareForTest({ MongoClient.class })
public class PersistenceTest {
private MongoClient mongo;
private Vertx vertx;
public void initSingleTest(TestContext ctx) throws Exception {
vertx = Vertx.vertx();
mongo = Mockito.mock(MongoClient.class);
PowerMockito.when(MongoClient.createShared(Mockito.any(), Mockito.any())).thenReturn(mongo);
vertx.deployVerticle(Persistence.class, new DeploymentOptions(), ctx.asyncAssertSuccess());
public void loadSomeDocs(TestContext ctx) {
Doc expected = new Doc();
Message<JsonObject> msg = Mockito.mock(Message.class);
JsonObject result = new JsonObject().put("name", "report").put("preview", "loremipsum");
AsyncResult<JsonObject> asyncResult = Mockito.mock(AsyncResult.class);
Mockito.doAnswer(new Answer<AsyncResult<JsonObject>>() {
public AsyncResult<JsonObject> answer(InvocationOnMock arg0) throws Throwable {
((Handler<AsyncResult<JsonObject>>) arg0.getArgument(3)).handle(asyncResult);
return null;
}).when(mongo).findOne(Mockito.any(), Mockito.any(), Mockito.any(), Mockito.any());
Async async = ctx.async();
vertx.eventBus().send("persistence", new JsonObject(), msgh -> {
if (msgh.failed()) {
ctx.assertEquals(expected, Json.decodeValue(msgh.result().body().toString(), Doc.class));
Use Powemockito to mock the MongoClient.createShared static method, so you'll have your mock when verticle starts. Mocking async handler is a bit of code to write. As you can see mocking start at Message<JsonObject> msg = Mockito.mock(Message.class); and ends at Mockito.doAnswer(new Answer.... In the Answer's method pick the handler param and force it to handle your async result then you're done.
Normally, I'd use a comment to post this, but formatting gets lost. The accepted solution is works great, just note that it can be simplified a bit using Java 8+, and you can use your actual objects instead of JSON.
doAnswer((Answer<AsyncResult<List<Sample>>>) arguments -> {
((Handler<AsyncResult<List<Sample>>>) arguments.getArgument(1)).handle(asyncResult);
return null;
}).when(sampleService).findSamplesBySampleFilter(any(), any());
getArgument(1), refers to the index of the handler argument in a method such as:
SampleService findSamplesBySampleFilter(#Nonnull final SampleFilter sampleFilter,
#Nonnull final Handler<AsyncResult<List<Sample>>> resultHandler);
Everything seems to be right in my test but I keep getting this error on the book service call to find all
i have mocked the class i am using correctly .
#WithMockUser(username = "admin", roles={"ADMIN"})
public void bookRemoveTest() throws Exception {
Book book = new Book();
List<Book> expectedBookList = createBookList(10);
/* expect */ bookService.removeOne(anyLong());
// Assert.assertEquals("expectedBookList", bookService.findAll());
.param("id","12345678" ))
You should call replay method after you finished the setup.
So please move the expect(bookService.findAll()) call before the replay(bookService) and it should be good.
If I have an SUT which handles an exception using a try/catch block, as follows:
public static void methodToBeTested() {
try {
desktop.browse(new URI("www.google.com"));
} catch (IOException e) {
//Display message to user and log out entry in app logs
Question is that should I test the condition from my unit tests that the IOException is thrown? (The method under test launches a URI in the default browser)
If yes, since I am not throwing the exception from this method, how do i unit test this condition when the desktop.browse() threw an IOException?
Any thoughts or suggestions? I am using JMock
Basically what you want to do is to
mockup Desktop and whenever you send a browse message to it (no matter what URI is used), instead of hitting that URI, it should throw an IOException.
I have used Jmock long time ago. JMock as far as I remember, has some limitations, for exmaple it does not provide a mechanism for mocking static methods. And I am not sure how easy it is to mock your browser class in jmock world.
However it is almost trivial to test this using jmockit, which supports all sorts of fancy mocking mechanisms (including static references, singletons etc). (I am mentioning jmockit because no matter what your browse class is, jmockit can mock it.)
Below is an excerpt from an example from their website:
package jmockit.tutorial.domain;
import org.apache.commons.mail.*;
import jmockit.tutorial.persistence.*;
import org.junit.*;
import mockit.*;
public final class MyBusinessService_ExpectationsAPI_Test
#Mocked(stubOutClassInitialization = true) final Database unused = null;
#Mocked SimpleEmail anyEmail;
public void doBusinessOperationXyz() throws Exception
final EntityX data = new EntityX(5, "abc", "abc#xpta.net");
final EntityX existingItem = new EntityX(1, "AX5", "someone#somewhere.com");
new Expectations() {{
(1) Database.find(withSubstring("select"), any);
result = existingItem; // automatically wrapped in a list of one item
new MyBusinessService(data).doBusinessOperationXyz();
(2) new Verifications() {{ Database.persist(data); }};
(4) new Verifications() {{ email.send(); times = 1; }};
#Test(expected = EmailException.class)
public void doBusinessOperationXyzWithInvalidEmailAddress() throws Exception
new Expectations() {{
(3) email.addTo((String) withNotNull()); result = new EmailException();
EntityX data = new EntityX(5, "abc", "someone#somewhere.com");
new MyBusinessService(data).doBusinessOperationXyz();
Above is the class under test and below is a the test which specifically tests (3) part of the above code. I think it is similar to what you are trying to do. Check it out please.
#Test(expected = EmailException.class)
public void doBusinessOperationXyzWithInvalidEmailAddress() throws Exception
new MockUp<Email>() {
(3) Email addTo(String email) throws EmailException
throw new EmailException();
new MyBusinessService(data).doBusinessOperationXyz();
If you want to stick to jmock, it is fine. But then you need to give us more info about Desktop class and its browse method so that we can think about what we can do in jmock world.