Java Data-structures hashtable - java

How can I solve this error (the error is in bold):
What I need to do is hash the elements when I copy them to the temp array
public class LinearProbingHashTable<E> {
private Entry[] hashArray;
private Entry defunct;
public LinearProbingHashTable(int size) {
hashArray = new Entry[size];
defunct = new Entry(-1, null);
public int hashFunc(int key) {
return key % hashArray.length;
private void expand(int newCapacity) {
Entry<E> temp[];
temp = new Entry[newCapacity];
// add you code here
for( int i=0; i< hashArray.length; i++) {
int index = **hashFunc**(hashArray[i]);
while(**temp[index]!=0**) {
index = (index+1)% temp.length;
hashArray = temp;
public int getCapacity() {
return hashArray.length;
public class Entry<E> {
private int key;
private E data;
public Entry(int k, E d) {
key = k;
data = d;
public int getKey() {
return key;
public E getData() {
return data;
public void display() {
System.out.print(key + ":");
I need to fix the bold error but I couldn't.
The error I get is: The method hashFunc(int) in the type LinearProbingHashTable is not applicable for the arguments (LinearProbingHashTable.Entry)
And the error for the second line is: Incompatible operand types LinearProbingHashTable.Entry and int

The errors you are getting are because you are passing an Entry object into a method that expects an int, and because you try to compare an Entry object with an int.
Your class Entry and the objects of it are not int objects and can't be used like one. But your class has an int field private int key that I would guess you probably meant to use in both cases.
So you need to change your code to use that field by using the getter of your class:
int index = hashFunc(hashArray[i]);
int index = hashFunc(hashArray[i].getKey());
and change
while(temp[index].getKey() != 0)
That will make your code syntactically correct. I can't say anything about whether it will be logically correct as I haven't tested that aspect.


How do I get a directory to "point" towards the right bucket when making my own extendable hashing project?

I've read up on the wiki page on creating a extendable hashtable Extendable Hashing. And now i'm trying to implement that into a program to better understand it but I can't figure out how to actually point the directories towards the buckets.
Directory class:
int GlobalDepth = 1;
int directories[];
public Directory() {
int temp = (int)Math.pow(2, GlobalDepth);
public void loadDirectories(int n) {
for (int i = 0; i < n; i ++) {
String BinaryKey = Integer.toBinaryString(i);
String tempKey = BinaryKey.substring(0, this.GlobalDepth); // LSB
int depthKey = Integer.parseUnsignedInt(tempKey);
this.directories[i] = depthKey;
public void increaseGlobalDepth() {
this.GlobalDepth ++;
loadDirectories((int)(Math.pow(2, this.GlobalDepth))); // This method might throw an error because i think im changing the array size illegally and should instead create a temp array and copy/equal that array to this.directories
Bucket class:
private SomeObject[] item; // Class I'm using to hold all the information of something
private int Key, MaxBucketsize, LocalDepth = 1;
//Bucket next;
public Bucket() {
public Bucket(int BucketSize) {
this.item = new SomeObject[BucketSize]; // Initalises the number of items held in the bucket
this.MaxBucketsize = BucketSize; // Stores the max number of items that can be held in the bucket
public SomeObject[] getObjects() {
return this.item;
public boolean addObjects(int key, SomeObject item) {
boolean inserted = false;
for (int i = 0; i < this.MaxBucketsize; i ++) {
if (this.item[i] == null) { // only inserts if there is an empty spot in the bucket
this.item[i] = item;
inserted = true;
return inserted;
After doing all this, I'm not sure how to now link the 2 together like in the wiki page.

Why is this a static binding instead of dynamic binding?

I'm still a little confused with regards to the difference between static and dynamic. From what I know dynamic uses object while static use type and that dynamic is resolved during runtime while static is during compile time. so shouldn't this.lastName.compareTo(s1.lastName) use dynamic binding instead?
key.compareTo(list[position-1]) use dynamic binding
public static void insertionSort (Comparable[] list)
for (int index = 1; index < list.length; index++)
Comparable key = list[index];
int position = index;
while (position > 0 && key.compareTo(list[position-1]) < 0) // using dynamic binding
list[position] = list[position-1];
list[position] = key;
Why does (this.lastName.compareTo(s1.lastName)) use static binding?
private String firstName;
private String lastName;
private int totalSales;
public int compareTo(Object o) {
SalePerson s1 = (SalePerson)o;
if (this.totalSales > s1.getTotalSales())
return 1;
else if (this.totalSales < s1.getTotalSales())
return -1;
else //if they are equal
return (this.lastName.compareTo(s1.lastName)); //why is this static binding??
Your question isn't complete and doesn't include all relevant the code. However this is the basic difference between the different bindings
Java has both static and dynamic binding. Binding refers to when variable is bound to a particular data type.
Static/Early binding is done at compile time for: private, final and static methods and variables. And also for overloaded methods
Dynamic/late binding is done at runtime for: methods which can be overriden methods. This is what enables polymorphic behaviour at runtime.
To further demonstrate this point have a look at this code and see if you can determine when it would be early and late binding:
/* What is the output of the following program? */
public class EarlyLateBinding {
public boolean equals(EarlyLateBinding other) {
System.out.println("Inside of overloaded Test.equals");
return false;
public static void main(String[] args) {
Object t1 = new EarlyLateBinding(); //1
Object t2 = new EarlyLateBinding(); //2
EarlyLateBinding t3 = new EarlyLateBinding(); //3
Object o1 = new Object();
int count = 0;
++ is after the count and hence the result returned is the 0 before incrementing it. Hence starts with 0 and proceeds as you expect.
The only scenario where the equals methods of EarlyLateBinding object
is actually invoked is is statement 3.
This is because the equals method is overloaded (Note: the different
method signature as compared to the object class equals)
Hence the type EarlyLateBinding is bound to the variable t3 at
compile time.
in this code
public static void insertionSort (Comparable[] list)
for (int index = 1; index < list.length; index++)
Comparable key = list[index];
int position = index;
while (position > 0 && key.compareTo(list[position-1]) < 0)
list[position] = list[position-1];
list[position] = key;
key can be anything that implements the Comparable interface so in the compile time compiler doesn't know the exact type so type is resolved in the runtime by using the object that key referring to.
But in this code,
public int compareTo(Object o) {
SalePerson s1 = (SalePerson)o;
if (this.totalSales > s1.getTotalSales())
return 1;
else if (this.totalSales < s1.getTotalSales())
return -1;
else //if they are equal
return (this.lastName.compareTo(s1.lastName));
compiler knows the type of the s1 so it use the static binding

Type casting in Java as a workaround to the absence of generic arrays

I have a class with a header defined as public class MaxPQ<Key extends Comparable<Key>>. Now, when I try making an array of Key, the way I do it in my constructor is as follows: Key[] pq = (Key[]) new Comparable[2];
This works fine but if I change Comparable to Object, I get an error. Why?
While in another code where the header looked like public class Stack<Item>, making an array of Item(s) like Item[] stack = (Item[]) new Object[1] worked just fine.
PS: I am following an online tutorial and this is what the code looks like:
public class MaxPQ<Key extends Comparable<Key>> {
private Key[] pq;
private int N;
public MaxPQ(int capacity) {
pq = (Key[]) new Comparable[capacity + 1];
public void insert(Key key) {
pq[++N] = key;
public Key delMax() {
Key key = pq[1];
exch(1, N--);
pq[N + 1] = null;
return key;
private void swim(int k) {
while(k > 1 && less(k/2, k)) {
exch(k, k/2);
k = k/2;
private void sink(int k) {
while (2*k < N) {
int j = 2*k;
if (j < N && less(j, j + 1)) j++;
if (less(j, k)) break;
exch(j, k);
k = j;
private boolean less(int p, int q) {
return pq[p].compareTo(pq[q]) < 0;
private void exch(int p, int q) {
Key temp = pq[p];
pq[p] = pq[q];
pq[q] = temp;
When a generic type has an upper bound, the erased type is that upper bound. That means that a class like
public class Stack<I> {
private I[] array;
is in fact compiled to something like
public class Stack {
private Object[] array;
whereas a class like
public class MaxPQ<Key extends Comparable<Key>> {
private Key[] array;
is compiled to something like
public class MaxPQ {
private Comparable[] array;
Thus, when executing
Key[] pq = (Key[]) new Comparable[2];
what is in fact executed is
Comparable[] pq = (Comparable[]) new Comparable[2];
which is fine. If you change it to Object[], you're in fact executing
Comparable[] pq = (Comparable[]) new Object[2];
which causes a ClassCastException, since an Object[] is not a Comparable[].
You should use a List<Key> instead of an array: you wouldn't have all these troubles.

how can implementing a heap that each node is a class?

I want to crate a Heap structure that each node have 2 data , 1) string 2) int
so i think that each node must be a Class that's name is "heapNode" , but i have a trouble in swap method ,
please help me
import java.util.ArrayList;
public class MainHeap {
ArrayList<heapNode> heap;
MainHeap (){
new ArrayList<heapNode>();
public int getMin(){
return heap.get(0).data ;
private int parent(int pos) {
return pos / 2;
private void swap(int pos1, int pos2) {
heapNode temp =new heapNode();
temp = heap.get(pos1);
heap.get(pos1) = heap.get(pos2);
heap.get(pos2) = temp;
public void insert(int elem) {
int max = heap.size();
heap.get(max).data = elem ;
int current = heap.size() ;
while (heap.get(current).data < heap.get(parent(current)).data){
swap ( current , parent(current));
and this is my heapNode class
public class heapNode {
int data;
String fileName;
the swap method has error but i cant solve errors
Your swap code actually makes the objects point to different objects. It does not modify the positions in the arraylist itself. If using arraylist, you will have to remove an object from an index and set that object at a new index to swap or else you can use other data structure.

Generic Arithmetic in Java

I have a filter class wherein the user must declare the type (e.g. Filter<Double>, Filter<Float> etc). The class then implements a moving average filter so objects within the class must be added. My question is how to do this? I'm sorry if the answer is simple but I've muddled myself up by thinking about it too much I think :p.
public abstract class FilterData<T>
private final List<T> mFilter;
private T mFilteredValue; // current filtered value
protected Integer mSize = 10;
private T mUnfilteredValue; // current unfiltered value
public FilterData()
mFilter = new ArrayList<T>();
public FilterData(int size)
mSize = size;
mFilter = new ArrayList<T>(mSize);
public abstract T add(final T pFirstValue, final T pSecondValue);
public T filter(T currentVal)
T filteredVal;
mUnfilteredValue = currentVal;
T totalVal = (T) (new Integer(0));
int numNonZeros = 1;
for (int i = 0; i < mFilter.size(); ++i)
if (mFilter.get(i) != (T) (new Integer(0)))
T totalValDouble = add(mFilter.get(i), totalVal);
totalVal = totalValDouble;
Double filteredValDouble = (Double) totalVal / new Double(numNonZeros);
filteredVal = (T) filteredValDouble;
mFilteredValue = filteredVal;
return filteredVal;
public T getFilteredValue()
return mFilteredValue;
public List<T> getFilterStream()
return mFilter;
public T getUnfilteredValue()
return mUnfilteredValue;
public void push(T currentVal)
mFilter.add(0, currentVal);
if (mFilter.size() > mSize)
mFilter.remove(mFilter.size() - 1);
public void resizeFilter(int newSize)
if (mSize > newSize)
int numItemsToRemove = mSize - newSize;
for (int i = 0; i < numItemsToRemove; ++i)
mFilter.remove(mFilter.size() - 1);
Am I right to include the abstract Add method and if so, how should I extend the class correctly to cover primitive types (e.g. Float, Double, Integer etc.)
Apologies for being unclear. This is not homework I'm afraid, those days are long behind me. I'm quite new to Java having come from a C++ background (hence the expectation of easy operator overloading). As for the "push" method. I apologise for the add method in there, that is simply add a value to a list, not the variable addition I was referring to (made a note to change the name of my method then!). The class is used to provide an interface to construct a List of a specified length, populate it with variables and obtain an average over the last 'x' frames to iron out any spikes in the data. When a new item is added to the FilterData object, it is added to the beginning of the List and the last object is removed (provided the List has reached the maximum allowed size). So, to provide a continual moving average, I must summate and divide the values in the List.
However, to perform this addition, I will have to find a way to add the objects together. (It is merely a helper class so I want to make it as generic as possible). Does that make it any clearer? (I'm aware the code is very Mickey Mouse but I wanted to make it as clear and simple as possible).
What you're trying to do is create a Queue of Number objects with a fixed size, over which you want to calculate an average. With the trivial situation that you have size = 2 and store two integers 1 & 2 you have an average of 1.5 so its reasonable to set the return type of your filter method to double.
You can then write this code similar to this
public abstract class FilterData<T extends Number> {
private final Queue<T> mFilter = new LinkedList<T>();
protected Integer mSize;
public FilterData() {
public FilterData(int size) {
mSize = size;
public double filter(T currentVal) {
double totalVal = 0d;
int numNonZeros = 0;
for (T value : mFilter) {
if (value.doubleValue() != 0) {
totalVal += value.doubleValue();
return totalVal / numNonZeros;
public void push(T currentVal) {
if (mFilter.size() > mSize)
public void resizeFilter(int newSize) {
if (mSize > newSize) {
int numItemsToRemove = mSize - newSize;
for (int i = 0; i < numItemsToRemove; ++i) {
mSize = newSize;
You should note that this isn't thread safe.

