Integrate Spring Security SAML2 Extension in Strut2 web application - java

I have a struts2 web application which use Spring Security SAML2 (Spring source) to get authentication of users in an external system AD FS.
I use spring-security-saml war as intermediary between Struts2 and external system AD FS for use the SAML2 protocol.
We currently have two different "Service Providers":
Struts2 application that does not directly use the SAML2 protocol but delegates it to the "spring-security-saml2-war" by starting on a particular route/url of this
"spring-security-saml2-war" which exactly follows the "SP-initiated" SAML2 flow I reported below and which at the end goto to my login Success Action of Struts2
"SP-initiated" SAML2 flow
Is it possible integrate all code of SAML2 Spring source in my struts2 project?
Thank a lots :-)
I would like to use the SAML2 protocol between in my Struts2 web application without using external war spring-security-saml2, the code of this war managed entirely in the Struts2 project


Spring Saml2 SP integration with angular App(I have implemented Saml2 Security in Backend now i want to connect to backend from Angular App)

We have developed an spring boot application with saml2 as the security mechanism our Spring boot app acts as SP and Okta and one more Saml provider as IDP. Now we want our Backend Spring boot app to be integrated with front end app which is in angular. Can anybody suggest the process that needs to be followed to achieve this to happen.
We have Used Saml2 service provider dependency, We have used relying party registration for configuring multiple Idps

Enable SSO on my web application using Azure

I have a web based Java application made using Spring Framework. I have a spring security file that authenticates users. I need to enable SSO on my application using Azure Active Directory so that I can integrate it with Can someone provide me any pointers or direction.
SSO with with protocol? SAML or OAUTH?
In any case you have to register your app in the Active Directory as SSO Application. In this configuration you also define the OAUTH or SAML Options.

spring security issue while integrating word press with spring web application

we have web application implemented using spring & hibernate frameworks, we used spring-security for handling user authentication, we developed a blog using word press, and blog is running on XAMP and web application is running on tomcat server. I am throwing login-modal in blog for accessing my web application. I am authenticating user using ajax-call & in spring-security CSRF is enabled. But here I am unable to generate CSRF in wordpress, what is the best way to generate CSRF in wordpress java script file ?. Because without CSRF spring-security throwing an errorPage. Any help will be appreciated.

integration between j2ee and ADFS

A Customer of ours decided to apply Active Directory Federation Services (ADFS)
and we use J2EE Technology.
The question is: how could I Integrate between my jsp/servlet website and ADFS?
Is there any sample code to integrate?
I have successfully used the PAC4J library to integrate our Java EE application with ADFS 2.0 (and also other SAML 2.0 IdP servers).
Home page:
Source code:
There is also a demo project which shows how to use PAC4J to integrate your code with various authentication server, including Shibboleth (a SAML IdP). It does not use ADFS but you can easily customize it.
Have a look at README-ADFS.txt located in the root directory of PAC4J source code.

Tomcat Container Managed SSO Valve and Spring Security

We have over a dozen legacy web applications (each with their own app contexts) that use Tomcat's container managed security for simple form-based authentication. We currently use Tomcat's single sign on valve to allow authenticated users to jump between web apps without the need of re-authenticating. We are also developing new web applications using the Spring Security framework.
Is it possible to get users who are authenticated via the new Spring Security apps to also be able to jump to the older legacy (non-Spring) apps without the need of re-authenticating? Is their a way to bridge Spring Security with the Tomcat SSO valve?
I prefer to avoid making any changes to the legacy web apps, but understand if it doesn't seem possible.
You will be able to do it using J2eePreAuthenticatedProcessingFilter:
Please note:
When Tomcat SSO is configured it provides Java EE authentication for a web application.
It means that for an application is transparent if it was authenticated by form authentication or for Tomcat SSO. Finally it is Java EE authentication.
So, you need to use J2eePreAuthenticatedProcessingFilter to be able to use Java EE authentication provided by Tomcat.

