I am to switch between DB localhost or a dev server DB depending on the system I am running the code.
in the build.gradle
but this one comes as null.
2 possible solutions,
1) set the System varibale
2) Try some other way to get the domain
Appreciate your answers
Expecting a way to get the domain so that i can decide which DB and other scripts to be used.
To read an env var in gradle,
var myvar = "$System.env.myvar"
Also, try to avoid special characters such as . in env prop names.
If you really want to get the domain name, consider executing a windows command and store the output in a string.
How to use exec() output in gradle
Other options could be...
Creating .local file with no content, adding it to .gitignore, and then checking its existence. It could be created in the local dev machines, but be missing from other places.
Adding something to the ~/.gradle/gradle.properties file. Because this is picked up on the local machine, you can test for it. But, in other places where it is not set, you wouldn't see it.
I want to run two Amazon S3's SDK information from the application.properties, but instead of putting it in the file, I want to add them when running ./mvnw spring-boot:run. I saw something like this could be done:
./mvnw spring-boot:run -Dspring-boot.run.arguments="--srp.storage.s3.access-key=FOOBARFOOBAR,--srp.storage.s3.secret-key=foobarfoobarfoobarfoobarfoobar"
I tried running the command above with quotes around the arguments and with/without whitespace between them. Also, I tried leaving blank values in the properties files as well as removing them at all.
# srp.storage.s3.access-key=
# srp.storage.s3.secret-key=
I have a class annotated with #ConfigurationProperties("srp.storage"). The results of these attempts varied from application failing to start because no property was found by the class, to actually running but taking no effect. The variations of the command that caused the server not to start was not specifying any property in application.properties and attempting to run the command with and without quotes and no whitespace. The scenario that it ran but did not take effect was putting whitespace.
I know about running it using the built JAR file, but I want to be able, if possible, to run it like that just to prevent building every time I change something.
Also attempted to specify placeholder as shown here, but again no success. Can I even do what I want using ./mvnw? Or must it be with a JAR file?
./mvnw spring-boot:run -Dspring-boot.run.arguments="--access-key=FOOBARFOOBAR,--secret-key=foobarfoobarfoobarfoobarfoobar"
Solved using environment variables. That's good enough for me.
It goes without saying you can choose any name you want for the property in Spring's file and variable, just remember that in Linux environments you must set the variable names all capital letters and use underscore.
In .bashrc or .zshrc or similar, add:
export AWS_S3_SECRET_KEY=foobarfoobarfoobarfoobarfoobar
And as shown before, in the application.properties file, add;
And start normally. Much better.
If you are using gradle and have bootRun task available then you can configure the task to read the args passed while running the task.
Add the following to your build file.
bootRun {
if (project.hasProperty('params')) {
args project.params.split(",")
Then you can run the following command.
.\gradlew.bat bootRun -Pparams=--demo.prop=commandlinearg
I had a field annotated as the following
private String prop;
I have a micronaut project where I want to have an unnversioned configuration file for private data (like database connections and so on)
This information have to be loaded through #Property annotation, but since there will be more than one .yml (there will also be at least an application.yml) y want to be able to provide file's path to #Properties to be able to differentiate where to look for property.
Since it's my first micronaut project I'm a bit lost with this stuff but taking springboot as an example, what I want to do is something like:
But after reading micronaut documentation(https://docs.micronaut.io/latest/guide/index.html#configurationProperties) I found myself unable to do this (except from something like just reading the plain file which I guess would not be micronaut compliant)
I do it by passing jvm arguments.
For example, If I am running it on my local machine using gradle:run, I add following to build.grade
run.jvmArgs('-Dmicronaut.environments=dev', "-Dmicronaut.config.files=${System.getProperty("user.home")}/auth-config.groovy")
For my jar deployment, I have made a deploy.sh file as follows :
fuser -k 8181/tcp
nohup java -Xmx512m -Dmicronaut.environments=staging -Dmicronaut.config.files=<path-to-config>/config.groovy -jar application-0.1-all.jar > application.log 2>&1 &
Also note that I am passing different environment names, this helps you to include development environment config directly in code if you want.
This will help new contributors on your project to speedup the process project setup, I generally also include note in my application-dev.groovy file
***** CREATE <config.groovy> file in your <HOME> folder and copy paste content of this file
***** Override properties as required
Today I'm trying to use the system property in my code .When I enter ./gradlew -Dorg.gradle.project.env=demo test ,the NullPointExcepetion happens,though I println env in script successfully!Then I try another way , entering ./gradlew -Denv=demo test and my code get the env set in command line successfully .So my question is What's the defference between "-Dorg.gradle.project.env=demo" and "-Denv=demo" in gradle?P.s. This link(12.2. Gradle properties and system properties in https://docs.gradle.org/current/userguide/build_environment.html#sec:gradle_properties_and_system_properties) told me to use org.gradle.project to set system property.I guess when you use org.gradle.project, you should use another method to get system property ,not using
I guess when you use org.gradle.project, you should use another method to get system property, not using System.getProperty("env")
You're right. This two syntaxes are different and serve different purposes.
The latter one, -Denv is a standard way of passing system properties in Java world. If you run java -help you'll see:
-D<name>=<value> set a system property
So, when you use it, env system property becomes available via System.getProperty("env") and it's value will be demo.
The first one -Dorg.gradle.project.env is actually a system property too! It's obvious after reading the lines above. However, it sets a system property named org.gradle.project.env, not just env. So, unless your test expect this name, it won't work. And your tests must no expect this name, because they should, generally, be unaware of the build tool.
What Gradle docs says is:
Gradle offers a variety of ways to add properties to your build. With the -D command line option you can pass a system property to the JVM which runs Gradle. The -D option of the gradle command has the same effect as the -D option of the java command.
Gradle can also set project properties when it sees specially-named system properties or environment variables. This feature is very useful when you don’t have admin rights to a continuous integration server and you need to set property values that should not be easily visible, typically for security reasons. In that situation, you can’t use the -P option, and you can’t change the system-level configuration files. The correct strategy is to change the configuration of your continuous integration build job, adding an environment variable setting that matches an expected pattern. This won’t be visible to normal users on the system.
If the environment variable name looks like ORG_GRADLE_PROJECT_prop=somevalue, then Gradle will set a prop property on your project object, with the value of somevalue. Gradle also supports this for system properties, but with a different naming pattern, which looks like org.gradle.project.prop.
Differently saying, Gradle allows you to set project proprties by providing system properties with special names, and that is what you did. You've set a Project's property named env to a value demo by providing a system property with a name org.gradle.project.env. This property is available in you build script via project.env and can be used to tweak builds in various ways.
I need to be able to read in a property file, that lives outside of my war. My problem is that a need a solution that will allow me to tell my war file where my property file is located. Can this be done through bashrc variables and windows env variables?
I need to do this because I need to be able to drop the property file in different locations that could be away from the war file.
I am struggling to come up with a solution.
This will very much depends what the property file is for. Some libraries will have have the possibility of setting it on the command-line and others will allow you to explicitly load them in code.
In case of the latter, System.getProperties() can prove helpful, since it allows you to read properties passed to the JVM using the '-D' flag. For example
java -jar -Dfilelocation="yourfilelocation" yourapp.jar
would populate the system property 'filelocation' with the string 'yourfilelocation'. This could then be used in your code to load the property file (or whatever you want to do with it).
Since you are running inside some sort of application server, there are different ways you can accomblish this. For jetty you can put them in start.ini (or simply pass them on the command-line when you start jetty)
where tomcat uses an enviroment variable called JAVA_OPTS, so
JAVA_OPTS='-Dfilelocation=yourfilelocation' start.sh
would set the system property when you start tomcat.
one way is to provide specific location by passing java argument or setting up environment varialble and read it from app to determine the location
and as a fallback (default) app should be announcing to look at
You could defines a list of possible directories ... and try to read each one ...
I have a solution that read a property file in the file system using a default directory structure.
Eg: c:\properties\code-suit\prd\application.properties
code-suit is a variable defined by application name;
prd is a environment that I will use
Good luck
I am trying to use IM4J (a Java wrapper for ImageMagick) to create thumbnails of JPEGs and it is my first experience (ever) with both libraries. Please note that this is a hard requirement handed to me by my tech lead (so please don't suggest to use anything other than an IM4J/ImageMagick) solution - my hands are tied on the technology choice here!
I am getting a FileNotFoundException on the and convert command which tells me I don't have one of these libraries (or both) setup correctly.
On my computer, here is my directory structure:
images/ --> where all of my JPEGs are
thumbnails/ --> where I want ImageMagick to send the converted thumbnails to
imageMagickHome/ --> Where I downloaded the DLL to
In my Java project, I make sure that the IM4J JAR (im4java-1.2.0.jar) is on the classpath at runtime. Although I am required to use the 1.2.0 version of IM4J, I have the liberty to use any version of ImageMagick that I want. I simply chose this version because it seemed like the most current/stable version for my Windows 7 (32-bit) machine. If I should use a different version, please send me a link to it from the ImageMagick downloads page in your answer!
As for ImageMagick, I just downloaded that EXE from here and placed it in the folder mentioned above - I didn't do any installation, wizard, MSI, environment variable configuration, etc.
Then, in my Java code:
// In my driver...
File currentFile = new File("C:/myApp/images/test.jpg"); --> exists and is sitting at this location
File thumbFile = new File("C:/myApp/thumbnails/test-thumb.jpg"); --> doesnt exist yet! (destination file)
Thumbnailer myThumbnailer = new Thumbnailer();
myThumbnailer.generateThumbnail(currentFile, thumbFile);
// Then the Thumbnailer:
public class Thumbnailer
// ... omitted for brevity
public void generateThumbnail(File originalFile, File thumbnailFile)
// Reads appConfig.xml from classpath, validates it against a schema,
// and reads the contents of an element called <imPath> into this
// method's return value. See below
String imPath = getIMPathFromAppConfigFile();
org.im4java.core.IMOperation op = new Operation();
ConvertCmd cmd = new ConvertCmd();
// This next line is what throws the FileNotFoundException
The section of my appConfig.xml file that contains the imPath:
Please note - if this appConfig.xml is not well-formed, our schema validator will catch it. Since we are not getting schema validation errors, we can rule this out as a culprit. However, notice my file path delimiters; they are all forward slashes. I did this because I was told that, on Windows systems, the forward slash is treated the same as a *nix backslash, in reference to file paths. Believe it or not, we are developing on Windows
machines, but deploying to linux servers, so this was my solution (again, not my call!).
IM4J even acknowledges that Windows users can have trouble sometimes and explains in this article that Windows developers might have to set an IM4JAVA_TOOLPATH env var to get this library to work. I tried this suggestion, created a new System-wide environmental variable of the same name and set its value to C:\myApp\imageMagickHome. Still no difference. But notice here I am using backslashes. This is because this env var is local to my machine, whereas the appConfig.xml is a config descriptor that gets deployed to the linux servers.
From what I can tell, the culprit is probably one (or more) of the following:
I didn't "install" the ImageMagick EXE correctly and should have used an installer/MSI; or I need to add some other environmental variables for ImageMagick (not IM4J) itself
Perhaps I still don't have IM4J configured correctly and need to add more environmental variables
Could be the Windows/*nix "/" vs. "" issue from my appConfig.xml file as mentioned above
I'm also perplexed as to why I'm getting a FileNotFoundException on a file named "convert":
java.io.FileNotFoundException: convert
I assume this is a batch/shell file living somewhere inside the IM4J jar (since the only thing I downloaded for ImageMagick was the EXE). However, if I extract the IM4J jar I only see classes inside of it. I see "script generator" classes, so I assume these kick off before my cmd.run(op) call and create the convert file, and maybe that's what I'm missing (perhaps I need to manually kick off one of these generators, like CmdScriptGenerator prior to executing my Thumbnailer methods. . Or, maybe my download is incomplete.
Either way, I'm just not versed enough with either library to know where to start.
Thanks for any help with this.
Run the 'ImageMagick-6.7.6-1-Q16-windows-dll.exe' installer first to install the imagemagick libraries. Then make sure your environment path includes the location of the installed binaries ('convert.exe', 'mogrify.exe', etc)
Make sure u have Set the environment-variable IM4JAVA_TOOLPATH.