I have an OpenAPI YAML file for a Java project. I am creating an AWS Lambda function and using API gateway deploying it on CloudFormation.
Is there a way I can use Docker to run the OpenAPI documentation locally?
I am trying to upgrade Java and Scala versions on Bitnami Spark image by updating the Dockerfile:
Going through the rest of the code it looks like it uses below repository URL to download the installation tar files:
I need to find the correct package name with Java 17 and Spark 3.3.0 with Scala 2.13.
How can I view the available packages? Above URL redirect it back to bitnami.com!
Is it possible to use azure Application Insights SDK with quarkus web application that runs as jar?
I have tried using it as described here
but it just doesn't work.
It loads the ApplicationInsights.xml file when I start the app with following command:
mvnw quarkus:dev -Dapplicationinsights.configurationDirectory=../src/main/resources -f pom.xml
but it does not send any data automatically to the azure app insights. I only see data being sent to the azure when I do it manually via code.
While implementing CI pipeline in VSTS(Azure DevOps) for building a java application i get the below error.
The tasks i have used in this are..
Its a java based project, but not mavenised. It does not have pom.xml
I am using Ant task/agent in the pipeline.
I wantto create a java application like a bitcoin client.But it will work on command-line cmd and as a webservice to to other client consulting my client.Which tecnology should I use to handle my task.Please show me an example explanining issue
Guess this is what you are expecting
Run a Java program from command line or as OS service
That program should be a webservice exposing some APIs to other consumers
You can do that with the help of Spring MVC, Spring Boot and Maven
Spring MVC could be used for exposing your businesses as REST webservice
Spring Boot could be used to start a webservice application as a normal Java Application(using main class), without use of external web servers like Tomcat or Jetty
Maven build tool could be used for creating a fat jar(single jar file with all dependencies) from the Spring Boot application
You will be running the generated fat jar from command line still the services will be exposed as REST services
Use https://start.spring.io/
This Spring's own hosted tool will generate all the boiler plate codes for you. You just have to import the downloaded zip into your workspace and add your business logic
For building a fat jar you don't have to do anything special. Just run mvn clean install. The boiler plate will have a pom.xml file that will take care of generating fat jar
I am trying to use jhipster, so far Ive seen how it works on java8, I even found an example repo with java7 that is certainly java 8 (https://github.com/jhipster/jhipster-sample-app-java7).
I was wondering if there is any way I can generate an app to run with java7? I know is deprecated from jhipster but seems like if I can run jhipster v 1.7.0 I could do it, any idea how?
So far this is what jhipster -help shows
C:\Users\user>jhipster -help
Usage: jhipster [command] [options]
app Create a new JHipster application based on the selected options
aws Deploy the current application to Amazon Web Services
ci-cd Create pipeline scripts for popular Continuous Integration/Continuous Deployment tools
client Create a new JHipster client-side application based on the selected options
cloudfoundry Generate a `deploy/cloudfoundry` folder with a specific manifest.yml to deploy to Cloud Foundry
docker-compose Create all required Docker deployment configuration for the selected applications
entity [name] Create a new JHipster entity: JPA entity, Spring server-side components and Angular client-side components
export-jdl [jdlFile] Create a JDL file from the existing entities
heroku Deploy the current application to Heroku
import-jdl [jdlFiles...] Create entities from the JDL file passed in argument
info Display information about your current project and system
kubernetes Deploy the current application to Kubernetes
languages [languages...] Select languages from a list of available languages. The i18n files will be copied to the /webapp/i18n folder
openshift Deploy the current application to OpenShift
rancher-compose Deploy the current application to Rancher
server Create a new JHipster server-side application
service [name] Create a new Spring service bean
upgrade Upgrade the JHipster version, and upgrade the generated application
completion Print command completion script
-h, --help output usage information
-d, --debug enable debugger
-V, --version output the version number
You're referring to a 2 years old project sample. Current version of JHipster 4.x requires JDK 8, there's no way to generate a project compatible with JDK 7 with it.
The only solution would be to install an obsolete version of JHipster like 2.22.0 which is the one used to generate this JDK 7 sample project:
npm install -g generator-jhipster#2.22.0
then follow instructions of this version's documentation: http://www.jhipster.tech/documentation-archive/v2.22.0/