How to use include query in elastic search? - java

I use own analzyer to asciifolding and lowercase. How Can I send query about this:
"query": {
When I didn't use own analzyer I could do, thanks QuerStringBuilder. Now it's not working.
I tried to find a Polish stammer but it's not there. Is there any other way out? I need to have my own analyzer to map accents.

Ok I solved problem. I changed .escape(true) to .escape(false) in my QuerStringBuilder.


Redisearch query with "begin with" instead of "contains"

I am trying to understand on how to perform queries in Redisearch strictly with "begins with" and I keep getting "contains".
For example if I have fields with values like 'football', 'myfootball', 'greenfootball' and would provide a search term like this:
> FT.SEARCH myIdx #myfield:foot*
I want just to get 'football' but I keep getting other fields that contain the word instead of beginning with that word.
Is there a way to avoid this?
I was trying to use VERBATIM and things like #myfield:^foot* but nothing.
I am using JRedisearch as a client but eventually I had to enter the DB and perform these queries manually in order to figure out what's happening. That being said, is this possible to do with this client at the moment?
A sample of my index setup:
Client client = new Client(INDEX_NAME, url, PORT);
Schema sc = new Schema().addSortableTextField("url", 1.0); // using this field for query
client.createIndex(sc, Client.IndexOptions.Default());
return client;
Sample document:
id: // random uuid
urlPath: myfootbal
application: web
market: Europe
After checking the RDB provided I see that when searching foot* you are not getting myfootbal. The replies look like this: /dot-com/plp/football/x/index.html. You are getting those replies because this url is tokenized, and '/' is one of the tokenize chars. If you do not want those urls to be tokenized you need to declare them as TAGS and not as TEXT. This way the entire url will be indexed as is and when search for foot* it will not appear in the results.
For more information about TAGS see the FT.CREATE documentation:

Java API to implement query for script_fields in Elastic search

I have tried to find the answer of this question but couldn't find. The scenario is: I have to get one extra field which is the calculation of two fileds in the elastic search query result. For this purpose I am using script_fields.
"script_fields": {
"result": {
"script": "doc['feild1'].value / doc['field2'].value"
The query is working fine, and I am getting the correct result.
But now I have to implement the query in Java, I couldn't find any way to implement script_fields in Java.
Can somebody please help ?
Very simply using the addScriptField() method like this:
SearchResponse response = client().prepareSearch()
.addScriptField("result", new Script(ScriptType.INLINE, "groovy", "doc['field1'].value / doc['field2'].value", Collections.emptyMap()))

Regex: Read value between multiple brackets

I currently working on translating a website (Smarty) with Poedit. To get all the text from the .tpl files i'm using regex to get the data between the {t} and {/t}. so an example:
{t}Password incorrect, please try again{/t}
The regex will read Password incorrect, please try again and place it in a .po file. This is all working fine. It goes wrong when it gets a little more advanced.
Sometimes the text between the {t} tags uses a parameter. this looks like this:
{t 1=$email|escape 2=$mailbox}No $1 given, please check your $2{/t}
This is also working great.
The real problem start when i use brackets inside the parameter like this:
{t 1={site info='name'} 2=$mailbox}visit %1 or go to your %2{/t}
My regex will close when it sees the first closing brackets so the result will be 2=$mailbox}visit %1 or go to your %2.
My regex looks like this:
The regex is used inside a java program.
Does anybody has a way to fix this problem?
The easiest solution I see on this is to normalize the .tpl files. Just use a regex which matches all tags something like this one:
I had the same issue to solve and it worked pretty good with the normalizing.
The normalizing-method would look like this:
final String regex = "\\{[^\\}]*[^\\{]*\\}";
private String normalizeContent(String content) {
return content.replaceAll(regex, "");

Selenium via java - sendKeys doesn't send specific chars to input

I'm having a strange condition where i'm trying to type into input by using sendKeys , the reuslt is that specific chars doesn't seem to be implemented in the input at all.
What i'm trying to do:
the result is that input field is now : test) and the missing char is '(' .
If i will try
the result is that the input is empty.
Anyone ever faced this issue before? it is happening on a very specific input in the app, couldn't find anything related to it in the html code.
Thanks in advance.
Edit: I can manually type ( in the input field.
Maybe it's a special character for selenium, have you tried using escape characters? Something like backslash before it if it allows it.
Edit: I found some issue report on github from last year, not sure if they agreed to not fix it. Executing a script to type "(" seems to be an alternative.
try declaring the key as a string first
String keyToSend = "(test)";
In this case you should try using JavascriptExecutor as below :-
WebElement el = webDriver.findElement("additionalInfo(token_autocompleteSelectInputId)"));
((JavascriptExecutor)webDriver).executeScript("arguments[0].value = arguments[1]", el, "(test)");
Hope it helps..:)

Selecting lines matching keywords using XPATH

I want to print all lines starting with a "+" and which have a keyword such as "hasRole".
String search="//td[contains(#class,'blob-code blob-code-addition') and contains(text(),'hasRole')]";
I know a simple and condition will not be enough. How do I formulate the XPATH search for this?
Here's a screenshot.
Also,how do I make this search case insensitive?
You can use something like this:
//td[(contains(lower-case(#class), 'blob-code blob-code-addition') ...
//td[(contains(translate(#class, "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ", "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"), 'blob-code blob-code-addition') ...
I tried the below and it worked.
String search="//td[(contains(#class,'blob-code blob-code-addition') and contains(.,'HasRole')) or (contains(#class,'blob-code blob-code-deletion') and contains(.,'HasRole'))]";

