I would like to modify the damage suffered with the enchant protection using the NMS. I wrote below the class of the method I used but it doesn't work, what did I do wrong?
import net.minecraft.server.v1_12_R1.*;
public class EnchantProtectionCustom extends EnchantmentProtection {
public EnchantProtectionCustom(EnchantmentProtection.DamageType var2) {
super(Rarity.COMMON, var2, EnumItemSlot.HEAD, EnumItemSlot.CHEST, EnumItemSlot.LEGS, EnumItemSlot.FEET);
public int a(int var1) {
return this.a.b() + (var1 - 1) * this.a.c() * 100;
public int b(int var1) {
return this.a(var1) + this.a.c() * 100;
public int getMaxLevel() {
return 100;
public boolean canEnchant(ItemStack item) {
return true; // allow for all item
I then called this method in the onEnable()
public void loadProtection() {
try {
Enchantment enchantmentToChange = Enchantment.PROTECTION_ENVIRONMENTAL;
EnchantProtectionCustom protection = new EnchantProtectionCustom(EnchantmentProtection.DamageType.ALL);
net.minecraft.server.v1_12_R1.Enchantment.enchantments.a(0, new MinecraftKey("protection"), protection);
CraftEnchantment newEnchant = new CraftEnchantment(protection);
Field byNameField = Enchantment.class.getDeclaredField("byName");
Map<String, Enchantment> byName = (Map<String, Enchantment>) byNameField.get(null);
byName.put(enchantmentToChange.getName(), newEnchant);
Field byIdField = Enchantment.class.getDeclaredField("byId");
Map<Integer, Enchantment> byId = (Map<Integer, Enchantment>) byIdField.get(null);
byId.put(enchantmentToChange.getId(), newEnchant);
} catch (Exception e) {
I am trying to make a class (and a few subclasses and interfaces) to represent a Polynomial. First I have a monomial class which has fields for a coefficient and degree of a Monomial.
public class Monomial {
int coef;
int degree;
public Monomial(int coef) throws IllegalArgumentException {
this.degree = 1;
this.coef = coef;
public Monomial(int degree, int coef) throws IllegalArgumentException {
if (this.degree < 0) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("non positive degree");
this.coef = coef;
this.degree = degree;
public int getDegree() {
return this.degree;
public int getCoef() {
return this.coef;
public boolean sameMonomial(Monomial that) {
return this.coef == that.getCoef()
&& this.degree == that.getDegree();
Next, I have two classes, which implement an interface called ILoMonomial. The ILo stands for (Interface List-of) and it used to represent a list of Monomials.
Therefore, the class MtLoMonomial is an empty list and the base case of the list, having no fields. The ConsLoMonomial class has two fields, a Monomial as the (first) item in the list, and An ILoMonomial as the (rest of the list).
public interface ILoMonomial {
boolean findAnyDupes();
boolean findAnyDupesHelper(int degree);
boolean findSameHelper(Monomial that);
boolean findSame(ILoMonomial that);
public class MtLoMonomial implements ILoMonomial {
public boolean findAnyDupes() {
return true;
public boolean findAnyDupesHelper(int degree) {
return true;
public boolean findSameHelper(Monomial that) {
return false;
public boolean findSame(ILoMonomial that) {
return false;
public class ConsLoMonomial implements ILoMonomial {
Monomial first;
ILoMonomial rest;
ConsLoMonomial(Monomial first, ILoMonomial rest) {
this.first = first;
this.rest = rest;
public boolean findAnyDupes() {
return this.rest.findAnyDupesHelper(this.first.getDegree()) &&
public boolean findAnyDupesHelper(int degree) {
return degree == this.first.degree;
public boolean findSameHelper(Monomial that) {
return that.sameMonomial(this.first);
public boolean findSame(ILoMonomial that) {
if (that.findSameHelper(this.first)) {
return true;
} else {
return that.findSame(this.rest);
Finally, I have my Polynomial class, which is where I am running into trouble on how to go about implementing the samePolynomial class. In this class, the only field I have is the ILoMonomial.
I have no idea how to go about this. I have a few helper methods in the classes which implement ILoMonomial (findSame, and findSameHelper)
(but as of now only findSameHelper works and possibly only for the first item in the list).
Here is some example code
import static org.junit.Assert.*;
import org.junit.Before;
import org.junit.Test;
public class ExamplesPolynomial {
Monomial oneRaisedToFourth = new Monomial(1, 4);
Monomial twoRaisedToOne = new Monomial(2, 1);
Monomial twoSquared = new Monomial(2 , 2);
Monomial threeXSquared = new Monomial(3, 2);
Monomial five = new Monomial(5, 1);
Monomial coefOf2 = new Monomial(2);
ILoMonomial threeXSquaredPlusFive = new ConsLoMonomial(
threeXSquared, new ConsLoMonomial(
five, new MtLoMonomial()));
ILoMonomial ListOfMonomial1 = new ConsLoMonomial(oneRaisedToFourth,
new MtLoMonomial());
ILoMonomial duplicateDegree = new ConsLoMonomial(twoRaisedToOne,
new ConsLoMonomial(coefOf2, new MtLoMonomial()));
ILoMonomial threeXSquaredPlusFive_Reversed = new ConsLoMonomial(five,
new ConsLoMonomial(threeXSquared, new MtLoMonomial()));
Polynomial error = new Polynomial(duplicateDegree);
Polynomial fine = new Polynomial(threeXSquaredPlusFive);
// passes
#Test(expected = IllegalArgumentException.class)
public void testPolynomial(){
Polynomial error = new Polynomial(duplicateDegree);
// passes
public void testPolynomialTrue() {
Polynomial noError = new Polynomial(new ConsLoMonomial(threeXSquared,
new ConsLoMonomial(twoRaisedToOne, new MtLoMonomial())));
// passes
public void testSameMonomial() {
// passes
public void testFindSameHelper() {
// fails : assertion error
public void testFindSame() {
// fails : assertion error
public void testSamePolynomial() {
Polynomial reverse = new Polynomial(threeXSquaredPlusFive_Reversed);
Polynomial normal = new Polynomial(threeXSquaredPlusFive);
I have an issue with realm. I receive a custom object from an API. I assign this object to a POJO object using retrofit. Within this object I have an ArrayList of the ToDoItemobject which extends RealmObject.
I receive the data correctly with all attributes, everything gets correctly assigned. I run it through my synchronization algorithm and save it to realm in a writing transaction. But when retrieving the data after realm.commit(); the attributes of the objects are all 0 or null.
The method isManaged()is always false, even after the writing transaction, which I don't understand because in the official documentation is states that a POJO can be converted to a managed object using the copyToRealm method.
I already tried a number of things: creating the GetItemResponseClass as RealmObject, but not possible since it has to extend JSONObject to correctly receive the data from the API. I also tried to write the whole list directly to realm but the result was the same.
As a side note, it can be that my method syncPendingLists has some logic errors, but I couldn't debug it yet, since the attributes were always o and null. Thanks for any help.
Here my code from the Activity:
public class MainActivity extends AppCompatActivity{
protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
RealmConfiguration config = new RealmConfiguration.Builder().name("myrealm.realm").build();
realm = Realm.getDefaultInstance();
RealmResults<Counter> counterList = realm.where(Counter.class).findAll();
//setting up counterObject
if (counterList.isEmpty()) {
counterObject = new Counter();
COUNTER = counterObject.getCounter();
} else {
counterObject = counterList.get(0);
COUNTER = counterObject.getCounter();
//Adding the Fragment
FragmentManager fm = getFragmentManager();
FragmentTransaction ft = fm.beginTransaction();
ft.add(R.id.fragment_container, new DoneListFragment(), "DoneListFragment");
ft.add(R.id.fragment_container, new PendingListFragment(), "PendingListFragment");
RetrofitClient retrofitClient = new RetrofitClient();
Retrofit retrofit = retrofitClient.getClient();
mAPIInterface = retrofit.create(ToDoistAPIInterface.class);
public void getRemoteItems() {
final ArrayList<ToDoItem> onlineItems = new ArrayList<ToDoItem>();
JSONArray array = new JSONArray();
String auxMessage = array.toString();
mAPIInterface.getItems(RetrofitClient.TOKEN, "*", auxMessage).enqueue(new Callback<GetItemsResponseClass>() {
public void onResponse(Call<GetItemsResponseClass> call, Response<GetItemsResponseClass> response) {
GetItemsResponseClass itemsResponseClass = new GetItemsResponseClass();
itemsResponseClass = response.body();
remoteItemsList = itemsResponseClass.getItems();
boolean test = remoteItemsList.get(0).isManaged(); //returns false
boolean test1 = remoteItemsList.get(0).isValid(); //returns true refers to singleton RealmObject
syncPendingLists(pendingItemList, remoteItemsList);
public void onFailure(Call<GetItemsResponseClass> call, Throwable t) {
Snackbar.make(floatingButton, "Ups - Couldn't sync items, next time, I promise", Snackbar.LENGTH_LONG)
.setAction("Action", null).show();
private void initializeLists() {
RealmResults<ToDoItem> realmToDoItemPendingList = realm.where(ToDoItem.class).equalTo("checkedOffline", false).findAll();
initializingArrayListFromDB(realmToDoItemPendingList, pendingItemList);
RealmResults<ToDoItem> realmToDoItemDoneList = realm.where(ToDoItem.class).equalTo("checkedOffline", true).findAll();
initializingArrayListFromDB(realmToDoItemDoneList, doneItemList);
private void initializingArrayListFromDB(RealmResults<ToDoItem> realmToDoItemPendingList, ArrayList<ToDoItem> arrayList) {
int h;
for (h = 0; h < realmToDoItemPendingList.size(); h++) {
public void syncPendingLists(ArrayList<ToDoItem> offlinePendingList, ArrayList<ToDoItem> onlinePendingList) {
//is my sync algorithm, the important part is the for loop at the end of this method
boolean hasMatch = false;
boolean itemChanged = false;
Date offlineDate = null;
Date onlineDate = null;
if (!offlinePendingList.isEmpty()) {
for (ToDoItem item1 : offlinePendingList) {
if (item1.getId() < 10000) {
try {
} catch (JSONException e) {
} else {
for (int i = 0; i < onlinePendingList.size(); i++) {
if (item1.getId() == onlinePendingList.get(i).getId()) {
hasMatch = true;
//Compare Fields
if (!item1.getContent().equals(onlinePendingList.get(i).getContent())) {
itemChanged = true;
if (item1.getPriority() != onlinePendingList.get(i).getPriority()) {
itemChanged = true;
if (!item1.getDate_string().equals(onlinePendingList.get(i).getDate_string())) {
itemChanged = true;
if (itemChanged == true) {
//Format edit dates to date
DateFormat format = new SimpleDateFormat("dd/MM/yyyy", Locale.ENGLISH);
try {
offlineDate = format.parse(item1.getDateAdded());
} catch (ParseException e) {
try {
onlineDate = format.parse(onlinePendingList.get(i).getDateAdded());
} catch (ParseException e) {
//compare dates to see which was last edited
if (offlineDate.compareTo(onlineDate) > 0) {
try {
deleteRemoteItem(onlinePendingList.get(i), "item_delete");
} catch (JSONException e) {
} else if (offlineDate.compareTo(onlineDate) < 0) {
if (!hasMatch) {
for (ToDoItem onlineItem1 : onlinePendingList) {
boolean isManaged1 = onlineItem1.isManaged(); //returns false, which is ok since it is not yet in the realm db
boolean asdf = onlineItem1.isManaged(); //it returns false, but it should return true
private void addOrUpdateToDB(ToDoItem newItem) {
boolean test2= newItem.isManaged(); //returns false
//realm.copyToRealm(newItem); //I tried this method as well, but no difference
boolean test3= newItem.isManaged(); //returns false, and here is the problem, it should return true, shouldn't it?
assignValuesToToDoItem(itemWithValues, newItem);
Here my class code of ToDoItem:
public class ToDoItem extends RealmObject implements Parcelable {
public static final Creator<ToDoItem> CREATOR = new Creator<ToDoItem>() {
public ToDoItem createFromParcel(Parcel in) {
return new ToDoItem(in);
public ToDoItem[] newArray(int size) {
return new ToDoItem[size];
private long localId;
private String content;
private boolean checkedOffline = false;
private int priority;
private String date_string;
private String temp_id;
private long id;
private String date_added;
public ToDoItem(String name) {
this.content = name;
public ToDoItem() {
protected ToDoItem(Parcel in) {
localId = in.readLong();
content = in.readString();
checkedOffline = in.readByte() != 0;
priority = in.readInt();
date_string = in.readString();
temp_id = in.readString();
id = in.readLong();
public int getPriority() {
return priority;
public void setPriority(int priority) {
this.priority = priority;
public boolean isCheckedOffline() {
return checkedOffline;
public void setCheckedOffline(boolean checkedOffline) {
this.checkedOffline = checkedOffline;
public Long getId() {
return id;
public void setId(long id) {
this.id = id;
public void setRemote_id(Long remote_id) {
this.id = remote_id;
public String getContent() {
return content;
public void setContent(String content) {
this.content = content;
public boolean isDone() {
return checkedOffline;
public String getDate_string() {
return date_string;
public void setDate_string(String date_string) {
this.date_string = date_string;
public long getLocalId() {
return this.localId;
public void setLocalId(long i) {
this.localId = i;
public String getTemp_id() {
return temp_id;
public void setTemp_id(String temp_id) {
this.temp_id = temp_id;
public String getDateAdded() {
return date_added;
public void setDateAdded(String dateAdded) {
this.date_added = dateAdded;
public int describeContents() {
return 0;
public void writeToParcel(Parcel dest, int flags) {
dest.writeByte((byte) (checkedOffline ? 1 : 0));
public String toString() {
return "localId: " + localId + "; content: " + content;
And here the code for the GetItemsResponseClass:
public class GetItemsResponseClass extends JSONObject {
private String sync_token;
private HashMap<String, Long> temp_id_mapping;
private boolean full_sync;
private ArrayList<ToDoItem> items;
public GetItemsResponseClass(){
public String getSync_token() {
return sync_token;
public void setSync_token(String sync_token) {
this.sync_token = sync_token;
public HashMap<String, Long> getTemp_id_mapping() {
return temp_id_mapping;
public void setTemp_id_mapping(HashMap<String, Long> temp_id_mapping) {
this.temp_id_mapping = temp_id_mapping;
public boolean isFull_sync() {
return full_sync;
public void setFull_sync(boolean full_sync) {
this.full_sync = full_sync;
public ArrayList<ToDoItem> getItems() {
return items;
public void setItems(ArrayList<ToDoItem> items) {
this.items = items;
EDIT: Apparently it is a desired behavior that the object does not get saved with its attributes. Consequently to assign the values you have to use getters and setters. I added the following method, however even when debugging with a watch, as stated in the official documentation the values do not get assigned:
private void assignValuesToToDoItem(ToDoItem itemWithValues, ToDoItem newItem) {
newItem.setContent(itemWithValues.getContent()); //the content variable stays null
newItem.setCheckedOffline(itemWithValues.isDone()); //stays false
I added this line assignValuesToToDoItem(itemWithValues, newItem); in the main activity in the method private void addOrUpdateToDB(ToDoItem newItem) {...}
Same result...
I found out 2 very important things:
The attributes are saved, however in the debugging window they appear to be 0, false or null
Even putting a Debugging Watch does not show the correct values.
To see the real value how it is in the database you have to add a Watch and put the watch directly on the getters of the object. In my case I added a Watch and typed in "newItem.getContent()". With this line I got the title of my object. However just putting a Watch with "newItem" shows "null".
copyToRealm() and copyToRealmOrUpdate() returns the managed proxy as a return value of the function you're calling.
boolean test3= newItem.isManaged(); //returns false, and it should return false
Should be
newItem = realm.copyToRealmOrUpdate(newItem);
boolean test3= newItem.isManaged(); //returns true
I have created a Custom JavaFX Control, Call it ComboBoxTablePopup, it's a Generic Control witch takes a list of items of type S from the user.
Internally, i have used some sort of filtering in the TableView(a child of ComboboxTablePopup Contrl).So i have used :
FiltredList.setPridcate(S -> {
if (pr == null || pr.isEmpty() || pr.length() == 0)
return true;
if (((Engine) S).getDesignation().toLowerCase().contains(pr.toLowerCase())) {
return true;
} else
return false;).
Because i'm using generic class and the list can be of any type i have to cast filtredlist items to well known object in ordre to get filtring work.
So, how can i make the predicate function generic, so i can work with any object and filtre it ?
Here is the code of my CustomControl:
public class ComboBoxTablePopup<S> extends ComboBoxBase {
ObservableList<TableColumn> columns = FXCollections.emptyObservableList();
public ObservableList<TableColumn> getColumns() {
return columns;
public void setColumns(ObservableList<TableColumn> columns) {
this.columns = columns;
* *
* Static properties and methods *
* *
private static <T> StringConverter<T> defaultStringConverter() {
return new StringConverter<T>() {
public String toString(T t) {
return t == null ? null : t.toString();
public T fromString(String string) {
return (T) string;
* *
* Constructors *
* *
* Creates a default ComboboxTablePopup instance with an empty
* {#link #itemsProperty() items} list and default
* {#link #selectionModelProperty() selection model}.
public ComboBoxTablePopup() {
* Creates a default ComboboxTablePopup instance with the provided items list and
* a default {#link #selectionModelProperty() selection model}.
public ComboBoxTablePopup(ObservableList<S> items) {
setPromptText("Plz Search for a pirticular term");
public ComboBoxTablePopup(ObservableList<S> items, ObservableList<TableColumn> columns) {
this.columns = columns;
private static final String DEFAULT_STYLE_CLASS = "combobox-table-popup";
private ReadOnlyObjectWrapper<TextField> editor;
private ObjectProperty<ObservableList<S>> items = new SimpleObjectProperty<ObservableList<S>>(this, "items");
public final void setItems(ObservableList<S> value) {
public final ObservableList<S> getItems() {
return items.get();
public ObjectProperty<ObservableList<S>> itemsProperty() {
return items;
// Converter
public ObjectProperty<StringConverter<S>> converterProperty() {
return converter;
private ObjectProperty<StringConverter<S>> converter =
new SimpleObjectProperty<StringConverter<S>>(this, "converter", ComboBoxTablePopup.<S>defaultStringConverter());
public final void setConverter(StringConverter<S> value) {
public final StringConverter<S> getConverter() {
return converterProperty().get();
}// Create a symmetric (format/parse) converter with the default locale.
// Editor
public TextField getEditor() {
return editorProperty().get();
public ReadOnlyObjectProperty<TextField> editorProperty() {
if (editor == null) {
editor = new ReadOnlyObjectWrapper<TextField>(this, "editor");
editor.set(new ComboBoxListViewSkin.FakeFocusTextField());
return editor.getReadOnlyProperty();
protected Skin<?> createDefaultSkin() {
return new ComboBoxTablePopupSkin<>(this);
public class ComboBoxTablePopupSkin<S> extends ComboBoxPopupControl {
private ComboBoxTablePopup comboBoxTablePopup;
private ObservableList<S> comboboxTablePopupItems;
private TextField displayNode;
private TableView<S> tableViewPopupContent;
FilteredList<S> filtredList;
private SortedList<S> sortedList;
private Predicate<S> predicate;
private final InvalidationListener itemsObserver;
private final ListChangeListener<S> tableViewItemsListener = new ListChangeListener<S>() {
public void onChanged(ListChangeListener.Change<? extends S> c) {
private final WeakListChangeListener<S> weakListViewItemsListener =
new WeakListChangeListener<S>(tableViewItemsListener);
public ComboBoxTablePopupSkin(ComboBoxTablePopup comboBoxTablePopup) {
super(comboBoxTablePopup, new ComboBoxTablePopupBehavior(comboBoxTablePopup));
this.comboBoxTablePopup = comboBoxTablePopup;
itemsObserver = observable -> {
this.comboBoxTablePopup.itemsProperty().addListener(new WeakInvalidationListener(itemsObserver));
tableViewPopupContent = createTableView();
getEditor().textProperty().addListener((obv, oldValue, newValue) -> {
if (!newValue.isEmpty())
registerChangeListener(comboBoxTablePopup.itemsProperty(), "ITEMS");
registerChangeListener(comboBoxTablePopup.valueProperty(), "VALUE");
registerChangeListener(comboBoxTablePopup.editorProperty(), "EDITABLE");
private void setupTablePredicate() {
private void updateTableViewItems() {
filtredList = new FilteredList<S>(comboboxTablePopupItems, p -> true);
sortedList = new SortedList<S>(filtredList);
private void filtreData(String pr) {
String data = pr;
filtredList.setPredicate(engine -> {
if (pr == null || pr.isEmpty() || pr.length() == 0)
return true;
if (((Engine) engine).getDesignation().toLowerCase().contains(pr.toLowerCase())) {
return true;
} else
return false;
public void updateComboBoxTablePopupItems() {
comboboxTablePopupItems = comboBoxTablePopup.getItems();
comboboxTablePopupItems = comboboxTablePopupItems == null ? FXCollections.<S>emptyObservableList() : comboboxTablePopupItems;
private TableView<S> createTableView() {
final TableView<S> tableView = new TableView<>();
tableView.getSelectionModel().selectedItemProperty().addListener(o -> {
int index = tableView.getSelectionModel().getSelectedIndex();
System.out.println("selected item changed");
for (TableColumn tblColumn : tableColumns()) {
tableView.setOnKeyPressed(e -> {
if (e.getCode() == KeyCode.ENTER ||
e.getCode() == KeyCode.ESCAPE ||
e.getCode() == KeyCode.SPACE) {
S selectedItem = tableView.getSelectionModel().getSelectedItem();
if (selectedItem != null) {
System.out.println(((Engine) selectedItem).getDesignation());
getEditor().setText(((Engine) selectedItem).getDesignation());
return tableView;
private ObservableList<TableColumn> tableColumns() {
return ((ComboBoxTablePopup) getSkinnable()).getColumns();
protected Node getPopupContent() {
return this.tableViewPopupContent;
protected TextField getEditor() {
return ((ComboBoxTablePopup) getSkinnable()).getEditor();
protected StringConverter getConverter() {
return ((ComboBoxTablePopup) getSkinnable()).getConverter();
public Node getDisplayNode() {
if (displayNode == null) {
displayNode = getEditableInputNode();
return displayNode;
protected void handleControlPropertyChanged(String p) {
if ("TEXT".equals(p)) {
if (!getEditor().textProperty().get().isEmpty()) {
} else if ("ITEMS".equals(p)) {
} else if ("EDITABLE".equals(p)) {
Use the StringConverter to convert the item to a String or use a similar property.
public class ComboBoxTablePopupSkin<S> extends ComboBoxPopupControl<S> {
private static final StringConverter DEFAULT_CONVERTER = new StringConverter() {
public String toString(Object o) {
return o == null ? null : o.toString();
public Object fromString(String s) {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
public final StringConverter<S> getConverter() {
StringConverter<S> converter = converterProperty().get();
// fix in case the property is set to a null
return converter == null ? DEFAULT_CONVERTER : converter;
private void filtreData(String pr) {
if (pr == null || pr.isEmpty()) {
} else {
final StringConverter<S> converter = ((ComboBoxTablePopup<S>) getSkinnable()).getConverter();
final String data = pr.toLowerCase();
filtredList.setPredicate(object -> {
String s = converter.toString(object);
return s != null && s.toLowerCase().contains(data);
I am new to Eclipse RCP/Plug-ins and SWT. I want to reorder table items via drag-and-drop.
I have a TableViewer which contains a table with my custom elements of type ITask (еach of my custom elements is wrapped in TableItem). All tutorials I found are about trees or dragging between different tables which is not what I need.
So I want to know how to reorder the table rows via drag-and-drop.
It's a bit long, but you can make this work in your code with a few changes. I did not included the imports; Eclipse can do it for you automatically.
I used Spring's BeanUtils class but you can use any lib (or write your own) that can deepcopy POJOs. I assume that your ITask has a setOrder(int) method and is Serializable (and it qualifies for a POJO)
You need to create a Transfer-type for your ITask: SimpleObjectTransfer is IBM's code, from Eclipse GEF. You can Google/GrepCode it.
public final class TaskTransfer extends SimpleObjectTransfer {
public static final TaskTransfer INSTANCE = new TaskTransfer();
private TaskTransfer() {
protected String getTypeNamePrefix() {
A ViewerDropAdapter:
public class MyDropAdapter<TM extends ITask> extends ViewerDropAdapter {
private final Class<TM> targetModelClass;
private List<TM> listOfModels;
protected MyDropAdapter(Viewer viewer, Class<TM> targetModelClass, List<TM> listOfModels) {
this.listOfModels = listOfModels;
this.targetModelClass = targetModelClass;
public boolean performDrop(Object arg0) {
boolean ret = false;
TM targetModel = targetModelClass.cast(determineTarget(getCurrentEvent()));
if (targetModel != null) {
if (List.class.isAssignableFrom(arg0.getClass())) {
ret = processDropToTable(targetModel, arg0);
return ret;
public final boolean processDropToTable(TM targetModel, Object data) {
List<TM> transferredModels = (List<TM>) data;
List<TM> copyOfTransferredModels = transferredModels;
switch (getCurrentOperation()) {
copyOfTransferredModels = deepCopyBeanList(transferredModels, new String[]{});
// moving
throw new UnsupportedOperationException(getCurrentOperation() + " is not supported!");
adjustPosition(transferredModels, copyOfTransferredModels, targetModel);
return true;
private void adjustPosition(List<TM> transferredModels, List<TM> copyOfTransferredModels, TM targetModel) {
int transferredObjectPosition = listOfModels.indexOf(transferredModels.get(0));
addModelsToNewLocation(copyOfTransferredModels, targetModel, listOfModels, transferredObjectPosition);
for (int i = 0; i < listOfModels.size(); i++) {
int orderPosition = i * 10 + 10;
protected void addModelsToNewLocation(List<TM> transferredModels, TM targetModel, List<TM> targetList, int transferredObjectPosition) {
switch (determineLocation(getCurrentEvent())) {
int i;
if (!transferredModels.contains(targetModel)) {
i = targetList.indexOf(targetModel) + 1;
} else {
i = transferredObjectPosition;
targetList.addAll(i, transferredModels);
if (!transferredModels.contains(targetModel)) {
i = targetList.indexOf(targetModel);
} else {
i = transferredObjectPosition;
targetList.addAll(i, transferredModels);
private List<TM> deepCopyBeanList(List<TM> transferredModels, String[] ignoreProperties) {
List<TM> targetList = new LinkedList<TM>();
for (TM element : transferredModels) {
try {
TM copy = (TM) element.getClass().newInstance();
BeanUtils.copyProperties(element, copy, ignoreProperties);
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new RuntimeException(e);
return targetList;
public boolean validateDrop(Object arg0, int arg1, TransferData arg2) {
boolean ret = false;
for (Transfer t : new Transfer[]{TaskTransfer.INSTANCE}) {
if (t.isSupportedType(arg2)) {
ret = true;
return ret;
A DragSourceListener
public class MyDragSourceListener implements DragSourceListener {
private final Viewer dragSourceViewer;
private final boolean multiObjectsEnabled;
private final Class<?> transferrableElementClass;
private Object[] draggedObjects;
public MyDragSourceListener(Viewer dragSourceViewer, boolean multiObjectsEnabled, Class<?> transferrableElementClass) {
this.dragSourceViewer = dragSourceViewer;
this.multiObjectsEnabled = multiObjectsEnabled;
this.transferrableElementClass = transferrableElementClass;
public void dragStart(DragSourceEvent event) {
Control source = ((DragSource) event.getSource()).getControl();
draggedObjects = null;
if (dragSourceViewer.getControl().equals(source)) {
if (multiObjectsEnabled) {
draggedObjects = ((StructuredSelection) dragSourceViewer.getSelection()).toArray();
} else {
draggedObjects = new Object[]{((StructuredSelection) dragSourceViewer.getSelection()).getFirstElement()};
event.doit = draggedObjects.length > 0 && transferredDataIsSupported();
private boolean transferredDataIsSupported() {
boolean ret = true;
for (Object o : draggedObjects) {
if (o == null || !transferrableElementClass.isAssignableFrom(o.getClass())) {
ret = false;
return ret;
public void dragSetData(DragSourceEvent event) {
event.data = Arrays.asList(draggedObjects);
public void dragFinished(DragSourceEvent event) {
if (event.detail != DND.DROP_NONE) {
draggedObjects = null;
And place a code somewhat like this in your View:
List<ITask> tasks = new WritableList(new ArrayList<ITask>(), ITask.class);
// Let's say tableViewerTasks is your TableViewer's name
DragSource sourceTasks = new DragSource(tblTasks, DND.DROP_MOVE);
sourceTasks.setTransfer(new Transfer[]{TaskTransfer.INSTANCE});
sourceTasks.addDragListener(new MyDragSourceListener(tableViewerTasks, true, ITask.class));
DropTarget targetTasks = new DropTarget(tblTasks, DND.DROP_MOVE);
targetTasks.setTransfer(new Transfer[]{TaskTransfer.INSTANCE});
targetTasks.addDropListener(new MyDropAdapter<ITask>(tableViewerTasks, ITask.class, tasks));
I'm quite new to Java so this is probably pretty straight forward question.
I want to sort an ArrayList in the class MediaLib based on the natural order of a specified key.
I can't work out how to use my comparator (compareTo(MediaInterface, key)) which is in the Media class. Whats the best way to go about this?
package assign1;
import java.util.*;
public class Media implements MediaInterface {
private Map<String, Object> fields;
private static int compare;
public Media(String title, String format) {
fields = new TreeMap<String, Object>();
fields.put("title", title);
fields.put("format", format);
public Object get(String key) {
return fields.get(key);
public void put(String key, Object value) {
fields.put(key, value);
public boolean hasKeywords(String[] words, boolean combineWithAND) {
Collection<Object> values = (Collection<Object>) fields.values();
int count = 0;
int size = 0;
for (String s: words) {
for (Object o: values) {
String t = o.toString();
if (t.indexOf(s) >= 0) {
if ((count == 0 && !combineWithAND) || (combineWithAND && (count != size))) {
return false;
return true;
public int compareTo(MediaInterface mi, String key) { //<<<<<<<------calling this!!
if (mi == null)
throw new NullPointerException();
Media m = (Media) mi;
Comparable mValue = (Comparable) m.get(key);
Comparable lValue = (Comparable) fields.get(key);
if ((mValue == null) && (lValue == null)){
return 0;
if ((lValue == null)){
return 1;
if ((mValue == null)){
return -1;
return (lValue).compareTo(mValue);
public int compareTo(MediaInterface mi) {
if (mi == null)
throw new NullPointerException();
Media m = (Media) mi;
Set<String> lSet = fields.keySet();
if (compareTo(m, "title") != 0) {
return compareTo(m, "title");
if (compareTo(m, "year") != 0) {
return compareTo(m, "year");
for (String s: lSet) {
if (compareTo(m, s) != 0) {
return compareTo(m, s);
return 0;
public boolean equals(Object object) {
if (object == null)
return false;
if (!(object instanceof Media))
return false;
Media m = (Media) object;
if (compareTo(m) != 0) {
return false;
return true;
package assign1;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.Comparator;
public class MediaLib implements Searchable {
private ArrayList<MediaInterface> media;
public MediaLib() {
media = new ArrayList<MediaInterface>();
public void add(MediaInterface mi) {
if (media.isEmpty()) {
else {
for (MediaInterface m: media) {
if (mi.equals(m)) {
public boolean contains(MediaInterface mi) {
for (MediaInterface m: media) {
if (mi.equals(m)) {
return true;
return false;
public Collection<MediaInterface> findByKeyword(String[] words, boolean combineWithAND) {
Collection<MediaInterface> foundList = new ArrayList<MediaInterface>();
for (MediaInterface mi: media) {
if (mi.hasKeywords(words, combineWithAND)) {
return foundList;
public Collection<MediaInterface> findByTitle(String str) {
Collection<MediaInterface> foundList = new ArrayList<MediaInterface>();
for (MediaInterface mi: media) {
if ((mi.get("title")).equals(str)) {
return foundList;
public Collection<MediaInterface> getAllWithFormat(String formatName) {
Collection<MediaInterface> foundList = new ArrayList<MediaInterface>();
for (MediaInterface mi: media) {
if ((mi.get("format")).equals(formatName)) {
return foundList;
public Collection<MediaInterface> getAll() {
Collection<MediaInterface> fullList = new ArrayList<MediaInterface>();
for (MediaInterface mi: media) {
return fullList;
public void removeAllWithKeyword(String[] words, boolean combineWithAND) {
Collection<MediaInterface> foundList = findByKeyword(words, combineWithAND);
for (MediaInterface mi: foundList) {
public void removeAllWithFormat(String format) {
Collection<MediaInterface> foundList = getAllWithFormat(format);
for (MediaInterface mi: foundList) {
public void sort() {
public void sort(final String fieldName) {
Collections.sort(media, new Media.compareTo(MediaInterface, fieldName)) //<<<<<--------Trying to call compareTo()
public void parse(java.io.BufferedReader br) throws java.io.IOException {
while(br.readLine()!= null) {
Media mi = new Media(/n br.readLine(), br.readLine());
You already implement the Comparable interface in your MediaInterface class, this is a generic interface, so you then implement Comparable<MediaInterface> which will then require you to implement a method with the signature
public int compareTo(final MediaInterface other)
This is why your call to Collections.sort(media); compiles
In order to sort by a specific field name, you need to provide an instance of a Comparator, the easiest way to do this will be to create an inner class in your Media class which you can then pass into Collections.sort. For example
public class Media implements MediaInterface {
public static final class FieldComparator implements Comparator<Media> {
private final String field;
public FieldComparator(final String field) {
this.field = field;
public int compare(final Media a, final Media b) {
// implementation to compare a.field to b.field
You can then rewrite your second sort method as
public void sort(final String fieldName) {
Collections.sort(media, new Media.FieldComparator(fieldName));