Avast premium security firewall block local kafka connection - java

I have installed Avast premium security and its firewall block my Spring boot application to connect to my local kafka (localhost:9092). Added cmd.exe, java.exe to firewall whitelist but no luck. Any solution? Thank you
Oracle JDK 11
Kafka 2.13
Spring boot 3.9
PS: Workaround solution: disable Avast (or its firewall)


Cannot establish a jdbc with MS SQL server in Netbeans

The message given is;
Cannot establish a connection to jdbc:sqlserver://HARSHS-PC\SQLEXPRESS;databaseName=mydb1 using com.microsoft.sqlserver.jdbc.SQLServerDriver 
(The driver could not establish a secure connection to SQL Server by using Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) encryption.
 Error: "The server selected protocol version TLS10 is not accepted by client preferences [TLS13, TLS12]". ClientConnectionId:d7ef2454-53af-4f3c-995e-00c75b4d3f39)
How can I establish the connection?
What can be the possible solutions?
Your SQL server only offers TLS1.0 which is most likely disabled in your jre for security reasons.
I'd suggest that you upgrade your SQL Server to the most recent TLS version which is as of today TLS1.3 or at least to TLS1.2.
Another possibility (I would not recommend) would be to modify your java.security which is part of your java jre distribution. To reenable TLS1.0.

CWWKF1219E: The IBM WebSphere Liberty Repository cannot be reached

Downloaded and unpacked Websphere Liberty Profile wlp-javaee7- I am behind a firewall and I was trying to install the adminCenter, but got the error:
CWWKF1219E: The IBM WebSphere Liberty Repository cannot be reached. Verify that your computer has network access and firewalls are configured correctly, then try the action again. If the connection still fails, the repository server might be temporarily unavailable.
To solve this I used information from http://viralpatel.net/blogs/http-proxy-setting-java-setting-proxy-java/.
Is there a better method to configure the access of various IBM utils to external repositories?
You can also set http proxy settings for installUtility by putting
in your ${wlp.install.dir}/etc/repositories.properties as described in the Knowledge Center
Note that the password should be encoded with securityUtility

Nexus behind a proxy

I'm trying to install Nexus (the repository manager for Maven) in a machine behind a proxy. When I execute the server it tries to connect to the default repositories (https://repository.apache.org:443, https://repo1.maven.org:443 and https://nexus.codehaus.org:443) but it fails with a "network is unreachable" message (because of the proxy, I assume).
I tried adding additional JVM parameters to the jsw/config/wrapper.conf file to configure the proxy but it doesn't seem to work:
Anyone know how I can get this to work?
There is a section in the Nexus Admin UI to configure proxy settings. It is located under Administration --> Server. See section 6.1.5 of the Nexus Documentation.
The answer above works if the Nexus application is already running and you are then trying to configure the proxy. I had to install Nexus on a machine without internet connection. During activation of license it tries to contact licensing.sonatype.com for which you will either need a direct internet connection or will need to ssh port forward it through another open to internet box. This little nuance gave me a hard time.
>nexus.exe /run -Dhttps.proxyHost= -Dhttps.proxyPort=8080

Weblogic 10.3 can not be accessed after enableing Administrator port

I was was following this blog to set up some SSL connection. One-Way SSL with JAX-WS using JDeveloper 11gR1 and WLS 10.3.1
One of the steps mentioned is to enable the Administration port from weblogic console. I did that and change the Admin port. But, after saving everything get missed up the conclose closed and the I could not run the application form Jdeveloper .
The Error message is:
User 'principals=[weblogic, Administrators]' has administration role. All tasks by adminstrators must go through an Administration Port.
**** Authentication error while connecting to application server IntegratedWebLogicServer. Please check settings.
**** Failed to complete start-up of application server IntegratedWebLogicServer.
[Server Instance IntegratedWebLogicServer is shutting down. All applications currently running will be terminated and undeployed.]
[Forcing termination of IntegratedWebLogicServer]
taskkill /F /PID 7480
Process exited.
This blog: SOA OIM integration and WebLogic administration port
discuss this issue BUT under the assumption that I can access the weblogic console. But it is not happening for me.
I am using Jdeveloper and the weblogic 10.3
The problem solved by deleting the system files for jdeveloper. This action will re insinuate the weblogic server. This file is located in my case in the following path: C:\Users\[UserName goes here]\AppData\Roaming\JDeveloper.
Check this thread form Oracle community for more information : Authentication error while connecting to application server IntegratedWebL

How can I make "jconsole" work with Websphere 6.1?

I've deployed some Managed Beans on WebSphere 6.1 and I've managed to invoke them through a standalone client, but when I try to use the application "jconsole" distributed with the standard JDK can can't make it works.
Has anyone achieved to connect the jconsole with WAS 6.1?
IBM WebSphere 6.1 it's supossed to support JSR 160 JavaTM Management Extensions (JMX) Remote API. Furthermore, it uses the MX4J implementation (http://mx4j.sourceforge.net). But I can't make it works with neither "jconsole" nor "MC4J".
I have the Classpath and the JAVA_HOME correctly setted, so the issue it's not there.
WebSphere's support for JMX is crap. Particularly, if you need to connect to any secured JMX beans. Here's an interesting tidbit, their own implementation of jConsole will not connect to their own JVM. I have had a PMR open with IBM for over a year to fix this issue, and have gotten nothing but the runaround. They clearly don't want to fix this issue.
The only way I have been able to invoke remote secured JMX beans hosted on WebSphere has been to implement a client using the "WebSphere application client". This is basically a stripped down app server used for stuff like this.
Open a PMR with IBM. Perhaps if more people report this issue, they will actually fix it.
Update: You can run your application as a WebSphere Application Client in RAD. Open the run menu, then choose "Run...". In the dialog that opens, towards the bottom on the left hand side, you will see "WebSphere v6.1 Application Client". I'm not sure how to start and Application Client outside of RAD.
1) Change the config.xml and start the server.
-see here how to change config.xml: http://publib.boulder.ibm.com/wasce/V2.1.0/en/working-with-jconsole.html
2) start the jconsole with : jconsole -J-Djavax.net.ssl.keyStore=%GERONIMO_HOME%\var\security\keystores\geronimo-default -J-Djavax.net.ssl.keyStorePassword=secret -J-Djavax.net.ssl.trustStore=%GERONIMO_HOME%\var\security\keystores\geronimo-default -J-Djavax.net.ssl.trustStorePassword=secret -J-Djava.class.path=%JAVA_HOME%\lib\jconsole.jar;%JAVA_HOME%\lib\tools.jar;%GERONIMO_HOME%\repository\org\apache\geronimo\framework\geronimo-kernel\2.1.4\geronimo-kernel-2.1.4.jar
[or your version of geronimo-kernel jar]
3) in the jconsole interface->advanced, input:
JMX URL: service:jmx:rmi:///jndi/rmi://localhost:1099/JMXSecureConnector
user name: system
password: manager
4) click the connect button.
If you want the WebSphere MBeans this one works for me:
The key is to configure the classpath and the security properly.
in one line:
jconsole -J-Dwas.install.root=C:/was61 -J-Djava.ext.dirs=C:/was61/plugins;C:/was61/plugins/com.ibm.ws.security.crypto_6.1.0;C:/was61/lib;C:/was61/java/jre/lib/ext -J-Dcom.ibm.SSL.ConfigURL="file:../../properties/ssl.client.props" -J-Dcom.ibm.CORBA.ConfigURL="file:../../properties/sas.client.props" service:jmx:iiop://host:port/jndi/JMXConnector
where port = bootstrap port ex: (2809)
Be careful when setting the sas and the ssl props.
I have successfully connected to ActiveMQ and ServiceMix using the JConsole. Does WAS 6.1 use Java Management Extension (JMX) technology? JMX is required for JConsole.
If your path is set correctly it should work fine. On windows you go to System Properties -> Advanced Tab -> Environment Variables. Have your JAVA_HOME System variable set to the path of your JDK or JRE and your Path variable with %JAVA_HOME%/bin added somewhere in there. Then all you need to do is go to Start->Run->JConsole. Select the correct Process Name and your done.
Where are you having problems at? I hope this helps.
Here is the Java Doc's on JConsole.
Hmm... I know that WebSphere is kind of hard to configure. Thats part of the reason we used ServiceMix for our ESB. Maybe its not enabled by default in WebSphere and you would have to turn it on in the config somewhere.
Websphere 6.1 does not support the JConsole for some reason even though it fully implements the JMS specs. Seems to be a week area at the moment. Your best bet is to look at the Admin client to implement you own console.
You all seem to be incorrect. I am running Websphere 6.1.041 , using JDK 1.5 , and I just started up Jconsole and used the "simple connect" tab to connect to localhost with port=0 and without a username and password and it works fine.

