Where can I find documentation for java.lang for JDK 19? [closed] - java

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Closed 19 hours ago.
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This is an implicit import for Java that allows to use language features ...
I found the documentation page here:
However, when I select JDK 19, I can't find java.lang. Am I looking in the wrong docs, or did I miss something?
// import java.lang // not needed as it is an implicit import
Is there a tag for documentation or reference material?

However, when I select JDK 19, I can't find java.lang. Am I looking in the wrong docs, or did I miss something?
It is there. You are just looking at the wrong part of the documentation.
In Java 9, when they introduced the Java Platform Module System (JPMS), they changed the structure of the Java SE API Documentation tree (i.e. "the javadocs"). The top level is now the listing of all of the Java SE modules. If you drill down 1 level, each module has a list of packages. If you drill down another level, each package has a list of classes, etc.
There are still indexes for "all packages", "all classes" and so on. These are no longer in the main navigation bar, but you can find them at the start of the Index page.
Finally, you can now use the Search box to find things by name. In (at least) the Java 19 edition it supports abbreviations (e.g. "j.l.obj" for "java.lang.Object"), and will suggest completions for your search terms.
This is described in the Help page for each javadoc site; e.g. https://docs.oracle.com/en/java/javase/19/docs/api/help-doc.html#overview
If you can't find the javadocs in the first place or you want an offline copy, check Obtain and download Javadoc (JDK documentation) to a local file for offline reading.


Open source version of Java Compatibility Kit [closed]

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Closed 2 years ago.
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I remember in the past there was an infrastructure given to the public to check the compatibility of the JVM and its libraries itself. If I am correct, that was Java Device Test Framework, which now has magically disappeared. In its place is only the Java Device Test Suite, which is actually only for ME edition (and commercial) or Java Compatibility Kit, which again is not open source & publicly available.
What I'd like to accomplish is to use these tests myself on other non "full JDK" JVMs, like Avian, MobiVM, CrossMobile or TotalCross, in order to have a rough estimation of what is missing and what to expect.
Definately I don't need to check the full JDK -- that would be out of concept. What I am more interested is more base functionality, i.e. things that one could find on the java.base (at most). So, is there any (preferably) open source toolkit available?

Concerns regarding documentation of libraries in java [closed]

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Closed 4 years ago.
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I was asked in class to look for libraries along with their operation and documentation type. This is the first time I'm hearing or having anything to do with library documentation. I tried looking for some form of clear and concise explanation of what it is but I don't think I've actually understood what it is and its importance.
Can someone explain to me what is meant by documentation type and where can I find more details of a particular library's documentation?
Documentation has all the information you need to make use of the library. There are code samples, tutorials, developer guides, API documentation, and more to quickly understand the library and use it.
Actually API documentation is mostly developers look while using particular library.
It has technical content deliverable, containing instructions about how to effectively use and integrate with an API. It’s a concise reference manual contains all the information required to work with the API, with details about the functions, classes, return types, arguments and more, supported by tutorials and examples.
If you talk about JAVA 7 https://docs.oracle.com/javase/7/docs/api/ is the documentation.
Java APIs are most often documented with JavaDoc. Whether it is generated and shared online or with the library varies from library to library. Other types could be wiki pages, web pages, or other text docs, manuals, reference materials. Pick a couple of popular libraries and then look for their docs. What did you find?

Is there a Java library for all HTML tag names? [closed]

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Closed 5 years ago.
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I was wondering if there exists any Java library that contains all HTML tags. I am writing selenium tests for fairly complex web sites using the Java binding, and often needing to find an element by tag name. I thought having a class with constants referring to each tag name would be nice. Since there is a finite list of HTML tags, I'm thinking this must already exist. I could begin writing mine, of course, but why reinvent the wheel if there is one out there. I have checked the Selenium Java API documentation but can't find any. Any suggestions?
No, I do not believe such a library is currently available.
Although there are a finite number of STANDARD tags in html, there is also the ability to have USER DEFINED tags. There are also different versions of HTML (current is HTML5) that support many different tags For example the tag is no longer supported in HTML5, but does exist in older versions of HTML. These two factors may make it increasingly difficult to create a definitive library of all tags.
The best option would probably be to create your own, personalized library for the project.

java source parsing library for python [closed]

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Closed 5 years ago.
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Ive been searching for a while and can't seem to find what im looking for. What I want to do is write a python script to report problems and enforce code standards in Java code. Everything I have found so far has been things to translate java into python or python into java and that isn't really what I want. Im looking for a python library that can parse a multi-thousand class project and present the source itself in python in such a way where I can write rules something like
every class must have class level javadoc
every class must have a #primaryContactName tag in class level javadoc
every class must have a #primaryContactEmail tag in class level javadoc
the authorized 3rd party library list is {1,2,3,4,5} are any libraries other than this
list used
all lists and maps fully type safe.
bla bla bla
I reallize that I can get a great deal of this info from javac with very little effort, and I may investigate using javac to make version work, but im looking to do something a bit more advanced where I can build in real analytics
I have done similar with XDoclet in the past, but that was primarily used to mantain metadata in the source code about what systems it was accessing and such, nothing really to this analytics level im looking for now.
Anyone come across a python library that would help out with this? I would consider other languages (java, c, etc) its simply in my current situation, python is easier to work with than anything else.

Any alternatives to Clirr (binary and source compatibility with older releases)? [closed]

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Closed 5 years ago.
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We are using clirr(http://clirr.sourceforge.net) in our project but it looks very outdated.
I've tried to search for any alternatives, but they are in the same position:
Jar Compare(http://extradata.com/products/jarc/)
So, I'm looking for community help: how are you solving a problem of checking source and binary compatibility?
You can also try japicmp, it's a neat project I found recently while trying to perform the same task.
Its usage is pretty simple and it comes down to passing it two versions of your library packaged as JARs... for example:
java -jar japicmp-0.0.2.jar -n my-jar-new.jar -o my-jar-old.jar
It also has an API that allows you to use it programmatically.
The project's Github page has a straightforward guide on how to get started.
Also, this SO answer suggests jarc as an alternative
Tools to check compatibility of Java APIs:
SigTest, a NetBeans fork of sigtest
Tools to check compatibility of OSGi bundles:
Tools to visualize changes in JARs:
See also "Evolving Java-based APIs 2: Achieving API Binary Compatibility" paper for detailed info about possible binary and source compatibility issues in Java APIs.

