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Closed 2 days ago.
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I am testing apis in spring boot app using aws lambda console where I am passing token in header part of request but everytime i am getting 401 excpetion. Is there something wrong with my json request.
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Closed 8 days ago.
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I hve function which have 1 parameter in request and gives multiple parameters in response from different tables.. I want to call that function and show response im spring boot.. Anyone help pls
Controller service repository layer
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Closed 1 year ago.
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Currently I am using Postman with POST and GRAPHQL type queries.
I wish I could query the API with spring-boot.
First, I want to make it very, very simple to check that everything is working. I tried with httpURLConnection but no luck.
Could you advise me to do something quick?
Then use spring boot, what do you advise me to use?
Thanking you
I would suggest using some graphql client package instead of writing your own solution. You could use which is suitable for any Java application. More info can be found here:
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Closed 3 years ago.
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I have a requirement of sending the email with the attachment of a file. I found few online java code but that is through gmail/yahoo with login credentials. But I want to send it as anonymous instead of logging in.
Similar to what is available in oracle plsql UTIL_SMTP
Any body can help here!
Thanks inadvance
Basic steps:
Have your server configured to allow you to send mail without authentication.
Use Java Mail API. Create a session using Java Mail API as described here in another SO question: Send mail in javax.mail without authentication
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Closed 5 years ago.
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So,I've this new requirement of generating email alerts to myself to get to know if my code is failing. The message body should be StackTrace of code failure.I've a DAO Class written in java with CRUD DB operation implementations.If my code fails at a particular operation i've to generate an email alert. How can i do it in Java ?
Hi I am a very simple flow,
Write a Simple mail class,access and use in in your Program Class in Exceptions
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Closed 6 years ago.
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I have developed a spring application and now I required to develop an android application with the same functionality. Now what i want is to use the same web controller part for sending json object in response with those url mappings.
#james i think you could use ContentNegotiationViewResolver for the type of requirement you have. The proper implementation you can get from this link