mysql - set current LocalDateTime [closed] - java

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Closed 2 days ago.
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In a Java project, I get the date using the method: // 2023-02-19T00:52:49.177123900
This is the correct date.
I insert this date into the database.
If you look at this date in the database, it will be different:
2023-02-18 13:52:49.177124
This is not the correct date.
Why does this happen and how can I fix it?
MySql server shows the correct time, the same as the method.


how to solve SqlIntegrityConstraintViolationException? [closed]

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Closed 3 years ago.
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00000182 SystemOut O ==== Inside updateValidation exceptionStackTrace = DB2 SQL Error: SQLCODE=-803, SQLSTATE=23505, SQLERRMC=XHAZMAT1;000098D401, DRIVER=4.21.29
You can try checking for any SQL constraints like indexes with name - XHAZMAT1 on the table you are updating.
You can check for the SQL error message SQLERRMC in the console which is throwing update validation error. Seems like you are updating a record in database that is having any constraints related to indexes etc.
Also, you can look for XHAZMAT1 on the table you are updating.

How can I convert this code to prepared-statement or statement in jdbc? [closed]

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Closed 3 years ago.
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I'm trying to insert this values to a new table but eclipse doesn't read this query:
INSERT INTO my-list SELECT * FROM cars WHERE color='RED'
Use executeUpdate() Or execute() to issue data manipulation statements. executeQuery() is only meant for SELECT queries.

Android: Run a task on a certain date [closed]

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Closed 6 years ago.
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Im looking for the best way to complete a certain task when a certain date is reached. What is the best way to a achieve this?
ie. 1st of each month I run command y
Use AlarmManager. You'll also need a BroadcastReceiver for the BOOT_COMPLETED message so you can restart the alarm if the phone is rebooted. TO calculate when the 1st day of the next month is, use the Calendar class- get the Calendar for now, then add 1 to the month and set the day to 1. Then you can convert that to ms for the alarm.

How to re-enable a disabled JTextField? [closed]

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Closed 6 years ago.
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So there will be a text field that I disable using the textField.setEnabled(false) method. However later on in the code I want to enable this text field back again. textField.setEnabled(true) does not work at this moment.
How should I address this problem?
Try to create a Jtextfield like instance variables

Determining if a time is GMT or BST in Java? [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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If I have a date supplied to a system written in Java, is there any way of telling if it is GMT or BST?
For formatting, you should really use a DateFormat implementation (e.g. SimpleDateFormat). That will let you specify the time zone (and output format).
Ultimately, you need to post code so we know what a "date supplied to a system" looks like.
It can always be identified. (EDIT: Unless you just got a string, like you did.)
There's something like this if you're interested in a TimeZone class.
Use those proper DateFormat Java Docs. Answer your own questions, then ask the ones you can't answer. That's what SO is for.
The Date class is timezone dependent.
One google search prevents a duplicate like this.

