Java heap size not entirely used - java

I'm currently monitoring my running java application with Visual VM:
I'm stressing the memory usage by with -Xmx128m.
When running I see the heap size increasing to 128m (as expected) however the used heap converges to approximately 105m before I run into a java heap space error.
Why are these remaining 20m, not used?

You need to understand a central fact about garbage collector ergonomics:
The costly part of garbage collection is finding and dealing with the objects that are NOT garbage.
This means: as the heap gets close to its maximum capacity, the GC will spend more and more time for less and less return in reclaimed space. If the GC was to try and use every last byte of memory, the net result would be that your JVM would spend more and more time garbage collecting, until ... eventually ... almost no useful work was being done.
To avoid this pathological situation, the JVM monitors the ratio of time is spent GC'ing and doing useful work. When the ratio exceeds a configurable threshold value, the GC raises an OutOfMemoryError ... even though (technically) there is free memory available. This is probably what you are seeing, though the other explanations are equally plausible.
You can change the GC thresholds, generation sizes, etc via JVM options, but it is probably better not to. A better idea is to figure out why your application's memory usage is continually creeping upwards. There are most likely memory leaks ... i.e. a bugs ... in your code that are causing this. Spend your effort finding and fixing those bugs, rather than worrying about why you are not using all of the memory.
(In fact, you are using it ... but not all of the time.)

The heap is split up in Young-Generation (Eden-Space, and two Survivor-Spaces of identical size usually called From and To), Old Generation (Tenured) and Permanent Space.
The Xmx/Xms option sets the overall heap size. So a region (with a default size) is actually the Permanent Space - and maybe, we don't know details about your stress test, no objects are actually moved from eden to tenured or permanent, so those regions remain empty while Eden runs out of space.

Java splits its memory into generations. You can get a heap space error if the tenured generation fills. Normally, they resize dynamically but if you have set a fixed size it won't.


Java 8 JVM Heap size keeps shrinking [duplicate]

This is a screen shot of a JVM (win64, 6u17) running ActiveMQ, after every garbage collection the heap size is reducing. As the heap size reduces garbage collection gets more frequent and the heap reduces more quickly. Eventually the VM locks up as it's spending all it's time in GC.
-Xms is the default and -Xmx is 2048mb.
What is happening!!? How can I avoid this?
Shrinking heap
n.b originally posted on, moved to as requested
Google found me the following, from the IBM JVM FAQ (how's that for an NLA):
When does the Java heap shrink?
Heap shrinkage occurs when GC determines that there is a lot of free heap storage, and releasing some heap memory is beneficial for system performance. Heap shrinkage occurs after GC, but when all the threads are still suspended.
The Sun JVM does something similar. Below is an excerpt from an Oracle Technology Network article entitled Ergonomics in the 5.0 Java Virtual Machine.
The heap will grow or shrink to a size that will support the chosen throughput goal. Some oscillations in the size of the heap during initialization and during a change in the application's behavior can be expected.
It is typical that the size of the heap will oscillate as the garbage collector tries to satisfy competing goals. This is true even if the application has reached a steady state. The pressure to achieve a throughput goal (which may require a larger heap) competes with the goals for a maximum pause time and a minimum footprint (which both may require a small heap).
I suggest you have a look at the rest of that document; it may have more information relevant to your problem.
There is a JVM argument that controls when the heap is resized.
The default value for this is 70. The free ratio is the amount of space not allocated on the heap over the total heap size. It the percentage of free space rises above the default of 70% the jvm will rreduce the size of the heap to allow the OS to use the memory.
If the heap is shrinking too often you can increase the value of -XX:MaxHeapFreeRatio. If it is set to 100 presumably it will never skrink.
Just a guess:
It looks like the system is pretty much idle. There might be some caching going on, and stuff drops out of the cache and gets gc'd. Or since it is a queuing system, maybe it has some messages, in the queue, which slowly get delivered and gc'd afterwards.
The increased frequence of gc-runs might be due to ever decreasing load on the system.
As to how to avoid it. Why do you want to avoid it? It seems like your CPU load is zero. So you are free to let the gc do whatever it wants

Why does java wait so long to run the garbage collector?

I am building a Java web app, using the Play! Framework. I'm hosting it on I have been puzzling for a while over the provided graphs of memory consumption. Here is a sample:
The graph comes from a period of consistent but nominal activity. I did nothing to trigger the falloff in memory, so I presume this occurred because the garbage collector ran as it has almost reached its allowable memory consumption.
My questions:
Is it fair for me to assume that my application does not have a memory leak, as it appears that all the memory is correctly reclaimed by the garbage collector when it does run?
(from the title) Why is java waiting until the last possible second to run the garbage collector? I am seeing significant performance degradation as the memory consumption grows to the top fourth of the graph.
If my assertions above are correct, then how can I go about fixing this issue? The other posts I have read on SO seem opposed to calls to System.gc(), ranging from neutral ("it's only a request to run GC, so the JVM may just ignore you") to outright opposed ("code that relies on System.gc() is fundamentally broken"). Or am I off base here, and I should be looking for defects in my own code that is causing this behavior and intermittent performance loss?
I have opened a discussion on pointing to this question and mentioning some of the points here; specifically #Affe's comment regarding the settings for a full GC being set very conservatively, and #G_H's comment about settings for the initial and max heap size.
Here's a link to the discussion, though you unfortunately need a playapps account to view it.
I will report the feedback here when I get it; thanks so much everyone for your answers, I've already learned a great deal from them!
Playapps support, which is still great, didn't have many suggestions for me, their only thought being that if I was using the cache extensively this may be keeping objects alive longer than need be, but that isn't the case. I still learned a ton (woo hoo!), and I gave #Ryan Amos the green check as I took his suggestion of calling System.gc() every half day, which for now is working fine.
Any detailed answer is going to depend on which garbage collector you're using, but there are some things that are basically the same across all (modern, sun/oracle) GCs.
Every time you see the usage in the graph go down, that is a garbage collection. The only way heap gets freed is through garbage collection. The thing is there are two types of garbage collections, minor and full. The heap gets divided into two basic "areas." Young and tenured. (There are lots more subgroups in reality.) Anything that is taking up space in Young and is still in use when the minor GC comes along to free up some memory, is going to get 'promoted' into tenured. Once something makes the leap into tenured, it sits around indefinitely until the heap has no free space and a full garbage collection is necessary.
So one interpretation of that graph is that your young generation is fairly small (by default it can be a fairly small % of total heap on some JVMs) and you're keeping objects "alive" for comparatively very long times. (perhaps you're holding references to them in the web session?) So your objects are 'surviving' garbage collections until they get promoted into tenured space, where they stick around indefinitely until the JVM is well and good truly out of memory.
Again, that's just one common situation that fits with the data you have. Would need full details about the JVM configuration and the GC logs to really tell for sure what's going on.
Java won't run the garbage cleaner until it has to, because the garbage cleaner slows things down quite a bit and shouldn't be run that frequently. I think you would be OK to schedule a cleaning more frequently, such as every 3 hours. If an application never consumes full memory, there should be no reason to ever run the garbage cleaner, which is why Java only runs it when the memory is very high.
So basically, don't worry about what others say: do what works best. If you find performance improvements from running the garbage cleaner at 66% memory, do it.
I am noticing that the graph isn't sloping strictly upward until the drop, but has smaller local variations. Although I'm not certain, I don't think memory use would show these small drops if there was no garbage collection going on.
There are minor and major collections in Java. Minor collections occur frequently, whereas major collections are rarer and diminish performance more. Minor collections probably tend to sweep up stuff like short-lived object instances created within methods. A major collection will remove a lot more, which is what probably happened at the end of your graph.
Now, some answers that were posted while I'm typing this give good explanations regarding the differences in garbage collectors, object generations and more. But that still doesn't explain why it would take so absurdly long (nearly 24 hours) before a serious cleaning is done.
Two things of interest that can be set for a JVM at startup are the maximum allowed heap size, and the initial heap size. The maximum is a hard limit, once you reach that, further garbage collection doesn't reduce memory usage and if you need to allocate new space for objects or other data, you'll get an OutOfMemoryError. However, internally there's a soft limit as well: the current heap size. A JVM doesn't immediately gobble up the maximum amount of memory. Instead, it starts at your initial heap size and then increases the heap when it's needed. Think of it a bit as the RAM of your JVM, that can increase dynamically.
If the actual memory use of your application starts to reach the current heap size, a garbage collection will typically be instigated. This might reduce the memory use, so an increase in heap size isn't needed. But it's also possible that the application currently does need all that memory and would exceed the heap size. In that case, it is increased provided that it hasn't already reached the maximum set limit.
Now, what might be your case is that the initial heap size is set to the same value as the maximum. Suppose that would be so, then the JVM will immediately seize all that memory. It will take a very long time before the application has accumulated enough garbage to reach the heap size in memory usage. But at that moment you'll see a large collection. Starting with a small enough heap and allowing it to grow keeps the memory use limited to what's needed.
This is assuming that your graph shows heap use and not allocated heap size. If that's not the case and you are actually seeing the heap itself grow like this, something else is going on. I'll admit I'm not savvy enough regarding the internals of garbage collection and its scheduling to be absolutely certain of what's happening here, most of this is from observation of leaking applications in profilers. So if I've provided faulty info, I'll take this answer down.
As you might have noticed, this does not affect you. The garbage collection only kicks in if the JVM feels there is a need for it to run and this happens for the sake of optimization, there's no use of doing many small collections if you can make a single full collection and do a full cleanup.
The current JVM contains some really interesting algorithms and the garbage collection itself id divided into 3 different regions, you can find a lot more about this here, here's a sample:
Three types of collection algorithms
The HotSpot JVM provides three GC algorithms, each tuned for a specific type of collection within a specific generation. The copy (also known as scavenge) collection quickly cleans up short-lived objects in the new generation heap. The mark-compact algorithm employs a slower, more robust technique to collect longer-lived objects in the old generation heap. The incremental algorithm attempts to improve old generation collection by performing robust GC while minimizing pauses.
Copy/scavenge collection
Using the copy algorithm, the JVM reclaims most objects in the new generation object space (also known as eden) simply by making small scavenges -- a Java term for collecting and removing refuse. Longer-lived objects are ultimately copied, or tenured, into the old object space.
Mark-compact collection
As more objects become tenured, the old object space begins to reach maximum occupancy. The mark-compact algorithm, used to collect objects in the old object space, has different requirements than the copy collection algorithm used in the new object space.
The mark-compact algorithm first scans all objects, marking all reachable objects. It then compacts all remaining gaps of dead objects. The mark-compact algorithm occupies more time than the copy collection algorithm; however, it requires less memory and eliminates memory fragmentation.
Incremental (train) collection
The new generation copy/scavenge and the old generation mark-compact algorithms can't eliminate all JVM pauses. Such pauses are proportional to the number of live objects. To address the need for pauseless GC, the HotSpot JVM also offers incremental, or train, collection.
Incremental collection breaks up old object collection pauses into many tiny pauses even with large object areas. Instead of just a new and an old generation, this algorithm has a middle generation comprising many small spaces. There is some overhead associated with incremental collection; you might see as much as a 10-percent speed degradation.
The -Xincgc and -Xnoincgc parameters control how you use incremental collection. The next release of HotSpot JVM, version 1.4, will attempt continuous, pauseless GC that will probably be a variation of the incremental algorithm. I won't discuss incremental collection since it will soon change.
This generational garbage collector is one of the most efficient solutions we have for the problem nowadays.
I had an app that produced a graph like that and acted as you describe. I was using the CMS collector (-XX:+UseConcMarkSweepGC). Here is what was going on in my case.
I did not have enough memory configured for the application, so over time I was running into fragmentation problems in the heap. This caused GCs with greater and greater frequency, but it did not actually throw an OOME or fail out of CMS to the serial collector (which it is supposed to do in that case) because the stats it keeps only count application paused time (GC blocks the world), application concurrent time (GC runs with application threads) is ignored for those calculations. I tuned some parameters, mainly gave it a whole crap load more heap (with a very large new space), set -XX:CMSFullGCsBeforeCompaction=1, and the problem stopped occurring.
Probably you do have memory leaks that's cleared every 24 hours.

Heap memory behaviour

I always had a question about heap memory behaviour.
Profiling my app i get the above graph. Seems all fine. But what i don't understand why,at GC time, the heap grows a litle bit, even there is enough memory (red circle).
That means for a long running app that it will run out of heap space at some time ?
Not necessarily. The garbage collector is free to use up to the maximum allocated heap in any way it sees fit. Extrapolating future GC behaviour based on current behaviour (but with different memory conditions) is in no way guaranteed to be accurate.
This does have the unfortunate side effect that it's very difficult to determine whether an OutOfMemoryError is going to happen unless it does. A legal (yet probably quite inefficient) garbage collector could simply do nothing until the memory ceiling was hit, then do a stop-the-world mark and sweep of the entire heap. With this implementation, you'd see your memory constantly increasing, and might be tempted to say that an OOME was imminent, but you just can't tell.
With such small heap sizes, the increase here is likely just due to bookkeeping/cache size alignment/etc. You're talking about less than 50KB or so looking at the resolution on the scale, so I shouldn't be worried.
If you do think there's a legitimate risk of OutOfMemoryErrors, the only way to show this is to put a stress test together and show that the application really does run out of heap space.
The HotSpot garbage collectors decide to increase the total heap size immediately after a full GC has completed if the ratio of free space to total heap size falls below a certain threshold. This ratio can be tuned using one of the many -XX options for the garbage collector(s).
Looking at the memory graph, you will see that the heap size increases occur at the "saw points"; i.e. the local maxima. Each of these correspond to running a full GC. If you look really carefully at the "points" where the heap gets expanded, you will see that in each case the amount of free space immediately following the full GC is a bit higher than the previous such "point".
I image that what is happening is that you application's memory usage is cyclical. If the GC runs at or near a high point of the cycle, it won't be able to free as much memory as if the GC runs at or near a low point. This variability may be enough to cause the GC to expand the heap.
(Another possibility is that your application has a slow memory leak.)
That means for a long running app that it will run out of heap space at some time ?
No. Assuming that your application's memory usage (i.e. the integral of space occupied by reachable objects) is cyclic, the heap size will approach a fixed high limit and never exceed it. Certainly OOME's are not inevitable.

How to reduce java concurrent mode failure and excessive gc

In Java, the concurrent mode failure means that the concurrent collector failed to free up enough memory space form tenured and permanent gen and has to give up and let the full stop-the-world gc kicks in. The end result could be very expensive.
I understand this concept but never had a good comprehensive understanding of
A) what could cause a concurrent mode failure and
B) what's the solution?.
This sort of unclearness leads me to write/debug code without much of hints in mind and often has to shop around those performance flags from Foo to Bar without particular reasons, just have to try.
I'd like to learn from developers here how your experience is? If you had encountered such performance issue, what was the cause and how you addressed it?
If you have coding recommendations, please don't be too general. Thanks!
The first thing about CMS that I have learned is it needs more memory than the other collectors, about 25 to 50% more is a good starting point. This helps you avoid fragmentation, since CMS does not do any compaction like the stop the world collectors would. Second, do things that help the garbage collector; Integer.valueOf instead of new Integer, get rid of anonymous classes, make sure inner classes are not accessing inaccessible things (private in the outer class) stuff like that. The less garbage the better. FindBugs and not ignoring warnings will help a lot with this.
As far as tuning, I have found that you need to try several things:
Tells JVM to use CMS in tenured gen.
Fix the size of your heap: -Xmx2048m -Xms2048m This prevents GC from having to do things like grow and shrink the heap.
use parallel instead of serial collection in the young generation. This will speed up your minor collections, especially if you have a very large young gen configured. A large young generation is generally good, but don't go more than half of the old gen size.
set the number of threads that CMS will use when it is doing things that can be done in parallel.
-XX:+CMSParallelRemarkEnabled remark is serial by default, this can speed you up.
-XX:+CMSIncrementalMode allows application to run more by pasuing GC between phases
-XX:+CMSIncrementalPacing allows JVM to figure change how often it collects over time
-XX:CMSIncrementalDutyCycleMin=X Minimm amount of time spent doing GC
-XX:CMSIncrementalDutyCycle=X Start by doing GC this % of the time
I have found that you can get generally low pause times if you set it up so that it is basically always collecting. Since most of the work is done in parallel, you end up with basically regular predictable pauses.
This one is very important. It tells the CMS collector to always complete the collection before it starts a new one. Without this, you can run into the situation where it throws a bunch of work away and starts again.
By default, CMS will let your PermGen grow till it kills your app a few weeks from now. This stops that. Your PermGen would only be growing though if you make use of Reflection, or are misusing String.intern, or doing something bad with a class loader, or a few other things.
Survivor ratio and tenuring theshold can also be played with, depending on if you have long or short lived objects, and how much object copying between survivor spaces you can live with. If you know all your objects are going to stick around, you can configure zero sized survivor spaces, and anything that survives one young gen collection will be immediately tenured.
Quoted from "Understanding Concurrent Mark Sweep Garbage Collector Logs"
The concurrent mode failure can either
be avoided by increasing the tenured
generation size or initiating the CMS
collection at a lesser heap occupancy
by setting
CMSInitiatingOccupancyFraction to a
lower value
However, if there is really a memory leak in your application, you're just buying time.
If you need fast restart and recovery and prefer a 'die fast' approach I would suggest not using CMS at all. I would stick with '-XX:+UseParallelGC'.
From "Garbage Collector Ergonomics"
The parallel garbage collector
(UseParallelGC) throws an
out-of-memory exception if an
excessive amount of time is being
spent collecting a small amount of the
heap. To avoid this exception, you can
increase the size of the heap. You can
also set the parameters
-XX:GCTimeLimit=time-limit and -XX:GCHeapFreeLimit=space-limit
Sometimes OOM pretty quick and got killed, sometime suffers long gc period (last time was over 10 hours).
It sounds to me like a memory leak is at the root of your problems.
A CMS failure won't (as I understand it) cause an OOM. Rather a CMS failure happens because the JVM needs to do too many collections too quickly, and CMS could not keep up. One situation where lots of collection cycles happen in a short period is when your heap is nearly full.
The really long GC time sounds weird ... but is theoretically possible if your machine was thrashing horribly. However, a long period of repeated GCs is quite plausible if your heap is very nearly full.
You can configure the GC to give up when the heap is 1) at max size and 2) still close to full after a full GC has completed. Try doing this if you haven't done so already. It won't cure your problems, but at least your JVM will get the OOM quickly, allowing a faster service restart and recovery.
EDIT - the option to do this is -XX:GCHeapFreeLimit=nnn where nnn is a number between 0 and 100 giving the minimum percentage of the heap that must be free after the GC. The default is 2. The option is listed in the aptly titled "The most complete list of -XX options for Java 6 JVM" page. (There are lots of -XX options listed there that don't appear in the Sun documentation. Unfortunately the page provides few details on what the options actually do.)
You should probably start looking to see if your application / webapp has memory leaks. If it has, your problems won't go away unless those leaks are found and fixed. In the long term, fiddling with the Hotspot GC options won't fix memory leaks.
I've found using -XX:PretenureSizeThreshold=1m to make 'large' object go immediately to tenured space greatly reduced my young GC and concurrent mode failures since it tends not to try to dump the young + 1 survivor amount of data (xmn=1536m survivorratio=3 maxTenuringThreashould=5) before a full CMS cycle can complete. Yes my survivor space is large, but about once ever 2 days something comes in the app that will need it (and we run 12 app servers each day for 1 app).

Why is the maximum size of the Java heap fixed?

It is not possible to increase the maximum size of Java's heap after the VM has started. What are the technical reasons for this? Do the garbage collection algorithms depend on having a fixed amount of memory to work with? Or is it for security reasons, to prevent a Java application from DOS'ing other applications on the system by consuming all available memory?
In Sun's JVM, last I knew, the entire heap must be allocated in a contiguous address space. I imagine that for large heap values, it's pretty hard to add to your address space after startup while ensuring it stays contiguous. You probably need to get it at startup, or not at all. Thus, it is fixed.
Even if it isn't all used immediately, the address space for the entire heap is reserved at startup. If it cannot reserve a large enough contiguous block of address space for the value of -Xmx that you pass it, it will fail to start. This is why it's tough to allocate >1.4GB heaps on 32-bit Windows - because it's hard to find contiguous address space in that size or larger, since some DLLs like to load in certain places, fragmenting the address space. This isn't really an issue when you go 64-bit, since there is so much more address space.
This is almost certainly for performance reasons. I could not find a terrific link detailing this further, but here is a pretty good quote from Peter Kessler (full link - be sure to read the comments) that I found when searching. I believe he works on the JVM at Sun.
The reason we need a contiguous memory
region for the heap is that we have a
bunch of side data structures that are
indexed by (scaled) offsets from the
start of the heap. For example, we
track object reference updates with a
"card mark array" that has one byte
for each 512 bytes of heap. When we
store a reference in the heap we have
to mark the corresponding byte in the
card mark array. We right shift the
destination address of the store and
use that to index the card mark array.
Fun addressing arithmetic games you
can't do in Java that you get to (have
to :-) play in C++.
This was in 2004 - I'm not sure what's changed since then, but I am pretty sure it still holds. If you use a tool like Process Explorer, you can see that the virtual size (add the virtual size and private size memory columns) of the Java application includes the total heap size (plus other required space, no doubt) from the point of startup, even though the memory 'used' by the process will be no where near that until the heap starts to fill up...
Historically there has been a reason for this limitiation, which was not to allow Applets in the browser to eat up all of the users memory. The Microsoft VM which never had such a limitiation actually allowed to do this which could lead to some sort of Denial of Service attack against the users computer. It was only a year ago that Sun introduced in the 1.6.0 Update 10 VM a way to let applets specify how much memory they want (limited to a certain fixed share of the physical memory) instead of always limiting them to 64MB even on computers that have 8GB or more available.
Now since the JVM has evolved it should have been possible to get rid of this limitation when the VM is not running inside a browser, but Sun obviously never considered it such a high priority issue even though there have been numerous bug reports been filed to finally allow the heap to grow.
I think the short, snarky, answer is because Sun hasn't found it worth the time and cost to develop.
The most compelling use case for such a feature is on the desktop, IMO, and Java has always been a disaster on the desktop when it comes to the mechanics of launching the JVM. I suspect that those who think the most about those issues tend to focus on the server side and view any other details best left to native wrappers. It is an unfortunate decision, but it should just be one of the decision points when deciding on the right platform for an application.
My gut feel is that it has to do with memory management with respect to the other applications running on the operating system.
If you set the maximum heap size to, for example, the amount of RAM on the box you effectively let the VM decide how much memory it requires (up to this limit). The problem with this is that the VM could effectively cripple the machine it is running on because it will take over all the memory on the box before it decides that it needs to garbage collect.
When you specify max heap size, what you're saying to the VM is, you are allowed to use this amount of memory before you need to start garbage collecting. You cannot have more because if you take more then the other applications running on the box will slow down and you will start swapping to the disk if you use more than this.
Also be aware that they are two values with respect to memory, that is "current heap size" and "max heap size". The current heap size is how much memory the heap size is currently using and, if it requires more it can resize the heap but it cannot resize the heap above the value of maximum heap size.
From IBM's performance tuning tips (so may not be directly applicable to Sun's VMs)
The Java heap parameters influence the behavior of garbage collection. Increasing the heap size supports more object creation. Because a large heap takes longer to fill, the application runs longer before a garbage collection occurs. However, a larger heap also takes longer to compact and causes garbage collection to take longer.
The JVM has thresholds it uses to manage the JVM's storage. When the thresholds are reached, the garbage collector gets invoked to free up unused storage. Therefore, garbage collection can cause significant degradation of Java performance. Before changing the initial and maximum heap sizes, you should consider the following information:
In the majority of cases you should set the maximum JVM heap size to value higher than the initial JVM heap size. This allows for the JVM to operate efficiently during normal, steady state periods within the confines of the initial heap but also to operate effectively during periods of high transaction volume by expanding the heap up to the maximum JVM heap size. In some rare cases where absolute optimal performance is required you might want to specify the same value for both the initial and maximum heap size. This will eliminate some overhead that occurs when the JVM needs to expand or contract the size of the JVM heap. Make sure the region is large enough to hold the specified JVM heap.
Beware of making the Initial Heap Size too large. While a large heap size initially improves performance by delaying garbage collection, a large heap size ultimately affects response time when garbage collection eventually kicks in because the collection process takes more time.
So, I guess the reason that you can't change the value at runtime is because it may not help: either you have enough space in your heap or you don't. Once you run out, a GC cycle will be triggered. If that doesn't free up the space, you're stuffed anyway. You'd need to catch the OutOfMemoryException, increase the heap size, and then retry you calculation, hoping that this time you have enough memory.
In general the VM won't use the maximum heap size unless you need it, so if you think you might need to expand the memory at runtime, you could just specify a large maximum heap size.
I admit that's all a bit unsatisfying, and seems a bit lazy, since I can imagine a reasonable garbage collection strategy which would increase the heap size when GC fails to free enough space. Whether my imagination translates to a high performance GC implementation is another matter though ;)

