How do I read each line? - java

I'm trying to add the total of each row, but I can only compute the first row total? How do I make it so that the program goes and reads each line to compute the total?
Once I do that...I want to put a if else statement in there. I want it to ask each row if there is an int that is above 30,000. For each int that is above 30,000 I want the total to add 1,000.
package finalProg;
import java.util.Scanner;
public class test
public static void main(String[] args)
private static void readFromFile(String filename)
LineNumberReader lineNumberReader = null;
//Construct the LineNumberReader object
lineNumberReader = new LineNumberReader(new FileReader(filename));
//Setting initial line number
//Read all lines now; Every read increase the line number by 1
String line = null;
while ((line = lineNumberReader.readLine()) != null)
System.out.println("Store " + lineNumberReader.getLineNumber() + ": " + line);
File inputFile = new File("sales.txt");
Scanner a = new Scanner(inputFile);
int jan = a.nextInt();
int feb = a.nextInt();
int mar = a.nextInt();
int apr = a.nextInt();
int may = a.nextInt();
int jun = a.nextInt();
int jul = a.nextInt();
int aug = a.nextInt();
int sept = a.nextInt();
int oct = a.nextInt();
int nov = a.nextInt();
int dec = a.nextInt();
System.out.println(jan + feb + mar + apr + may + jun + jul + aug + sept + oct + nov + dec + "\n");
catch (Exception ex)
} finally
//Close the LineNumberReader
try {
if (lineNumberReader != null){
} catch (IOException ex){
20000 35000 23000 50000 45000 24000 41000 39000 36000 42000 41000 39000
35000 42000 38000 41000 50000 51000 53000 50000 54000 55000 54000 56000
20000 10000 15000 12000 13000 14000 13000 14000 15000 19000 20000 21000
44000 45000 46000 42000 44000 48000 47000 46000 44000 43000 48000 49000
33000 34000 35000 36000 40000 41000 42000 40000 44000 42000 41000 39000
50000 53000 51000 52000 55000 56000 52000 54000 51000 56000 55000 53000
So far the output looks like this:
Store 1: 20000 35000 23000 50000 45000 24000 41000 39000 36000 42000 41000 39000
Store 2: 35000 42000 38000 41000 50000 51000 53000 50000 54000 55000 54000 56000
Store 3: 20000 10000 15000 12000 13000 14000 13000 14000 15000 19000 20000 210000
Store 4: 44000 45000 46000 42000 44000 48000 47000 46000 44000 43000 48000 49000
Store 5: 33000 34000 35000 36000 40000 41000 42000 40000 44000 42000 41000 39000
Store 6: 50000 53000 51000 52000 55000 56000 52000 54000 51000 56000 55000 53000

First of all, it's better to declare jan, feb etc. variables out of the method because it really looks like that values are not refreshed.
But I would recommend you something like this:
public class test(){
private int sum;
public static void main(String[] args)
//You don't need this void to be static!
private void readFromFile(String filename){
LineNumberReader lineNumberReader = null;
//Construct the LineNumberReader object
lineNumberReader = new LineNumberReader(new FileReader(filename));
//Setting initial line number
//Read all lines now; Every read increase the line number by 1
String line = null;
while ((line = lineNumberReader.readLine()) != null)
System.out.println("Store " + lineNumberReader.getLineNumber() + ": " + line);
File inputFile = new File("sales.txt");
Scanner a = new Scanner(inputFile);
for (int i = 0; i < 12; i++){
sum =+ a.nextInt();
sum = 0;
catch (Exception ex)
} finally
//Close the LineNumberReader
try {
if (lineNumberReader != null){
} catch (IOException ex){
This should be better.

There are a number of things that could be done differently here.
First off, consider dropping the idea of using two specific data file
readers. There is no point in this when only one file reader will do.
Take your pick and stick with it.
Whichever file reader you decide to use, make sure you close it when
Don't open your data file with a new instance of a reader for every
iteration of a while loop. You're creating a hook onto that file
every time you do that and it will remain there until each reader
instance is closed or your application ends.
Declaring 12 specific int variables to hold monthly values can be best suited with the use of an Array. You need to also consider the fact that there could possibly (just possibly at some point) be a typo or error within the data which will not produce a valid integer value. This could throw a real wack-a-doodle into the workings of your code if not handled.
Below is some code that demonstrates one way you can accomplish the task at hand. It is well commented so you can see what is going on:
// Create a months header string for display purposes.
String header = String.format("%-8s %-8s %-8s %-8s %-8s %-8s %-8s %-8s %-8s %-8s %-8s %-8s",
"Jan", "Feb", "Mar", "Apr", "May", "Jun", "Jul", "Aug", "Sep",
"Oct", "Nov", "Dec");
// Create a header underline for display purposes.
String underline = String.join("", Collections.nCopies(header.length(), "="));
//Display a 'Start' underline for the Console display.
// Read the 'sales.txt' data file for monthly data of 6 stores.
// Trap the 'FileNotFoundException'.
try (Scanner reader = new Scanner(new File("sales.txt"))) {
int storeCounter = 0; // Keep track of the Store count.
long overallTotal = 0; // Maintain an Over-All total for all Stores
String line; // Used to hold current read in line data
// Iterate through the data file one line ata a time...
while (reader.hasNextLine()) {
line = reader.nextLine().trim(); // Trim leading/trailing whitespaces from read line.
if (line.equals("")) { continue; } // Skip blank lines (if any).
/* Split the line data into a String[] Array.
"\\s+" is used to split on one (or more)
whitespaces. */
String[] lineMonths = line.split("\\s+");
int yearTotal = 0; // Keep track of the line's yearly total.
storeCounter++; // Increment the Store Counter by 1.
int monthsOver30000 = 0; // Number of Months over 30000.
System.out.println("Store: " + storeCounter); // Display the Current Store Number in Console.
System.out.println(header); // Display the months header line in console.
// Display the current Store's monthly data in Console...
for (String month : lineMonths) {
// Display the current month.
System.out.printf("%-8s ", month);
// Add the current month value to the Yearly Total
// but first make sure it is in fact a valid integer
// value otherwise ignore it (don't add it to yearly).
if (month.matches("\\d+")) {
int monthValue = Integer.parseInt(month); // Convert the month value from string to integer
// Is the month value more than 30,000?
if (monthValue > 30000) {
// Yes, so add 1,000 to the Month Value
monthValue += 1000;
yearTotal += monthValue;
System.out.println(); // Add a newline to all the above printf's.
// If there were months that were over 30,000...
if (monthsOver30000 > 0) {
// Display information about it in Console.
System.out.println(); // Add a newline to separate this section.
System.out.println("There were " + monthsOver30000 + " months "
+ "for this Store where Monthly values were over 30000"
+ " therefore " + (monthsOver30000 * 1000) + " was added "
+ "to the");
System.out.println("Yearly Total.");
System.out.println(); // Add a newline to separate this section.
System.out.println("Yearly Total: --> " + yearTotal); // Display the yearly total in Console.
System.out.println(underline); // Display a underline so as to start a new data line.
// Add the current Year Total to the All Stores Over-All
// Total. Will be used for averaging later on.
overallTotal += yearTotal;
} // Continue iterating through data file until end of file is reached.
// Display the over-all total for all Stores Yearly totals in Console.
System.out.println("The over-all total for all " + storeCounter + " Stores: --> " + overallTotal);
// Display the yearly average for all stores contained within the data file.
System.out.println("The yearly average for all " + storeCounter + " Stores: --> " + overallTotal/storeCounter);
// Catch the 'FileNotFoundException' exception (if any).
catch (FileNotFoundException ex) {
// Display the Exception message if the exception was thrown.
Based on the data you provided in your post, the outputto Console should look something like this:
Store: 1
Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
20000 35000 23000 50000 45000 24000 41000 39000 36000 42000 41000 39000
There were 9 months for this Store where Monthly values were over 30000 therefore 9000 was added to the
Yearly Total.
Yearly Total: --> 444000
Store: 2
Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
35000 42000 38000 41000 50000 51000 53000 50000 54000 55000 54000 56000
There were 12 months for this Store where Monthly values were over 30000 therefore 12000 was added to the
Yearly Total.
Yearly Total: --> 591000
Store: 3
Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
20000 10000 15000 12000 13000 14000 13000 14000 15000 19000 20000 21000
Yearly Total: --> 186000
Store: 4
Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
44000 45000 46000 42000 44000 48000 47000 46000 44000 43000 48000 49000
There were 12 months for this Store where Monthly values were over 30000 therefore 12000 was added to the
Yearly Total.
Yearly Total: --> 558000
Store: 5
Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
33000 34000 35000 36000 40000 41000 42000 40000 44000 42000 41000 39000
There were 12 months for this Store where Monthly values were over 30000 therefore 12000 was added to the
Yearly Total.
Yearly Total: --> 479000
Store: 6
Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
50000 53000 51000 52000 55000 56000 52000 54000 51000 56000 55000 53000
There were 12 months for this Store where Monthly values were over 30000 therefore 12000 was added to the
Yearly Total.
Yearly Total: --> 650000
The over-all total for all 6 Stores: --> 2908000
The yearly average for all 6 Stores: --> 484666


Next digit after a word using index position in java

I am trying to solve this question:
Get document on some condition in elastic search java API
My logic is first we get all the position of months which is in string, After that i extract next word which is a 4 digit or 2 digit year, Then calculate difference using this.
For getting months position i am using this piece of code:-
String[] threeMonthArray=new String[]{" Jan "," Feb "," Mar "," Apr "," May "," June "," July "," Aug "," Sep "," Oct "," Nov "," Dec "};
String[] completeMonthArray=new String[]{"January","Feburary","March","April","May","June","July","Augest","September","October","November","December"};
List indexArray=new ArrayList();
for(int i=0;i<threeMonthArray.length;i++){
int index = parsedContent.toLowerCase().indexOf(threeMonthArray[i].toLowerCase());
while (index >= 0) {
System.out.println(threeMonthArray[i]+" : "+index+"------");
index = parsedContent.toLowerCase().indexOf(threeMonthArray[i].toLowerCase(), index + 1);
// System.out.println(threeMonthArray[i]+" : "+parsedContent.toLowerCase().indexOf(threeMonthArray[i].toLowerCase())+"------");
System.out.println( indexArray);
And it's showing this output:-
[2873, 2884, 3086, 3098, 4303, 4315, 6251, 6262, 8130, 8142, 15700, 15711]
I am getting correct position. My problem is how i can get next word which must be a digit.
Jun 2010 to Sep 2011 First Document
Jun 2009 to Aug 2011 Second Document
Nov 2011 – Sep 2012 Third Document
Nov 2012- Sep 2013 Forth Document
You can use a regular expression to find the next number starting at the position of your last found month:
Pattern p = Pattern.compile("\\d+");
Matcher m = p.matcher(parsedContent);
if (m.find(index)) {
String year =;

Using Scanner to read from text file

I am writing a program that takes a year as user input and returns the super bowl winner for that year (using a text file of a list of super bowl winners). It compiles correctly but when I try to execute the program I get the error:
Exception in thread "main" java.util.NoSuchElementException: No line found
at java.util.Scanner.nextLine(
at Hw5pr4.main(
What am I doing wrong?
Text file:
1967 Green Bay Packers
1968 Green Bay Packers
1969 New York Jets
1970 Kansas City Chiefs
1971 Baltimore Colts
1972 Dallas Cowboys
1973 Miami Dolphins
1974 Miami Dolphins
1975 Pittsburgh Steelers
1976 Pittsburgh Steelers
1977 Oakland Raiders
1978 Dallas Cowboys
1979 Pittsburgh Steelers
1980 Pittsburgh Steelers
1981 Oakland Raiders
1982 San Francisco 49ers
1983 Washington Redskins
1984 Los Angeles Raiders
1985 San Francisco 49ers
1986 Chicago Bears
1987 New York Giants
1988 Washington Redskins
1989 San Francisco 49ers
1990 San Francisco 49ers
1991 New York Giants
1992 Washington Redskins
1993 Dallas Cowboys
1994 Dallas Cowboys
1995 San Francisco 49ers
1996 Dallas Cowboys
1997 Green Bay Packers
1998 Denver Broncos
1999 Denver Broncos
2000 St. Louis Rams
2001 Baltimore Ravens
2002 New England Patriots
2003 Tampa Bay Buccaneers
2004 New England Patriots
2005 New England Patriots
2006 Pittsburgh Steelers
2007 Indianapolis Colts
2008 New York Giants
2009 Pittsburgh Steelers
2010 New Orleans Saints
2011 Green Bay Packers
2012 New York Giants
2013 Baltimore Ravens
2014 Seattle Seahawks
2015 New England Patriots
Source code:
import java.util.*;
public class Hw5pr4
public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException{
File winners = new File("SuperBowlWinners.txt");
Scanner reader = new Scanner(winners);
String[][] data = new String[49][2];
int index = 0;
int yr = reader.nextInt();
String year = Integer.toString(yr);
data[index][0] = year;
data[index][1] = reader.nextLine();
Scanner keyboard = new Scanner(;
System.out.println("Enter a year, or to exit, enter STOP");
String input = keyboard.nextLine();
String winner = "Not found";
boolean found = false;
for(int i=0; i<49; i++){
winner = data[i][1];
found = true;
System.out.println("Enter a year, or to exit, enter STOP");
input = keyboard.nextLine();
System.out.println("Error: the year is not in the data.");
First of all you are reading next line to many time:
int yr = reader.nextInt();
String year = Integer.toString(yr);
data[index][0] = year;
data[index][1] = reader.nextLine();
Try to remove first reader.nextLine() because you read next line in data[index][1] = reader.nextLine();
You also have another bug - while(input!="STOP"). For string comparison you must use while(!input.equals("STOP").
I also noticed that you have some other mistakes in your code. For example I think you must put this piece of code
System.out.println("Error: the year is not in the data.");
in while loop to print team for input year. You must also set found to false at the begining of every iteration of while loop. You will find other mistakes by yourself.
EDIT: here is a code sample how you should write your code in JAVA (it is not perfect but you can see what should be considered):
File winners = new File("D:\\stack.txt");
Scanner reader = new Scanner(winners);
HashMap<Integer, String> map = new HashMap<>();
while (reader.hasNext()) {
map.put(reader.nextInt(), reader.nextLine().trim());
Scanner keyboard = new Scanner(;
String input = "";
do {
System.out.println("Enter a year, or to exit, enter STOP");
try {
input = keyboard.nextLine().toUpperCase();
} else {
System.out.println("Error: the year is not in the data.");
} catch (Exception e) {
//This is just an example of handling exception, you must handle it better
System.out.println("You must enter a valid number...");
} while (!input.equals("STOP"));
You fire nextLine more than once. You should store nextLine() in a variable at the start of your while() structure and use that.
If you are, by example, at line 10 you will try to read line 10 and line 11.

Infinite loop(?) when trying to use .hasNext() when reading from a file

I'm trying to have Java count the number of lines within a text file using hasNext(), hasNextLine(), and while loops although I seem to be having some trouble. The program will continuously run and I believe it's stuck in an infinite loop. If someone could explain the issue and give me a possible fix I'd greatly appreciate it.
Here's the file the program is reading from (hurcdata2.txt, its saved in the program's directory):
1980 Aug 945 100 Allen
1983 Aug 962 100 Alicia
1984 Sep 949 100 Diana
1985 Jul 1002 65 Bob
1985 Aug 987 80 Danny
1985 Sep 959 100 Elena
1985 Sep 942 90 Gloria
1985 Oct 971 75 Juan
1985 Nov 967 85 Kate
And here is my code:
import java.util.Scanner;
public class HurricaneData
public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException
File hurricaneData = new File("TestText.txt");
Scanner inFileHD = new Scanner(hurricaneData);
int n = 0; //represents number of blocks of data
while( inFileHD.hasNextLine() )
System.out.println(n + " block of data");
You need to consume the input to the Scanner otherwise inFileHD.hasNextLine() will always be true
while (inFileHD.hasNextLine()) {
inFileHD.nextLine(); // add this

using printf on array of Strings to format output

For one of my assignments, I have to calculate the heat index and use printf to format the output to display neatly, like this:
Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
Temperature (F): 1.1 2.2 3.3 4.4 5.5 6.6 7.7 8.8 9.9 10 11 12
Humidity (%): 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10.3 11.2 12.1
HI (F): 1.1 2.2 3.3 4.4 5 7 6 8 9 10 11 12
The problem is, I don't know how to format an array of Strings because the array of Strings contains numbers. In my program, do I have to convert my array that I declared as a String to like a double or a float and then format it with printf? Also, I don't know how I can use an array for a calculation. In my assignment, I have to use two arrays to calculate the heat index. Trying to solve this problem, I tried performing the calculations individually by indexes. The problem is, the program will just show the whole entire array. The program is reading two files and storing the text in an array, one array for each file. Any help will be greatly appreciated. The first file contains this:
70.3 70.8 73.8 77.0 80.7 83.4 84.5 84.4 83.4 80.2 76.3 72.0
and the second contains this:
69 67 66 64 66 69 67 67 70 69 69 70
and my code is this:
* To change this license header, choose License Headers in Project Properties.
* To change this template file, choose Tools | Templates
* and open the template in the editor.
* #author timothylee
import java.util.Scanner;
import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.List;
public class HeatIndex {
* #param args the command line arguments
* #throws
public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException{
// TODO code application logic here
// create months
System.out.println("Jan" + " Feb" + " Mar" + " April" + " May" + " June" +
" July" + " Aug" + " Sep" + " Oct" + " Nov" + " Dec");
// create line
+ "__________________________________");
// // read KeyWestTemp.txt
// create token1
String token1 = "";
// create Scanner inFile1
Scanner inFile1 = new Scanner(new File
// create temps1
List<String> temps1 = new LinkedList<String>();
// while loop
// find next
token1 =;
// initialize temps1
// close inFile1
// create array
String[] tempsArray1 = temps1.toArray(new String[0]);
// for-each loop
for(String s : tempsArray1){
// display Temp (F)
System.out.print("Temp (F) ");
// display s
// create new line
// create token2
String token2 = "";
// create Scanner inFile2
Scanner inFile2 = new Scanner(new File
// create temps2
List<String> temps2 = new LinkedList<String>();
// while loop
// find next
token2 =;
// initialize temps2
// close inFile2
// create array
String[] tempsArray2 = temps2.toArray(new String[0]);
// for-each loop
for(String ss : tempsArray2){
// create Humidity (%)
System.out.print("Humidity (%) ");
// display ss
// calculate heat index
and my output is this:
Jan Feb Mar April May June July Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
Temp (F) 70.3 70.8 73.8 77.0 80.7 83.4 84.5 84.4 83.4 80.2 76.3 72.0
Humidity (%) 69 67 66 64 66 69 67 67 70 69 69 70BUILD SUCCESSFUL (total time: 0 seconds)
Take a look at Formatter. You need to use the format() method, for example something like this would give you the spacing you need in your first line.
formatter.format("%15s%5s%5s%5s",months[0],months[1],months[2],months[3]); //and so on for all twelve months
As for numbers you need to use
The first digit denotes how many characters you use for your natural part and the second digit how many characters for your decimal part. Seeing that all your numbers have only 1 decimal digit and you need spacing between numbers, use the %5.1f format.

I cannot get this code to line up underneath the headers

I have to get my output to line up beneath a heading. No matter what I do, I cannot get to line up. The item name is very long also, and the words end up wrapping to the next line when I open my outfile. Here is my current output:
8 items are currently available for purchase in Joan's Hardware Store.
----------Joan's Hardware Store-----------
itemID itemName pOrdered pInStore pSold manufPrice sellPrice
1111 Dish Washer 20 20 0 250.50 550.50
2222 Micro Wave 75 75 0 150.00 400.00
3333 Cooking Range 50 50 0 450.00 850.00
4444 Circular Saw 150 150 0 45.00 125.00
5555 Cordless Screwdriver Kit 10 10 0 250.00 299.00
6666 Keurig Programmable Single-Serve 2 2 0 150.00 179.00
7777 Moen Chrome Kitchen Faucet 1 1 0 90.00 104.00
8888 Electric Pressure Washer 0 0 0 150.00 189.00
Total number of items in store: 308
Total inventory: $: 48400.0
Here is my code:
public void endOfDay(PrintWriter outFile)
outFile.println (nItems + " items are currently available for purchase in Joan's Hardware Store.");
outFile.println("----------Joan's Hardware Store-----------");
outFile.printf("itemID, itemName, pOrdered, pInStore, pSold, manufPrice, sellPrice");
for (int index = 0; index < nItems; index++)
outFile.printf("%n %-5s %-32s %d %d %d %.2f %.2f%n", items[index].itemID , items[index].itemName , items[index].numPord ,items[index].numCurrInSt , items[index].numPSold , items[index].manuprice , items[index].sellingprice);
outFile.println("Total number of items in store: " + getTotalOfStock());
outFile.println("Total inventory: $: " + getTotalDollarValueInStore());
} // end endOfDay
Thanks for any help! I have tried many things for hours!!
Basically, you need to format your header the same way you format your lines, for example...
System.out.println("----------Joan's Hardware Store-----------");
System.out.printf("%-6s %-32s %-8s %-8s %-5s %-10s %-8s%n", "itemID", "itemName", "pOrdered", "pInStore", "pSold", "manufPrice", "sellPrice");
System.out.printf("%-6s %-32s %-8d %-8d %-5d %-10.2f %-8.2f%n", "1111", "Dish Washer", 20, 20, 0, 250.50, 550.50);
Results in...
----------Joan's Hardware Store-----------
itemID itemName pOrdered pInStore pSold manufPrice sellPrice
1111 Dish Washer 20 20 0 250.50 550.50

