Creating an object of Class, other than via the constructor - java

In Java, given
Class c = ...
We can make an object of this class by first obtaining a constructor. For example, if we want to use the default (no parameters) constructor,
This seems straightforward, and seems to match how things are done in Java source code.
But, curiously, it is not how things are done in JVM byte code. There, creating an object is done in two steps: new to actually create the object, then invokespecial to call an appropriate constructor.
Is there a way to bypass the constructor when what you have is a Class (with the actual class to be determined at runtime)? If not, was the rationale for the difference between how this works, and how the byte code works, ever documented?

You wanna allocate an uninitialized object.
You can try the library named Objenesis.
Otherwise, you can create an object by serialization. This is a widely used method to create a uninitialized object.
public class Serialization {
static class TestSerialization implements Serializable {
int val = 0;
public TestSerialization() {
val = 1;
public String toString() {
return "val is " + val;
public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException {
TestSerialization testSerialization = new TestSerialization();
// constructor
// val is 1
ByteArrayOutputStream bos = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
ObjectOutputStream oos = new ObjectOutputStream(bos);
ObjectInputStream ois = new ObjectInputStream(new ByteArrayInputStream(bos.toByteArray()));
Object obj = ois.readObject();
// val is 1
One step closer, you can use ReflectionFactory to create an empty uninitialized object.
public class Main {
static class TestClass {
public int val = 0;
public TestClass() {
val = 1;
public String toString() {
return "value is " + val;
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
// by constructor
TestClass obj = new TestClass();
// value is 1
// by reflect
Constructor<TestClass> constructor = TestClass.class.getConstructor();
obj = constructor.newInstance();
// value is 1
// by ReflectionFactory
ReflectionFactory reflectionFactory = ReflectionFactory.getReflectionFactory();
Constructor<Object> objectConstructor = Object.class.getDeclaredConstructor();
Constructor<?> targetConstructor = reflectionFactory.newConstructorForSerialization(TestClass.class, objectConstructor);
obj = (TestClass) targetConstructor.newInstance();
// value is 0


Getting same hashcode every time before serialization and after seriadeserialization of object without using readResolve method in Java why?

Getting same Hashcode every time before serialization and after deserialization of object without using readResolve() method in Java why ?
Here is my class
public class SerializedSingletonClass implements Serializable{
private static final long serialVersionUID = 18989987986l;
private SerializedSingletonClass(){};
private static class InstanceHelper {
private static SerializedSingletonClass obj = new SerializedSingletonClass();
public static SerializedSingletonClass getInstance(){
return InstanceHelper.obj;
Test Class --
public class TestSingleton {
public static void main(String[] args) throws FileNotFoundException,
IOException, ClassNotFoundException {
// Test Serialization for singleton pattern
SerializedSingletonClass instanse1 = SerializedSingletonClass
ObjectOutputStream obs = new ObjectOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(
ObjectInputStream objInputStream = new ObjectInputStream(
new FileInputStream("filename1.ser"));
SerializedSingletonClass instance2 = (SerializedSingletonClass) objInputStream
System.out.println("instance1==" + instanse1.getClass().hashCode());
System.out.println("instance2==" + instance2.getClass().hashCode());
Output ::
Your objects are instances of the same class, SerializedSingletonClass. You're getting the hashCode from the class, not from the instance. instanse1.getClass() evaluates to the same thing as instance2.getClass(), so of course they produce the same hashCode.
To find the hashCode of the objects, use instanse1.hashCode() and instance2.hashCode().

Unable to access Inner class issue in java

local variables referenced from an inner class must be final or effectively final error is shown in the code below:
public Vector<Map<String, Object>> newsFeedConnection(String var, Hashtable punishment) {
ConnectionRequest connectionRequest;
connectionRequest = new ConnectionRequest() {
protected void readResponse(InputStream input) throws IOException {
JSONParser p = new JSONParser();
results = p.parse(new InputStreamReader(input));
punishment = (Hashtable) results.get("punishment");
But when i change change it into final (code below), it gives "cannot assign a value to final variable punishment" error again.
public Vector<Map<String, Object>> newsFeedConnection(String var, final Hashtable punishment) {
ConnectionRequest connectionRequest;
connectionRequest = new ConnectionRequest() {
protected void readResponse(InputStream input) throws IOException {
JSONParser p = new JSONParser();
results = p.parse(new InputStreamReader(input));
punishment = (Hashtable) results.get("punishment");
How do I solve this problem?If I set a global variable, I cannot access the value from the method in other classes.
You are reinitiating a final variable which is conceptually not acceptable, just change the values inside punishment without creating it again and that will solve your problem.
Pass by Value vs. Pass by Reference - When you pass an object reference you are doing pass by reference. When you do so you can change the state of the object by invoking appropriate methods on the object but you cannot change the reference of the object itself. For example:
public class TestPassByReference {
public static void main(String[] args){
StringBuilder stringBuilder = new StringBuilder("Lets Test!");
static void changeString(StringBuilder stringBuilder){
stringBuilder.append(" Yeah I did it!");
static void changeStringDoesNotWork(StringBuilder stringBuilder){
stringBuilder = new StringBuilder("This will not work!");
The output:
Lets Test! //Value did not change
Lets Test! Yeah I did it!
I hope now you can co-relate what you are trying to do clashes with this basic aspect and hence incorrect.
What you can do however is this:
HashTable tempHashTable = (Hashtable) results.get("punishment");
Also why use HashTable? There are better threadsafe collection classes out there which give better performance.
You can solve it by updating you punishment variable:
public Vector<Map<String, Object>> newsFeedConnection(String var, final Hashtable punishment) {
ConnectionRequest connectionRequest;
connectionRequest = new ConnectionRequest() {
protected void readResponse(InputStream input) throws IOException {
JSONParser p = new JSONParser();
results = p.parse(new InputStreamReader(input));
punishment.putAll((Hashtable) results.get("punishment"));

Implementing an equivalent to String.intern() for other objects

I'm trying to implement an equivalent to String.intern(), but for other objets.
My goal is the following:
I've an object A which I will serialize and then deserialize.
If there is another reference to A somewhere, I want the result of the deserialization to be the same reference.
Here is one example of what I would expect.
MyObject A = new MyObject();
A.data1 = 1;
A.data2 = 2;
byte[] serialized = serialize(A);
A.data1 = 3;
MyObject B = deserialize(serialized); // B!=A and B.data1=1, B.data2=2
MyObject C = B.intern(); // Here we should have C == A. Consequently C.data1=3 AND C.data2=2
Here is my implementation atm. (the MyObject class extends InternableObject)
public abstract class InternableObject {
private static final AtomicLong maxObjectId = new AtomicLong();
private static final Map<Long, InternableObject> dataMap = new ConcurrentHashMap<>();
private final long objectId;
public InternableObject() {
this.objectId = maxObjectId.incrementAndGet();
dataMap.put(this.objectId, this);
protected void finalize() throws Throwable {
public final InternableObject intern() {
return intern(this);
public static InternableObject intern(InternableObject o) {
InternableObject r = dataMap.get(o.objectId);
if (r == null) {
throw new IllegalStateException();
} else {
return r;
My unit test (which fails):
private static class MyData extends InternableObject implements Serializable {
public int data;
public MyData(int data) { = data;
public void testIntern() throws Exception {
MyData data1 = new MyData(7);
ByteArrayOutputStream baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
ObjectOutputStream oos = new ObjectOutputStream(baos);
ByteArrayInputStream bais = new ByteArrayInputStream(baos.toByteArray());
ObjectInputStream ois = new ObjectInputStream(bais);
MyData data2 = (MyData) ois.readObject();
Assert.assertTrue(data1 == data2.intern()); // Fails here
The failure is due to the fact that, when deserializing, the constructor of InternableObject is called, and thus objectId will be 2 (even if the serialized data contains "1")
Any idea about how to solve this particular problem or, another approach to handle the high level problem ?
Thanks guys
Do not use the constructor to create instances. Use a factory method that checks if an instance already exists first, only create an instance if there isn't already a matching one.
To get serialization to cooperate, your class will need to make use of readResolve() / writeReplace().
The way you implemented your constructor, you're leaking a reference during construction, which can lead to very hard to nail down problems. Also, your instance map isn't protected by any locks, so its not thread save.
Typically intern() forms an aspect, and maybe should not be realized as a base class, maybe too restricting its usage in a more complex constellation.
There are two aspects:
1. Sharing the "same" object.
Internalizing an object only gives a profit, when several objects can be "internalized" to the same object. So I think, that InternalableObjecte. with a new sequential number is not really adequate. More important is that the class defines a fitting equals and hashCode.
Then you can do an identity Map<Object, Object>:
public class InternMap {
private final Map<Object, Object> identityMap = new HashMap<>();
public static <I extends Internalizable<?>> Object intern(I x) {
Object first = identityMap.get(x);
if (first == null) {
first = x;
identityMap.put(x, x);
return first;
InternMap could be used for any class, but above we restrict it to Internalizable things.
2. Replacing a dynamically created non-shared object with it's .intern().
Which in Java 8 could be realised with a defualt method in an interface:
interface Internalizable<T> {
public static final InternMap interns = new InternMap();
public default T intern(Class<T> klazz) {
return klazz.cast(internMap.intern(this));
class C implements Internalizable<C> { ... }
C x = new C();
x = x.intern(C.class);
The Class<T> parameter needed because of type erasure. Concurrency disregarded here.
Prior to Java 8, just use an empty interface Internalizable as _marker: interface, and use a static InternMap.

how to pass multiple parameters to a method in java reflections

Hi i am using reflections to achieve something.
I have been given class name, method name of that class and parameter values that needs to be passed to that method in a file(Take any file. Not a constraint).
I have to call that method with the parameters. This methods do not return anything.
There is a huge list of methods in this classes and parameter list of each varies.
E.g: method1(String, String, int, boolean)
method1(String, int, boolean) and likewise i have different permutations and combinations.
So how can i achieve this.
I have tried hard coding things with different switch clauses but it is a real overhead and risky thing to maintain.
Can we dynamically do this thing, like on the fly read the method name and its parameter from the file and call it.
Any small code snippet will be helpful.
Hi all i have found the solution to the above question. below is the sample code snippet.
package reflections;
import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException;
import java.lang.reflect.Method;
public class ReflectionTest {
public void method1(String str, int number) {
System.out.println(str + number);
public void method1(String str) {
public void method1() {
public static void main(String[] args) throws ClassNotFoundException,
InstantiationException, IllegalAccessException,
NoSuchMethodException, SecurityException, IllegalArgumentException,
InvocationTargetException {
// Step 1) Make an object array and store the parameters that you wish
// to pass it.
Object[] obj = {};// for method1()
// Object[] obj={"hello"}; for method1(String str)
// Object[] obj={"hello",1}; for method1(String str,int number)
// Step 2) Create a class array which will hold the signature of the
// method being called.
Class<?> params[] = new Class[obj.length];
for (int i = 0; i < obj.length; i++) {
if (obj[i] instanceof Integer) {
params[i] = Integer.TYPE;
} else if (obj[i] instanceof String) {
params[i] = String.class;
// you can do additional checks for other data types if you want.
String methoName = "method1"; // methodname to be invoked
String className = "reflections.ReflectionTest";// Class name
Class<?> cls = Class.forName(className);
Object _instance = cls.newInstance();
Method myMethod = cls.getDeclaredMethod(methoName, params);
myMethod.invoke(_instance, obj);
I hope this will help others too.
public class ReflectionSample
private Object mString = null;
private int mValue;
public ReflectionSample()
public ReflectionSample(int oValue)
mValue = oValue;
public ReflectionSample(String oString)
mString = oString;
public ReflectionSample(String oString, int oValue)
setValues(oString, oValue);
public void setValues(String oString, int oValue)
mString = oString;
mValue = oValue;
public String toString()
return ""+mString+":"+mValue;
public void run()
String oInput = "Teststring";
Class<?> cls;
String clsname = "main.ReflectionSample";
Object rs = null; // ReflectionSample
Object rsc = null;
cls = Class.forName(clsname);
if(cls == null)
System.err.println(clsname + " doesn't exist");
// Look for a constructor which has a single string
Constructor<?> ct = null;
Class<?>[] param_types = new Class<?>[1];
Object[] arguments = new Object[1];
param_types[0] = String.class;
// get the string constructor
ct = cls.getConstructor(param_types);
// We only have one object
arguments = new Object[1];
arguments[0] = oInput;
// Instantiate the object with passed in argument.
rs = ct.newInstance(arguments);
System.out.println("String constructor sample: "+rs);
// Instantiate with default constructor
param_types = new Class<?>[0];
arguments = new Object[0];
ct = cls.getConstructor(param_types);
rs = ct.newInstance(arguments);
rsc = rs; // Keep it for later, to lazy to call it again
System.out.println("Default constructor sample: "+rs);
// Instantiate with string and int constructor
param_types = new Class<?>[2];
arguments = new Object[2];
// Must be in the same order as the params I think
param_types[0] = String.class;
param_types[1] = Integer.TYPE; // <-- Its a primitive so use TYPE not Class
arguments[0] = oInput;
arguments[1] = new Integer(1);
ct = cls.getConstructor(param_types);
rs = ct.newInstance(arguments);
System.out.println("String plus int constructor sample: "+rs);
// call the setValues method
param_types[0] = String.class;
param_types[1] = Integer.TYPE; // <-- Its a primitive so use TYPE not Class
arguments[0] = oInput;
arguments[1] = 1;
System.out.println("setValues invocation before: "+rsc);
Method m = cls.getMethod("setValues", param_types);
m.invoke(rsc, arguments);
System.out.println("setValues invocation after: "+rsc);
// An alternative method to pass the parameters
m = cls.getMethod("setValues", String.class, Integer.TYPE);
m.invoke(rsc, oInput+"x", 2);
System.out.println("setValues invocation after: "+rsc);
catch(Throwable e)
String constructor sample: Teststring:0
Default constructor sample: null:0
String plus int constructor sample: Teststring:1
setValues invocation before: null:0
setValues invocation after: Teststring:1
Hope this helps.
I don't know if this is a newer feature in Java, but I have seen that you can use invoke now with parameters as well, instead of using an array, which might make your code better to read (This is the alternative way). If you need a variable number of arguments and you don't know beforehand how many there will be, allocating the array is defeinitly working and should also be backwardcompatible.
A simple solution would be to create a Class with the Arguments required to be passed:
public class ObjectArguments {
private PrintWriter out;
private String productId;
private int action;
public ObjectArguments(PrintWriter out, String productId, int action) {
this.out = out;
this.productId = productId;
this.action = action;
public PrintWriter getOut() {
return out;
public String getProductId() {
return productId;
public int getAction() {
return action;
Assuming that you want to invoke a class Foo with a method named bar.
Then it would be done like this.
PrintWriter out = null;
String productId = null;
int action = 0;
Class[] paramArguments = new Class[1];
paramArguments[0] = ObjectArguments.class;
ObjectArguments newObj = new ObjectArguments(out,productId,action);
Class cls = Class.forName("Foo");
Object obj = cls.newInstance();
Method method = cls.getDeclaredMethod("bar", paramArguments);
method.invoke(obj, newObj);
For two int parameters the example is as below, similarly other datatype parameters can also be called
Method method=new Test1().getClass().getMethod(x, new Class[] {int.class,int.class});
We can call a method that needs 3 arguments int,int,string as below :
Method method=new Test1().getClass().getMethod(x, new Class[] {int.class,int.class, String.class});

Java: accessing transient object fields inside class

Accessing private transient object fields from any method in class must be controlled with some code. What is the best practice?
private transient MyClass object = null;
internal get method:
private MyClass getObject() {
if (object == null)
object = new MyClass();
return object;
// use...
or "make sure" method:
private void checkObject() {
if (object == null)
object = new MyClass();
// use...
or something clever, more safe or more powerful?
Transient fields are lost at serialization but you need them only after deserialization, so you have to restore them to what you need in the readObject method...
Have to post a new answer about transient because it's too long for a comment. Following code prints
After: HELLO null null
public class Test {
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
final Foo foo1 = new Foo();
System.out.println("Before:\t" + foo1.getValue1() + "\t" + foo1.getValue2() + "\t" + foo1.getValue3());
final File tempFile = File.createTempFile("test", null);
// to arrange for a file created by this method to be deleted automatically
final FileOutputStream fos = new FileOutputStream(tempFile);
final ObjectOutputStream oos = new ObjectOutputStream(fos);
final FileInputStream fis = new FileInputStream(tempFile);
final ObjectInputStream ois = new ObjectInputStream(fis);
final Foo foo2 = (Foo) ois.readObject();
System.out.println("After:\t" + foo2.getValue1() + "\t" + foo2.getValue2() + "\t" + foo2.getValue3());
static class Foo implements Serializable {
private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
private String value1 = "HELLO";
private transient String value2 = "FOO";
private transient String value3;
public Foo() {
this.value3 = "BAR";
public String getValue1() {
return this.value1;
public String getValue2() {
return this.value2;
public String getValue3() {
return this.value3;
Most safe (and normal) way would be either directly initializing it:
private transient MyClass object = new MyClass();
or using the constructor
public ParentClass() {
this.object = new MyClass();
Lazy loading in getters (as you did in your example) is only useful if the constructor and/or initialization blocks of MyClass is doing fairly expensive stuff, but it is not threadsafe.
The transient modifier doesn't make any difference. It only skips the field whenever the object is about to be serialized.
Edit: not relevant anymore. As proven by someone else, they indeed don't get reinitialized on deserialization (interesting thought though, it will actually only happen if they are declared static). I'd go ahead with the lazy loading approach or by resetting them through their setters directly after deserialization.

