When I am doing a scroll using iOS, Java and Appium I receive this massage:
I am doing the scroll this way:
Thats my code:
i'm using appium 1.13.0 to try to scroll through a native android app on a samsung galaxy note 9 on android 8.1 with this method here
new TouchAction(driver).press(PointOption.point(943, 1090)).moveTo(PointOption.point(70, 1090)).release().perform();
but it doesn't seem to be working, the screen doesn't move at all.
sending this scroll input from the adb shell command line does work though
adb shell input swipe 500 100 500 300
but I really need to be able to send a scroll event through appium, not the command line.
can anyone help out?
This is likely that you forgot to put a waitoptions.
touchAction.press(PointOption.point(943, 1090)).waitAction(WaitOptions.waitOptions(1000)).moveTo(PointOption.point(70, 1090)).release().perform();
Can we find an ios native application button by it's label using appium ?
Using Accessiblity Inspector, only labels can be found.
We do not have the source of the app that we seek automate, it's already installed.
Thanks !
You can consider the following alternatives to the accessibility inspector:
Appium iOS Inspector
Appium Desktop
Appium Studio
Also be aware that you can always stick to the label attribute by using XPath Selector like:
//*[#label='your label text here']
Unstead of IOSDriver ,we were using RemoteWebDriver, wich lacks many features.
Now, we're using Accessibility ID.
I am trying to automate clickable button for a react-native based Application. I was stopped getting clickable button as in UI Automator Viewer displaying clickable button status FALSE. So, can you suggest me any other alternative way to automate the clickable action using Appium.
Using Selenium 3.5.3 version, Appium for Windows 1_4_16_1.
Image 1
First: start using appium-desktop and not an old appium server 1.4.16, but 1.7.x
Second: ReactNative app is interpreted as Native application, so you need to use Appium on client side, not Selenium
Final: In appium-desktop you can directly try to click your button to see if it works.
I am using ui4j library to scape a website, and a button click by emolument.click(), I am getting the following exception:
Exception in thread "JavaFX Application Thread" java.lang.NullPointerException
at com.sun.javafx.webkit.theme.ScrollBarThemeImpl.getThumb(ScrollBarThemeImpl.java:400)
at com.sun.javafx.webkit.theme.ScrollBarThemeImpl.thumbPosition(ScrollBarThemeImpl.java:284)
at com.sun.javafx.webkit.theme.ScrollBarThemeImpl.getThumbPosition(ScrollBarThemeImpl.java:380)
There is a stack overflow post about it, it was solved by page.show(), but since my application is running at headless mode as a background process, I don't have luxury to take on page.show(), I am wondering if possible:
1. catch the scroll event, and ignore it, how?
2. during launching, can I specify the webview reasonable big enough to avoid scrolling? I don't see this option from api.
I am new to java swing and applet UI, i have developed a applet to run on mac and windows, The functionality works fine , But the UI in Mac specially when i try to select the items in combo box disfigures the shape (Scrambles) and doesn't show values as in image below. But the same UI works fine in Windows.
i Have tried to add these lines in my code at start of applet still it does not work.
and also set the combo boxes opaque using
exception occurred is
Exception in thread "AWT-EventQueue-1" java.lang.NullPointerException
at com.apple.laf.AquaMenuPainter.paintSelectedMenuItemBackground(AquaMenuPainter.java:153)
at com.apple.laf.AquaComboBoxRendererInternal.paintComponent(AquaComboBoxRenderer.java:151)
at javax.swing.JComponent.paint(JComponent.java:1054)
at javax.swing.CellRendererPane.paintComponent(CellRendererPane.java:151)
at javax.swing.plaf.basic.BasicListUI.paintCell(BasicListUI.java:227)
at javax.swing.plaf.basic.BasicListUI.paintImpl(BasicListUI.java:317)
at javax.swing.plaf.basic.BasicListUI.paint(BasicListUI.java:240)
Below i have attached the images
Use this code at start of your design it will work fine , I was facing the same issue too.
Here is the link for java doc for the issue faced in UI
Java Doc for UI look and feel