The method orElseThrow(() -> {}) is undefined - java

I'm writing a small project to learn how to build Java Rest API with Springboot to manage a student's agenda. When I go to implement the various #GetMapping I get an error like title. Before moving on to make the project REST I wanted to try the various methods since I'm a "beginner". This is the piece of code I'm referring to:
Appuntamenti perData(#PathVariable String data) {
return repository.findByDate(data).orElseThrow(() -> new AppuntamentoPerDataNotFoundException(data));
Appuntamenti perUffico(#PathVariable String ufficio) {
return repository.findByUfficio(ufficio)
.orElseThrow(() -> new AppuntamentoPerUfficioNotFoundException(ufficio));
Appuntamenti appuntamentoSpecifico(#PathVariable String data, #PathVariable String ora) {
return repository.findByDateOra(data, ora)
.orElseThrow(() -> new AppuntamentoPerDataOraNotFoundException(data, ora));
this is the interface with the query implementation
package com.nanosoft.agenda_studenti;
import java.util.List;
interface AppuntamentiRepository extends JpaRepository<Appuntamenti, Long> {
#Query(value = "SELECT * FROM appuntamenti e WHERE = :data ORDER BY e.ora", nativeQuery = true)
// List<Appuntamenti> findAppuntamentiWithDataEquals(#Param("data") String
// data);
List<Appuntamenti> findByDate(#Param("data") String date);
#Query(value = "SELECT * FROM appuntamenti e WHERE e.ufficio = :ufficio ORDER BY ASC, e.ora ASC", nativeQuery = true)
// List<Appuntamenti>
// findAppuntamentiWithUfficioOrderbyDataAscOrderbyOraAsc(#Param("ufficio")
// String ufficio);
List<Appuntamenti> findByUfficio(#Param("ufficio") String ufficio);
#Query(value = "SELECT * FROM appuntamenti e WHERE = :data AND e.ora = :e.ora", nativeQuery = true)
List<Appuntamenti> findByDateOra(#Param("data") String date, #Param("ora") String ora);
#Query(value = "SELECT * FROM appuntamenti e WHERE = :data AND e.ora = :ora", nativeQuery = true)
void deleteByDataOra(#Param("data") String data, #Param("ora") String ora);
I think the problem is due to the fact that queries can return a null value but I don't know how to fix it. I tried to look for various solutions online but almost all refer to findById queries while I have custom queries


How to write below native query in spring boot? The changes are not reflecting on calling the below method updateSiteListName(abc);

public interface SiteListRepository extends BaseListRepository<SiteList, Long> {
#Query(value = "UPDATE site_list SET name = REPLACE(name,':text','') WHERE name ILIKE :text", nativeQuery = true)
void updateSiteListName(#Param("text") String text);

List<Object> from 2 unrelated objects only show one object as result

I want to show the result in Postman from 2 unrelated objects using native queries as below:
#Query(value = "select * from product p where like concat('%', :productId, '%') ", nativeQuery = true)
List<Product> findProductById(String productId);
#Query(value = "select * from customer c where like concat('%',:id,'%')", nativeQuery = true)
List<Customer> findCustomerById(String id);
and I'd like to add their results with conditions:
if productId is empty, I only want to show result from List<Customer>, and vice versa
if both are empty/not, it should show the result from both queries, product and customer as shown below:
public List<Object> findById(String customerId, String productId) {
List<Object> obj = new ArrayList<>();
} else if(productId.isEmpty()){
} else {
return obj;
and this is my controller:
public List<Object> findById(#RequestParam(name = "customer") String customer, #RequestParam(name = "product") String product){
return service.findById(customer, product);
However, in Postman when both are empty they only show results from List<Product>. Is there any way to show both?
You can use map for this ?
Simply use the map instead of List and you will be good to go.
Map<String, List<Object>> foo = new HashMap<String, List<Object>>();
List<Product> list = new ArrayList<Product>();
List<Customer> list2 = new ArrayList<Customer>();

How do I make a DTO for the Page<> interface?

I am writing an online store using Spring Boot (MVC) and Hiberbate. The problem is that when I get a list of drinks, JSON gives me unnecessary information from the Page interface. I don't know how you can create an DTO for the interfaces to get rid of these fields. What should I do in this situation. Can someone have a ready-made solution?
public Page<DrinkDTO> getAllDrinks(int page, int pageSize) {
PageRequest pageRequest = PageRequest.of(page, pageSize,"id"));
final Page<Drink> drinks = drinkRepository.findAll(pageRequest);
return drinkMapper.drinksToDrinksDTO(drinks);
public class CustomPage {
Long totalElements;
int totalPages;
int number;
int size;
public class PageDTO<T> {
List<T> content;
CustomPage customPage;
public PageDTO(Page<T> page) {
this.content = page.getContent();
this.customPage = new CustomPage(page.getTotalElements(),
page.getTotalPages(), page.getNumber(), page.getSize());
Service for example:
public PageDTO<DrinkDTO> getAllDrinks(int page, int pageSize) {
PageRequest pageRequest = PageRequest.of(page, pageSize,"id"));
final Page<Drink> drinks = drinkRepository.findAll(pageRequest);
return new PageDTO<DrinkDTO>(drinkMapper.drinksToDrinksDTO(drinks));
I use native query and then I i do dto projections most of the time.
Here is an example of DTO projection
public interface OvertimeRequestView {
public Long getId();
public String getEmployeeFirstName();
public String getEmployeeLastName();
public Long getOvertimeHours();
public Date getOvertimeDate();
public String getDescription();
public String getStatus();
public String getApproverName();
public default String getEmployeeFullName() {
String lastName = this.getEmployeeLastName();
String firstName = this.getEmployeeFirstName();
if (null != firstName) {
return firstName.concat(" ").concat(lastName);
return lastName;
and here is the repository with a native query. notice that since the query returns 'id' column I have a getId() method in the dto above,and since it has employeeFirstName i have getEmployeeFirstName() in the dto and so on. Notice also that I include a count query, without a count query, the queries sometime fail especially if the queries are complex and contain joins
#Query(value = "select,\n" +
" u.first_name as employeeFirstName,\n" +
" u.last_name as employeeLastName,\n" +
" ovr.overtime_date as overtimeDate,\n" +
" ovr.description as description,\n" +
" ovr.overtime_hours as overtimeHours\n" +
"from overtime_requests ovr\n" +
" left join employees e on ovr.employee_id =\n" +
" left join users u on e.user_id =",
nativeQuery = true,
countQuery = "select count(\n" +
"from overtime_requests ovr\n" +
" left join employees e on ovr.employee_id =\n" +
" left join users u on e.user_id =")
public Page<OvertimeRequestView> getAllActive(Pageable pageable);
For more you can check from spring data documentation

How to get Data By Id From Database Spring Boot Java REST API

I build simple REST service, I want to get data key from database based id but, when I running no result showing in postman, how can I fix it?
This is My Controller
//Get Key
#RequestMapping(path="/getkey/{company_id}", method = RequestMethod.GET)
String getKey(#PathVariable int company_id) {
String encKey = null;
return encKey;
This is My Repository
public interface GenerateKeyRepository extends JpaRepository<KeyEntity, Integer>
#Query(value= "SELECT * FROM tb_key", nativeQuery = true)
List<KeyEntity> getAll();
public void getKeyByCompanyid(Integer companyid);
The problem here is the fact, that you ignore the return value of the repository method and return null.
#RequestMapping(path="/getkey/{company_id}", method = RequestMethod.GET)
String getKey(#PathVariable int company_id) {
String encKey = null;
return encKey; //YOU RETURN NULL HERE
What you need to do is to return the key from the KeyEntity object.
#RequestMapping(path="/getkey/{company_id}", method = RequestMethod.GET)
String getKey(#PathVariable int company_id) {
return gkrepo.getKeyByCompanyid(company_id).getKey();
You also need an additional method in your repository.
public interface GenerateKeyRepository extends JpaRepository<KeyEntity, Integer> {
#Query(value= "SELECT * FROM tb_key", nativeQuery = true)
List<KeyEntity> getAll();
public void findOneByCompanyId(Integer companyid);
You should change the method in repository as done below. Try using this.
public interface GenerateKeyRepository extends JpaRepository<KeyEntity, Integer>
#Query(value= "SELECT * FROM tb_key", nativeQuery = true)
List<KeyEntity> getAll();
public KeyEntity findByCompanyId(Integer companyid);
Your Controller Should be :
#RequestMapping(path="/getkey/{company_id}", method = RequestMethod.GET)
String getKey(#PathVariable int company_id) {
String encKey = null;
KeyEntity keyEntity = gkrepo.getKeyByCompanyid(company_id);
return keyEntity.getKey;
Your Repository should be like:
public interface GenerateKeyRepository extends JpaRepository<KeyEntity, Integer>
#Query(value= "SELECT * FROM tb_key", nativeQuery = true)
List<KeyEntity> getAll();
public KeyEntity findByCompanyId(Integer companyid);
You can try to change your method it as it bellow
public interface GenerateKeyRepository extends JpaRepository<KeyEntity, Integer>
#Query(value= "SELECT * FROM tb_key", nativeQuery = true)
List<KeyEntity> getAll();
public KeyEntity findByCompanyId(Integer companyid);
if you use this code , you must change code it as it bellow
instead of
public interface GenerateKeyRepository extends JpaRepository<KeyEntity, Integer>
#Query(value= "SELECT * FROM tb_key", nativeQuery = true)
List<KeyEntity> getAll();
#Query(Select k from KeyEntity k where companyid = :companyid)
public KeyEntity getKeyByCompanyid(#Param("companyid") Integer companyid);
You are using Spring Data JPA. Your repository interface inherits various methods from the extended JpaRepository interface. That is the whole point of it.
There is then no read to write a query method:
public class myController{
#RequestMapping(path="/getkey/{company_id}", method = RequestMethod.GET)
public KeyEntity getKey(#PathVariable("company_id") int companyId) {
return gkrepo.findById(companyId); //inherited method
Furthermore, if you enable Spring Data JPA's web extension then there is no need to call the repository at all as the Entity will be resolved automatically from the path variable:
The DomainClassConverter lets you use domain types in your Spring MVC
controller method signatures directly, so that you need not manually
lookup the instances through the repository
public class myController{
#RequestMapping(path="/getkey/{company_id}", method = RequestMethod.GET)
KeyEntity getKey(#PathVariable KeyEntity keyEntity) {
return keyEntity;

How add pagination on Criteria api using typedQuery?

I am using Criteria API with pageable to return a Page<MyClass> with pageable, but when I insert setFirstResult and setMaxResults the query always returns 10 elements.
If I remove setFirstResult and setMaxResults from TypedQuery, my typedQuery.getResultList() returns all elements but obviously without pagination.
I have a service that calls my criteria sending my pageable for the main function peopleRepository.filter
public Page<People> filtrarParcial(String name, String rg, String mom, String cpf, String nickname, Integer pageNumber, Integer pageSize, List<String> sort) {
List<Sort.Order> orders = new ArrayList<>();
PageRequest pageRequest = PageRequest.of(pageNumber, pageSize,;
Page<People> listPeople = peopleRepository.filter(name, rg, mom, cpf, nickname, pageRequest);
return listPeople;
My repository implements
public class PeopleRepositoryImpl implements PeopleRepositoryQueries {
private EntityManager manager;
#Transactional(readOnly = true)
public Page<People> filter(String name, String rg, String mom, String cpf, String nickname, Pageable pageable) {
CriteriaBuilder criteriaBuilder = manager.getCriteriaBuilder();
CriteriaQuery<People> query = criteriaBuilder.createQuery(People.class);
Root<People> root = query.from(People.class);
Path<String> nomePath = root.<String>get("name");
List<Predicate> predicates = new ArrayList<Predicate>();
if(!nome.equals("")) {
Predicate nomeIgual =, "%" +name.toUpperCase() + "%");
query.where((Predicate[]) predicates.toArray(new Predicate[0]));
int paginaAtual = pageable.getPageNumber();
int totalRegistrosPorPagina = pageable.getPageSize();
int primeiroRegistro = paginaAtual * totalRegistrosPorPagina;
TypedQuery<People> typedQuery = manager.createQuery(query);
// typedQuery.setFirstResult(primeiroRegistro);
// typedQuery.setMaxResults(totalRegistrosPorPagina);
Integer totalRows = typedQuery.getResultList().size();
Long total = totalRows.longValue();
return new PageImpl<>(typedQuery.getResultList(), pageable, total);
If I search for example a people with name marcos, typedQuery.getResultList() returns only 10 elements coincidentally with the same number elements by page (in my database there are 180). If I remove this
then typedQuery.getResultList() returns 180 elements but with pagination, and all 180 elements are within single page without pagination
try with the below configurations.
CriteriaQuery<Long> countQuery = criteriaBuilder.createQuery(Long.class);
Root<People> entity_ = countQuery.from(query.getResultType());
entity_.alias("entitySub"); //use the same alias in order to match the restrictions part and the selection part;
Predicate restriction = query.getRestriction();
if (restriction != null) {
countQuery.where(restriction); // Copy restrictions
Long totalCount=entityManager.createQuery(countQuery).getSingleResult();
List<People> result = query.getResultList();
return PageableExecutionUtils.getPage(result,pageable, () -> totalCount);

